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Powers and Functions of SEC as may be necessary for the proper disposition of the cases

before it, subject to the provisions of existing laws;

Section 5. Powers and Functions of the Commission.
(m) Suspend, or revoke, after proper notice and hearing the
5.1. The commission shall act with transparency and shall franchise or certificate of registration of corporations,
have the powers and functions provided by this code, partnership or associations, upon any of the grounds
Presidential Decree No. 902-A, the Corporation Code, the provided by law; and
Investment Houses law, the Financing Company Act and other
existing laws. Pursuant thereto the Commission shall have, (n) Exercise such other powers as may be provided by law as
among others, the following powers and functions: well as those which may be implied from, or which are
necessary or incidental to the carrying out of, the express
(a) Have jurisdiction and supervision over all corporations, powers granted the Commission to achieve the objectives and
partnership or associations who are the grantees of primary purposes of these laws.
franchises and/or a license or a permit issued by the
Government; 5.2. The Commission’s jurisdiction over all cases enumerated
under section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A is hereby
(b) Formulate policies and recommendations on issues transferred to the Courts of general jurisdiction or the
concerning the securities market, advise Congress and other appropriate Regional Trial Court: Provided, That the Supreme
government agencies on all aspect of the securities market Court in the exercise of its authority may designate the
and propose legislation and amendments thereto; Regional Trial Court branches that shall exercise jurisdiction
over the cases. The Commission shall retain jurisdiction over
(c) Approve, reject, suspend, revoke or require amendments
pending cases involving intra-corporate disputes submitted
to registration statements, and registration and licensing
for final resolution which should be resolved within one (1)
year from the enactment of this Code. The Commission shall
(d) Regulate, investigate or supervise the activities of persons retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of
to ensure compliance; payment/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30 June 2000 until
finally disposed.
(e) Supervise, monitor, suspend or take over the activities of
exchanges, clearing agencies and other SROs; CHAPTER VIII – REGULATION OF SECURITIES MARKET
(f) Impose sanctions for the violation of laws and rules,
regulations and orders, and issued pursuant thereto; Section 28. Registration of Brokers, Dealers, Salesmen and
Associated Persons. –
(g) Prepare, approve, amend or repeal rules, regulations and
orders, and issue opinions and provide guidance on and 28.1. No person shall engage in the business of buying or
supervise compliance with such rules, regulation and orders; selling securities in the Philippine as a broker or dealer, or act
as a salesman, or an associated person of any broker or dealer
(h) Enlist the aid and support of and/or deputized any and all unless registered as such with the Commission.
enforcement agencies of the Government, civil or military as
well as any private institution, corporation, firm, association 28.2. No registered broker or dealer shall employ any
or person in the implementation of its powers and function salesman or any associated person, and no issuer shall
under its Code; employ any salesman, who is not registered as such with the
(i) Issue cease and desist orders to prevent fraud or injury to
the investing public; 28.3. The Commission, by rule or order, may conditionally or
unconditionally exempt from subsection 28.1 and 28.2 any
(j) Punish for the contempt of the Commission, both direct broker, dealer, salesman, associated person of any broker or
and indirect, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of dealer, or any class of the foregoing, as it deems consistent
and penalties prescribed by the Rules of Court; with the public interest and the protection of investors.
(k) Compel the officers of any registered corporation or 28.4. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulation
association to call meetings of stockholders or members prescribing the qualifications for registration of each category
thereof under its supervision; of applicant, which shall, among other things, require as a
condition for registration that:
(l) Issue subpoena duces tecum and summon witnesses to
appear in any proceedings of the Commission and in (a) If a natural person, the applicant satisfactorily pass a
appropriate cases, order the examination, search and seizure written examination as to his proficiency and knowledge in
of all documents, papers, files and records, tax returns and the area of activity for which registration is sought;
books of accounts of any entity or person under investigation
(b) In the case of a broker or dealer, the applicant satisfy a such reasonable amount as the Commission shall prescribe.
minimum net capital as prescribed by the Commission, and Upon notice by the Commission that such annual fee has not
provide a bond or other security as the Commission may been paid as required, the registration of such person shall be
prescribe to secure compliance with the provisions of this suspended until payment has been made.
Code; and
28.12. The registration of a salesman or associated person
(c) If located outside of the Philippines, the applicant files a shall be automatically terminated upon the cessation of his
written consent to service of process upon the Commission affiliation with said registered broker or dealer or with an
pursuant to Section 65 hereof. issuer in the case of a salesman employed, appointed or
authorized by such issuer. Promptly following any such
28.5. A broker or dealer may apply for registration by filing cessation of affiliation, the registered broker or dealer, issuer
with the Commission a written application in such forms and as the case may be, shall file with the Commission a notice of
containing such information and documents concerning such separation of such salesman or associated person.
broker or dealer as the Commission by rule shall prescribe.
Section 29. Revocation, Refusal or Suspension of Registration
28.6. Registration of a salesman or of an associated person of of Brokers, Dealers, Salesmen and Associated Persons.
a registered broker or dealer may be made upon written
application filed with the Commission by such salesman or 29.1. Registration under Section 28 of this Code may be
associated person. The application shall be separately signed refused, or any registration granted thereunder may be
and certified by the registered broker or dealer to which such revoked, suspended, or limitations placed thereon, by the
salesman or associated person is to become affiliated, or by Commission if, after due notice and hearing the Commission
the issuer in the case of a salesman employed appointed or determines the application or registrant.
authorized solely by such issuer. The application shall be in
such form and contain such information and documents (a) Has willfully violated any provision of this Code, any rule,
concerning the salesman or associated person as the regulation or order made hereunder, or any other law
Commission by rule shall prescribe. For purposes of this administered by the Commission, or in the case of a registered
Section, a salesman shall not include any employee of an broker, dealer or associated persons has failed to supervise,
issuer whose compensation is not determined directly or with a view to preventing such violation, another person who
indirectly on sales of securities if the issuer. commits such violation;

28.7. Applications filed pursuant to Subsections 28.5 and 28.6 (b) Has willfully made or caused to be made a materially false
shall be accompanied by a registration fee in such reasonable or misleading statement in any application for registration or
amount prescribed by the Commission. report filed with the Commission or a self-regulatory
organization, or has willfully omitted to state any material
28.8. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of any application fact that is required to be stated therein;
under this Section, the Commission shall by order:
(c) Has failed to satisfy the qualifications or requirements for
(a) Grant registrations if it determines that the requirements registration prescribed under Section 28 and the rules and
of this Section and the qualifications for registrations set forth regulations of the Commission promulgated thereunder;
in its rules and regulations have been satisfied ; or
(d) Has been convicted, by a competent judicial or
(b) Deny said registration. administrative body of an offense involving moral turpitude,
fraud, embezzlement, counterfeiting, theft, estafa,
28.9. The names and addresses of all persons approved for the misappropriation, forgery, bribery, false oath, or perjury, or
registration as brokers, dealers, associated persons or of a violation of securities, commodities, banking, real state or
salesman and all orders of the Commission with respect insurance laws;
thereto shall be recorded in a Register of Securities Market
Professionals kept in the office of the Commission which shall (e) Is enjoined or restrained by a competent judicial or
be open to public inspection. administrative body from engaging in securities,
commodities, banking, real state or insurance activities or
28.10. Every person registered pursuant to this Section shall from willfully violating laws governing such activities;
file with the Commission, in such form as the Commission
shall prescribe, information necessary to keep the application (f) Is subject to an order of a competent judicial or
for registration current and accurate, including in the case of administrative body refusing, revoking or suspending any
a broker or dealer changes in salesmen, associated persons registration, licensed or other permit under this Code, the
and owners thereof. rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, any other law
administered by the Commission;
28.11. Every person registered pursuant to this Selection
shall pay to the Commission an annual fee at such time and in
(g) Is subject to an order of a self-regulatory organization application for registration in such form and containing such
suspending or expelling him from membership or information and supporting documents as the Commission by
participating therein or from association with a member or rule shall prescribe, including the following:
participant thereof;
(a) An undertaking to comply and enforce by its members
(h) Has been found by a competent judicial or administrative with the provisions of this Code, its implementing rules and
body to have willfully violated any provisions of securities, regulations and the rules of the Exchange;
commodities, banking, real state or insurance laws, or has
willfully aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced or (b) The organizational charts of the Exchange, rules of
procured such violation; or procedure, and a list of its officers and members;

(i) Has been judicially declared insolvent. For purposes of this (c) Copies of the rules of the Exchange; and
subsection, the term "competent judicial or administrative
(d) An undertaking that in the event a member firm becomes
body" shall include a foreign court of competent jurisdiction
insolvent or when the Exchange shall have found that the
and a foreign financial regulator.
financial condition of its member firm has so deteriorated
29.2. (a) In case of charges against a salesman or associated that it cannot readily meet the demands of its customers for
person, notice thereof shall also be given the broker, dealer or the delivery of securities and/or payment of sales proceeds,
issuer employing such salesman or associated person. the Exchange shall, upon order of the Commission, take over
the operation of the insolvent member firm and immediately
(b) Pending the hearing, the Commission shall have the proceed to settle the member firm’s liabilities to its
power to order the suspensions of such broker’s, dealers, customers.
associated person’s or salesman’s registration: Provided,
That such order shall state the cause for such suspension. 33.2. Registrations of an Exchange shall be granted upon
Until the entry of a final order, the suspension of such compliance with the following provisions:
registration, though binding upon the persons notified
(a) That the applicant is organized as a stock corporation:
thereof, shall be deemed confidential, and shall not be
Provided, That any registered Exchange existing prior to the
published, unless it shall appear that the order of suspension
effectivity of this Code shall within one (1) year reorganize as
has been violated after notice.
a stock corporation pursuant to a demutualization plan
29.3. The orders of the Commission refusing, revoking, approved by the Commission;
suspending or placing limitations on a registration as herein
(b) That the applicant is engaged solely in the business of
above provided, together with its findings, shall be entered in
operating an exchange: Provided, however, That the
the Register of Securities Market Professionals. The
Commission may adopt rules, regulations or issue an order,
suspension or revocation of the registration of a dealer or
upon application, exempting an Exchange organized as a
broker shall also automatically suspend the registration of all
stock corporation and owned and controlled by another
salesmen and associated persons affiliated with such broker
juridical person from the restriction.
or dealer. The order of the Commission refusing, revoking,
suspending or placing limitations on a registration as herein (c) Where the Exchange is organized as a stock corporation,
above provided, together with its findings, shall be entered in that no person may beneficially own or control, directly or
the Register of Securities Market Professionals. The indirectly, more than five percent (5%) of the voting rights of
suspension or revocation of the registration of a dealer or the Exchange and no industry or business group may
broker shall also automatically suspend the registration of a beneficially own or control, directly or indirectly, more than
dealer or broker shall also automatically suspend the twenty percent (20%) of the voting rights of the Exchange:
registration of all salesmen and associated persons affiliated Provided, however,That the Commission may adopt rules,
with such broker or dealer. regulations or issue an order, upon application from this
prohibition where it finds that such ownership or control will
29.4. It shall be sufficient cause for refusal, revocation or
not negatively impact on the exchange’s ability to effectively
suspension of a broker’s or dealer’s registrations, if any
operate in the public interest.
associated person thereof or any juridical entity controlled by
such associated person has committed any act or omission or (d) The expulsion, suspension, or disciplining of a member
is subject to any disability enumerated in paragraphs (a) and persons associated with a member for conduct or
through (i) of Subsection 29. I hereof. proceeding inconsistent with just and equitable principles of
fair trade, and for violations of provisions of this Code, or any
Section 33. Registration of Exchanges. –
other Act administered by the Commission, the rules,
33.1. Any Exchange may be registered as such with the regulations and orders thereunder, or the rules of the
Commission under the terms and conditions hereinafter Exchange;’
provided in this Section and Section 40 hereof, by filing an
(e) A fair procedure for the disciplining of members and (l) The transparent, prompt and accurate clearance and
persons associated with members, the denial of membership settlement of transactions effected on the Exchange.
to any person seeking to be a member, the barring of any
person from association with a member, and the prohibition 33.3. If the Commission finds that the applicant Exchange is
or limitation of any person from association with member, capable of complying and enforcing compliance by its
and the prohibition or limitation of any person from access to members, and persons associated with such members, with
services offered by the Exchange; the provisions of this Code, and the rules of the Exchange, and
that the rules of Exchange are fair, just and adequate, the
(f) That the brokers in the board of the Exchange shall Commission shall cause such Exchange to be registered. If,
comprise of not more than forty-nine percent (49%) of such after notice due and hearing, the Commission finds otherwise,
board and shall proportionately represent the Exchange the application shall be denied.
membership in terms of volume/value or trade and paid up
capital, and that any natural person associated with a juridical 33.4. Within ninety (90) days after the filing of the application
entity that is a member for this purpose; Provide, That any the Commission may issue an order either granting or
registered Exchange existing prior to the affectivity of this denying registration as an Exchange, unless the Exchange
Code shall immediately comply with this requirement; applying for registration shall withdraw its application or
shall consent to the Commission’s deferring action on its
(g) For the board of the Exchange to include in its composition application for a stated longer period after the date of filing.
(1) the president of the Exchange, and (ii) no less than fifty The filing with the Commission of an application for
one percent (51%) of the remaining members of the board to registration by an Exchange shall be deemed to have taken
be comprised of three (3) independent directors and persons place upon the receipt thereof. Amendments to an application
who represent the interests of issuers, investors, and other may be made upon such terms as the Commission may
market participants, who are not associated with any broker prescribe.
or dealer or member of the Exchange for a period of two (2)
years prior to his/her appointment. No officer or employee of 33.5. Upon the registration of an Exchange, it is shall pay a fee
a member, its subsidiaries or affiliates or related interests in such amount and within such period as the Commission
shall become an independent director: Provided, however, may fix.
That the Commission may by rule, regulation, or order upon
33.6. Upon appropriate application in accordance with the
application, permit the exchange organized as a stock
rules and regulations of the Commission and upon such terms
corporation to use a different governance structure:
as the Commission may deemed necessary for the protection
Provided, further, That the Commission is satisfied that the
of investors, an exchange may withdraw its registration or
Exchange is acting in the public interest and is able to
suspend its operations or resume the same.
effectively operate as a self-regulatory organization under
this Code: Provided, finally, That any registered exchange Section 36. Powers with Respect to Exchanges and Other
existing prior to the affectivity of this Code shall immediately Trading Market. –
comply with this requirement.
36.1. The Commission is authorized, if in its opinion such
(h) The president and other management of the Exchange to action is necessary or appropriate for the protection of
consist only of persons who are not members and are not investors and the public interest so requires, summarily to
associated in any capacity, directly or indirectly with any suspend trading in any listed security on any Exchange or
broker or dealer or member or listed company of the other trading market for a period not exceeding thirty (30)
Exchange: Provided, That the Exchange may only appoint, and days but not exceeding ninety (90) days: Provided, however,
a person may only serve, as an officer of the exchange if such That the Commission promptly following the issuance of the
person has not been a member or affiliated with any broker, order of suspension, shall notify the affected issuer of the
dealer, or member of the Exchange for a period of at least two reasons for such suspension and provide such issuer with an
(2) years prior to such appointment; opportunity for hearing to determine whether the suspension
should be lifted.
(i) The transparency of transactions on the Exchange;
36.2. Wherever two (2) or more Exchanges or other trading
(j) The equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and other
markets exist, the Commission may require and enforce
charges among members and issuers and other persons using
uniformity of trading regulations in and/or between or
any facility or system which the Exchange operates or
among said Exchanges or other trading markets.
36.3. In addition to the existing Philippine Stock Exchange, the
(k) Prevention of fraudulent and manipulative acts and
Commission shall have the authority to determine the
practices, promotion of just and equitable principles of trade,
number, size and location of stock Exchanges, other trading
and, in general, protection of investors and the public interest;
markets and commodity Exchanges and other similar
organizations in the light of national or regional requirements
for such activities with the view to promote, enhance, protect, paying agents, computer services, news disseminating
conserve or rationalize investment. services, proxy solicitors, statistical agencies, securities rating
agencies, and securities information processor which are
36.4. The Commission, having due regard to the public engaged in business of:
interest, the protection of investors, the safeguarding of
securities and funds, and maintenance of fair competition (a) Collecting, processing, or preparing for distribution or
among brokers, dealers, clearing agencies, and transfer publication, or assisting, participating in, or coordinating the
agents, shall promulgate rules and regulations for the prompt distribution or publication of, information with respect to
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions in or quotations for any security; or
(b) Distributing or publishing, whether by means of a ticker
36.5. (a) The Commission may establish or facilitate the tape, a communications network, a terminal display device, or
establishment of trust funds which shall be contributed by otherwise, on a current and continuing basis, information
Exchanges, brokers, dealers, underwriters, transfer agents, with respect to such transactions or quotations. The
salesmen and other persons transacting in securities, as the Commission may prescribe rules and regulations which are
Commission may require, for the purpose of compensating necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the
investors for the extraordinary losses or damage they may protection of investors to govern self-regulatory
suffer due to business failure or fraud or mismanagement of organizations and other organizations licensed or regulated
the persons with whom they transact, under such rules and pursuant to the authority granted in Subsection 39.1
regulations as the Commission may from time to time including the requirement of cooperation within and among,
prescribe or approve in the public interest. and electronic integration of the records of, all participants in
the securities market to ensure transparency and facilitate
(b) The Commission may, having due regard to the public exchange of information.
interest or the protection of investors, regulate, supervise,
examine, suspend or otherwise discontinue such and other 39.2. An association of brokers and dealers may be registered
similar funds under such rules and regulations which the as a securities association pursuant to Subsection 39.3 by
Commission may promulgate, and which may include taking filing with the Commission an application for registration in
custody and management of the fund itself as well as such form as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe
investments in and disbursements from the funds under such containing the rules of the association and such other
forms of control and supervision by the Commission as it may information and documents as the Commission, by rule, may
from time to time require. The authority granted to the prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or
Commission under this subsection shall also apply to all funds for the protection of investors.
established for the protection of investors, whether
established by the Commission or otherwise. 39.3. An association of brokers and dealers shall not be
registered as a securities association unless the Commission
Section 37. Registration of Innovative and Other Trading determines that:
Markets. – The Commission, having due regard for national
economic development, shall encourage competitiveness in (a) The association is so organized and has the capacity to be
the market by promulgating within six (6) months upon the able to carry out the purposes of this Code and to comply with,
enactment of this Code, rules for the registration and licensing and to enforce compliance by its members and persons
of innovative and other trading markets or Exchanges associated with its members, with the provisions of this Code,
covering, but not limited to, the issuance and trading of the rules and regulations thereunder, and the rules of the
innovative securities, securities of small, medium, growth and association.
venture enterprises, and technology-based ventures
(b) The rules of the association, notwithstanding anything in
pursuant to Section 33 of this Code.
the Corporation Code to the contrary, provide that:
(i) Any registered broker or dealer may become a member of
the association;
Section 39. Associations of Securities Brokers, and Dealers, and
(ii) There exist a fair representation of its members to serve
Other Securities Related Organizations. –
on the Board of Directors of the association and in the
39.1. The Commission shall have the power to register as a administration of its affairs, and that may any natural person
self-regulatory organization, or otherwise grant licenses, and associated with a juridical entity that is a member shall
to regulate, supervise, examine, suspend or otherwise himself be deemed to be a member for this purpose;
discontinue, as a condition for the operation of organizations
(iii) The Board of Directors of the association includes in its
whose operations are related to or connected with the
securities market such as but not limited to associations of
brokers and dealers, transfer agents, custodians, fiscal and
(a) The president of the association and (d) A registered securities association may bar a salesman or
person associated with a broker or dealer from being
(b) Person who represent the interests of the issuer and employed by a member or set conditions for the employment
public investors and are not associated with any broker or of a salesman or associated if such person:
dealer or member of the association; that the president and
other management of the association not be a member or (i) Does not meet the standards of training, experience, or
associated with any broker, dealer or member of the competence that are prescribe by the rules of the association;
association; or

(iv) For the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and (ii) Has engage, and there is a reasonable likelihood he will
other charges among member and issuers and other persons again engage, in acts or practices inconsistent with just and
using any facility or system which the association operates or equitable principles of fair trade. A registered securities
controls; association may examine and verify the qualifications of an
applicant to become a salesman or associated person
(v) For the prevention of fraudulent and manipulative acts employed by a member in accordance with the procedures
and practices, the promotion of just and equitable principles establish by the rules of the association. A registered
of trade, and, in general, the protection of investors and the association also may require a salesman or associated person
public interest; employed by a member to be registered with the association
in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the rules of
(vi) That its members and persons associated with its
the association.
members shall be appropriately disciplined for violation of
any provision of this Code, the rules and regulations 39.5. In any proceeding by a registered securities association
thereunder, or the rules of the association; to determine whether a person shall be denied membership,
or barred from association with a member, the association
(vii) That a fair procedure for the disciplining of members and
shall provide notice to the person under review of the specific
persons associated with members, the denial of membership
grounds being considered for denial, afford him an
to any person seeking membership therein, the barring of any
opportunity to defend against the allegations, and keep a
person from becoming associated with a member thereof, and
record of the proceedings. A determination by the association
the prohibition or limitation by the association of any person
to deny membership shall be supported by a statement
with respect to access to services offered by the association
setting forth the specific grounds on which the denial is based.
or a member thereof.
Section 40. Powers with Respect to Self-Regulatory
39.4. (a) A registered securities association shall deny
Organizations. –
membership to any person who is not a registered broker or
dealer. 40.1. Upon the filing of an application for registration as an
Exchange under Section 33, a registered securities
(b) A registered securities association may deny membership
association under Section 39, a registered clearing agency
to, or condition the membership of, a registered broker or
under Section 42, or other self-regulatory organization under
dealer if such broker or dealer:
this Section, the Commission shall have ninety (90) days
(i) Does not meet the standards of financial responsibility, within which to either grant registration should be denied. In
operational capability, training, experience or competence the event proceedings are instituted, the Commission shall
that are prescribe by the rules of the association; or have two hundred seventy (270) days within which to
conclude such proceedings at which time it shall, by order,
(ii) Has engaged, and there is a reasonable likelihood it will grant or deny such registration.
again engage, in acts or practices inconsistent with just and
equitable principles of fair trade. 40.2. Every self-regulatory organization shall comply with the
provision of this Code, the rules and regulations thereunder,
(c) A registered securities association may deny membership and its own rules, and enforce compliance therewith,
to a registered broker or dealer not engage in a type of notwithstanding any provisions of the Corporation Code to
business in which the rules of the association require the contrary, by its members, persons associated with its
members to be engaged: Provided, however, That no members of its participants.
registered securities association may deny membership to a
registered broker or dealer by reason of the amount of 40.3. (a) Each self-regulatory organization shall submit to the
business done by the broker or dealer. A registered securities Commission for prior approval any proposed rule or
association may examine and verify the qualifications of an amendment thereto, together with a concise statement of the
applicant to become a member in accordance with procedure reason and effect of the proposed amendment
established by the rules of the association.
(b) Within sixty (60) days after submission of a proposed
amendment, the Commission shall, by order, approve the
proposed amendment. Otherwise, the same may be made this Code or of the rules and regulations thereunder, or its
effective by the self-regulatory organization. own or has failed to enforce compliance therewith by a
member of, person associated with a member, or a participant
(c) In the event of an emergency requiring action for the in such selfregulatory organization;
protection of investors, the maintenance of fair and orderly
markets, or the safeguarding of securities and funds, a self- (b) To expel from a self-regulatory organization any member
regulatory organization may put a proposed amendment into thereof or any participant therein who is subject to an order
effect summarily; Provided however, That the copy of the of the Commission under Section 29 of this Code or is found
same shall be immediately submitted to the Commission. to have willfully violated any provision of this Code or
suspend for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months for
40.4. The Commission is further authorized, if after making violation of any provision of this Code or any other laws
appropriate request in writing to a self-regulatory administered by the Commission, or rules and regulations
organization that such organization effect on its own behalf thereunder, or effected, directly or indirectly, any transaction
specified changes in its rules and practices and, after due to for any person who, such member or participant had reason
notice and hearing it determines that such changes have not to believe, was violating in respect of such transaction any of
been effected, and that such changes are not necessary, by the such provisions; and
rule or regulation or by order, may alter, abrogate or
supplement the rules of such self-regulatory organization in (c) To remove from the office or censure any officer or
so far as necessary or appropriate to effect such changes in director of a self-regulatory organization if it finds that such
respect of such matters as: officer or director has violated any provision of this Code, any
other law administered by the Commission, the rules or
(a) Safeguards in respect of the financial responsibility of regulations thereunder, or the rules of such self-regulatory
members and adequate provision against the evasion of organization, abused his authority, without reasonable
financial responsibility through the use of corporate forms or justification or excuse has failed to enforce compliance with
special partnerships; any of such provisions.
(b) The supervision of trading practices; 40.6. (a) A self-regulatory organization is authorized to
discipline a member of or participant in such self-regulatory
(c) The listing or striking from listing of any security;
organization, or any person associated with a member,
(d) Hours of trading; including the suspension or expulsion of such member or
participant, and the suspension or bar from being associated
(e) The manner, methods, and place of soliciting business; with a member, if such person has engage in acts or practices
inconsistent with just and equitable principles of fair trade or
(f) Fictitious accounts;
in willful violation of any provision of the Code, any other law
(g) The time and method of making settlements, payments, administered by the Commission, the rules or regulations
and deliveries, and of closing accounts; thereunder, or the rules of the self-regulatory organization. In
any disciplinary proceeding by a self-regulatory organization
(h) The transparency of securities transactions and prices; (other than a summary proceeding pursuant to paragraph (b)
of this subsection) the self-regulatory organization shall bring
(i) The fixing of reasonable rates of fees, interest, listing and specific charges, provide notice to the person charged, afford
other charges, but not rates of commission; the person charged with an opportunity to defend against the
(j) Minimum units of trading; charges, and keep a record of the proceedings. A
determination to impose a disciplinary sanction shall be
(k) Odd-lot purchases and sales; supported by a written statement of the offenses, a summary
of the evidence presented and a statement of the sanction
(l) Minimum deposits on margin accounts; and imposed.
(m) The supervision, auditing and disciplining of members or (b) A self-regulatory organization may summarily:
(I) Suspend a member, participant or person associated with
40.5. The Commission, after due notice and hearing, is a member who has been or is expelled or suspended from any
authorized, in the public interest and to protect investors: other self-regulatory organization; or
(a) To suspend for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months (ii) Suspend a member who the self-regulatory organization
or to revoke the registration of a self-regulatory organization, finds to be in such financial or operating difficulty that the
or to censure or impose limitations on the activities, member or participant cannot be permitted to continue to do
functions, and operations of such self-organization, if the business as a member with safety to investors, creditors,
Commission finds that such a self-regulatory organization has other members, participants or the self-regulatory
willfully violated or is unable to comply with any provision of
organization: Provided, That the self-regulatory organization (b) The organizational charts of the Exchange, its rules of
immediately notifies the Commission of the action taken. Any procedure, and list of its officers and participants;
person aggrieved by a summary action pursuant to this
paragraph shall be promptly afforded an opportunity for a (c) Copies of the clearing agency’s rules.
hearing by the association in accordance with the provisions
42.2. No registration of a clearing agency shall be granted
of paragraph (a) of this subsection. The Commission, by
unless the rules of the clearing agency include provision for:
order, may stay a summary action on its own motion or upon
application by any person aggrieved thereby, if the (a) The expulsions, suspension, or disciplining of a
Commission determines summarily or after due notice and participant for violations of this Code, or any other Act
hearing (which hearing may consist solely of the submission administered by the Commission, the rules, regulations, and
of affidavits or presentation of oral arguments) that a stay is orders thereunder, or the clearing agency’s rules;
consistent with the public interest and the protection of
investors. (b) A fair procedure for the disciplining of participants, the
denial of participation rights to any person seeking to be a
40.7. A self-regulatory organization shall promptly notify the participant, and the prohibition or limitation of any person
Commission of any disciplinary sanction on any member from access to services offered by the clearing agency;
thereof or participant therein, any denial of membership or
participation in such organization, or the imposition of any (c) The equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and
disciplinary sanction on a person associated with a member other charges among participants;
or a bar of such person from becoming so associated. Within
(d) Prevention of fraudulent and manipulative acts and
thirty (30) days after such notice, any aggrieved person may
practices, promotion of just and equitable principles of trade,
appeal to the Commission from, or the Commission from, or
and, in general, protection of investors and the public interest;
the Commission on its own motion within such period, may
institute review of, the decision of the self-regulatory (e) The transparent, prompt and accurate clearance and
organization, at the conclusion of which, after due notice and settlement of transactions in securities handled by the
hearing (which may consist solely of review of the record clearing agency; and
before the self-regulatory organization), the Commission
shall affirm, modify or set aside the sanction. In such (f) The establishment and oversight of a fund to guarantee the
proceeding the Commission shall determine whether the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of transaction
aggrieved person has engaged or omitted to engage in the acts executed on an exchange, including a requirement that
and practices as found by the self-regulatory organization, members each contribute an amount based on their and a
whether such acts and practices constitute willful violations relevant percentage of the daily exposure of the (4) largest
of this Code, any other law administered by the Commission, trading brokers which adequately reflects trading risks
the rules or regulations thereunder, or the rules of the self- undertaken or pursuant to another formula set forth in
regulatory organization as specified by such organization, Commission rules or regulations or order, upon application:
whether such provisions were applied in a manner consistent Provided, however, That a clearing agency engaged in the
with the purposes of this Code, and whether, with due regard business of securities depository shall be exempt from this
for the public interest and the protection of investors the requirement.
sanction is excessive or oppressive.
42.3. In the case of an application filed pursuant to this
40.8. The powers of the Commission under this Section shall section, the Commission shall grant registration if it is finds
apply to organized exchanges and registered clearing That the requirements of this code and the rules and
agencies. regulations thereunder with respect to the applicant have
been satisfied, and shall deny registration if it does not make
Section 42. Registration of Clearing Agencies. – such finding.
42.1. Any clearing agency may be registered as such with the 42.4. Upon appropriate application in accordance with the
Commission under the terms and conditions hereinafter rules and regulations of the Commission and upon such terms
provided in this Section, by filing an application for as the Commission may deem necessary for the protection of
registration in such form and containing such information investors, a clearing agency may withdraw its registration or
and supporting documents as the Commission by rule shall suspend its operation or resume the same.
prescribe, including the following:
Section 47. Power of the Commission With Respect to
(a) An undertaking to comply and enforce compliance by its Securities Ownership. – The Commission is authorize, having
participants with the provisions of this Code, and any due regard to the public interest and the protection of
amendments thereto, and the implementing rules or investors, to promulgate rules and regulations which:
regulations made or to be made thereunder, and the clearing
agency’s rules;
47.1. Validate the transfer of securities by book-entries rather another; special or different margin requirements for delayed
than the delivery of physical certificates; deliveries, short sales, arbitrage transactions, and securities
to which letter (b) of the second paragraph of this subsection
47.2. Establish when a person acquires a security or an does not apply; the methods to be used in calculating loans,
interest therein and when delivery of a security to a purchaser and margins and market prices; and similar administrative
occurs; adjustments and details.
47.3. Establish which records constitute the best evidence of 48.2. No member of an Exchange or broker or dealer shall,
a person’s interests in a security and the effect of any errors directly or indirectly, extend or maintain credit is extended
in electronic records of ownership; and maintain credit or arrange for the extension or
maintenance of credit to or for any customer:
47.4. Codify the rights of investors who choose to hold their
securities indirectly through a registered clearing agency (a) On any security unless such credit is extended and
and/ or other securities intermediaries; maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations
which the Commission shall prescribe under this Section
47.5. Codify the duties of securities intermediaries (including
including rules setting credit in relation to net capital of such
clearing agencies) who hold securities on behalf of investors;
member, broker or dealer; and
(b) Without collateral or any collateral other than securities,
47.6 Give first priority to any claims of a registered clearing
agency against a participant arising from a failure by the
participant to meet its obligations under the clearing agency’s (I) to maintain a credit initially extended in conformity with
rules in respect of the clearing and settlement of transactions rules and regulations of the Commission and
in securities, in a dissolution of the participant, and any such
rules and regulation shall bind the issuers of the securities, (ii) in cases where the extension or maintenance of credit is
investors in the securities, any third parties with interests in not for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities or of
the securities, and the creditors of a participant of a registered evading or circumventing the provisions of paragraph (a) of
clearing agency. this subsection.

CHAPTER XII MARGIN AND CREDIT 48.3 Any person not subject to Subsection 48.2 hereof shall
extend or maintain credit or arrange for the extension or
Section 48. Margin Requirements. – maintenance of credit for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying any security, only in accordance with such rules and
48.1. For the purpose of preventing the excessive use of credit
regulations as the Commission shall prescribe to prevent the
for the purchase or carrying of securities, the Commission, in
excessive use of credit for the purchasing or carrying of or
accordance with the credit and monetary policies that may be
trading in securities in circumvention of the other provisions
promulgated from time to time by the Monetary Board of the
of this Section. Such rules and regulations may impose upon
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, shall prescribed rules and
all loans made for the purpose of purchasing or carrying
regulations with respect to the amount of credit that may be
securities limitations similar to those imposed upon
extended on any security. For the extension of credit, such
members, brokers, or dealers by Subsection 48.2 and the
rules and regulations shall be based upon the following
rules and regulations thereunder. This subsection and the
standard: An amount not greater than the whichever is the
rules and regulations thereunder shall not apply:
higher of –
(a) To a credit extension made by a person not in the ordinary
(a) Sixty-five per centum (65%) of the current market price
course of business;
of the security, or
(b) to a loan to a dealer to aid in the financing of the
(b) One hundred per centum (100%) of the lowest market
distribution of securities to customers not through the
price of the security during the preceding thirty-six (36)
medium of an Exchange; or
calendar months, but not more than seventy-five per centum
(75%) of the current market price. (c) To such other credit extension as the Commission shall
exempt from the operation of this subsection and the rules
However, the Monetary Board may increase or decrease the
and regulations thereunder upon specified terms and
above percentages, in order to achieve the objectives of the
conditions for stated period.
Government with due regard for promotion of the economy
and prevention of the use of excessive credit. Such rules and Section 52. Accounts and Records, Reports, Examination of
regulations may make appropriate provision with respect to Exchanges, members, and Others. –
the carrying of undermargined accounts for limited periods
and under specified conditions; the withdrawal of funds or 52.1. Every registered Exchange, broker or dealer, transfer
securities; the transfer of accounts from one lender to agent, clearing agency, securities association, and other self-
regulatory organization, and every other person required to 53.2. For the purpose of any such investigation, or any other
register under this Code, shall make, keep and preserve for proceeding under this Code, the Commission or any officer
such periods, records, furnish such copies thereof, and make designated by it is empowered to administer oaths and
such reports, as the Commission by its rules and regulations affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel attendance, take
may prescribe. Such accounts, correspondence, memoranda, evidence, require the production of any book, paper,
papers, books, and other records shall be subject at any time correspondence, memorandum, or other record which the
to such reasonable periodic, special or other examinations by Commission deems relevant or material to the inquiry, and to
representatives of the Commission as the Commission may perform such other acts necessary in the conduct of such
deem necessary or appropriate in the public interest of for the investigation or proceedings.
protection of investors.
53.3. Whenever it shall appear to the Commission that any
52.2. Any brother, dealer or other person extending credit, person has engaged or is about to engage in any act or practice
who is subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the constituting a violation of any provision of this Code, any rule,
Commission pursuant to this Code, shall make such reports to regulation or order thereunder, or any rule of an Exchange,
the Commission as may be necessary or appropriate to enable registered securities association, clearing agency or other
it to perform the functions conferred upon it by this Code. self-regulatory organization, it may issue an order to such
person to desist from committing such act or practice:
52.3. For purposes of this Section, the term "records refers to Provided, however, That the Commission shall not charge any
accounts, correspondence, memoranda, tapes, discs, papers, person with violation of the rules of an Exchange or other self-
books and other documents or transcribed information of any regulatory organization unless it appears to the Commission
type, whether written or electronic in character. that such Exchange or other self-regulatory organization is
unable or unwilling to take action against such person. After
Section 53. Investigations, Injunctions and Prosecution of
finding that such person has engaged in any such act or
practice and that there is a reasonable likelihood of
53.1. The Commission may, in its discretion, make such continuing, further or future violations by such person, the
investigations as it deems necessary to determine whether Commission may issue ex-parte a cease and desist order for a
any person has violated or is about to violate any provision of maximum period of ten (10) days, enjoining the violation and
this Code, any rule, regulation or order thereunder, or any compelling compliance with such provision. The Commission
rule of an Exchange, registered securities association, clearing may transmit such evidence as may be available concerning
agency, other self-regulatory organization, and may require any violation of any provision of this Code, or any rule,
or permit any person to file with it a statement in writing, regulation or order thereunder, to the Department of Justice,
under oath or otherwise, as the Commission shall determine, which may institute the appropriate criminal proceedings
as to all facts and circumstances concerning the matter to be under this Code.
53.4. Any person who, within his power but without cause,
The Commission may publish information concerning any fails or refuses to comply with any lawful order, decision or
such violations, and to investigate any fact, condition, practice subpoena issued by the Commission under Subsection 53.2 or
or matter which it may deem necessary or proper to aid in the Subsection 53.3 or Section 64 of this Code, shall after due
enforcement of the provisions of this Code, in the prescribing notice and hearing, be guilty of contempt of the Commission.
of rules and regulations thereunder, or in securing Such person shall be fined in such reasonable amount as the
information to serve as a basis for recommending further Commission may determine, or when such failure or refusal
legislation concerning the matters to which this Code relates: is a clear and open defiance of the Commission’s order,
Provided, however, That any person requested or decision or subpoena, shall be detained under an arrest order
subpoenaed to produce documents or testify in any issued by the Commission, until such order, decision or
investigation shall simultaneously be notified in writing of the subpoena is complied with.
purpose of such investigation: Provided, further, That all
Section 54. Administrative Sanctions. –
criminal complaints for violations of this Code, and the
implementing rules and regulations enforced or administered 54.1. If, after due notice and hearing, the Commission finds
by the Commission shall be referred to the Department of that:
Justice for preliminary investigation and prosecution before
the proper court: Provided, furthermore, That in instances (a) There is a violation of this Code, its rule, or its orders;
where the law allows independent civil or criminal
proceedings of violations arising from the same act, the (b) Any registered broker or dealer, associated person
Commission shall take appropriate action to implement the thereof has failed reasonably to supervise, with a view to
same: provided, finally, That the investigation, prosecution, preventing violations, another person subject to supervision
and trial of such cases shall be given priority. who commits any such violation;
(c) Any registrant or other person has, in a registration interest. Any agreement to settle shall have no legal effect
statement or in other reports, applications, accounts, records until publicly disclosed. Such decision may be made without a
or documents required by law or rules to be filed with the determination of guilt on the part of the person making the
Commission, made any untrue statement of a material fact, or offer.
omitted to state any material fact required to be stated their
or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; 55.4. The Commission shall adopt rules and procedures
or, in the case of an underwriter, has failed to conduct an governing the filing, review, withdrawal, form of rejection and
inquiry with reasonable diligence to insure that a registration acceptance of such offers.
statement is accurate and complete in all material respects; or
Section 64. Cease and Desist Order. –
(d) Any person has refused to permit any lawful examinations
64.1. The Commission, after proper investigation or
into its affairs, it shall, in its discretion, and subject only to the
verification, motu proprio or upon verified complaint by any
limitations hereinafter prescribed, impose any or all of the
aggrieved party, may issue a cease and desist order without
following sanctions as may be appropriate in light of the facts
the necessity of a prior hearing if in its judgment the act or
and circumstances:
practice, unless restrained, will operate as a fraud on
(i) Suspension, or revocation of any registration for the investors or is otherwise likely to cause grave or irreparable
offering of securities; injury or prejudice to the investing public.

(ii) A fine of no less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) 64.2. Until the Commission issue a cease and desist order, the
nor more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) plus not fact that an investigation has been initiated or that a
more than Two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) for each day of complaint has been filed, including the contents of the
continuing violation; complaint, shall be confidential. Upon issuance of a cease and
desist order, the Commission shall make public such order
(iii) In the case of a violation of Sections 19.2, 20, 24, 26 and and a copy thereof shall be immediately furnished to each
27, disqualification from being an officer, member of the person subject to the order.
Board of Directors, or person performing similar functions, of
an issuer required to file reports under Section 17 of this Code 64.3. Any person against whom a cease and desist order was
or any other act, rule or regulation administered by the issued may, within five (5) days from receipt of the order, file
Commission; a formal request for a lifting thereof. Said request shall be set
for hearing by the Commission not later than fifteen (15) days
(iv) In the case of a violation of Section 34, a fine of no more from its filing and the resolution thereof shall be made not
than three (3) times the profit gained or loss avoided as result later than ten (10) days from the termination of the hearing.
of the purchase, sale or communication proscribed by such If the Commission fails to resolve the request within the time
Section, and herein prescribed, the cease and desist order shall
automatically be lifted.
(v) Other penalties within the power of the Commission to
impose. Section 68. Special Accounting Rules. – The Commission shall
have the authority to make, amend, and rescind such
54.2. The imposition of the foregoing administrative accounting rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry
sanctions shall be without prejudice to the filing of criminal out the provisions of this Code, including rules and
charges against the individuals responsible for the violation. regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of
54.3. The Commission shall have the power to issue writs of this Code, including rules and regulations governing
execution to enforce the provisions of the Section and to registration statements and prospectuses for various classes
enforce payment of the fees and other dues collectible under of securities and issuers, and defining accounting, technical
this Code. and trade terms used in this Code. Among other things, the
Commission may prescribe the form or forms in which
Section 55. Settlement Offers. –
required information shall be set forth, the items or details to
55.1. At any time, during an investigation or proceeding under be shown in the balance sheet and income statement, and the
this Code, parties being investigated and/or charged may methods to be followed in the preparation of accounts,
propose in writing an offer of settlement with the appraisal or valuation of assets and liabilities, determination
Commission. of depreciation and depletion, differentiation of recurring and
non-recurring income, differentiation of investment and
55.2. Upon receipt of such offer of settlement, the Commission operating income, and in the preparation, where the
may consider the offer based on timing, the nature of the Commission deems it necessary or desirable of consolidated
investigation or proceeding, and the public interest. balance sheets or income accounts of any person directly or
indirectly controlling or controlled by the issuer, or any
55.3. The Commission may only agree to a settlement offer
based on its findings that such settlement is in the public
person under direct or indirect common control with the prescribed by the Commission, the same shall be effective
issuer. fifteen (15) days after the date of the last publication.

Section 72. Rules and Regulations; Effectivity. – Sec 179, RCC (RA 11232)

72.1. This Code shall be self-executory. To effect the SEC. 179. Powers, Functions, and Jurisdiction of the
provisions and purposes of this Code, the Commission may Commission. – The Commission shall have the power and
issue, amend, and rescind such rules and regulations and authority to:
orders necessary or appropriate, including rules and
regulations defining accounting, technical, and trade terms (a) Exercise supervision and jurisdiction over all
used in this Code, and prescribing the form or forms in which corporations and persons acting on their behalf, except as
information required in registration statements, applications, otherwise provided under this Code;
and reports to the Commission shall be set forth. For purposes
(b) Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 902-A, retain
of its rules or regulations, the Commission may classify
jurisdiction over pending cases involving intra-corporate
persons, securities, and other matters within its jurisdiction,
disputes submitted for final resolution. The Commission shall
prescribe different requirements for different classes of
retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of
persons, securities, or matters, and by rule or order,
payment/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30 June 2000 until
conditionally or unconditionally exempt any person, security,
finally disposed;
or transaction, or class or classes of persons, securities or
transactions, from any or all provisions of this Code. Failure (c) Impose sanctions for the violation of this Code, its
on the part of the Commission to issue rules and regulations implementing rules and orders of the Commission;
shall not in any manner affect the self-executory nature of this
Code. (d) Promote corporate governance and the protection of
minority investors, through, among others, the issuance of
72.2. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations rules and regulations consistent with international best
providing for reporting, disclosure and the prevention of practices;
fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative practices in connection
with the purchase by an issuer, by tender offer or otherwise, (e) Issue opinions to clarify the application of laws, rules, and
of and equity security of a class issued by it that satisfies the regulations;
requirements of Subsection 17.2. such rules and regulations
(f) Issue cease and desist orders ex parte to prevent imminent
may require such issuer to provide holders of equity
fraud or injury to the public;
securities of such dates with such information relating to the
reasons for such purchase, the source of funds, the number of (g) Hold corporations in direct and indirect contempt;
shares to be purchased, the price to be paid for such
securities, the method of purchase and such additional (h) Issue subpoena duces tecum and summon witnesses to
information as the Commission deems necessary or appear in proceedings before the Commission;
appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of
investors, or which the Commission deems to be material to a (i) In appropriate cases, order the examination, search and
determination by holders whether such security should be seizure of documents, papers, files and records, and books of
sold. accounts of any entity or person under investigation as may
be necessary for the proper disposition of the cases, subject
72.3. For the purpose of Subsection 72.2, a purchase by or for to the provisions of existing laws;
the issuer or any person controlling, controlled by, or under
common control with the issuer, or a purchase subject to the (j) Suspend or revoke the certificate of incorporation after
control of the issuer or any such person, shall be deemed to proper notice and hearing;
be a purchased by the issuer. The commission shall have the (k) Dissolve or impose sanctions on corporations, upon final
power to make rules and regulations implementing this court order, for committing, aiding in the commission of, or in
subsection, including exemptive rules and regulations any manner furthering securities violations, smuggling, tax
covering situations in which the Commission deems it evasion, money laundering, graft and corrupt practices, or
unnecessary or inappropriate that a purchase of the type other fraudulent or illegal acts;
described in this subsection shall be deemed to be a purchase
by the issuer for the purpose of some or all of the provisions (l) Issue writs of execution and attachment to enforce
of Subsection 72.2. payment of fees, administrative fines, and other dues
collectible under this Code;
72.4. The rules and regulations promulgated by the
Commission shall be published in two (20 newspapers or (m) Prescribe the number of independent directors and the
general circulation in the Philippines, and unless otherwise minimum criteria in determining the independence of a
(n) Impose or recommend new modes by which a SEC issued a cease and desist order against SCB. SEC referred
stockholder, member, director, or trustee may attend ICAP’s complaint to BSP. SEC withdrew the GTPMF securities
meetings or cast their votes, as technology may allow, taking from the market and it will not sell them without the
into account the company’s scale, number of shareholders or necessary clearances. BSP directed SCB not to include
members, structure, and other factors consistent with the investments in global mutual funds issue abroad in its trust
basic right of corporate suffrage; investment portfolios without prior registration with SEC.
SCB sent a letter confirming the directive. However, SCB still
(o) Formulate and enforce standards, guidelines, policies, continued to sell GTPMF securities.
rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Code;
and Baviera entered with SCB into an Investment Trust
agreement wherein Baviera purchased US$8k worth of
(p) Exercise such other powers provided by law or those securities, with 40% RoI and a guarantee that his money was
which may be necessary or incidental to carrying out the safe. After 6 mos, Baviera learned that the value went down
powers expressly granted to the Commission. to US$7k. Baviera tried to withdraw his investment but SCB
persuaded him to hold on to it, promising that the market
In imposing penalties and additional monitoring and
would pick up.
supervision requirements, the Commission shall take into
consideration the size, nature of the business, and capacity of BSP found that SCB failed to comply with its directive and
the corporation. No court below the Court of Appeals shall fined SCB worth 30k. Baviera’s investment further went down
have jurisdiction to issue a restraining order, preliminary to US$3k. Baviera learned that BSP prohibited SCB from
injunction, or preliminary mandatory injunction in any case, selling GTPMF securities. Baviera filed with BSP a letter
dispute, or controversy that directly or indirectly interferes complaint demanding compensation with his lost investment.
with the exercise of the powers, duties and responsibilities of SCB denied his demand coz his investment was regular.
the Commission that falls exclusively within its jurisdiction.
Baviera filed with DOJ a complaint charging SCB BoD and
CASES: officers of SYNDICATED ESTAFA. SEC lifted its cease and
desist order upon P7M settlement by SCB and SCB made a
Baviera vs Paglinawan (2007)
commitment not to further sell unregistered GTPMF
Baviera was the former head of HR Service and Delivery and securities. He also filed a complaint with DOJ for alleged SCB’s
Industrial Relations of Standard Charter Bank-PH. SCB is a violation of SRC. DOJ dismissed complaint for syndicated
foreign banking corporation licensed to do business in PH. estafa. The complaint for violation of SRC was also denied coz
BSP-Monetary Board issued a resolution, the conduct of SCB it should have been filed with SEC. CA affirmed DOJ.
was subject to the condition that at the end of 1 year period
W/N SEC has jurisdiction over the case.
that SCB starts its trust function, at least 25% of the trust
accounts must be for the accounts of non-residents of PH and YES. A criminal charge for violation of the Securities
that the foreign exchange remitted to reduce the Regulation Code is a specialized dispute. Hence, it must first
indebtedness of the residents. At the end of the 2nd year, it be referred to an administrative agency of special
shall be raised to 50%. competence, i.e., the SEC. Under the doctrine of primary
jurisdiction, courts will not determine a controversy
SCB did not comply with the condition, but instead acted as
involving a question within the jurisdiction of the
stockbroker soliciting foreign securities form PH residents
administrative tribunal, where the question demands the
Global Third Party Mutual Funds denominated in US$. They
exercise of sound administrative discretion requiring the
were not registered with SEC and were remitted outwardly to
specialized knowledge and expertise of said administrative
SCB-Hongkong and SCB-Singapore. SCB counsel advised SCB
tribunal to determine technical and intricate matters of fact
to sell the securities under the guise of custodian agreement
The Securities Regulation Code is a special law. Its
and if the sale is questioned, it would invoke Sec 72 of General
enforcement is particularly vested in the SEC.
Banking Act. SCB was able to sell GTPMF securities worth
P6B. Hence, all complaints for any violation of the Code and its
implementing rules and regulations should be filed with the
On July 1997, Investment Capital Association of the PH filed
SEC. Where the complaint is criminal in nature, the SEC shall
before SEC a complaint against SCB for violation of the
indorse the complaint to the DOJ for preliminary investigation
Revised Securities Act for the sale of unregistered securities
and prosecution as provided in Section 53.1 earlier quoted.
with SEC. SCB argues that it was offering and selling securities
We thus agree with the Court of Appeals that petitioner
and that it was only performing purely informational function
committed a fatal procedural lapse when he filed his criminal
without solicitations from any investments, that it has trust
complaint directly with the DOJ. Verily, no grave abuse of
license, that its clients were the ones who took the initiative
discretion can be ascribed to the DOJ in dismissing
to invest in securities and that it was acting as an agent or
petitioner's complaint.
passive order taker for them.
In determining whether the DOJ committed grave abuse of SEC: composed the membership of MANCOM pursuant to S5
discretion, it is expedient to know if the findings of fact of of SRC and PD 902-A after finding merit in the complaint.
herein public prosecutors were reached in an arbitrary or
despotic manner. The Court of Appeals held that petitioner's Atty. Franklin I. Cueto - Chairman
evidence is insufficient to establish probable cause for Atty. Noel Y. Artiza - Member
syndicated estafa. There is no showing from the record that Mr. Manuel Baldeo, Jr. – Member
private respondents herein did induce petitioner by false
- to perform the following duties and functions, for a
representations to invest in the GTPMF securities. Nor did
period of one (1) month from the date of receipt of
they act as a syndicate to misappropriate his money for their
this Order, and until further Orders from the
own benefit. Rather, they invested it in accordance with his
Commission, to prevent the paralyzation of the
written instructions. That he lost his investment is not their
operations of Capitol Hills Golf and Country Club,
fault since it was highly speculative.
preserve its assets and protect the interests of the
Petition is denied. minority stockholders and other stakeholders.

Petitioners also questionthe Dec 2007 SEC order before the

CA via Petition for Prohibition and asked CA to enjoin SEC
Pablo Roman & Matias Defensor vs SEC (2016) from conducting further investigation.

On June 2007 private respondents Attys – Atienza, De Jesus Jr CA: dismissed the petition – case did not necessarily involve a
& Sr, Aguirre, and Padro et al. filed a complaint against the controversy arising purely out of intra-corporate relations so
Petitioners, who are officers of Capitol Hills Golf and Country as to deprive the SEC of jurisdiction. They are merely asking
Club. They allege that: On Apr 1996, Special BoD meeting was for administrative intervention of SEC on matters within its
held and a resolution was passed by the BoD of Capitol competence.
authorizing Pablo Roman as its President.
CA agreed with OSG that the creation of MANCOM was
He is to acquire in behalf of the corp 4 parcels of land in authorized under SEC Memo Circ No. 11, S2003. The said
Montalban for P150/sqm, he is also to enter into a JVA with memorandum stated that the SEC had the power "to do any
Ayala Land (market and develop a certain area in the olf and all acts to carry out the effective implementation of the
course = saleable lots) and to acquire and obtain loans from laws it is mandated to enforce, that is, constitute a
Ayala Land for the purpose of acquiring the Montalban management committee; appoint receivers, issue cease and
properties (P150M) to be secured by REM. He is also to desist orders to prevent fraud or injury to the public; and such
negotiate, execute, sign and deliver a letter-agreement with other measures to carry out its role as a regulator."
Ayala land, DoS for purchase of properties, PNs REM and
assignment agreements. W/N letter-complaint filed by the private respondents is
beyond jurisdiction of SEC. NO
It was also alleged that Roman asked the Board to pass a
resolution authorizing 3rd party Pacific Asia Capital to receive W/N SEC order creating the MANCOM issued in excess of
from Ayala Land the proceeds of the loan and to Ayala Land jurisdiction. NO.
to release the proceeds of the loan to Pacific Asia so that any
Under the SRC, jurisdiction on matters stated under Section 5
release by Ayala Land which is received by Pacific Asia is valid
of P.D. No. 902-A, which was originally vested in the SEC, has
release and receipt of such amount. That the issued
already been transferred to the RTC acting as a special
resolutions were erroneously made and in evident BF Roman
commercial court. Despite the said transfer, however, the SEC
never informed the board that at the time he made the
still retains sufficient powers to justify its assumption of
proposal, Ayala land had already made initial cash advance in
jurisdiction over matters concerning its supervisory,
favor of Capitol but directly payable to Pacific Asia and that
administrative and regulatory functions. Court cited Sections
Ayala had no legal basis to make cash advances as Roman had
5 and 53 of the SRC as justifications.
no authority yet to enter into said agreement.
the authority of the SEC to hear cases regardless of whether
To private respondents all these are irregularities and
an action involves issues cognizable by the RTC, provided that
anomalies amounting to fraud and misrepresentation that
the SEC could only act upon those which are merely
prompted them to ask SEC to investigate the Board and order
administrative and regulatory in character. In other words,
constitution of MANCOM to temporarily oversee affairs of
the SEC was never dispossessed of the power to assume
jurisdiction over complaints, even if these are riddled with
In their answer, Petitioners invoked SEC’s lack of jurisdiction intra-corporate allegations, if their invocation of authority is
claiming the complaint to be in the nature of an intra- confined only to the extent of ensuring compliance with the
corporate dispute. Under the SRC, said jurisdiction is vested law and the rules, as well as to impose fines and penalties for
with the RTC acting as special commercial court. violation thereof; and to investigate even motu proprio
whether corporations comply with the Corporation Code, the complied and explained before the CED the nature of their
SRC and the implementing rules and regulations. business.

On the next issues, The SEC submits that the power to On January 16, 2001, Emilio B. Aquino, Director of CED, issued
constitute a management committee is based on its a Cease and Desist Order stating that his department
supervisory and regulatory functions. It cites SEC-MC No. 11, conducted an inquiry on respondent's business operations for
Series of 2003 as authority. In effect, the authority of the SEC possible violation of S11 of SRC; that the outcome of the
is viewed as one that is intimately related to its functions as a inquiry shows that respondent is engaged in the trading of
regulator. foreign currency futures contracts in behalf of its clients
without the necessary license; that it is imperative to enjoin
Clearly, any dispute concerning intra-corporate issues is now respondent from further operating as such to protect the
beyond the province of the SEC. Yet, it must be stressed that interest of the public.
under Section 5.1 (n) of the SRC, the SEC is permitted to
exercise such other powers as may be provided for by law as On January 25, 2001, respondent Bled with petitioner SEC a
well as those which may be implied from, or which are motion praying for the lifting of the Cease and Desist Order,
necessary or incidental to the carrying out, of the express alleging that: (a) it has not violated any law or regulation in
powers granted the SEC to achieve the objectives and the conduct of its business; (b) it has been operating in
purposes of these laws. With such broad authority, it is accordance with the purposes for which it was organized,
beyond question that the SEC, as a regulator, has broad which purposes were duly approved by petitioner; (c) it has
discretion to act on matters that relate to its express power of not engaged in currency futures contracts trading; and (d) its
supervision over all corporations, partnerships or business involves "spot currency trading which is not a form
associations who are the grantees of primary franchises of currency futures transaction."
and/or a license or permit issued by the Government. Such
grant of express power of supervision, necessarily includes On February 8, 2001, then SEC Chairman Lilia R. Bautista, in
the power to create a management committee following the her desire to know with certainty the nature of respondent's
doctrine of necessary implication. The reason is simple. The business, sent a letter to BSP requesting a definitive statement
creation of a management committee is one that is premised that respondent's business transactions are a form of
on the immediate and speedy protection of the interest not financial derivatives and, therefore, can only be undertaken
only of minority stockholders, but also of the general public by banks or non-bank financial intermediaries performing
from immediate danger of loss, wastage or destruction of quasi-banking functions.
assets or the paralyzation of business of a concerned
Without waiting for BSP's determination of the matter,
corporation or entity.
petitioner, the following day (February 9, 2001), issued an
Petition is denied. Order denying respondent's motion for the lifting of the Cease
and Desist Order and directing that the same stays until
SEC vs Performance Foreign Exchange Corp (2006) respondent shall have submitted the appropriate
"endorsement" from the BSP that it can engage in financial
Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation is a domestic derivative transactions. The Order states that the contracts
corporation duly registered on June 23, 1998 under Securities entered into, offered and sold by respondent are in the nature
and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registration No. of commodity futures contracts and that such contracts may
A199808910. be considered a form of financial derivatives instruments, the
trading of which is regulated by BSP.
Primary Purpose: To operate as a broker/agent between
market participants in transactions involving, but not limited On March 15, 2001, respondent, in compliance with
to, foreign exchange, deposits, interest rate instruments, fixed petitioner's February 9, 2001 Order requiring it to submit the
income securities, bonds/bills, repurchased agreements of appropriate BSP "endorsement," presented before the BSP
fixed income securities, certificate of deposits, bankers panel of officers a summary of its operations and its foreign
acceptances, bills of exchange, over the counter option of the exchange spot product. On April 23, 2001, petitioner issued
aforementioned instruments, Lesser Developed Country's an Order making the Cease and Desist Order permanent.
(L.D.C.) debt, energy and stock indexes and all related, similar
or derivative products, other than acting as a broker for the Feeling the injurious effects of petitioner's acts to its business
trading of securities pursuant to the Revised Securities Act of operations, respondent, on June 20, 2001, Bled with the Court
the Philippines. of Appeals a Petition for Certiorari. Respondent alleged,
among others, that petitioner SEC acted without or in excess
After two years of operation, respondent received a letter of its jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion when it
dated November 28, 2000 from the SEC. requiring it to appear issued the Cease and Desist Order and its subsequent Order
before the Compliance and Enforcement Department (CED) making the same permanent without waiting for the BSP's
on December 14, 2000 for a clarificatory conference determination of the real nature of its business operations;
regarding its business operations. Respondent's officers
and that petitioner's Orders, issued without any factual basis, irreparable injury or prejudice to the investing public. Such
violated its (respondent's) fundamental right to due process. requirement implies that the act to be restrained has been
determined after conducting the proper
August 13, 2001, Amado M. Tetangco, Jr., then Officer-in- investigation/verification. In this case, the nature of the act to
Charge, Office of the Governor, BSP, in answer to SEC be restrained can only be determined after the BSP shall have
Chairman Lilia Bautista's letter-request of February 8, 2001, submitted its findings to petitioner. However, there is nothing
stated that respondent's business activity "does not fall under in the questioned Orders that shows how the public is greatly
the category of futures trading" and "cannot be classified as prejudiced or damaged by respondent's business operation.
financial derivatives transactions.
Petition denied.
CA: in favor of Respondent – petitioner acted with grave
abuse of discretion when it issued its challenged Orders Primanila Plans vs SEC (2014)
without a positive factual finding that respondent violated the
Securities Regulation Code. Primanila was registered with the SEC on October 17, 1988.
Based on its amended articles of incorporation, the
Hence, the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari. company's primary purpose was "to organize, establish,
Petitioner, through the Solicitor General, contends that the develop, conduct, provide, maintain, operate, offer, issue,
Court of Appeals erred in not applying the rule that factual market and sell pension plans under which the savings of
findings of quasi-judicial bodies, like the SEC, which have professionals, officers, directors and other personnel of
acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to corporations, 8rms, or entities, and self-employed individuals
specific matters, are generally accorded not only respect but can be pooled together, accumulated and invested in
even finality if such findings are supported by substantial pro8table placements and productive enterprises so as to
evidence. build an Accumulated Fund for each individual participant or
plan holder for his retirement, monthly pension or for other
W/N SEC acted with GAD in issuing cease and desist order. [foreseeable] needs in the future." Primanila then operated as
Section 64 of R.A. No. 8799. YES. a pre-need company and maintained a business office in
Makati City.
two essential requirements that must be complied with by the
SEC before it may issue a cease and desist order: First, it must On April 9, 2008, the SEC was prompted to issue the subject
conduct proper investigation or verification; and Second, cease and desist order after an investigation conducted by the
there must be a finding that the act or practice, unless SEC's Compliance and Enforcement Department (CED) on
restrained, will operate as a fraud on investors or is otherwise Primanila –
likely to cause grave or irreparable injury or prejudice to the
investing public. - office in Makati was closed and no notice posted as
to the reason for such.
Here, the first requirement is not present. Petitioner did not - Its website was offering a pension plan Primasa
conduct proper investigation or verification before it issued Plan.
the challenged orders. The clarificatory conference - It failed to renew its Dealer’s License for 2008 and it
undertaken by petitioner regarding respondent's business has not been issued a secondary license to act as a
operations cannot be considered a proper investigation or dealer or general agent for pre-need pension plans
verification process to justify the issuance of the Cease and for 2008.
Desist Order. It was merely an initial stage of such process, - Also, no registration statement has been 8led by
considering that after it issued the said order following the [Primanila] for the approval of a pension plan
clarificatory conference, petitioner still sought verification product called Primasa Plan.
from the BSP on the nature of respondent's business activity. - Bank Account is still active.
Petitioner's act of referring the matter to the BSP is an - Among the many planholders of [PRIMANILA] are
essential part of the investigation and verification process. It enlisted personnel of the Philippine National Police
bears stressing, however, that such investigation and (PNP). Premium collections for Primaplans via
verification, to be proper, must be conducted by petitioner salary deductions were religiously remitted to
before, not after, issuing the Cease and Desist Order in [Primanila] on a monthly basis.
question. This, petitioner utterly failed to do. The issuance of - PNP remitted the total amount of Php2,072,149.38
such order even before it could finish its investigation and to respondent PRIMANILA representing the
verification on respondent's business activity obviously aforementioned premium collections via salary
contravenes Section 64 of R.A. No. 8799 earlier quoted. deductions of the 410 enlisted personnel of PNP
who are planholders.
Which brings us to the second requirement. Before a cease
- [PRIMANILA] failed to deposit the required monthly
and desist order may be issued by the SEC, there must be a
contributions to the trust fund in violation of Pre-
showing that the act or practice sought to be restrained will
need Rule 19.1.
operate as a fraud on investors or is likely to cause grave,
- [PRIMANILA] under-declared the total amount of its result in injury or fraud to the investing public. Without
collections as shown in its SEC Monthly Collection doubt, these requisites were duly satis8ed by the SEC prior to
Reports which it submitted to NTD. its issuance of the subject cease and desist order.

SEC declared that Primanila committed a flagrant violation of Investigators of the CED personally conducted an ocular
S16 (Pre-need Plans) of SRC. It also breached the New Rules inspection of Primanila's declared office, only to con8rm
on the Registration and Sale of Pre-Need Plans, specifically reports that it had closed even without the prior approval of
Rule Nos. 3 and 15. the SEC. Members of CED also visited the company website of
Primanila, and discovered the company's offer for sale
SEC then issued the subject cease and desist order "in order thereon of the pension plan product called Primasa Plan, with
to prevent further violations and in order to protect the instructions on how interested applicants and plan holders
interest of its plan holders and the public." could pay their premium payments for the plan. One of the
payment options was through bank deposit to Primanila's
Primanila filed a Motion for Reconsideration/Lift Cease and
given Metrobank account which, following an actual deposit
Desist Order arguing that it was denied due process as the
made by the CED was confirmed to be active.
order was released without any prior issuance by the SEC of
a notice or formal charge that could have allowed the The SEC was not mandated to allow Primanila to participate
company to defend itself. it was neither selling nor collecting in the investigation conducted by the Commission prior to the
premium payments for the product Primasa plans. The cease and desist order's issuance. Given the circumstances, it
product was previously developed but was never launched was sufficient for the satisfaction of the demands of due
and sold to the public following the resignation from the process that the company was amply apprised of the results
company in 2006 by Benjamin Munda, the one who crafted it. of the SEC investigation, and then given the reasonable
The Primanila company website that included details on the opportunity to present its defense. Primanila was able to do
Primasa product was not updated; the advertisement of the this via its motion to reconsider and lift the cease and desist
product on the website was the result of mere inadvertence. order.
Thus, the cease and desist order against Primanila would
allegedly not accomplish anything, but only prejudice the The validity of the SEC's cease and desist order is further
interest and claims of its other plan holders. sustained for having sufficient factual and legal bases. The
acts speci8cally restrained by the subject cease and desist
June 5, 2008, the SEC issued its Order denying Primanila's order were Primanila's sale, offer for sale and collection of
motion for reconsideration for lack of merit. The cease and payments speci8cally for its Primasa plans.
desist order issued on April 9, 2008 was then made
permanent. Primanila appealed to the CA via a petition for There could be no better conclusion from the foregoing
review. On March 9, 2010, the CA rendered its decision circumstances that Primanila was engaged in the sale or, at
dismissing the petition and affirming in toto the issuances of the very least, an offer for sale to the public of the Primasa
the SEC. plans. The offer for Primasa was direct and its reach was even
expansive, especially as it utilized its website as a medium and
W/N Primanila was given due process by SEC by filing the MR visits to it were, as could be expected, from prospective
- YES clients.
W/N cease and desist order is valid – YES It is beyond dispute that Primasa plans were not registered
with the SEC. Primanila was then barred from selling and
Primanila was accorded due process notwithstanding the
offering for sale the said plan product. A continued sale by the
SEC's immediate issuance of the cease and desist order on
company would operate as fraud to its investors, and would
April 9, 2008. The authority of the SEC and the manner by
cause grave or irreparable injury or prejudice to the investing
which it can issue cease and desist orders are provided in
public, grounds which could justify the issuance of a cease and
Section 64 of the SRC.
desist order under Section 64 of the SRC. Furthermore, even
The law is clear on the point that a cease and desist order may prior to the issuance of the subject cease and desist order,
be issued by the SEC motu proprio, it being unnecessary that Primanila was already enjoined by the SEC from selling
it results from a veri8ed complaint from an aggrieved party. and/or offering for sale pre-need products to the public. the
A prior hearing is also not required whenever the SEC from selling and/or offering for sale pre-need products to
Commission 8nds it appropriate to issue a cease and desist the public.
order that aims to curtail fraud or grave or irreparable injury
Petition is denied.
to investors.
SEC vs CJH Development (2016)
A cease and desist order may only be issued by the
Commission after proper investigation or veri8cation, and CJH Development Corporation (CJHDC) is a duly-organized
upon showing that the acts sought to be restrained could domestic corporation which is engaged in the acquisition,
development, sale, lease and management of real estate and they paid for the units by expiration of the Lease Agreement
any improvements thereon or any interest and right. in 2046. The buyers are given the right to use their units for
thirty (30) days within a year and they are exempted from
Respondent CJH Suites Corporation (CJHSC), on the other paying the monthly dues and utility fees.
hand, is a wholly owned subsidiary of CJHDC which was
formed primarily for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, Sometime in May 2010, the BCDA and the CJHDC entered into
operating and managing hotels, inns, lodging houses, an agreement for the restructuring of the latter's rental
restaurants and other allied businesses. payments and other Financial obligations to the former. Thus,
pursuant to this agreement, CJHDC transferred ownership of,
On October 19, 1996, CJHDC entered into a Lease Agreement among others, sixteen (16) units from "The Manor" and ten
(Agreement) with the Bases Conversion and Development (10) units from "The Suites" to the BCDA via dacion en pago.
Authority (BCDA) for the development into a public tourism These units were covered by Limited Warranty Deeds and
complex, multiple-use forest watershed and human resource were subject to a "leaseback" arrangement.
development center, of a 247-hectare property within the
John Hay Special Economic Zone in Baguio City. BCDA acquired information regarding CJHDC and CJHSC's
scheme of selling "The Manor" and "The Suites" units through
The Fixed annual rental for the property for the first Five "leaseback" or "moneyback" terms. Hence, in a letter dated
years was pegged at P425,001,378.00 or 5 percent of Gross November 18, 2011, the BCDA requested the SEC to conduct
Revenues, whichever is higher. Thereafter, for the duration of an investigation into the operations of CJHDC and CJHSC on
the lease period, the Fixed annual rental shall not be more the belief that the "leaseback" or "money-back" arrangements
than P150,000,000.00 or Five percent of Gross Revenues, they are offering to the public is, in essence, investment
whichever is higher. Among other provisions, the Agreement contracts which are considered as securities under SRC.
authorized CJHDC to sub-lease, develop and manage the
abovementioned property for a period of (50) years, or until Enforcement and Prosecution Department (EPD) of the SEC
2046. It was also provided that, upon expiration of the conducted its own investigation of the operations of CJHDC
Agreement, the leased property shall revert back to the BCDA and CJHSC with respect to the sale of the subject condotel
and all the improvements thereon shall become its property. units and, thereafter, submitted a Field Investigation Report.
April 23, 2012, the SEC's Corporation Finance Department
CJHDC came up with a development plan and put it into effect. (CFD) issued a Memorandum indicating its opinion that the
Part of such development plan was the construction of two "leaseback" arrangements offered by respondents to the
(2) condominium-hotels (condotels) which it named as "The public are investment contracts.
Manor" and "The Suites".
On May 16, 2012, the EPD Fled a Motion for Issuance of Cease
Subject to CJHDC's leasehold rights under the Agreement, the and Desist Order with the SEC En Banc praying that CJHDC
residential units in these condotels were then offered for sale and CJHSC, their respective ofFicers, directors,
to the general public by means of two schemes. The First is a representatives, salesmen, agents, and any and all persons
straight purchase and sale contract where the buyer pays the claiming and acting for and in their behalf be directed to
purchase price for the unit bought, either in lump sum or on immediately cease and desist "from further engaging in
installment basis and, thereafter, enjoys the beneFits of full activities of selling and/or offering for sale investment
ownership, subject to payment of maintenance dues and contracts covering the condotel units on "leaseback" and/or
utility fees. The second scheme involved the sale of the unit "money-back" arrangements until the requisite registration
with an added option to avail of a "leaseback" or a "money- statement is duly Fled with and approved by the Commission
back" arrangement. and the corresponding permit to offer/sell securities is
Under this added option, the buyer pays for the unit bought
and, subsequently, surrenders its possession to the CJHDC and CJHSC then Fled a Petition for Review before the
management of CJHDC or CJHSC. These corporations would CA questioning the above CDO and praying that the same be
then create a pool of these units and, in turn, will offer them reversed and set aside.
for billeting under the management of the hotel operated by
the Camp John Hay Leisure, Inc. (CJHLI). This arrangement On September 25, 2012, the CA issued a temporary
lasts for a period of (15) years with a renewal option for the restraining order which enjoins the SEC from enforcing its
same period until 2046. The buyers who opt for the questioned CDO for a period of sixty (60) days. November 8,
"leaseback" arrangement will receive either a proportionate 2012, the CA issued a writ of preliminary injunction which
share in seventy percent (70%) of the annual income derived was made effective pending the decision of the petition on the
from the hotel operation of the pooled rooms or a guaranteed merits. CA ruled in favor of CJHDC and CJHSC.
eight percent (8%) return on their investment. On the other
hand, those who choose to avail of the "money-back" THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR
arrangement are entitled to a return of the purchase price IN NOT OUTRIGHTLY DISMISSING THE APPEAL FILED BY
RESPONDENTS AGAINST AN INTERLOCUTORY OR Corollary to the principle of exhaustion of administrative
PROVISIONAL ORDER OF THE SEC. remedies is the third reason for denying the instant petition.
The main issue, as to whether or not the sale of "The Manor"
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR or "The Suites" units to the general public under the
AND ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION "leaseback" or "moneyback" scheme is a form of investment
AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN contract or sale of securities, is not a pure question of law. On
FAILING TO DISMISS THE PETITION FOR REVIEW the contrary, it involves a question of fact that falls under the
CONSIDERING THAT THE SEC HAS THE PRIMARY primary jurisdiction of the SEC. Under the doctrine of primary
JURISDICTION OVER THE CASE AND RESPONDENTS FAILED administrative jurisdiction, courts will not determine a
TO EXHAUST ALL THE ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES UNDER controversy where the issues for resolution demand the
THE LAW TO CHALLENGE THE PROVISIONAL ORDER. exercise of sound administrative discretion requiring the
special knowledge, experience, and services of the
administrative tribunal to determine technical and intricate
matters of fact, which under a regulatory scheme have been
placed within the special competence of such tribunal or
In other words, if a case is such that its determination
First, the Court agrees with petitioners that the challenged
requires the expertise, specialized training, and knowledge of
CDO is an interlocutory order. The word interlocutory refers
an administrative body, relief must First be obtained in an
to something intervening between the commencement and
administrative proceeding before resort to the court is had
the end of the suit which decides some point or matter but is
even if the matter may well be within the latter's proper
not a Final decision of the whole controversy. It is a settled
rule in this jurisdiction that an appeal may only be taken from
a judgment or Final order that completely disposes of the case In the instant case, the resolution of the issue as to whether
and that an interlocutory order is not appealable until after respondents' scheme of selling the subject condotel units is
the rendition of the judgment on the merits for a contrary rule tantamount to an investment contract and/or sale of
would delay the administration of justice and unduly burden securities, as deFined under the SRC, requires the expertise
the courts. and technical knowledge of the SEC being the government
agency which is tasked to enforce and implement the
In the present case, it is clear from the dispositive portion of
provisions of the said Code as well as its implementing rules
the CDO that its issuance is based on the Findings of the SEC
and regulations.
that there exists prima facie evidence that respondents are
engaged in the business of selling securities without the Upon issuance of the CDO, nothing prevented respondents
proper registration issued by the Commission. In fact, the from Fling a motion to lift the said Order wherein they could
non-appealability of a CDO issued by the SEC is provided for have amply explained their position. However, they chose not
under the 2006 Rules of Procedure of the Commission. Thus, to avail of this remedy and, instead, went directly, albeit
Section 10-8 of the Rules. In addition, the temporary erroneously, to the CA via a petition for review. Lastly, the
character, thus interlocutory nature, of a CDO is recognized Court neither agrees with the ruling of the CA that there is
under Section 10-5 of the same Rules. nothing in the assailed CDO which shows that the acts sought
to be restrained therein operate as a fraud on investors. The
Thus, pursuant to the above provision, the EPD of the SEC
SEC arrived at a preliminary Finding that respondents are
Filed a Motion for Issuance of Permanent Cease and Desist
engaged in the business of selling securities without the
Order on July 9, 2012 which, however, was subsequently
proper registration issued by the Commission. Based on this
overtaken by the CA's issuance of a temporary restraining
initial Finding, respondents' act of selling unregistered
order and preliminary injunction enjoining the SEC from
securities would necessarily operate as a fraud on investors
enforcing its assailed CDO.
as it deceives the investing public by making it appear that
Hence, as cited above, instead of Fling an appeal with the CA, respondents have authority to deal on such securities. As
respondents should have Fled a motion to lift the assailed correctly cited by the SEC, Section 8.1 of the SRC clearly states
CDO. Since the law and the SEC Rules require that this motion that securities shall not be sold or offered for sale or
be heard by the SEC, it is during this hearing that respondents distribution within the Philippines without a registration
could have presented evidence in support of their statement duly Fled with and approved by the SEC and that
contentions. However, they chose not to file the said motion. prior to such sale, information on the securities, in such form
Thus, the second reason for the denial of the instant petition and with such substance as the SEC may prescribe, shall be
is respondents' failure to exhaust all administrative remedies made available to each prospective buyer. The Court agrees
available to there. with the SEC that the purpose of this provision is to afford the
public protection from investing in worthless securities.
Petition is Granted. order on July 26, 1996, and a writ of preliminary injunction
on August 26, 1996. On June 17, 1998, the appellate court
PASTRA vs SEC (2007) dismissed the petition. It ruled that the power to regulate
petitioner's fees was included in the general power given to
Petitioner Philippine Association of Stock Transfer and
the SEC under Section 40 of The Revised Securities Act to
Registry Agencies, Inc. is an association of stock transfer
regulate, supervise, examine, suspend or otherwise
agents principally engaged in the registration of stock
discontinue, the operation of securities-related organizations
transfers in the stock-and-transfer book of corporations.
like petitioner.
May 10, 1996, petitioner's Board of Directors unanimously
While this case was pending, The Revised Securities Act by
approved a resolution allowing its members to increase the
authority of which the assailed orders were issued was
transfer processing fee they charge their clients from P45 per
repealed by Republic Act No. 8799 or The Securities
certiBcate to P75 per certiBcate, effective July 1, 1996; and
Regulation Code which became effective on August 8, 2000.
eventually to P100 per certiBcate, effective October 1, 1996.
Nonetheless, we Bnd it pertinent to rule on the parties'
The resolution also authorized the imposition of a processing
submissions considering that the effects of the July 11, 1996
fee for the cancellation of stock certiBcates at P20 per
Order had not been obliterated by the repeal of The Revised
certiBcate effective July 1, 1996.
Securities Act and there is still present a need to rule on
After a dialogue with petitioner, public respondent Securities whether petitioner was liable for the fees imposed upon it.
and Exchange Commission (SEC) allowed petitioner to
W/N the SEC acted with grave abuse of discretion or lack or
impose the P75 per certiBcate transfer fee and P20 per
excess of jurisdiction in issuing the controverted Orders of
certiBcate cancellation fee effective July 1, 1996. But,
July 8 and 11, 1996.
approval of the additional increase of the transfer fees to
P100 per certiBcate effective October 1, 1996, was withheld The Court notes that before its repeal, Section 47 of The
until after a public hearing. The SEC issued a letter- Revised Securities Act clearly gave the SEC the power to
authorization to this effect on June 20, 1996. enjoin the acts or practices of securities-related organizations
even without Brst conducting a hearing if, upon proper
June 24, 1996, the Philippine Association of Securities
investigation or veriBcation, the SEC is of the opinion that
Brokers and Dealers, Inc. registered its objection to the
there exists the possibility that the act or practice may cause
measure advanced by petitioner and requested the SEC to
grave or irreparable injury to the investing public, if left
defer its implementation. On June 27, 1996, the SEC advised
petitioner to hold in abeyance the implementation of the
increases until the matter was cleared with all the parties Said section enforces the power of general supervision of the
concerned. Petitioner nonetheless proceeded with the SEC under Section 40 of the then Revised Securities Act. As a
implementation of the increased fees. securities-related organization under the jurisdiction and
supervision of the SEC by virtue of Section 40 of The Revised
The SEC wrote petitioner on July 1, 1996, reiterating the
Securities Act and Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A
directive of June 27, 1996. On July 2, 1996, following a
petitioner was under the obligation to comply with the July 8,
complaint from the Philippine Stock Exchange, the SEC again
1996 Order. Defiance of the order was subject to
sent petitioner a second letter strongly urging petitioner to
administrative sanctions provided in Section 46 of The
desist from implementing the new rates in the interest of all
Revised Securities Act.
participants in the security market.
Petitioner failed to show that the SEC, which undoubtedly
Petitioner replied on July 3, 1996 that it had no intention of
possessed the necessary expertise in matters relating to the
defying the orders but stated that it could no longer hold in
regulation of the securities market, gravely abused its
abeyance the implementation of the new fees because its
discretion in Bnding that there was a possibility that the
members had already put in place the procedures necessary
increase in fees and imposition of cancellation fees will cause
for their implementation. Petitioner also argued that the
grave or irreparable injury or prejudice to the investing
imposition of the processing fee was a management
public. Indeed, petitioner did not advance any argument to
prerogative, which was beyond the SEC's authority to
counter the SEC's Bnding. Thus, there appears to be no
regulate absent an express rule or regulation.
substantial reason to nullify the July 8, 1996 Order. This is
July 8, 1996, the SEC issued Order No. 104, series of 1996, true, especially considering that, as pointed out by the OSG,
enjoining petitioner from imposing the new fees. petitioner's fee increases have far-reaching effects on the
capital market. Charging exorbitant processing fees could
Aggrieved, petitioner went to the Court of Appeals on discourage many small prospective investors and curtail the
certiorari contending that the SEC acted with grave abuse of infusion of money into the capital market and hamper its
discretion or lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing the above growth.
orders. The appellate court issued a temporary restraining
Moreover, it devolved upon petitioner to protect its interests On August 7, 2002, the Asistio group registered PIRC's STB.
adequately considering the clear implications of the Order of Upon learning of this, PIRC's assistant corporate secretary,
July 8, 1996. Petitioner had only itself to blame for its failure Celedonio Escaño, Jr., requested the SEC for a certification of
to present its evidence during the July 11, 1996 hearing. the registration in 1979 of PIRC's STB. Escaño presented the
1979-registered STB bearing the SEC stamp and the signature
The regulatory and supervisory powers of the Commission of the officer in charge of book registration.
under Section 40 of the then Revised Securities Act, in our
view, were broad enough to include the power to regulate Meanwhile, on October 17, 2002, the Asistio group filed in the
petitioner's fees. Indeed, Section 47 gave the Commission the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Muntinlupa City, a complaint
power to enjoin motu proprio any act or practice of petitioner against the Marcelo group. The Asistio group prayed that the
which could cause grave or irreparable injury or prejudice to Marcelo group be enjoined from acting as directors of PIRC,
the investing public. The intentional omission in the law of from physically holding office at PIRC's office, and from taking
any qualiBcation as to what acts or practices are subject to the custody of PIRC's corporate records.
control and supervision of the SEC under Section 47 conBrms
the broad extent of the SEC's regulatory powers over the October 30, 2002, the CRMD of the SEC issued a letter ecalling
operations of securities-related organizations like petitioner. the certification it had issued on August 6, 2002 and canceling
The SEC's authority to issue the cease-and-desist order being the 2002-registered STB. However, one Kennedy B.
indubitable under Section 47 in relation to Section 40 of the Sarmiento requested the SEC not to cancel the 2002-
then Revised Securities Act, and there being no showing that registered STB. The SEC thus scheduled a conference to
the SEC committed grave abuse of discretion in Bnding basis determine which of the two STBs is valid. The parties were
to issue said order, we rule that the Court of Appeals ordered to file their respective position papers. On February
committed no reversible error in aJrming the assailed orders. 12, 2003, the hearing officer ruled: recall the certification
For its open and admitted deBance of a lawful cease-and- issued on 6 August 2002 and cancel the stock and transfer
desist order, petitioner was held appropriately liable for the book registered on October 2002. Accordingly, the stock and
payment of the penalty imposed on it in the SEC's July 11, transfer book registered on 25 September 1979 shall remain
1996 Order. valid.

Petition denied. The Asistio group appealed to the SEC Board of

Commissioners. They claimed that the issue of which of the
Provident Int’l Resources Corp vs Joaquin Venue (2008) two STBs is valid is intra-corporate in nature; hence, the RTC,
not the SEC, has jurisdiction.
Petitioner Provident International Resources Corporation
(PIRC) is a corporation duly organized under Philippine law.
It was registered with the SEC on September 20, 1979. The SEC, in its assailed order, denied the appeal. The SEC
Edward T. Marcelo, Constancio D. Francisco, Lydia J. ratiocinated that the determination of which of the two STBs
Chuanico, Daniel T. Pascual, and Jose A. Lazaro, collectively is valid calls for regulatory, not judicial power and is therefore
within its exclusive jurisdiction.
known as the Marcelo group, were its incorporators, original
stockholders, and directors.
The Asistio group elevated the case to the Court of Appeals,
Another group, known as the Asistio group, composed of Luis which ruled in their favor. The Court of Appeals held that the
A. Asistio, Lazaro L. Madara, Alfredo D. Roa III, Joaquin T. issue of which of the two STBs is valid is intra-corporate and
Venus, and Jose Ma. Carlos L. Zumel, claimed that the Marcelo thus subject to the jurisdiction of the RTC.
group acquired shares in PIRC as mere trustees for the Asistio
group. The Marcelo group allegedly executed a waiver of pre- WHETHER OR NOT THE SEC HAS THE JURISDICTION TO
emptive right, blank deeds of assignment, and blank deeds of RECALL AND CANCEL A STOCK AND TRANSFER BOOK
transfer; endorsed in blank their respective stock certificates WHICH IT ISSUED IN 2002 BECAUSE OF ITS MISTAKEN
over all of the outstanding capital stock registered in their ASSUMPTION THAT NO STOCK AND TRANSFER BOOK HAD
names; and completed the blank deeds in 2002 to effect BEEN PREVIOUSLY ISSUED IN 1979.
transfers to the Asistio group.
To resolve the issue of jurisdiction, it would be good to look at
On August 6, 2002, the Company Registration and Monitoring the powers and functions of the SEC -The Securities
Department (CRMD) of the SEC issued a certification stating Regulation Code (Republic Act No. 8799)
that verification made on the available records of PIRC
From the above, it can be said that the SEC's regulatory
showed failure to register its stock and transfer book (STB).
authority over private corporations encompasses a wide
It also appears that on April 21, 1998, the Supervision and margin of areas, touching nearly all of a corporation's
Monitoring Department of the SEC had issued a show cause
concerns. This authority more vividly springs from the fact
letter to PIRC for its supposed failure to register its STB.
that a corporation owes its existence to the concession of its
corporate franchise from the state.
Under its regulatory responsibilities, the SEC may pass upon and regulatory compliances; conduct inspections; and impose
applications for, or may suspend or revoke (after due notice Gnes or other penalties for violations of the Revised Securities
and hearing), certificates of registration of corporations, Act, as well as implementing rules and directives of the SEC,
partnerships and associations (excluding cooperatives, such as may be warranted.LLpr Relative to its adjudicative
homeowners' association, and labor unions); compel legal authority, the SEC has original and exclusive jurisdiction to
and regulatory compliances; conduct inspections; and impose hear and decide controversies and cases involving — a. Intra-
fines or other penalties for violations of the Revised Securities corporate and partnership relations between or among the
Act, as well as implementing rules and directives of the SEC, corporation, oHcers and stockholders and partners, including
such as may be warranted. their elections or appointments; b. State and corporate affairs
in relation to the legal existence of corporation, partnerships
Considering that the SEC, after due notice and hearing, has the and associations or to their franchises; and c. Investors and
regulatory power to revoke the corporate franchise -- from corporate affairs, particularly in respect of devices and
which a corporation owes its legal existence -- the SEC must scheme, such as fraudulent practices, employed by directors,
likewise have the lesser power of merely recalling and oHcers, business associates, and/or other stockholders,
canceling a STB that was erroneously registered. partners, or members of registered Grms; as well as d.
Petitions for suspension of payment Gled by corporations,
Going to the particular facts of the instant case, we find that partnerships or associations possessing sufficient property to
the SEC has the primary competence and means to determine cover all their debts but which foresee the impossibility of
and verify whether the subject 1979 STB presented by the meeting them when they respectively fall due, or possessing
incumbent assistant corporate secretary was indeed insuHcient assets to cover their liabilities and said entities are
authentic, and duly registered by the SEC as early as upon petition or motu proprio, placed under the management
September 1979. As the administrative agency responsible of a Rehabilitation Receiver or Management Committee.
for the registration and monitoring of STBs, it is the body
cognizant of the STB registration procedures, and in The petition before this Court relates to the exercise by the
possession of the pertinent files, records and specimen SEC of its powers in a case involving a stockbroker
signatures of authorized officers relating to the registration of (CUALOPING) and a stock transfer agency (FIDELITY).
STBs. The evaluation of whether a STB was authorized by the
SEC primarily requires an examination of the STB itself and Cualoping Securities Corporation (CUALOPING) is a
the SEC files. This function necessarily belongs to the SEC as stockbroker, Fidelity Stock Transfer, Inc. (FIDELITY), on the
part of its regulatory jurisdiction. Contrary to the allegations hand, is the stock transfer agent of Philex Mining Corporation
of respondents, the issues involved in this case can be (PHILEX).
resolved without going into the intra-corporate controversies
brought up by respondents. 1988, certiGcates of stock of PHILEX representing one million
four hundred [thousand] (1,400,000) shares were stolen
As the regulatory body, it is the SEC's duty to ensure that there from the premises of FIDELITY. These stock certiGcates
is only one set of STB for each corporation. The determination consisting of stock dividends of certain PHILEX shareholders
of whether or not the 1979-registered STB is valid and of had been returned to FIDELITY for lack of forwarding
whether to cancel and revoke the August 6, 2002 certification addresses of the shareholders concerned.
and the registration of the 2002 STB on the ground that there
already is an existing STB is impliedly and necessarily within Later, the stolen stock certiGcates ended in the hands of a
the regulatory jurisdiction of the SEC. certain Agustin Lopez, a messenger of New World Security,
Inc., an entirely different stock brokerage Grm. In the Grst half
Under the circumstances of the instant case, we find no error of 1989, Agustin Lopez brought the stolen stock certificates to
in the exercise of jurisdiction by the SEC. All that the SEC was CUALOPING for trading and sale with the stock exchange.
tasked to do, and which it actually did, was to evaluate the When the said stocks were brought to CUALOPING, all of the
1979 STB presented to it. said stock certiGcates bore the 'apparent' indorsement
(signature) in blank of the owners (the stockholders to whom
Petition granted. the stocks were issued by PHILEX) thereof. At the side of
these indorsements (signatures), the words 'Signature
SEC vs Court of Appeals (1995) VeriGed' apparently of FIDELITY were stamped on each and
every certiGcate. Further, on the words 'Signature Verified'
The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has both showed the usual initials of the officers of FIDELITY.
regulatory and adjudicative functions.prLL Under its
regulatory responsibilities, the SEC may pass upon Upon receipt of the said certiGcates from Agustin Lopez,
applications for, or may suspend or revoke (after due notice CUALOPING stamped each and every certiGcate with the
and hearing), certiGcates of registration of corporations, words 'Indorsement Guaranteed,' and thereafter traded the
partnerships and associations (excluding cooperatives, same with the Stock Exchange. After the Stock Exchange
homeowners' associations, and labor unions); compel legal awarded and conGrmed the sale of the stock represented by
said certiGcates to different buyers, the same were delivered maintain the action. He is the person to whom the right to
to FIDELITY for the cancellation of the stocks certiGcates and seek judicial redress or relief belongs which can be enforced
for issuance of new certiGcates in the name of the new buyers. against the party correspondingly charged with having been
Agustin Lopez on the other hand was paid by CUALOPING responsible for, or to have given rise to, the cause of action. A
with several checks for Four Hundred Thousand person or entity tasked with the power to adjudicate stands
(P400,000.00) Pesos for the value of the stocks. "After neutral and impartial and acts on the basis of the admissible
acquiring knowledge of the pilferage, FIDELITY conducted an representations of the contending parties.
investigation with assistance of the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) and found that two of its employees were In the case at bench, the proper parties that can bring the
involved and signed the certificates. "After two(2) months controversy and can cause an exercise by the SEC of its
from receipt of said stock certiGcates, FIDELITY rejected the original and exclusive jurisdiction would be all or any of those
issuance of new certiGcates in favor of the buyers for reasons who are adversely affected by the transfer of the pilfered
that the signatures of the owners of the certiGcates were certiGcates of stock. Any peremptory judgment by the SEC,
allegedly forged and thus the cancellation and new issuance without such proceedings having initiated, would be
thereof cannot be effected." precipitate. We thus see nothing erroneous in the decision of
the Court of Appeals, albeit not for the reason given by it, to
11 August 1988, FIDELITY sought an opinion on the matter set aside the SEC's adjudication "without prejudice" to the
from SEC, which, on 06 October 1988, summoned FIDELITY right of persons injured to Gle the necessary proceedings for
and CUALOPING to a conference. appropriate relief.

On 26 October 1988, the Brokers and Exchange Department The other issue, i.e., the question on the legal propriety of the
("BED") of the SEC disposed of the matter in this manner: imposition by the SEC of a P50,000 Gne on each of FIDELITY
"WHEREFORE, Fidelity Stock Transfers, Inc., is hereby and CUALOPING, is an entirely different matter. This time, it
ordered to replace all the subject shares and to cause the is the regulatory power of the SEC which is involved. When,
transfer thereof in the names of the buyers within ten days on appeal to the Court of Appeals, the latter set aside the Gnes
from actual receipt hereof. "Cualoping Securities, Inc. for imposed by the SEC, the latter, in its instant petition, can no
having violated Section 29 a(3) of the Revised Securities Act longer be deemed just a nominal party but a real party in
is hereby ordered to pay a fine of P50,000.00 within Gve (5) interest sufficient to pursuant appeals to this Court. The
days from actual receipt hereof. "Henceforth, all brokers are Revised Securities Act (Batas Pambansa Blg. 178) is designed,
required to make out checks in payment of shares transferred in main, to protect public investors from fraudulent schemes
only in the name of the registered owners. by regulating the sale and disposition of securities, creating,
for this purpose, a Securities and Exchange Commission to
On 14 December 1989, the Commission rendered its decision: ensure proper compliance with the law. Here, the SEC has
Cualoping Securities Corporation and Fidelity Stock aptly invoked the provisions of Section 29, in relation to
Transfers, Inc. equally negligent in the performance of their Section 46, of the Revised Securities Act.
duties and violated S29 of RSA
There is, to our mind, no question that both FIDELITY and
The Commission has brought the case to this Court in the CUALOPING have been guilty of negligence in the conduct of
instant petition for review on certiorari, contending that the their affairs involving the questioned certiGcates of stock. To
appellate court erred in setting aside the decision of the SEC constitute, however, a violation of the Revised Securities Act
which had (a) ordered the replacement of the certiGcates of that can warrant an imposition of a Gne under Section 29 (3),
stock of Philex and (b) imposed fines on both FIDELITY and in relation to Section 46 of the Act, fraud or deceit, not mere
CUALOPING. negligence, on the part of the offender must be established.
Fraud here is akin to bad faith which implies a conscious and
This case, it might be recalled, has started only on the basis of
intentional design to do a wrongful act for a dishonest
a request by FIDELITY for an opinion from the SEC. The
purpose or moral obliquity; it is unlike that of the negative
stockholders who have been deprived of their certiGcates of
idea of negligence in that fraud or bad faith contemplates a
stock or the persons to whom the forged certiGcates have
state of mind aHrmatively operating with furtive objective.
ultimately been transferred by the supposed indorsee thereof
Given the factual circumstances found by the appellate court,
are yet to initiate, if minded, an appropriate adversarial
neither FIDELITY and CUALOPING, albeit indeed remiss in the
action. Neither have they been made parties to the
observance of due diligence, can be held liable under the
proceedings now at bench. A justiciable controversy such as
above provisions of the Revised Securities Act. We do not
can occasion an exercise of SEC's exclusive jurisdiction would
imply, however, that the negligence committed by private
require an assertion of a right by a proper party against
respondents would not at all be actionable; upon the other
another who, contests it. It is one instituted by and against
hand, as we have earlier intimated, such an action belongs not
parties having interest in the subject matter appropriate for
to the SEC but to those whose rights have been injured.
judicial determination predicated on a given state of facts.
That controversy must be raised by the party entitled to
Our attention is called by the Solicitor General on the violation SBGCCI and UIGDC averred that they had already
by FIDELITY of SEC-BED Memorandum Circular No. 9, series substantially complied with their commitment. SEC
of 1987. conducted an inspection and found that SBGCCI and UIGDC
failed to substantially comply with their commitment to
FIDELITY is candid enough to admit that it has truly failed to complete the project. They found out that Filart and Villareal
promptly notify CUALOPING and the clearing house of the invested because of SBGCCI and UIGDC’s representation of a
pilferage of the certiGcates of stock (pp. 225, 239-240, Rollo). 27-hole world class golf course being developed. Hence, the
FIDELITY strongly asserts, however, that it has been Gned by Corporate Finance Dept of SEC ordered the return of purchase
the SEC not by virtue of Memorandum Circular No. 9 but for a price of the shares.
violation of Section 29 (a)(3) of the Revised Securities Act,
and that the memorandum circular is only now being raised SBGCCI and UIGDC in a petition for review questioned the
for the first time in the instant petition. order and jurisdiction of the Corporation Finance
Deparment’s order before the SEC since the same involved an
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is intra-corporate dispute. SEC ruled that the proceedings were
AFFIRMED except the portion thereof which sets aside the administrative in nature. It was only conducted to
imposition by the Securities and Exchange Commission of a determining if SEC’s rules and regulations were violated. SEC
fine on FIDELITY which is hereby REINSTATED has power to investigate possible violations and impose
appropriate administrative sanctions. CA, however, declared
SEC’s decision as null and void since it found the case as an
Cases under Sec. 5 of PD 902-A (SEC Reorganization Act) intra-corporate controversy not under SEC’s jurisdiction.
transferred to RTC
Who between the SEC and the RTC has jurisdiction over this
SEC vs Subic Bay Golf and Country Club Inc (2015) case

Intra-corporate controversies, previously under the SEC’s Before solving the issue, we have to determine whether SEC
jurisdiction, are now under the jurisdiction of the RTC has the authority to order the return of purchase price of
designated as commercial courts. However, the transfer of securities upon finding that there were fraudulent
jurisdiction to the trial courts does not oust the SEC of its representation in the prospectus.
jurisdiction to determine if administrative rules and
The Court rules for SBGCCI and UIGDC.
regulations were violated.
Under PD No. 902-A, SEC has jurisdiction over acts amunting
On April 25 1996, Subic Bay Golf and Country Club, Inc
to fraud and misrepresentation by a corporation’s board of
(SBGCCI) and Universal International Group Development
directors, business association and officers, even intra-
Corporation (UIGDC) entered into a Development Agreement.
corporate disputes. However, jurisdiction over intra-
UIGDC agreed to “finance, construct and develop the golf
corporate disputes and all other cases enumerated in Sec 5
course, for an in consideration of the payment by SBGCCI of
had already been transferred to designated RTC under RA no.
it’s 1,530 shares of stock.
8799. For a dispute to be intra-corporate, it must satisfy the
Upon, SBGCCI’s application, SEC issued an order for the relationship and nature of controversy tests.
registration of 3,000 no par value shares of SBGCCI on July 8,
1996. SBGCCI was also issued a certificate of permit to offer  Relationship test – requires that the dispute be
between a:
securities for sale to the Public of its 1, 530 no par value
o corporation/partnership/association and
proprietary shares on August 9, 1996. The shares are sold at
the public;
P425,000 per share and the same were used to pay UIGDC for o a corporation/partnership/association
the development of the golf course. and the state regarding the entity’s
franchise, permit or license to operate;
Complainants Filart and Villareal informed SEC that they had
o a corporation/partnership/association
been asking UIGDC for the refund of their payment for their and its stockholders, partners, members
SGGBCCI shares. UIGDC did not act on their requests. They or officers; and
alleged that they purchased shares in the promise of SBGCCI o among stockholders, partners or
and UIGDC to deliver the ff:1) swimming pool and tennis associates of the entity
court; 2) 18 hole golf course; 3) 9 hole executive course and  Nature of the Controversy Test – requires that the
etc. However, these promises were not delivered. And despite action involves the enforcement of corporate rights
the undelivered promises, they started to charged monthly and obligations.
dues They were even threated that their shares would be In Medical Plaza Makati Condominium Corporation vs. Cullen:
auctioned off if their back dues would remain unpaid. “The controversy must not only be rooted in the existence of
an intra-corporate relationship, but must as well pertain to
the enforcement of parties’ correlative rights and obligations
under the Corporation Code and the internal and intra- Astra objected to the validation of the proxies issued in
corporate regulatory rules of the corporation.” favor of Tia, representing about 38% of the outstanding
capital stock of Omico. Astra also objected to the inclusion of
This case is an intra-corporate dispute, over which the RTC the proxies issued in favor of Tia and/or Martin Buncio,
has jurisdiction. It involves a dispute between the representing about 2% of the outstanding capital stock of
corporation, SBGCCI and its shareholders, Villareal and Filart. Omico.
Their right to a refund of the value of their shares was based
on SBGCCI and UIGDC's alleged failure to abide by their Astra maintained that the proxy issuers, who
representations in their prospectus. It involves the were brokers, did not obtain the required express written
determination of a shareholder's rights under the authorization of their clients when they issued the proxies in
favor of Tia. In so doing, the issuers were allegedly in violation
Corporation Code or other intra-corporate rules when the
of SRC Rules. Furthermore, the proxies issued in favor of Tia
corporation or association fails to fulfill its obligations.
exceeded, thereby giving rise to the presumption of
HOWEVER, even though it is intra-corporate in nature, it does solicitation thereof under said rules. Tia did not also comply
with the rules on proxy solicitation, in violation of the SRC.
not necessarily oust the Commission of its regulatory and
administrative jurisdiction to determine and act if there were
Despite the objections of Astra, Omico’s Board of
administrative violations committed. n relation to securities, Inspectors declared that the proxies issued in favor of Tia
the Securities and Exchange Commission's regulatory power were valid.
pertains to the approval and rejection, and suspension or
revocation, of applications for registration of securities for, 1. Whether or not SEC has jurisdiction over controversies
among others, violations of the law, fraud, and arising from the validation of proxies for the election of
misrepresentations. (CF: Sec 13 and 15) the directors of a corporation.
2. Whether or not SEC may appeal a reversal of its ruling.
To ensure compliance with the law and the rules, SEC is
empowered to impose fines and penalties. It may also FIRST ISSUE: None.
investigate motu propio to see whether corporations are
compliant. Any fraud or misrepresentation in the issuance of The Court held that when proxies are solicited in
securities injures the public. However, the Securities and relation to the election of corporate directors, the resulting
Exchange Commission's regulatory power does not include controversy, even if it ostensibly raised the violation of the
the authority to order the refund of the purchase price of SEC rules on proxy solicitation, should be properly seen as
Villareal's and Filart's shares in the golf club. The issue of an election controversy within the original and exclusive
jurisdiction of the trial courts by virtue of Section 5.2 of the
refund is intra-corporate or civil in nature. Similar to issues
SRC. Hence, the jurisdiction is still with the Special
such as the existence or inexistence of appraisal rights, pre-
Commercial Courts.
emptive rights, and the right to inspect books and corporate
records, the issue of refund is an intra- corporate dispute that An election contest covers any controversy or
requires the court to determine and adjudicate the parties' dispute involving the validation of proxies, in general. Thus, it
rights based on law or contract. Injuries, rights, and can only refer to all the beneficial purposes that validation of
obligations involved in intra-corporate disputes are specific proxies can bring about when made in connection with a
to the parties involved. They do not affect the Securities and forthcoming election of directors. Thus, there is no point in
Exchange Commission or the public directly. making distinctions between who has jurisdiction before and
who has jurisdiction after the election of directors, as all
Hence, the issue of refund should be litigated in the controversies related thereto – whether before, during or
appropriate Regional Trial Court. This issue is both intra- after – shall be passed upon by regular courts as provided by
corporate and civil in nature, which is under the jurisdiction law.
of the designated Regional Trial Courts.
SEC vs CA, Omico; Astra Securities vs Omico (2014) The Court held that quasi-judicial agencies do not
have the right to seek the review of an appellate
Omico Corporation (Omico) is a company whose shares of court decision reversing any of their rulings. This is because
stock are listed and traded in the Philippine Stock Exchange, they are not real parties-in-interest. Thus, the Court expunged
Inc. Astra Securities Corporation (Astra) is one of the the petition filed by the SEC for the latter’s lack of capacity
stockholders of Omico owning about 18% of the latter’s to file the suit.
outstanding capital stock.
Speed vs CA (2004)
Omico scheduled its annual stockholders’ meeting on 3
November 2008. It set the deadline for submission of proxies Pastor Lim died intestate and was survived by his wife, the
on 23 October 2008 and the validation of proxies on 25 private respondent, and his informally adopted daughter Lita
October 2008. Lim Marcelo, among others. On March 17, 1995, the private
respondent, through her nephew and attorney-in-fact George
Luy, filed a petition for the administration of the estate of her and Writ of Preliminary Injunction with Damages against
deceased husband before the Regional Trial Court. respondents before the RTC of Muntinlupa City seeking to
(Madami pang away sa lupa) The complaint (subject if the enjoin the sale of their shares of stock which they purportedly
issue) is one for the nullification of the deed of absolute sale bought and already paid by them in full, but were nonetheless
executed by Leslim (one of the corporations of the deceased) offered for sale on to the corporation’s stockholders.
in favor of Speed (another one of the corporations of the
deceased) over the property covered by TCT No. T-36617 in The case was raffled to Branch 276, which is not a Special
the name of Leslim, the cancellation of TCT No. T-116716 in Commercial Court. Said branch issued a temporary
the name of Speed, as well as the Secretary’s Certificate dated restraining order, and later, an Order granting the application
August 22, 1994. The private respondent alleged that since for a writ of preliminary injunction.
her deceased husband, Pastor Lim, acquired the property
during their marriage, the said property is conjugal in nature, Respondents filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of lack
although registered under the name of Leslim under TCT No. of jurisdiction over the subject matter, pointing out that the
T-36617. She asserted that the petitioners connived to case involves an intra-corporate dispute and should, thus, be
deprive the estate of Pastor Lim and his heirs of their
heard by the designated Special Commercial Court of
possession and ownership over the said property using a
Muntinlupa City.
falsified Secretary’s Certificate stating that the Board of
Directors of Leslim had a meeting on August 19, 1995, when, The RTC granted the motion to dismiss.
in fact, no such meeting was held. Petitioner Lita Lim was
never a stockholder of Leslim or a member of its Board of Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration was denied. Hence,
Directors; her husband, petitioner Ireneo Marcelo was the the present petition.
Vice-President of Speed; and, petitioner Pedro Aquino was
Leslim’s corporate secretary. The private respondent further Whether or not Branch 276 of the RTC of Muntinlupa City
averred that the amount of P3,900,000.00, the purchase price erred in dismissing the case for lack of jurisdiction over the
of the property under the deed of absolute sale, was not paid subject matter.
to Leslim, and that petitioners Spouses Marcelo and
petitioner Pedro Aquino contrived the said deed to The petition is meritorious.
consummate their devious scheme and chicanery. The private
respondent concluded that the Deed of Absolute Sale was Applying the relationship test and the nature of the
simulated; hence, null and void. controversy test, the suit between the parties is clearly rooted
ISSUE: WON the case at bar is one involving intra-corporate in the existence of an intra-corporate relationship and
dispute pertains to the enforcement of their correlative rights and
HELD: NO obligations under the Corporation Code and the internal and
To determine whether a case involves an intra-corporate intra-corporate regulatory rules of the corporation, hence,
controversy, and is to be heard and decided by the Branches
intra-corporate, which should be heard by the designated
of the RTC specifically designated by the Court to try and
Special Commercial Court as provided under A.M. No. 03-03-
decide such cases, two elements must concur: (a) the status
or relationship of the parties; and (2) the nature of the 03-SC in relation to Item 5.2, Section 5 of RA 8799.
question that is the subject of their controversy.
The designation of Special Commercial Courts was merely
The first element requires that the controversy must arise out
intended as a procedural tool to expedite the resolution of
of intra-corporate or partnership relations between any or all
of the parties and the corporation, partnership or association commercial cases in line with the court’s exercise of
of which they are stockholders, members or associates; jurisdiction.
between any or all of them and the corporation, partnership
The instant petition is granted. The Orders of the RTC of
or association of which they are stockholders, members or
associates, respectively; and between such corporation, Muntinlupa City, Branch 276 are reversed and set aside. The
partnership or association and the State insofar as it concerns Executive Judge shall assign said case to Branch 256, the sole
their individual franchises. The second element requires that designated Special Commercial Court in the RTC of
the dispute among the parties be intrinsically connected with Muntinlupa City.
the regulation of the corporation.
f the nature of the controversy involves matters that are
purely civil in character, necessarily, the case does not involve
an intra-corporate controversy. The determination of
whether a contract is simulated or not is an issue that could
be resolved by applying pertinent provisions of the Civil Code.

Gonzales vs GJH Land (2015)

Petitioners filed a Complaint for Injunction with prayer for

Issuance of Status Quo Order, Temporary Restraining Orders,

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