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Many established studies shown the big influence of the internet in our

society nowadays. Internet is revolutionized with High Speed transfer rate in the

world. Sharing, storage through clouds and fastest information retrieval regardless

of person’s whereabouts. A variety of web technologies emerged in the internet.

There’s one technology that’s creating a big impact with regard to sharing,

communicating and also shared information through social media networks.

Among the vast variety of online tools which are available only for communicating,

social networking sites (SNS) have become the most modern attractive tools for

connecting people throughout the world (Aghazamani, 2010).

Social media Utilization and Its Effect to the Study Habit of the Grade 12

Students (Osharive 2015), social media have positive and negative effects on

teenagers in the study conducted in University of Lagos in Nigeria. The negative

effects contain lack of privacy, students distracting their academic works and

taking most of their productive time lesson. In Biliran national high school teachers

ban the students on using cellphone because it distract the student, cause them

for not paying attention to the teacher when discussing a lesson. Many people use

social media even though they are in work or in the middle of lesson. On the other

hand, positive effects such as forming online communities in order to plan for a

project, have group discussions about class material or use the social networking
sites as a way to keep in contact when a student who has been absent needs to

be updated on current academic information have benefits if used appropriately.

This only shows that technology is evolving at a very fast rate and its effect is very

apparent in the current generation. But as it is, technology like two sides of a coin,

bring with it both negative and positive sides.

In a study conducted in a state university in Iloilo, the results showed that

the respondents study habits and academic performance were to high extent

influenced by social networking. Most likely that this high influence may have been

result of easy access to and brought about by the accessibility of gadgets in the

market may have been another reason Judilla and Gamora (2015). Many students

in Biliran National Agricultural High School spend their money for mobile data, they

sometimes prefer on having a load than to spend their money on more important

things, like school supply. Social media distract the students even at home, instead

of finishing their chores, they sometimes prefer their cellphone to spend the day.

The parents of the children began to protest to their children because they are

busy on using cellphone than finishing their homework.

Social media give us the freedom to search on whatever but it is limited.

Social media lead to bullying, many students practice this lead to

misunderstanding and fighting. Some students use social media for academic

purposes. Murthy (2013), social media can be defined as the many relatively

inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enable anyone to publish

and access information, collaborate on a common effort or build relationship.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between study habits and utilization

of social media specifically to achieve the following objectives:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the effects of social networking sites to Biliran National

Agricultural High School Senior High School students terms of the

following aspects:

2.1 Social aspects

2.2 Study and Academic Performances

3. What level of study habit base on hours spent?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the utilization and effect of Study Habit

of Biliran National Agricultural High School Senior High School Students when it

comes to Social Networking Sites

Theoretical Framework

Different researchers have done many studies to support with evidences or

arguments, if social media will have an effect to the study habits of students. This

research was based from the study of Osharive (2015), Judilla and Gemora (2015),

Nayzabekov (2012), Power (2012) and Yeboah and Ewur (2014).

Many available studies establish a significant positive relationship between

social media utilization and study habits. Such studies include de Villiers (2010),

Lusk (2010), Madden (2011) and Jacobsen & Forste (2011).

Olutola, et al. (2016) used students study habit as the dependent variable. He

stated that there is significant relationship between students level of use of social

media and study habits. Thus, students level of use of social media is positively

related to study habit. This means that the more the use of social media by the

students, the better is students study habits. His independent variable is social

media utilization. He used frequency questionnaire to know which social media is

more used frequently by the students.

Conceptual Framework

This study aimed to establish the relationship of the level of utilization of

social media to the students’ study habit in Biliran National Agricultural High School

Senior High School Students.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Social Media Utilization

Students Study Habit

Significance of the study

The study is significant because it attempts to determine the Utilization and

Effect of Social Media to the Senior High School Students which can affect their

focus on studying, results of their study may provide insights on how Social Media

affect the their study habit. This is important to Senior High School students who

constantly using social media.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to the Utilization and its effect to the study habit of

Grade 12 students in Biliran National Agricultural High School Senior High School.

The study involves the HUMSS A and B of BNAHS Grade 12 students.

Definition of Terms

For clarification and appreciation of this study, the following terms are


Social Media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate

the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of

expression via virtual communities and Networks. Social Media is the collective of

online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction,

content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums,

microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis.

Utilization The proportion of the available time (expressed usually as a

percentage) that a piece of equipment.

Effect is something that is produced by an agency or cause, result,


Behaviour is the actions by which a person adjusts to his environment.

Social role is a defined pattern of behaviour that is expected of person in a

given setting or group.

Study Habit are the behaviours used when preparing for tests or learning

academic material.


Teenagers nowadays use the internet for the majority of their daily activities

and gathering information as opposed to older generations who used resources

like newspapers, radio, and televisions (Lewis, 2008)

As survey of Nielsen Media Research Study in June 2010, 25 percent of

students’ time on the internet spent more on Social Networking sites (Jacobsen &

Forste, 2011). Facebook is the most used social network by the students, followed

by YouTube, Instagram and Twitter in a Survey conducted by de Villiers (2010).

Based on baguioheraldexpressonline, students are highly motivated to

using social media sites the majority of them these to satisfy their social needs

more than their social needs more than their academic needs. They have the

freedom to do whatever they want – they can upload or download data, they can

make new friends and comment on other people’s lives, and they can even create

other online identities the real world does not allow. It has been observed too that

the majority of the students nowadays, particularly those in the secondary level,

spend most of their time chatting with their acquaintances, playing online games,

and watching videos instead of reading their lessons, making their assignments,

and other academic requirements. The main reason is when they work or search

their materials online they get attracted to social networking sites to kill boredom

during study time, diverting their attention from their work. The darker side of this
that has gained the attention of many parents is that some students are getting

lazier and are no longer interested in going to school. This is probably due to being

extensively indulged to get global access and therefore leading them to perform

less academically. As they observed from my Grades 7 and 8 students at the

Tabuk City National High School the same positive and negative impact of using

social media inside and outside the classroom. I found these social sites helpful

when one time I needed to communicate with my students, reminding them of their

assignments and urgent requirements. In addition, l also used these social sites

to refer my students to helpful resources that could fetch them higher grades in

academics. I tried to encourage the students, particularly the teens with gadgets

having internet facilities, to use it to supplement their researches in the library

rather than the usual chatting with friends all the time.

As a result, almost 85 percent of them their able cope with their academic

difficulties and at least 65 to 75 percent of the class obtained the average level of

performance. However, students should be encouraged to limit the time they

spend on social media sites and be advised to rather substitute those hours with

reading some learning materials – short stories, novels, etc. to improve their

vocabulary. Since the use of social media sites had affected the academic

performance of students negatively, there is a need to introduce the students other

information resources or materials that would motivate and help them perform well

in their academics.
Based on peacetime online, social media is sought to be a huge distraction

for college students it also helps with their learning and adjustments.

Social Media opens a whole new technological world for students, however

students choose to adapt to the new “world” is the ultimate decider of their

academic success.

Social media usage had a negative influence on academic performance of

students in Ko Gi State, Nigeria. Also conclude that the students more likely to use

social media is more likely to perform poorly on their academics performance than

those who did not Perpetua O. Ezej & Kelechi E. Ezeji (2018)

Judilla and Gamora (2015)


Peter, Osharive (2015)


Aghazamani, 2010

Perpetua O. Ezeji, & Kelechi E. Ezeji. (2018). Effect of Social Media on the Study

Habits of Students of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri (Version

10008995). International Journal of Business, Human and Social Sciences,


Nayzabekov (2012)

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