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Instructions to fill Joining Documents :

Please Note —
• Don't write Date of Joining anywhere in any document and fill in
all the details without any cutting.
• In order to expedite joining formalitiesa*salary processing please
fill your Name in all joining forms as per your Adhar Card & Bank
details only.

Document 1 - Joining Report

A- Leave it blank. fl'AllUt5-
B -Your Name. 371-FT crIIH
C- Leave it Blank. ZaT41-
D - Designation. 3-i9t. tit-Fe f -8-
E - Signature. 64-dIATT
F - Your Name. 3i-97Ta-hc1-1

Document 2 - No Dues Undertaking

A- Your Na me..3icEdT f48-
B - Father's name. litaTfaIIJ-1 ci
C -Your Permanent Address. 3-171-
dT 1:1-FT
D - Last Company's Name. f40411- cht-10-11
[ -Joining date of last company. ftat cht-icrn 1*-rd41-
F - Resignation date of last company. f4-
6-ir f4.7-r$w FltPZIfit
G- Last Company's Name. fitaAlf 4)4.41
H- Relieving date of last company. 1'4-0-At cht-Icri) #itAfffaT TIT 3-11-54tri -F.Q.
c -ftfam'

I - Last Company's Name. f4a-A- ch4o-fi

J - Last Company's Name. 1:4-
64r *EA- 1 11-
K - Leave it blank. UT-
A- U-15
L - Leave it blank. gft.U15t
M - Signature. 64-c1laTTch

Document 3 - Employee Information Form

A - Your Name. 3-711- 0-11d-1 17:k

B — Father's name. f4FT -1- .11c1-I
C — Date of birth. 311
D — Place of Birth. 3i14-
4- 010-di T2.1Th" f:
E —Gender. Male or Female
F — Nationality. ilz.'a41c-II
G — Vehicle Type you own and its number. (Motor cycle, Scooter, Car te

H — Marital Status. f44Tita- zit 3iirdif0

I —Spouse Name. 31713- 14--drita- tri - TIT ITMt 1-4=1 fAt.
J — No. of Children (If Any) - 3i Ri c1I1 i tf+F-A- CIT-,T)
K— Date of Wedding Anniversary. 3T-TITidlftff cg) iilM1iI6 at-a-

L — Present Address. cl(A ,1-1I0-I c

ti f48-
M — Phone Number
N — Mobile Number
O - Permanent Address. TzTrzit War
P — Educational Qualification. 0-I chI alt
Q— If any trainings done, mention the details. lt- Clf-ft-TurTiRlTtai- f4-8-
R - Employment details in order of latest to oldest. ftA c.b40-1)41) .3110-10-4
S - Mention reference check details from last company. *LTA- Reporting
Manager :tite--3-1t.
T- Leave it blank. IT11-41- Ut5
U - Signature. 64-c114-T{ch
V - Your Name. 3T9- 1- 0114-1
W — Mother's name —,111c-11 To-11,1-1
X - Date of birth. 3171-Al..T10-J-1 fat-4
Y - Father's name.
Z- Marital Status. f clIi c TIT 3-fidar6-6
ZA — Mention a Nominee Name. Nominee -T0-11.9 c C (d 1c-11 iqcII rc TIT
Co'n f Qct-> Al Nominee G10-ii ))
ZB — Blood Group. 311:MT 6c>151:1 -8.
ZC— Mention Nominee's Date of Birth in the DDMMYY format. Nominee ''1".310-,1-1
fir f. Example - 10/12/1989
ZD — Pan Card Number.371—dT PAN CARD 01 GI
ZE — Passport Number (If you have passport).1-11,HY).t
ZF —Total number of children (If Any). aTaTT ftdTta- t Or-T.)
ZG — Name of Dependents other than Wife and Children. 1-1c-04) 3 GI

ZH —Total No. Of School Going Children.
ZI - Total Number of Children in Hostel.
ZJ — Nationality.vza4c11
ZK — Mention Your Bank Name, Bank Account Number of any bank and Branch
Name. 3-TEMT 44-1 31-W1-k aick, 44) OM 34 U,GI 01
ZL — Phone Number
ZM — Mobile Number
ZN — Parent's Permanent Address. d Ilcil c T f TM-zit 4cI1
ZO — Emergency Contact Number.
ZP - Family Details - Names of family Member, Relationship, Their Date of Birth in
DDMMYY format and Contact Numbers. trft-
dt{ 3-
d- r .A0-41 ff4 (DDMMYY) 3t1T gltar$--6- crick
Document 4 - Form F Nomination (This Document has 2 copies.

Both copy needs to be filled)

A— Leave it blank. CUs,

B — Your Name..317-
4- 0-I1a-i

C—Leave it blank. urAtu1. 5-

D—Nominee Details - Nominee Name and Address, Relationship with nominee,
Age of Nominee DDMMYY, percentage of Nomination (100%). Nominee -1- 0-11<1-1
1:--411, Nominee -1-17-
d1- 18-, Nominee #ft/RTF41k, Nominee

1, 100% 144. (HMI ti

c Zff Qch chl Nominee

E — Your Name. 311:10-11,1-1f248-

F —Gender. Male or Female

G — Religion.

H — Marital Status (Married or Unmarried). laciQd TIT 311ddita-

I — Department Name in which you are joining (Mentioned in Offer Letter)
J — Designation on which you are joining (Mentioned in Offer Letter)
K— Leave it blank.

L — Permanent Address. T211-41- Ydif44

M — Leave it blank. T4TA1- &-5-

N — Leave it blank.

o — Signature. 64-c-114-1Tch
P— Leave it blank. UFA- U15

Q- Signature. 6.z-ciiMot-)

Document 5 - Form 2 Nomination and Declaration Form

A- Your Name. 311=MT011,H

B — Father's or Husband's Name. cti TIT c 0-11d-1

C — Date of birth. Mg—
At fk4

D —Gender. Male or Female

E — Marital Status (Married or Unmarried). id cilicITIT 31faTf0-

F— Leave it blank.UFA- U-15

Fl - Leave it blank. ur-

A- U15
G — Permanent Address. TZTTzit 1-141

H — Present Address. cicIcH 101 trdr

- Name of Nominee. Nominee T o11d1 1 -8- Nominee TT 0-11J-11

1:11 - TIT ITFAlf 14-A ch Nominee GI cri H.))
J — Nominee Address. Nominee -TI:1-
61- 14-4

K — Relationship with nominee. Nominee filar Folk

L —Age of Nominee DDMMYY. Nominee L,i o-d-1 114
M - Percentage of Nomination (100%)
N - Leave it blank. ur-41. u-1-5

O- Signature. 64-t1i497411
P —Name of Nominee. Nominee icH

Q- Nominee Address. Nominee -T1=1—dri44

R - Age of Nominee DDMMYY. Nominee \Tic-J-1W4 -4-
S - Relationship with nominee. Nominee fklaTF4131

T- Leave it blank. T:frAtUt5.

U - Signature. 64--c-114R ch i

Document 6 - Employees' Provident Fund Organization (Form -

A - Your Name. 3-17W011,11

B - Father's or Husband's Name. fZITT TIT tif4

C - Date of birth..3171to-Icr-H c f48-

D - Gender. (Male or Female)

E - Marital Status (Married or Unmarried). id-

d-ft-F•41- 3ffd-d-ft-d-
F - Mobile Number and Email Id.
G — Leave it blank. UTt Ut5-

H — Leave it blank. t§frAt

I —Your Bank Account Number and IFS Code.
J — Adhar Number — Adhar f ."4t.

K—PAN — Pan card 416I 1-8-

L—If PF was deducted in your last company. 3171Tif*cl—

A. A. ch cl I 2.1T at
(Tick - Yes or No)

M- If PF was deducted in your last company. 3-171-Ti*cl—

At cbcci I Mat
(Tick - Yes or No)

N - If Yes in the above option then write previous company name, 31717f4U-At

PF cr)C.c11 mat Previous Company Name 3FirT cd61 chccil err

urt ut$-
o- If Yes in the above option then provide UAN number. If No leave it Blank.
3177 tZfUt ch crn a PF .11 cci afi UAN Number ice, 3i7R- 016) ch cl I 41

P — Mention PF number (If any) 31-a-R- icil44 che.(-11 2ff PF Number

Q— Date of joining of previous company

R — Date of Leaving / relieving of previous company
S —Signature. $.t-dIaTT

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