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Group 3
Jamaica H. Ballera
Ma. Beatriz L. Ancheta
Jovelyn Borce
Lovely Joy Castillo
I. Rationale

This proposal is entitled,” Waste reduction of CTE campus”, which will focus on reducing, reusing and

recycling material waste at a school with the overall goal reduce waste at the school. The population of CTE

students is increasing every year. One of the concerns of the school is how to reduce waste. Practices on

reducing waste can help the campus from environmental dilemmas such as global warming, flash floods,

pollution and also diseases. The cause of this problem is the misbehavior of the students towards waste

management. “As consequences of not reducing waste, the students will suffer from poor environmental


Significance of the Study

Administration. This proposal would help them to know what policies and regulations they will implement

when it comes to waste reduction. It would also help them to provide materials in reducing waste in the

school. It would help them to save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease the amount of

material in landfills by implementing waste reduction projects.

Teachers. This proposal would help them to encourage and teach every student to take responsibility of their

own wastes.

FMG. This proposal would help them to be more active in managing the campus. It would help them to be

responsible in sustaining and maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the campus.

Class. This proposal would help them to know what rules and regulations they will also implement and help

them to be aware and conscious of the surroundings.

Students. This proposal would help them to know the proper ways of reducing waste inside the campus. It
will help them to take action of the campus’s full of wastes. It would help them to see the important of

recycling materials. It would help them develop civic responsibility and learn to value the natural world and

understand how humans and the environment interact.

Statement of the Problem

This proposal is entitled, “Waste reduction of CTE campus”, it will focus on reducing; reusing and

recycling material waste at a school with the overall goal reduce waste at the school. To keep CTE campus

clean, secure student’s health and to protect the environment from potentially harmful effects of waste.

1. Littering 1. Administration helps The school will
2. Insufficien them to know what be clean and
t cleaning policies and green.
materials regulations they will
(trash bin, implement when it
dust pan, comes to waste
broom) reduction. They will
3. Insufficien conduct symposium to
t comfort the CTE students
rooms and about waste reduction.
materials 2. Teachers. They will
( pale, teach every student to
soap, trash take responsibility of
can, tissue) their own wastes.
4. Lack of 3. FMG. They will be
classrooms more active in
( door managing the campus.
knob, It would help them to
destroyed be responsible in
chairs, sustaining and
tables, maintaining the
floor, door, cleanliness and
windows orderliness of the
5. Insufficien campus.
t 4. Class. They will know
ventilation, what rules and
light bulb, regulations they will
projector also implement and
help them to be aware
and conscious of the
5. Students. Help them
to take action of the
campus’s full of


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