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a ATT Govermonttinds sitet ROT /Departountof Saco frm arr aia x / VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE REHEAT / Titannhapran 695022 (SOREENNG TEST, TEST FOR SELECTION TO ENTISTENGINEES -{CHENICAL ENG, ADVT. NO. 300) Fe E1964 / Posto 1364 FaRWDate 25.02.2018 after SivMasimum Marks : 200, ‘aTine, 1 hour 30 minutes sear srzName ofthe canddae SERIAL no aeaftiat 3 fee se7ee/Instructions to the Candidates 1, SH gant aa omer A mega ee ae steenga fer & ante oe anmat fafa ‘ater & fie smite Phar war 81 2B ae ek Samer & ae at ater ‘You have been called forthe writen test based on the online datafurished by you nthe web application in SNE respec of your quaificaton If you do not possess the required qualification as per our advertisement, ‘your candidature will be rejactod. 2. 9q tq Plier diez a arene or, fares ater ee sont ar ayes wrt Bit, ent Bea ww aeifere we & Reem “The wien test willbe of objective type based on the qualiicaon prescribed fr the post with four answers indicated. of which only one willbe unambiguously comet 3. Seat ee 2 ABE aren tear eae. gferar & TEA ‘A separte OMR answer sheet with carbon coated copy wie provided fo answering the Quesons. 4. roe, See gfe A Re me age sia advan eae & ate OS shemame Seatac a afta sta at sift ae HA Se wT as eT You have o select te rght answer by mating the corespanding oval onthe OMR answer shet by ‘aback bal pon pen as pre insucion gen inthe answer shoot Pro. 5S. dar weet aT ae aie aS El aro Sea FRE em TCH 3ieh ea Each question cae ow mats. Wrong answer caries one negative mark 6. Ua weet FB aA SRA ATS ANAT STC atl answers for queso wl be regarded as wrong answer 7, weraT Soares mat 3 yet meagtaar & Fu Ft The Question poperis in the fxm of Ceston Boke wih 50 object yp questions 8, wenger A ane are at saan ads oe a at wt] Enter your Name and Rol Number corect in fe questonboklt 9, mente & art sath att og Aker jaar ws store Seager A fe Te eae Far STAT aT (Question booklet cade printed on the top right comer shoud be wrtlen in the OMR answer sheet inthe space provided. losers serge A wat ofefReat after erg & air ange tar A A ‘aetna [Allens in he OMR answer sheot shouldbe with blueflack ball pent pen only. iia eler a fatter A soe A er aneat eta feae we eee aT TET ‘You shoud sign the hall icket only inte presence ofthe Invglator inthe examination hal be allowed inside the writen test hall. ‘Qn completion of the test, tear the OMR answer shestalona te perforation mark atthe top and hand 3 the original OMR answer sheet tothe inviallator and retain te dupl th 4 segfeaa areael aeeY ore Tar A Bi ‘Te question booket canbe retained by he candidate. 15, atten a vere ae a ahr sisaflat a othe glor wtget ST anger aét BL Candidates are not pried olave te examination hal due he ist hour ofthe exanaion 16. areata at erence te Aaa /ehie-ea wey & eg Fewer other Tee aT 8 otk arncen & Peves & sree oe & sar Pear area) The watton testis conduct only fo shortistiscreen-n the canddaes for interview and selection will be based onthe perfomance at interview ony 2 = ‘Sania: jcientist/ Engineer SC (CHEMICAL EN¢ (5E. Hi. Post No.1364) (xonen tees Geeral point: tn 2= 0.693, n SA = 0.223 6°" = 2.499 afew wen forcalewlation purpose) 1, eon aitreresar RETA In an ideal tubular-flow reactor (eo) _sghes raat wert there is no mixing in longitudinal direction (©) roa aura er ufer star timixing takes place in radial direction (@) frswsiea ert a there isa uniform velocity across the radius (8) concn aexcay waa (@),() and (©) 2. wesc ca ge Rr ere wont Rate determining step in aeaction consisting of a number of steps in sre is the (0) wee fistest ©) refterrizalonest (@ mextrminternediate (@) Retort eepre Pras edatainsuficient; canbe predicted step. 3. aft sea sence sta ater rs ‘The Oxidation of ammonia to produce nitric acid is an example of (@) aid setviaesfafrarHomogenous non-catalytic reaction (0) nist setce athfraHomogenous catalytic reaction (6) Seen setcisse afhBravfeterogencous non-catalytic reaction (©) Sresin sett athfPravHleterogencous catalytic reaction 4, et Rear ra so ee eee eee For a heterogeneous reaction system, the rate of mass transfer (9) xia xs sansa Aects the reaction rate (0) bisa exe wor aft errtDoes not affect the reaction rate (0) Sage shart aerate sone sat WAfTects only the reaction rate of fast reactions (6) Savi aiaraA A atarar ce eee STAC HA Tets onl the reaction rate of slow reactions 5.3 ator fu sucha ft ner Bt EIR caer at Rs wae fee 500°K ser 400°K see e281 a Ge He A SP a a TT exert? Ata given value of E/R(catio of activation energy and gas const) the ratio ofthe rate constants at 500°K are 400°K is 2, if Ambenious law is used. What wil be this rat, if wansition state theory {used withthe same value of BR? @ 16 @ 20 224 @ 25 10. 1" 12. ‘ere rs wea RRP A. > 2B B Pre aera A re BA a RE A rae ore es — —4 “The functional volume change of the system for the isothermal gas phase reaction, 2A > 2B, between no conversion and complete conversion, @ 05 ot @ 2 @ 3 ‘wae a st ete ee FA es ae a aEGTE i The ratio of maximum to average velocity in case of streamline flow between parallel plates is @. © 15 @ 2 @ 25 fash ace ah a orc erga wa ag Gh BVA fluid is sai tobe ideal iit is (@) TAM attEA/Viscous and compressible (©) SHAE sRkeheY/Viscous and incompressible (© surat zete/inviscous and compressible (©) sera arettsyinviscous and incompressible ‘aaa ws ue vf B/Densty of water is maximum at @ oC © #c @ 20°C (100°C 5 sre atex er ae fpr ar By/Anemometer is used to measure (@) BWelocity ()-TaPressure © URBWiscosity (@ weDensity fe ee Ret re rao A FRA shen re wow Bw — ‘The ratio of average fluid velocity to the maximum velocity in case of laminar flow of a Newionion ‘uid in a circular pipe is @ 1 © 05 06 @ 2 rc er ea ee ee Tae ‘Shear stress in # fluid flowing in around pipe (0) Rowen ae H cere sui etfs Pat varies parabolically across the cross-section o) 9¢quRC Bre 8 Ue FRR ZEA Bremains constant over the cross-section eo) Bee aU ae Prat bu Yes UH wea at is zero a the centre and varies linearly with the radius (6) Gere we US wT He vw YG TU A age Bris zero at the wall and increases linearly 1 the ‘centre 4 = 13, 14 15, 16, 7. 18. ret era a re PT a a ie tH Minimum bale spacing in a shell & tube heat exchanger i (@) Be Borer 15/1/5 of shell diameter (Sara 10/1/10 of shell diameter (0) Sawer 13/113 of shel diameter (0) Saar 1/102 of shell diameter fe fra ace ae et uth tn a ee on ea a wa ta tse wT 1 [the thermal boundary layer is thinner than hydrodynamic boundary layer for a fat plate in a uid, Prandtl numer is (@) 1B aqrayEqual to 1 (©) os er ata Retween 0.5 & 1 (©) afte More than 1 (©) 05 ReH/Less than 0.5 trata ard cron Pret soa scar err bg eng so aa Per wr og oer eB Correction of logarithmic mean temperature difference is applied for heat transfer rate calculation in heat exchangers operating in (@) sgFETTATE/Cross flow (© sfhwameeyCounter current flow (©) Baler vare/Parallel flow (FRAT swine of these wer ndt 8 seme tg, ain or oun skeen ah sacra el zeal Bh For evaporation of viseou iguids high rate of heat transfer can be obained using (@) sain sey Forced circulation evaporator (o) wala foes sea/Agittedflm evaporator (© thiaqe andee fren sarong tbe climbing film evaporator (FRR AAMNone ofthese eh ina ve re ae wee a ea} aya ‘Amount of water evaporated per unit weight of steam fed to an evaporator is known as (@) eraVCapacity (© wevEticiency (©) PRUTUFeed rate (® — sni-area/Economy a Fe Dae a Parra she 20 Boa eta TTT 0.04 Win °C 8 wha nL BET 10°C ATS eT 90 °C BAN TRAM 3 mi a BF eT a ae eT TE MARR Calculate the rate of heat flow across 3 m*surface of an insulation material of thickness 20 em. hhaving thermal conductivity 0.04 Wim ifthe temperature of the cold side is 10°C and that of hot side is 90°C. @ ow © aw o 3 @ ow s = 19. 20. 2 2. ona ea oh sare Fah. ra rte ew rae em aT? "Which mass ansfer operation is employed for industal production of Argon ges? (2) raw Rarer ching from rocks () TUarsTAA s/Fractional distillation of at (6) sapherhawr Pena e-VCryogeic distillation of natural gas (6) sapere ® afte, Adsorption fom natural gas ephedra quate BIH he 049 16 AA. ARIA ) TT ATH. For gas spargrs with large gas velocity, bubble diameter in water for orifice dameter (4) of 0.4 to 16mmis, @ 4 @ al © ae @ & oh reo A er ar er A ee wa TTR A BE {Ina distilation process, point efficiencies and Murphree efficiencies are equal when, (@) SHITE HFa/Liquid in plug ow (©) te fra ere Liquid back mixed and uniform, (©) SHITE A/Gas in plug low (6) frau Pika ara ereA/Gas beck mixed and uniform rah ared 2 zee HZ aaa Fen a sieve tray tower, for high tray efficiency, (a) Pret ala seer za fe/Shallow liquid pool with low gas velocity (@) Sather ata seer za Ge,/Shallow liquid poo! with high gas velocity (@) Patan atta maze gs/Deep liquid pool with low gas velocity, (6) Saths tu eft TET RA-gE/Deep liquid poo! with high gas velocity fh hrs ere Bo rag a area eae Roar a wee ‘The termrange ina cooling tower refers othe difference in temperature of the, (eo) eee Prete aha er ae areca ary aA Tea ATUEP/Cold water leaving the tower and ‘wetbulb temperature ofthe surrounding air cea te week a eae ereT a Prete ea a Hot water entering the tower and cooled ‘water leaving the tower (eee tater at ea ae ae oer TY eH Ae TAT VHot water entering the tower and dry ‘bulb temperature ofthe surounding sit (Tec era ek a we ar eT Ba AT eR ATH water entering the tower and. \etbulb temperature of the surrounding air 2a, 8. 26. 27, 28. for sete a. — ee ae ee SA Ta My Foran absorber, both equilibrium and operating lines will be steaight for (o) iba Pere aa fe eran ereryConceateated solution and non-isothermal operation (©) ey feerer que eran NeTER/Dilute solution and non-isothermal operation o) eq teres ata zaand warryDilute solution and isothermal operation (9) fa fee aa wend erE-/Concentrated solution and isothermal operation sabe ed Be ew ge EMA ee orf th “The tansfer function ofa pure dead time sytem with dead time ris was rds ett os o as @ rds+1 © cc) BS eaten Pree ogre Eh MRR eB RE se at ae ong fg eg sr a age 3h we 8 aes za According to Bode stability criterion, a system is unstable if the open loop frequency response exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at frequency for which phase lag is oo © 45° © 90° (180° ae a are ere ge i rg Fg fe] 81 ‘Method used for making electrical connections from the resistance thermometer to the measuring instrument is (@) esraee ofree/Two lead circuit (o) — Remeneesafere/Three lead (© sme uftuey/Four lead circuit (6) BRYA ofthese uit eh erm eer fe er ata oe et wh aaa A are aN w]e 21 Degree to which an instrument indicates the changes in measured variable without dynamic error is called (0) seen eTe/Spe0d of responce © HRaFetiy (9 FRUetuMReproducbity (6 wwaVLag ‘ra fag teen ot Foran open transfer function 6= Sadana Pheer ft TIED ‘The numberof poles are @ ttre © avo © W/Ore "Vee 30. 31. 32, 35. 36. a, er Pain 3 hee ers oH wh ar wT st Parpose of adding faxing agents daring ceramic manufacture (a) STETYTTATo maintain theequilibrium (eo) qaarrst agm/To raise the temperature (9) Sars afitora a} BaPA/To prevent reversible reaction (@ aa wATA/To lower the temperature ‘re aloe 8 ares a gra Pressure of steam ftom the fire tube boilers is (@) TeHigh (©) Rem/Moderate (6) PrH/Low @ =hall echo & efor Pa wad aa rm er fr ‘Which of te following process is not used for Hydrogen manufacturing? (@) Rai BHBrA/Steam-boron process (@) erred ofa Steam hydrocarbon process (oy srecter afPaySteam-iron process (6) we aggToMUTElectolysis of water ha Fe Poet eet res Freres 5 we fer aA fH ——— 81 Conversion of various unsaturated radials of fatty glycerides into saturated glycerides is defined as (@) WEE R/Saponification (©) BRRI-TUHydrogenation (9 wetrerm/Esteriication (@ be PrtevFat filtration ae arom & Back powder isa mixture of (a) snare ataes, hs wre aa ary Ammonium Chloride, activated carbon and sulphur () omPran rete, arate 344 BERYAMMonium Nitrate, charcoal and sulphur (o) BR aeactc, afbhes eré1 eT TerYPotassium perchlorate, activated carbon and sulphur (6) Seftor eee, ava wer weTWPotassium Nitzate, charcoal and sulphur sh aa A aera ee a Fe re $a Fr oe While designing the centrifugal blower, handling pressure i limited to a) OS psi ( Spst © S0psi (© S00psi oe aA rere Hr ee ee fe Per TR? Primary factor to be considered in the design of filters (@) Preizt Filtration area (&) BesfyCake resistance (o Preremar/filtrate flow (@ Sager TT NAENone of the above ag fig uel rae wares pe oad ere ‘The point where the total product cost equals the total income (@) Brat ftg/Theeshold point (Baar eae fyBreak-even point (© Fear Pg/Optimum point (© ¥afUrfg/Saturation point 38, oma era err ote wite 1 “Approxmate percentage of Nickel in stainless stel @ 8 © 18 Oo B © 38 39, Cee fe fe Gee ae vest $$ feats Standards on general design methods and fabrication materials for tubular heat exchangers is described by (@) ®eeeyTEAM () WRTRYASME ( eyTEMA ( whongaPl 40, siewer (0, erates 924 Va B/Formula for calculating Sphericity (®,) (V4) OyS) © DIYS) © GD)! G/Vo) (© (G'S)! VyDs) A, omer nore oT AEE Formula for eleulating volume:surface mean diameter (@ Low Dy) © ECD — ©) —-EG% Dy) (WE (/ Dp) 42, Aa wT FETE Tee AF/Shape factor value for sphere @. (©) 0785 0524 0 43, Rehr at wear ae en ae a Ae eB hh oT Ratio of actual mesh dimension of any standard screen to next smaller intermediate sereen (@ 1410 © LT © 189 (1234 ree area GPT AA es Al ear Se A wr rw Pre Be ww RCL ‘gra errr? ‘Which type of filter is used to remove small amount of solids to produce a clean gas or sparkling cleat liquids such as beverages? (Prien foreyClarfying filter (Re feeyCake filter (© sqprRCHITG reeyCross flow filter (9 Bessa ew sae None of the above 45, 47. 48, 49, a 9 are 30% Ate ees ae a Ba Re 2 ta we Pe SA (ROA TET: 40.727 x 10% mmol) THR Te TAGS IOUT: 18.068 x 10% mmol) ROTA TH tee Prem ary aR Ww 30% fears A Aas mT RS TmNET OMT A: 38.632 x 104 mmol WE 17.765 x 10° r/o Bi ‘A 30% ty mole methanol-water solution is to be prepared. How many cubie meters of pure methanol (molar volume : 40.727 x 10* m’/mol) and. pure water (molar volume: 18.068 x 19° m’/mo) are to be mixed to prepare 2 m? ofthe desired solution. The partial molar Volumes of methanol and water in a 30% solution are 38632 x 10% mmol and 17.765 x 10" m'/mol respectively. (@) ReeMethanol: 1.017 m? 5 eV/Water: 1.053 mi? (©) ReteMethanol: Tm? ; | -weYWater: Tm? (9 WeteMethanol: 0.61 m? 5 weVWater: 1.39 m? (©) WeteMethanol: L017 m? ; Fe/Water: 0.983 m? el ewer Fs wr ete werd, AH #1 ‘The enthalpy change of mixing of ideal solution , AH. is @ ATEgIny ©) 0 @ REIN — Exiiny gchar fre, toute Thomson expansion, o &, » EF, © 5.710 m? emer ah EHS bar I 294 K aR A Tore TTT eB Ua vara ord ese ew err eee eT 15 ar eR Be ea Te ar eer ar a be eo eA A PTT? Methane is stored ina tank of capacity .7 x 10% m? ata pressure of 15 bar end 294 K. The es is allowed to Tow from the tank through a partslly opened valve toa gas holder where the pressure is constant at 1.15 bar. When the pressure in the tank dropped to bar, what would be the mass of methane removed under the condition that the process took place slowly with constant temperature © 222femAg ©) 0186 Rs/kg © 0373fem kg (@ 0516 si/eg ers aera seat fe Pata Ta a a es eT For a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, which are the following criteria willbe applicable? 1. te ee webs BvEntropy is maximum at constant U &V 2, Retard nah Pron af ees B/Gibbs free energy is maximum at constant T & P 3. faeedt aac ae Prag Hea al ITH B/Gibbs fee energy is minimum at constant T & P 4. Retest weet TAMA /Entropy is minimum at constant U &V @ 182 © 183 © 284 @ 384 © oP © wT @ wP Space fur rough work, u ‘14s Space for rough work

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