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In Plato’s theory of form, he believes that it is required to gain our knowledge. Plato
chose to reject the claim that the world experienced through the senses is what is real. I think
that Plato’s theory has many branches of topics that people will be confused. Even though he
and Aristotle uses form to understand objects, Plato thinks that it is essential to separate to this
world to discover an object’s form. While Aristotle believes that we only need to study and
discover the function of the objects.
People see things on how we prefer or based on our history. We have different ways in
showing goodness to the other because of our unique personalities as a person. In Plato’s
theory of form, I think that he believed that there is also a perfect way to show goodness to the
others. I believe that we cannot show the same level of goodness to the others as per our
personalities and traits are not the same. I think theory of forms is a guide us and let us be open
to discover what is the true basis of different objects and personalities.
After understanding
Different people see the world from different perspective using our five senses. People
see things based on how we prefer or how we appreciate things because each of us has its own
unique personality. We think of the world in terms of what we know and what we think we know.
What we do not know is where these things came from.
The Theory of Forms of Plato discusses that everything on earth whether an object or an
idea is an imperfect copy of an ideal and permanent “form” that exists somewhere, beyond our
universe. Plato believed that there exists a universe of forms, perfect aspects of everyday things
such as a table, bird, and ideas/emotions, joy, actions, etc. He said that objects and ideas in our
material world are only shadows from the universe of forms that he believed in. To explain this,
Plato suggests us to the story of the allegory of the cave. It is about how the prisoners only see
the things in their lives are the shadows of the figures that pass behind them. As well as, how
they hear noises and once in while some talk. Plato compares us to the prisoners who are
blinded from the true reality. Also, Plato stated how the form of goodness existed in the universe
of forms, but we cannot all agree about what is true goodness is and how it should be shown to
other people.
Plato’s argument on Theory of Forms represent the most accurate reality. People learn
things based on history or based from the others. Plato’s Theory of Forms is a difficult concept
to grasp because it requires one to think in abstract thought about concrete objects. According
to this theory, there is no object that is a perfect representation because each object is a mere
flawed representation from the universe of forms. The forms can be the most real and purest
things in existence according to Plato.
How do the forms relate to the physical world? Is there a form for everything; form for disease,
form for train tickets?

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