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Conservation International Indonesia Elasmobranch

(Shark and Rays) Conservation Program aims to use
Hello, I am a Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus). I Fully protected in Indonesian waters scientific information related to population dynamics and
am popular as Pakek Torok (Pakek means shark based on the Minister of Marine Affairs movement of whale sharks and manta rays in supporting the
and Torok means deaf) around Saleh Bay, Sum- and Fisheries Regulation
No 18/KepMen-KP/2013. management of marine protected areas and the development
bawa. I have big body like a whale, but I belong
to the family of sharks because I breathe with of sustainable community-based tourism.
gills. That is why people call me as Whale Shark.

Whale shark conservation program in Saleh Bay, Sum-

bawa, where whale sharks love eating and swimming
The largest fish in the world that around Bagan boat:
can grow up to 18 meters long
Stated under the category and weigh 20-30 tons.
of “Endangered” on IUCN
Red List.

Satellite tagging and

monitoring whale shark
I feed on plankton and
small fish (masin) or
small shrimp (rebon).

Education and outreach

to local community

Are known to be able to dive until 1880 Support citizen science

meters depth (the deepest recorded!). initiative by Bagan fishers
Male whale sharks have claspers (two to identify whale shark
reproductive organs) in the lower body,
while the female whale shark does not. sighting
Keep 3 meters
distance from whale

GENERAL RULES Litter to the ocean

Use flash camera
while in front of the
sharks’ body or head

whale sharks’ eyes

• Fill out the reservation sheet and

release statement Take position next to
• Follow guidance from tour guide Use accessories
(e.g. bracelets, whale sharks’ body

• Maximum duration of activities: chains, etc.)

observation from boat 60 ------

------ -------

minutes, swimming / snorkeling 30


------ --------
Keep 4 meters

- - - ------

- - - - - - -- -
distance from whale

- - - - --- -
Feed the whale shark

Smoke on board
minutes, diving 45 minutes sharks’ tail

• Snorkeling activities are only

allowed for guests who have a
diving certificate Make any physical
• Guests who do not have a diving contact with the whale
shark (touching,
Be calm and move

certificate do observation from boat pulling, or riding

gently when whale
shark approach

• Maximum number of tourists are 6

guests per boat for all activities Bring plastic bottle to
Use sun cream/lotion Wear swimming
suit/rash guide

Reservations must be made no later than two days prior to observing whale shark tours. Please contact Mr. M. Tourist itinerary from recreational
Iqbal Hidayat on number +628123721461. boats (liveaboard)
Important! - Submit reservation sheet and liability
Whale shark movements cover very large area, therefore there is no guarantee for tourists to be able to see statement, then have briefing/
with the whale sharks in every whale shark tour. technical meeting from whale shark
tour guide
- Whale shark observation activities
- Return to liveaboard
Land-based tourist itinerary
Day 01
- Arrive in the village and visit the whale shark Labuhan Jambu Village is located in
tour station Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency, West
- Submit reservation sheet and liability Nusa Tenggara with an area of 32.33
statement, then have briefing/technical meeting with km2. It is located in the eastern area of
whale shark tour guide Saleh Bay which is now being prioritized
- Check in homestay as one of SAMOTA's tourist destinations
- Tour around the village (Teluk Saleh, Moyo Island, and Mount
- Free program and overnight at homestay Tambora) by the Sumbawa Regency
government. Fisheries potential, namely
Day 02 fishing by Bagan boat, is one of the main
- Departure to sea at 04.00 WITA from land by livelihood activity for community. The
bringing personal needs (towels, drinking water appearance of whale sharks around the
bottles, clothes, hats, etc.) Bagan boat has been known for a long
- Whale shark observation activities time, but not until 2017, when conserva-
- Breakfast on boats tion management effort and communi-
- Return to the village (around 08.00) for free time and ty-based ecotourism of whale sharks was
homestay check-out (12.00) initiated in Saleh Bay, Labuhan Jambu
- Travel to Sumbawa Village.

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