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Nola Beels

30231 Manhattan Street

St. Clair Shores, MI 48082
(586) 842-4484

This year being a senior at Lake Shore highschool I have a gpa of 3.84, and have taken two AP
courses previous years and am taking three this year. Since freshman year I’ve been in the
Marching Band and Art then joined the student congress last year.

While I was in the art club I helped set up and worked the art fair for three years. As well as in
art club my friends and I painted murals at Rogers Elementary. Last year I worked at a soup
kitchen in Detroit at Crossing Roads.

I was in the national junior honor society in middle school where we discussed school matters
and volunteered for various things.

Education and Training

I have been in the lakeshore public school system since kindergarten. As I mentioned earlier I
have already taken two AP classes and plan to take more this year

I work at Beyond Juicery and Eatery in the Eastern Market in Detroit. Though I mostly work the
weekends, I have worked there for two years and counting. For being there for so long I have
learned how to deal with customers in intense situations, get along with co workers and
managers, and training some newcomers to the staff.

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