Capstone Project (Term 4) : Project Proposal Information Requirements - Individual Submission Template

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Capstone Project (term 4): Project Proposal

Information requirements – Individual Submission Template

Team # 10 Team Member Name: Akanksha Singh

Client Project Name: McDonal’s – Case 8 Case 8

1) The Marketing Goal/ Task : (max. 75 words)

Following are the marketing goals:

1) To understand the motivation amongst the TG for McDonald’s i.e. families and young
2) To understand the media habits amongst the children belonging to the set of McDonald’s
Target Audience.
3) To clearly map the different channels of media as Television, Print , Digital , Online and
OOH which would act as touch points to reach our audience.
4) To map customer buying journey so that we can prioritize these touchpoints and medium to
be used at that touchpoint.

2) Your thinking and analysis framework covering decision issues, decision/ action options, criteria
for deciding how you will solve the problem (about 150 words)

Analysis framework- use consumer buying journey map to identify the media and non-media
habits of our TG. Since, we are already aware of the demographics and geographic segments we will
design a questionnaire for interview to specifically understand the behavioral and psychographic
segments of the TG and identify the perception, motivations and touch points that lead to sale of the
Then, we will form the clout using the key drivers we have identified which will help us map
perception and preferences. This will help us understand our audience and form communication to reach
our customers better and position ourselves more in sync with our customers.

3) Specific research tasks and key information Requirements , sources you will look for secondary
data apart from surveys (about 250 words)

Research tasks are as follows:

- Understand the industry and competitors
- Research and identify behavioral and psychographic drivers for sale of the product.
- Identify the touchpoints and media habits
- Formulate a method to prioritize them
Secondary Resources to be used
- Social media listening tools for Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Annual Report- Mc Donald’s
- Media habits report (FICCI, Google Adwords)
- Euromonitor, Emarketer etc.
- Latest trends prevalent in TG (by EY, KPMG etc.)

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