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Trial Report Areeba Khan

Reduction of cell phones Electromagnetic Radiations effect on

human body
(Shielding Effect)

Areeba Siddique
BS physics

Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim-Yar-Khan

May 22, 2019

Trial Report Areeba Khan


Electromagnetic waves generated by different wireless systems like

mobile systems, satellite systems, microwave links…etc. facilitates our
communications throughout the world. These waves have many effects
on the human body as well as our daily lives. The effects of
electromagnetic waves cause many problems and diseases in the
human body like cancer. We will use shielding phenomenon to reduce
the effect of EMR on human body. Electromagnetic shielding is the
process of lowering the electromagnetic field in an area by protecting it
with conductive or magnetic material. Shielding involves placing a
proper barrier between the source of the EMF and the people. There
are many types of shielding material, and it is critical to choose the
right one, in the right quantity, and install it in the right way.
Precautionary measure should be taken to protect one’s self and family
and friends from the harmful effects of mobile radiation. Mobile
radiation might not seem harmful in almost immediate effects but is
such a slow poison to cause harmful effects to us and even our future
generations, in the long run. The problem of protection against
electromagnetic radiation has a very important technical aspect
concerning a reduction in the level of reciprocal interference of
electronic instruments. The reduction in the adverse effect of
electromagnetic radiation from cell phones is theoretically explained in
the research work.

Trial Report Areeba Khan

Table of Contents
1.0 Summary................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 The Problem ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Method of Investigation ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Subject................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Methods, Assumptions and Procedures................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Methods .............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Results and Discussions.......................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Discussions ...................................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Restatement of Result ........................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 Concluding Remarks........................................................................................................................ 8
6.0 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 8
6.1 Further studies .................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Suggested actions ........................................................................................................................... 9
7.0 References .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Appendix....................................................................................................................................................... 9
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................................................................................................... 11
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 11
List of Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. 11

List of Figures
Figure 1: A graphical representation of the spectrum of electromagnetic energy or radiation .................. 5
Figure 2:Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation ................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Fiber optic link as alternative for microwave link.......................................................................... 8

Trial Report Areeba Khan

1.0 Summary
1.1 The Problem
The effects of electromagnetic waves may cause many problems and diseases in the human body
like brain cancer. Nowadays, types of the cancer caused by these waves have increased because
mobile users have increased, and they use cell phones for long periods of times. Because of the
risk cell phones pose to people, this proposal will address how people can reduce the effects of
electromagnetic waves.

1.2 Method of Investigation

We will use shielding phenomenon to reduce the effect of EMR on human body.
Electromagnetic shielding is the process of lowering the electromagnetic field in an area by
barricading it with conductive or magnetic material. Copper is used for radio frequency (RF)
shielding because it absorbs radio and electromagnetic waves. Properly designed and
constructed copper RF shielding enclosures satisfy most RF shielding needs, from computer and
electrical switching rooms to hospital CAT-scan and MRI facilities.

1.3 Conclusion
The conclusion drawn from the investigatory project finally states the mobile radiation is harmful
to human health. The effects may not be noted almost immediately, but will be causing adverse
effects to the present as well the future generations and we can reduce its effects by using
shielding phenomenon in many devices. Shielding devices, in turn, uses that phenomenon and
protect us.

1.4 Recommendations
Research question is: How can we reduce exposure to radiation from cell phones? The proposal
consists of many recommendations in wireless systems, such as mobile systems, which guide the
users of wireless users, especially mobile users, on how to reduce the effect of these waves.
Hoping in future researchers will propose alternative techniques because it is a good and useful
attempt designing other techniques is better than making adjustments on current wireless
systems to reduce these waves. Furthermore, it will be a useful contribution to society because
it will prevent harmful effects on humans.

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Subject
It is evident that electromagnetic waves generated by different wireless systems like mobile
systems, satellite systems, and microwave systems facilitate communication throughout the
world. These waves have many negative effects on the human body, on the environment, as
well as on our daily lives. The electromagnetic spectrum (EM) contains an array of

Trial Report Areeba Khan

waves increasing in frequency from Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency (ELF/VLF),
Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwaves, to Infrared (IR) light, Visible Light, Ultraviolet (UV) light,
X-rays, and Gamma rays. Figure1 is the graphical representation of the spectrum of
electromagnetic energy or radiation in ascending frequency (decreasing wavelength). The
general nature of the effect is noted for different ranges.

Figure 1: A graphical representation of the spectrum of electromagnetic energy or radiation

Types of Electromagnetic Waves:

Electromagnetic waves have two types of radiation: ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation contains sufficient electromagnetic energy to strip atoms and molecules from
the tissue and alter chemical reactions in the body. Human beings are constantly exposed to low
levels of ionizing radiation from natural sources. This type of radiation is referred to as natural
background radiation. The main sources are visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared light,
radioactive materials on the earth’s surface; radioactive gases leaking from the earth, cosmic rays
from the outer ionosphere, and natural radio activity in the human body. Non-ionizing radiation
is classified at the lower part of the frequency spectrum with energy levels below that required
for effects at the atomic level. Figure 2 shows the two radiation types.

Figure 2:Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation

Trial Report Areeba Khan

2.2 Purpose
The objectives as outlined in this research after an introduction about the electromagnetic waves
are as follows:
a. Explaining the effects of electromagnetic waves radiation on human.
b. Methods to reduce electromagnetic wave radiation.
c. The effect of methods to reduce electromagnetic wave radiation.
d. Presenting useful recommendations to the cell phone users for reducing effects of the
electromagnetic wave’s radiation.

2.3 Scope
This research gives useful information not only to the cell phone users, also to other wireless
systems users like satellite systems and microwave systems users in order to reduce the effects
of electromagnetic wave radiation on human.

3.0 Methods, Assumptions and Procedures

3.1 Methods
Electromagnetic shielding is the practice of reducing the electromagnetic field in a space by
blocking the field with barriers made of conductive or magnetic materials. Shielding is typically
applied to enclosures to isolate electrical devices from their surroundings, and to cables to
isolate wires from the environment through which the cable runs. Electromagnetic shielding
that blocks radio frequency electromagnetic radiation is also known as RF shielding.
The shielding can reduce the coupling of radio waves, electromagnetic fields, and electrostatic
fields. A conductive enclosure used to block electrostatic fields is also known as a Faraday cage.
The amount of reduction depends very much upon the material used, its thickness, the size of
the shielded volume and the frequency of the fields of interest and the size, shape and
orientation of apertures in a shield to an incident electromagnetic field.

3.2 Assumptions
If you want to prevent the radiation getting through at home, then thick walls or metal help but
it is only possible if you know the frequencies involved then the solution is to create a Faraday
cage such as a metal mesh of half-wavelength pitch. Line your house and windows with it and
radiation shouldn’t get through (but your TV signal might not get through either, depending on
the frequency), or start a new line in clothing for outdoor use.

3.3 Procedure
The microwave radiation emitted by the phone must reach the cell tower. Furthermore, the
emissions from the tower must reach the phone. The trick is to allow this communication to
take place, but minimize the amount of radiation that is "wasted" by being absorbed by the
user's body. There are several ways to accomplish this.

Trial Report Areeba Khan

• Increase the distance between the phone and the body. By increasing the distance, the
intensity of the radiation is decreased... just like the flame from a candle is hotter close
up to the flame and cooler as distance increases. Using a built-in speaker phone is one
way to accomplish this. Using a hands-free headset is another. Of course, if you hold the
phone in your hand, or in a pocket or purse near your body, you have not reduced your
exposure, only transferred it from your head to another part. Naturally, the further the
phone is from the body, the less radiation is absorbed by the body. Use an extension cord
on the headset if you can, and put the phone down.
• Place a shield between the phone and your body. There are several styles of cellphone
shield which block the emitted radiation on one side of the phone. Naturally, you will
want that shield on the side of the phone that is between the phone and your body. You
can use the shield style that goes right onto the phone, or you can line a pocket or purse
with a shielding fabric. The shield should be at least as big as the phone, since the entire
phone radiates... not just the antenna.

Notice that these techniques reduce the user's exposure. Because the room is still filled with the
microwaves emitted by the phone, exposure is not eliminated, and of course there is no benefit
to others in the room.

4.0 Results and Discussions

4.1 Results
Shielding involves placing a proper barrier between the source of the EMF and the people. There
are many types of shielding material, and it is critical to choose the right one, in the right quantity,
and install it in the right way. The shielding material can often be placed directly on the source of
the EMF, or perhaps on or near the body of the person. We are always willing to assist you in
choosing the proper material for your situation.

4.2 Discussions
Shielding any RF device with a “Faraday shield” like wrapping it with foil or putting it in a pocket
lined with foil will block the radio frequency energy. So, the phone will cease to communicate
with the world. No texts, no emails, no voicemails etc. Putting the shield just on the body side
will block signal radiating in that direction but it will still spill out in all other directions and
diffraction effects will still bend some of it into your body. Therefore, you will actually be better
served and conserve your battery life by switching it off.

5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Restatement of Result
The conclusion drawn from the investigatory project finally states the mobile radiation is harmful
to human health. The effects may not be noted almost immediately, but will be causing adverse
effects to the present as well the future generations because of the ability of the radiations to
effect human which have a high potential to cause new diseases in the future generations.

Trial Report Areeba Khan

Precautionary measure should be taken to protect one’s self and family and friends from the
harmful effects of mobile radiation. Mobile radiation might not seem harmful in almost
immediate effects but is such a slow poison to cause harmful effects to us and even our future
generations, in the long run.

5.2 Concluding Remarks

Some of the buildings at my workplace are fairly well protected against cellphone radiation - they
have metal cladding, and wire-mesh reinforced glass in the windows. That paradoxically means
that any cellphones inside the building will transmit more powerful radio signals in attempt to
reach a tower; my old phone would discharge in about 8 hours if I forgot to turn it off. So, you
would also have to ban cellphones from your house if you wrapped your house in metal mesh. A
similar technique is I believe used for secure conference rooms at agencies such as the NSA - the
room is double-wrapped in mesh and RF and acoustic noise injected into the gap to prevent
radio-based bugging devices.

6.0 Recommendations
6.1 Further studies
Further, you can seek a different method which help you to reduce the effect of cell phones EMR
are as follows:
Technically : All mobile companies can develop this systems that they can reduce microwave
systems and use the best alternative which fiber optic cables, Figure 8 is a proposed alternative
using fiber optic system instead of microwave link, there are many advantages like increase in
data rate transmission, radiation risks atmosphere effects on the system and reduction in
radiation effects on human. A novel fiber-optic system with dynamic range of up to 150 dB-Hz
for transmission of microwave analog signals is described. The design, analysis, and laboratory
evaluations of this system are reported, and potential applications in the NASA/JPL Deep Space
Network are discussed.

Figure 3: Fiber optic link as alternative for microwave link

Trial Report Areeba Khan

6.2 Suggested Actions

1. Phone calls must be limited to those that are absolutely necessary and try to not exceed
about five – to – six minutes which is the time the body needs to adjust and if it is possible
using hands-free kit and hold the phone more than 20/30cm away from his/her body in
order to limit the impact of radiation on yourself.
2. Trying to not carry your phone directly on body, even on stand-by, and do not use it less
than one meter away from another person, in order to reduce the effect of 'passive'
3. When he/she be on the bed try not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched
on, because even when on stand-by it is in contact with the nearest phone mast and emits
radiation at regular intervals.
4. Avoid using the phone while in any vehicle to be safety from accidents, also, when
stationary an enclosed metal container produces the "Faraday cage" effect, which
maximizes the damaging impact of radiation, reflecting not only on the person phoning
but also on other passengers, especially children.
5. Avoid using the mobile phone who has any metallic object in or on their head, whether
magnetic or not, such as amalgam fillings and dental bridges, metal plates, screws, clips,
body ornaments, earrings or metal framed glasses.
6. Make use of protective items to shield his/her self from radiation, such as a metal phone
carrying case, protective anti-radiation fabric and veils, metallic foil wallpaper, anti-
radiation paint, etc., all which have been proved to be effective.

7.0 References

• Dosses A, Santora V, Kusters N. The dependence of electromagnetic energy absorption
upon human head tissue composition in the frequency range of 300–3000 MHz. (IEEE)
Trans Microwave Theory Tech. 2000;48(11):1988–95. doi: 10.1109/22.884187. [Cross-
Ref] [Google Scholar]
• Ahlbom A, Green A, Heifers L, Savitr D, Wardlow A. Epidemiology of health effects of
radiofrequency exposure. Environ Health Perspex. 2004;112(17):1741–54. doi:
10.1289/ehp.7306.[PMC free article] [PubMed] [Cross-Ref] [Google Scholar]
• EMI Shielding Engineering Handbook, U.S.A: CHOMERICS, 1989.
• Google Scholar
• D. R. J. White, A Handbook on Electromagnetic Shielding Materials and Performance,
U.S.A, Gainesville: Don White Consultants, Inc., 1980.
• Google Scholar

Trial Report Areeba Khan


A. Visual Image of RF:

Figure 4: Visual Image of RF

B. Faraday’s Cage:
A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields. A Faraday
shield may be formed by a continuous covering of conductive material, or in the case of a Faraday
cage, by a mesh of such materials. Faraday cages are named after the English scientist Michael
Faraday, who invented them in 1836.

C. Electromagnetic Field:
An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically
charged objects.[1] It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The
electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic
interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the others are gravitation, weak
interaction and strong interaction).

D. Microwaves Radiations:
The prefix micro- in microwave is not meant to suggest a wavelength in the micrometer range.
Rather, it indicates that microwaves are "small" (having shorter wavelengths), compared to
the radio waves used prior to microwave technology. The short wavelengths of microwaves
allow omnidirectional antennas for portable devices to be made very small, from 1 to 20
centimeters long, so microwave frequencies are widely used for wireless devices such as cell
phones, cordless phones, and wireless LANs (Wi-Fi) access for laptops, and Bluetooth earphones.
Antennas used include short whip antennas, rubber ducky antennas, sleeve dipoles, patch
antennas, and increasingly the printed circuit inverted F antenna (PIFA) used in cell phones.

Trial Report Areeba Khan

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

List of Abbreviations
• RF : Radio-Frequency
• CAT-Scan : computed tomography
• MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
• EMR : Electromagnetic Radiation
• UV : Ultra-Violet Radiation
• IR : Infrared Radiation
• VLF : Very Low Frequency
• EMF : Electro-Motive Force

List of Acronyms
• NSA : National Security Agency
• Wi-Fi : Wireless LANs


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