Test 5 Multiple Choice Cloze

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Example: (0) A situation B place C position D site

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only (0) .B.. we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) …... human activities are making
the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) …... on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half
of the world's population do so (3) …... to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (4) ... resource we have by which all
people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) …... built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources
are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (6) …... We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere
without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) …... the planet's ability to support people is being (8) …... at the very
time when rising human numbers and consumption are (9) …... increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (10) …... resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and
minerals to (11) …... us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will
(12) …... indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.

1 Although Still Yet Despite

2 continues repeats carries follows
3 already just for entirely
4 alone individual lonely only
5 sooner neither either rather
6 quite greatly utterly completely
7 development result reaction product
8 stopped narrowed reduced cut
9 doing having taking making
10 natural real living genuine
11 hold maintain stay keep
12 last stand go remain


Exam Tips

When the day comes give yourself plenty of time (0) ..to.. do everything: have breakfast but don't drink (1) ... much; go
to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too early or you will find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to
start. Try not to talk (2) ... the exam before you go in.

In the exam, calm (3) ... down by breathing deeply and thinking positively. Read (4) ... exam questions carefully and
underline all of the key instruction words (5) ... indicate how the questions should (6) ... answered. If possible start with
the ones (7) ... can do easily to give you confidence. Remember what you've learnt from practising questions and doing
mock exams previously and plan your use of time. Don't panic (8) ... everyone around you seems to start writing
furiously straight away and don't be tempted to follow their example.

Finally, after the exam, don't join in a discussion about (9) ... everyone else did, (10) ... you want to frighten yourself,
and drain your self-confidence for the next exam. Above (11) ..., remember that exams are not designed to catch you
out, (12) ... to find out what you know, what you understand and what you can do.


1. I want to go to university this year. INTERESTED

I ........................................ to university this year.

2. "Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony. BEEN

Tony asked Jane ........................................ on holiday recently.

3. I was too tired to go to the party. THAT

I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party.
4. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy. WASTE
It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

5. The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a meeting. NOT
The union claims its members will ....................................... the company agrees to a meeting.

6. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat. MUST
It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

7. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint. SEEING

We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.

8. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today. OBJECTION

The boss would not ........................................ you going early today.


Some of the lines in this exercise are correct; others have a word which should not be there. Which lines are correct?
Which are wrong, and what is the unnecessary word.


1. Mr Andrew Strubb was sent from London to Uganda on his business.

2. While he was in Uganda, he fell down ill.

3. His illness was so serious, and he was taken to hospital. During the operation

4. he lost a lot of blood, and had to be given a blood transfusion.

5. After when he had been given blood, he immediately began to speak fluent Swahili.

6. There was a male nurse who did worked at the hospital.

7. He was a regular blood donor: he gave the blood regularly.

8. This gentleman, a Mr Ogoni Gohim, demanded £20 a pint for his blood

9. when he discovered what had so happened. He said

10. his blood must have the special powers.

11. But don’t run away off from this cassette,

12. and off to Uganda to see Mr Ogoni Gohim. Firstly, Mr Gohim does not speak English.

13. And, secondly, bad luck for everyone who himself has to learn a language,

14. Mr Strubb said that he had learnt Swahili as being a child.

15. The shock of the operation must have brought it all back to him

Food Production

In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to

live (0) NATURAL lives in what we would now term NATURE
'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however,
were not able to supply the rapidly growing (1) ... POPULATE
of the world and the increasing demands on food
(2) ... In order to cope with this rising demand, factory CONSUME
farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... DEVELOP
of genetically engineered (4) ... hormones, which GROW
resulted in a massive increase in food (5) ... PRODUCE
However, these developments in the use of factory
farming and drug (6) ... have led to a widespread TREAT
feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress
and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a
consequence. Certainly, many people (7) ... with the idea AGREE
of keeping animals in one building for their entire (8) ... EXIST
and argue that more emphasis should be given to (9) ... ALTERNATE
farming methods. A growing number of people are
choosing to eat organic food, supporting farmers who use
free-range methods, a system which has proved to be
both (10) ... and more humane. ECONOMY


1. yet
2. carries
3. just
4. only
5. Either
6. completely
7. result
8. reduced
9. making
10. natural
11. keep
12. last
1. too
2. about
3. yourself
4. the
5. that / which
6. be
7. you
8. if / when
9. what
10. unless
11. all
12. but
1. population
2. consumption
3. development
4. growth
5. production
6. treatement (s)
7. disagree
8. existence
9. alternative
10. economical


01. his


03. so

05. when

06. did

07. the

09. so
10. the

11. off

13. himself

14. being

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