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A documentation of what globalists will and have been saying, this is a statement from a Global Forum Fortune 500 by
George David “We are at an optimistic time in our world: the barriers between nations are down, economic
liberalism is decidedly afoot and proven to be sound, trade and investment are soaring, income disparities
between nations are narrowing, and wealth generation globally is at record high levels, and I believe likely”
– Why Critics of Globalization are Wrong by George David

The Rhetoric of Globalization made by pro-globalizers is as followers:

1. Globalization Is About the Liberalization and Global Integration of Markets (not an ideology)
“in other words the concrete outcomes of market interactions are neither intended nor forseen, but are the result
of the workings of what Adam Smith famously called the ‘invisible happen'” yet Globalists usuaully convey the
assertion that globalization is integration of markets in the form of moral imperatives “The concept of ‘free trade’
arose as a moral principle even before it became a pillar of economics”- George Bush

2. Globalization is Inveitable and Irrerversible

Despite the presupposition that the market is based on independent inter-subjective decisions of independent
and individual rational actors within a liberally organized democratic society, it is still spoken of within a marxist
hegelian determinism. By seeing globalization as the natural historical local of the universes organization
principles, it is passively accepted yet actively pursued! President Clinton on US Foreign Policy “Today we must
embrace the inexorable logic of globalization– that everything from the strength of our economy to the safety of
our cities, to the health of our people, depends on events not only within our borders, but half way a world away”

3. Nobody is inCharge of Globalization

“The great beauty of globalization is that no one is in control. The great beauty of globalization is that it is not
controlled by any individual, any government, any institution” – Robert Hormats, vice chairman of Goldman
The meetings, the groups, the foundations, that all work on spreading neoliberal principles and new world order
principles have been deeply rooted in ancient history.

4. Globalization Benefits Everyone

g-7 summit of 1996, speaking in a jacobin spirit
“Economic growth and progress in today’s interdependent world is bound up with the process of
globalization. Globalization provides great opportunities for the future, not only for our countries, but for all
others too. Its many positive aspects include an unprecedented expansion of investment and trade; the opening
up to international trade of the world’s most populous regions and opportunities for more developing countries
to improve their standards of living; the increasingly rapid dissemination of information,technological
innovation, and the proliferation of skilled jobs. These chracteristics of globalization have lead to a
considerable expansion of wealth and prosperity in the world. Hence we are convinced that the process of
globalization is a source of hope for the future”

5. Globalization Furthers the Spread of Democracy in The World

The globalist claim is anchored in the neoliberal assertion that freedom, free markets, free trade and democracy
are synonmous terms. This focus on the act of voting– in which equality prevails only in the formal sense– helps
to obscure the conditions of inequality reflected in existing asymmetrical power relations in society.

6. Globalization Requires War on Terror

Daniel Griswold, Associate Director of the Cato Institute (A Major DC5 Think Tank) “An essential part of any
plan to establish freedom in Iraq should be a commitment to a free market and the instutions that support it,
including a commitment to free trade… The technology dynamism, and openness for our own market helped us
win this war; if spread to Iraq, could help us win the peace”
Robert Kaplan reminds his readers “The purpose of US power is not power itself; it is the fundamentally liberal
purpose of sustaining the key characteristics of an orderly world. Those characteristics include basic political
stability; the idea of liberty, pragmaticaly conceived; respect for property; economic freedom; and representative
government. At this moment in time it is American power, and American Power only, that can serve as an
organizing principle for the worldwide expansion of a liberal civil society” – The Hard Edge of American Values

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