9.testng Framework / Ant/Maven Testng Integration

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TestNg Framework / ANT/Maven TestNg Integration

1. What is TestNg
2. Installing TestNg in Eclipse
3. TestNg annotations
4. Understanding usage of annotations
5. Running a Test in TestNg
6. Batch Running of tests in TestNg
7. Skipping Tests
8. parameterizing Tests - DataProvider
9. Assertions/Reporting Errors
10. TestNg Reports
11. Advantages over Junit
12. Using TestNg in Selenium
13. What is Ant
14. Downloading and configuring Ant
15. Build.xml configuration
16. XSLT report generation generation using TestNg and Ant
17. Building a BAT file to run tests using ANT
New Topics
18. Grouping test cases
19. Setting priority of execution for test cases
20. Putting Dataproviders for multiple tests in a single file
21. Parameterizing/Sharing single dataprovider for multiple test cases
22. Listenrs for logging in case of FAILED, SKIPPED or PASSED test cases
23. TestListener Adaptor
24. Reporting multiple failures in single test case
25. TestNg Maven Configuration
26. Maven-surefire-report-plugin with testng
27. Executing testng from maven on Command Prompt
28. Generating Maven Surefire Reports
29. Generating XSLT Reports with Maven
30. Running testng progamatically - Without testng.xml
31. Managing Multiple test Suites
32. Custom report Generation using IReporter
11.Selenium WebDriver

1. Why WebDriver?
2. Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
3. Architecture of selenium webdriver
4. Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome, Iphone, Android etc
5. First Selenium Code
6. Working with chrome and IE
7. Selenium RC and WebDriver
8. Concept of firefox profile
9. What is Firefox profile
10. Why we need firefox Profile
11. Close and Quit -Difference
12. Importing webdriver documentation in eclipse
13. WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
14. Proxy settings with webdriver/Working with proxy Servers
15. HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities

12.Selenium WebDriver - 2

1. Firepath and firebug Add-ons installation in Mozilla

2. Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
3. HTML language tags and attributes
4. Various locator strategies
5. WebDriver Interface
6. WebElement Interface
7. Identifying WebElements using id, name, class
8. Finding Xpaths to identify
9. Absolute and complete Xpaths
10. Creating customized Xpaths without firebug
11. Css Selectors
12. Generating own CssSelectors
13. Performance of CssSelectors as compared to Xpaths
14. Finding xpaths/cssselectors in different browsers - Mozilla, Chrome and IE
15. Objects with same id/xpath/cssSelector
16. What is class attribute?
17. Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
18. Working with different browsers without changing code
13.Selenium Webdriver - 3

1. Managing Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths

2. Managing/Identifying Links with xpaths/css selectors
3. Extracting More than one object from a page
4. Extracting all links of a page/Bulk extraction of objects
5. Extracting Objects from a specific area of a web page
6. Various strategies to test Links on a page by clicking on them one by one
7. Finding response Headers/ response code
8. Finding whether object is present on page or not
9. Handling drop down list
10. Select Class in Selenium API
11. Managing radio buttons and Checkboxes
12. Hidden components
13. isDisplayed function
14. Taking Screenshots of the web pages
15. How to Google out errors-Self sufficiency
16. Exercises

14.Selenium WebDriver - 4

1. Implicit and Explicit waits

2. PageLoadTimeout Property
3. WebDriverWait Class
4. WebDriver.Timeout Interface
5. ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class
6. WaitUntil Condition
7. Fluent Wait
8. Managing Ajax based components
9. Concepts of Set Interface in Java
10. Window Handles
11. Managing tabbed windows in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
12. Managing popups in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
13. Closing windows
14. Default Popups
15. Testing https websites / Managing certificate errors in https websites in IE, Chrome and
15.Selenium 2.0 Features - 3

1. Mouse movement with Selenium - Actions class

2. Randomly clicking/selecting Objects - Randomizing
3. Extracting Data From WebTable
4. Dynamic WebTable Handling
5. Attaching files with Selenium / Usage of AutoIT
6. Changing your facebook profile picture by attaching new picture
7. Handling Ajax Autosuggests
8. Handling Frames in Web Page
9. Handling Frames inside Frames
10. Handling cookies
11. More Examples on Webtables
12. Webtables and css Selectors
13. Building custom functions for Webtables
14. Managing Javascript alerts

16.Selenium 2.0 Features - 5

1. Simulaing front and back buton click on Browser using selenium

2. Assigning Firefox profile parameters
3. Downloading files using selenium
4. Selenium Javadocs
5. Listeners- Using WebDriverEventListener
6. Practical usage of Listeners in Selenium
7. Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
8. Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
9. Actions class in Webdriver - NEW
10. Handling CSS menu with Action class- NEW
11. Handling CSS menu with JavaScriptExecutor- NEW
12. JavaScriptExecutor example- NEW
13. Drag, drop, native events - NEW

17.Seleium 2.0 - Examples/Scenarios

1. Password Encoding in selenium

2. Dynamic Xpaths/Objects Handling
3. Managing dynamic/unexpected popups
4. Shopping cart exercies
5. Naviagtion Controls
6. Parameterizing a simple test and doing validations for each scenario
7. Print names of all facebook friends using Actions class
8. Print names of all facebook friends using JavaScriptExecutor
9. Complex Registeration example - parameterizing from xls file. Exercise link
20.TestNg and Data Driven Framework with Maven, Jenkins, Grid

Live Project

1. Overview of Data driven framework

2. Building the Test Base Class
3. Using Annotations of TestNg
4. Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
5. Initialize the Webdriver
6. Implementing WebDriver Implicit Wait
7. Implementing tests and batch running them
8. Repeating a test with different Data
9. Implement logging with Log4J API
10. Building utility functions
11. Parameterizing tests using XL Files
12. Controlling Execution order from XL Files
13. Assertions and Reporting Errors
14. Storing Screenshots of errors
15. Running the framework through ANT
16. Generating the XSLT reports
17. Creating a BAT file for project execution
18. Emailing Test Reports
19. Managing huge data in xls
20. Reporting multiple failures in single test
21. Maven, Grid and Jenkins integration
22. Creating maven project datadriven project
23. Setting up grid, hub and nodes
24. Running test cases in testsuites paralelly on grid
25. Generating logs for each test case separately in Grid environment
26. Uploading project on Git
27. Running / scheduling project builds through Jenkins
28. Custom reporting in XLS file

21.TestNg and Hybrid (Keyword+Data) Framework

Live Project

1. Overview of Hybrid Framework

2. Building XLS File Having Test Cases and Keywords
3. Building XLS File Having Test Data
4. Building Base class
5. Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
6. Implementing WebdriverWait
7. Implementing the keywords using the reflection API
8. Implementing tests
9. Assertions and Reporting Errors
10. Parameterizing tests using DataProvider and XL Files
11. Repeating a test with different Data
12. Running the framework through ANT
13. Generating the reports
14. Emailing test reports
15. Creating a BAT file for project execution

39.Page Object Model(POM)

Live Project

1. What is POM
2. When to use POM
3. Inheritance and Encapsulation in POM
4. Designing POM classes
5. Putting up test configurations in a properties file
6. Building Page class
7. Building generaic utility functions
8. Batch running the test cases
9. Using junit/testng to execute test cases
10. Parameterizing tests using XL Files
11. Taking screenshots
12. Genrating reports and reporting errors
13. Using Ant to run project
14. Mailing the test Reports
15. Creating a Bat file for project executing
16. Generating XSLT chart reports in case of testing

40.Page Object Model(POM) With Page Factory

Live Project

 What is POM
 When to use POM
 What is page factory?Inheritance and Encapsulation in POM
 What is page factory?
 Designing POM classes
 Introducting Page Factory in POM classess
 Putting up test configurations in a properties file
 Building Page class
 Building generaic utility functions
 Batch running the test cases
 Using junit/testng to execute test cases
 Parameterizing tests using XL Files
 Taking screenshots
 Genrating reports and reporting errors
 Using Ant to run project
 Mailing the test Reports
 Creating a Bat file for project executing
 Generating XSLT chart reports in case of testng

30.Subversion (SVN)

 What is SVN?
 SVN centralized repository
 How will SVN be useful to team?
 Installing SVN client UI - TortoiseSVN
 Revisions in repository
 Checkin and Checkout with UI
 Installing SVN eclispe plugin - Subeclipse
 Checkin and Checkout code with eclipse

31.Apache Maven

 What is Maven and Why Maven?

 Installing/Configuring Maven
 Archetypes in Maven
 Creating maven project through command line
 POM.xml
 Importing Archetypes
 Maven Repositories
 Building POM.xml through command line to configure Selenium and Junit
 Importing the maven project into eclipse
 Building a selenium project and running it through Maven
 Maven Antrun Plugin configuraion in POM.xml
 Running Ant Tasks with Maven Antrun Plugin
 Checkin and Checkout your maven project from SVN
 Eclipse plugin for maven
 Using the maven plugin to execute phases - compile, clean, package etc
 Running the ant tasks through the Eclipse maven plugin

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