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Krste Najdenkoski, Dionis Manov

"Sts Kiril and Metodij" University
Electrotechnical Faculty - Skopje


This paper aims to detrmine the electromagnetic forces acting in a power transformer,
when a current corresponding to the first peak of a three-phase circuit flows in the windings.
The finite element method for the evaluation of the field's values is applied, and the
electromagnetic forces acting in a power transformer windings are calcualted. Finally the
results, of a computation test by a personal computer for the exposed method, are graphically
presented and some conclusions about the behavior of the calculated electromagnetic forces are

Key words: Power Transformer, Finite Element method, Electromagnetic Forces.


When the power transformer is in work regime, its windings are encircled by leakage
magnetic flux, and as a results electromagnetic forces act over them. These forces create
mechanical stress, which through the windings are being transmitted to the other active and
structural parts of the transformer. During rated currents, these forces are insignificant, but in
case of a short circuit, they reach extremely high values and could be the reason for a
deformation in the transformer itself.
In the past, when no powerful calculation machines existed as it is the case today, for
solving problems of such nature analytical methods were used, while today, the numerical
methods have the priority. When the forces are being detrmined by numerical methods, it is
necessary to determine first the distribution of the leakage magnetic flux by which the
windings are being surrounded.

2.Mathematical model of the problem

The space in which the calculation is being performed, is divided in four characteristic
areas, such as:
1.magnetic core (const, J=0);
2.windings ( J0); without windings (transformer window) (J=0);
4.transformer container.
For the purpose of solving the set assignment, determination of the forces that act to the
windings during short circuit in the transformer, at first it is necessary to detrmine to
parameters that characterize the magnetic field, magnetic flux, magnetic induction, energy etc.
The analysis has been made in cylindrical coordinate system, with the following assumptions:
-the transformer in relation to the windings is cylindrical symmetrical,
-the ferromagnetic material which the magnetic core is executed from is nonlinear,
-the current in the conductors is equally distributed along the cross section and it has
only component,
-the eddy currents and their influence to the magnetic field are being neglected,
-the stationary magnetic field is being studied at the moment when the current is
-the magnetic field outside the transformer's container is being neglected.

3. Force Calculation

The electromagnetic forces acting on a conductor with a current density J, which is

located in a magnetic field with magnetic induction B, is detrmined according to the following

F    J  B dV (1)
Knowing that the vector of current density has only the component ( J  J  i ), while
the magnetic induction has axial and radial components, for the electromagnetic forces it could
be written:
F = Fr  ir  Fz  iz (2)
Fz   J  Br dv
 (3)
is a axial component of the electromagnetic forces, and
Fr     J  B dv
z (4)

is a radial component of the electromagnetic forces.

The electromagnetic forces components that act over certain elementary parts (of the
windings), meaning the specific axial and radial forces are:
1 ms (5)
Fz = 
z i 1
Fz i

1 1 ms (6)
Fr = 
2  z i 1

where z is the height of the winding elementary part, and ms is the total number of elementary

The model that was previously illustarated has been used for an analysis of the
electromagnetic forces that act in power transformer windings with the following data:
-rated power 400 kVA,
-rated voltages 10/0.4 kV,
-rated short circuit voltage 4%.
In the text futher below, certain number of diagrams obtained with this analysis, is shown and
The distribution of leakage magnetic field which covers the windings is illustrated in
Figure 1, for the two models of the windings.

Fig. 1 Leakage magnetic field [a)first model, b)second model]

The problem is studied quasistationary, maeaning it is studied the moment when the current in
the phase "A" reaches a maximum value i.e. the moment when the current has reach the first
peak. The magnetic field distribution received in such manner provides possibility for
performing futher calculations, meaning to detrmine the electromagnetic forces.
The distribution of the axial and radial electromagnetic forces in the low voltage and
high voltage windings is in Figure 2, for the first model of the windings, and on the Figure 3,
for the second model of the windings.
As it could be noticed, the axial component are expressed the most at the end of the
windings and displacemant the windings in the axial direction, while the radial component od
the forces, produce a hoop stress in the outher winding and compressive stress in the inner
Z(mm) Z(mm)
1300 1300
1250 1200 1250 1200

1100 Fz 1100 Fz
Fr 1000 Fr
900 900

750 800 750 800

700 700
-6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000
F(N/m) F(N/m)

Fig. 2 Electromagnetic forces - first model

Z(mm) Z(mm)
1300 1300
1250 1180
1200 1200

1100 1100
Fz Fz
1000 Fr 1000 Fr
900 900
800 800
700 700
-6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000
F(N/m) F(N/m)

Fig. 3 Electromagnetic forces - second model


[1] B.Solergen, "Calculation of short-circuit forces in transformers". Electra, no. 67, pp.29-75,
[2] M.Slot, T.Kamminga, "Calculation of Magnetic Force on Small Practicles using Finite
Element Method". Proceedings of CEFC, 1994.
[3] M.Waters, "The Short Circuit Strenght on Power Transformers". Macdonald, London.

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