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Influencer Checklist –Before you start

☑ Influencer costs are reimbursable if they are eligible media cost. Influencers
need to use the media which is under their control to do the promotion.
☑Influencer cost model must be per activity, not a contract or retainer.
☑Influencer and/or their agencies are considered to be the media owner. Make
sure they agree/able to issue POC/POE/POB.
☑ Under the event activity, Influencer can be considered as ‘promoters’ and
Intel will reimburse their flight, accommodation, food and the transportation.
Please note there is the limit to cost per person/per day.
☑The influencer should reflect positively on Intel’s brand and aware of their
legal obligation.

Influencer Checklist –Execution
☑Influencer’s content need to follow Intel’s competitive element rules.
☑ Influencer’s content needs to meet the program branding guidelines.
☑ YouTuber’s streaming video- Intel will reimburse if Influencer charges this as
the media cost. Since this is a Paid Social Media Activity, Influencer needs to
follow the branding requirement of the Paid Social Media.

List of items Intel reimburses/
does not reimburse
Supported NOT Supported
Media Cost Appearance fee
Promoter Wages Long term retainer cost/contract
Activated Channel for each activities Print ads
Online Ads Seeding Unit/Promotion
Unit/Unboxing Unit etc.
Production Cost

Asus Scenario- Banner on Twitch Page
☑Intel to support
the ‘media cost’ of
this banner ad
☑The banner
needs to have the
Intel logo and the
processor mention
-Creative needs to be
generic or not
‘confusingly similar’
with the one with
Intel’s competitor.
-If creative features
the Asus’s product
name, please mention
the sku name which is
supported by Intel.
☑No need to
submit the landing
page as POE
Asus Scenario-YouTube Streaming Video
☑Intel to support
the ‘media cost’ of
the You Tube
Streaming Video if
there is Intel
☑Intel logo
mention required.
This can be audio.
Minimum 3seconds
if no Asus mention.
If there is Asus
mention, Intel
mention needs to
be balanced.

Pre-Approval Guideline
☑Any influencer activity over $100k (tonnage) requires pre-approval from
Intel’s GPM & SDM. (Please see the contact list on p.7)
☑ Please share the plan at least two weeks prior to the activity start date.
☑ There is no need to submit the pre-approval request via CCF portal.
Communication will be done via email.

Co-Marketing Plan - Point of Contact

GPM - Naoko Saito (

ASUS Account Team –
HQ * Ryan Baker (
* Shardae Chiu (

NAR GPM - Naoko Saito (

ASUS Account Team (SDM) – Kelly N. Granchalek (

GPM – Ntokozo Ncongwane (

ASUS Account Team (SDM) –
EMEA * Nihat Oezdal (
* Philippe Longin (
* Zahn Jeffery (

GPM - Celia Lines (, Joanna Tan (

APJ ASUS Account Team (SDM) –
* Christina Ching (
* Fred Shih (

PRC GPM - Margaret Yang (

ASUS Account Team (SDM) –
* Kitty Wei (
* Lily Yan (
LAR GPM - Americo Simoes ( 7

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