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4 Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, What is the SI unit of electrical current? A. Ampere B. Volt Cc. Watt D. Ohm Which of the following is the unit of conductance? A, Ohm-meter B. Ohm/meter C. Daraf D. Mho Which of the following are the minimum requirements in order for current to flow? A. A voltage source and a resistor B. A voltage source and an insulator C. A voltage source and a conductor " D, A voltage source, a conductor and an insulator Current passing through a circuit produces which 0 the following effects? A. Chemical effects B. Magnetic effects C. Thermal effects D. Luminous effect Which of the following materials has nearly a zero temperature coefficient of resistance? A. Carbon, B. Manganin C. Copper D. Tungsten ANSWERS: 16-A 17-D 18-6 19-6 20-B Objective Type 13 Objective Type 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Wire sizes are given in AWG units. The abbreviation AWG means B. Alternate Wire Gauge A, Alternating Wire Gauge Cc. American Wire Guide D. American Wire Gauge The rate at which charge carriers flow is measured in what unit? A. Amperes B. Coulombs Cc, Watts D. Joules What is the most common usage of a nichrome wire? A. Filaments of lamps B. Small transformer windings C. Heater coils D. Windings in contactors Which of the following statements is true to both series and parallel circuits? A. Voltage are additive B. Currents are ad Cc, Powers are additive D. All of these One cubic centimeter of copper at room temperature has how many free electrons?” A. 8.5 x 107? B. 6.25 x 10'* c. 1.6 x 10" D. 3 x 10° ee ANSWERS: GI-D 62-A 63°C GEC 6S-A Objective Type 3 a. 12. 13. 14. 15. The resistance of a material varies inversely to which of the following? A. Length of the materia! B. Cross-sectional area C. Temperature of the material D. Resistivity of the material A passive element in a circuit is one which A. receives energy B. supplies energy C. both receives and supplies energy at same time D. transfarms eneray from one circuit to another What is the Si unit of specific resistance? A. Ohm B. t/ohm C, Ohm/meter D. Ohm-rnater Which of the following is true about an ideal valtage source? A. It has a large emf with a large internal resistance B. It has a small emf with a small internal resistance C. It has any value of emf with a zero internal resistance D. It has zero emf with a zero internal resistance A good conductor has a high A. resistance B. impedance Cc. conductance D. reluctance ANSWERS: 17:8 12° 13-D T4-¢ 1S-€ Objective Type 19 a1. 92. 53. 95. Which of the following is the same in all parts of a series circuit? &. Current 8. Voltage Cc. Power D. Resistance - The unit “ampere-second” is a unit of which of the following? A, Charge B. Power C Current D, Energy Th @ paraliet creurt, if the main line i open 7 #. the current in each branch will increase B. the voltage across each branch will be the same . the current is zero in all branches: D. the voltage across each branch will increase 4 strake of lightning ‘ 4. has avery low current B. builds up between clouds © is a discharge of static electricity D. Is catised by 2 movement of holes The “international ohm" is defined In terms of the resistance of “ Ava column-of mercury B. the human body at standard room temperature (C. @ cube of a copper of length 1 mon each edge D. 8 copper wire of length 1m and cross sectional area of 1 mm? ANSWERS: BIA FRA. 0 9-4 Objective Type 4 1. Which of the following units indicates the rate at which energy is expended? A. Volt B. Coulomb C. Ampere-hour D. Watt 2. Most metals are good conductors. Why? A. Their molecules are close together ~ B. They have high melting point C. They have many intermolecular spaces. through which current can flow D. They have a large number of free electrons 3. What is the purpose of a load in an electric circuit? . A. To decrease the current: B. To increase the resistance €. To utilize the electric energy D. To share some of the currents 4. How do you call a device commonly used for remote switching of high current circuits? A. Solenoid B. Electromagnet C. Potentiometer D. Relay 5. Car batteries are rated in “ampere-hour”. This is a measure of their A. emf B. charge C. power D. current ANSWERS: 7-D 2-D 3-€ 4D 5-B Objective Type 3 di. 12. 13. 14. 15. The resistance of a material varies inversely to which of the following? A. Length of the material B. Cross-sectional area C. Temperature of the material D. Resistivity of the material A passive element in a circuit is one which A. receives eneray B. supplies energy C. both receives and supplies energy at same time D. transforms energy from one circuit to another What is the SI unit of specific resistance? A. Ohm 8. 1/ohm C, Ohm/meter D. Ohm-rneter Which of the following is true about an ideal voltage source? * A. It has a large emf with a large internal resistance B. It has a small emf with a small internal resistance C. It has any value of emf with a zero Internal resistance D. It has zero emf with a zero internal resistance A good conductor has a high A. resistance B. impedance C. conductance D. reluctance ANSWERS: 11-8 12-A 13D 14-6 15-C 10 Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas Jr. 46. 47. 48. 50. To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across a resistor, which one is needed to be known? A. Ohmic value of the resistance in the resistor B. Value of.current through the resistor C. Type of valtage applied in the circuit D. Current direction in the resistor What is the temperature coefficient of resistance of a conductor? A. Positive B. Negative Cc. Zero D. Either A or B The concept of Ohm's law is not applicable in which of the following? 2 A. Alternating current circuits B, High current circuits C. Semiconductors D. Smail resistors Resistance of a wire increases when A. cross sectional area increases B. length increases C. diameter increases D. all of these A rheostat differs fram potentiometer in which of the following statements? A. It has a lower wattage rating B. It has a higher wattage rating C. It has a large number of turns D. It offers a large number of tapping - ANSWERS: 46-D 47°A 4&6 49-8 SOE Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas Jr. ~ B 36. How do you call a material with resistance so high that it can be considered infinite for most practical purposes? A. Semiconductor B. Resistor Cc. Magnet D. Insulator 37. Which one is another term for specific resistance? A. Resistivity B. Base resistance C. Per unit resistance D. Ohmic resistance 38. In a carbon composition resistor, the talerance of silver in color means that the value of the resistance can vary by what percent? A. 410% B. +5% C. 42% D. +20% 7 39. Which of the following correctly states Ohm's law? A, Volts equal amperes divided by ohms B. Ohms equal amperes C. Amperes equal ohms divided by, volts D. Ohms equal volts divided by amperes 40. Which one refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an element? : A. Atomic weight 8B. Atomic number C.. Valence number D. Atomic charge | ANSWERS: 36-D 37-A 3E-A 32D 40-8 Objective Type di Si. 52. 53. 54. 55. Let: P = power; E = voltage; I = current, G = conductance. Which of the following is correct? A.P = EG B.P=E°G c.P =I1G D.P=PG In most electric irons, the thermostat used for controlling temperature is what type? A. Vapor filled bulb B. High expansion steel rod -C. Bimetallic strip D. Thermocouple Which of the following materials has the smaller resistivity in the group? A. Mica Which method is used for absolute measurement of resistance? A. Releigh method C. Varley loop test method C. Ohm's law method D. Wheatstone bridge method A chemical compound ___. A. consists of two or more atoms B. is technically the same as ions C. has excess of electrons D. has shortage of electrons ANSWERS: 51-8 52°C 53°C 54D 55:A 20 96. 9o7. 98. 99. Electrical Eng’g Packet Reviewer, Rojas 3. The physical size of a resistor that determines its” ability to absorb heat is rated in which of the following units? A. Ohms B. Volts Cc. Watts D. Kilowatt-hour The temperature coefficient of resistance of a material is expressed in terms of which of the following units? 7 A. ohms / ohms °C B. mhos / ohm °C c. mhos / °C D. ahms / °C If a low resistance is connected in parallel with @ high resistance, the total resistance is A. always more than the high resistance B. always less than the low resistance C. always more than the low resistance but less than the high resistance D. either less than ar more than, depending 07 the: ratio of the of the two resistances The heat produced in a conductor carrying a current is > A. directly proportional to the current B. inversely proportional to the current C. inversely proportional to the square of the current + D. directly proportional to the square of the current ANSWERS: 96°C 97-A 9E-B 99-D 27. 28. 29. 30. Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas 3. Which of the following conductor has the lowest resistivity at 273°K? A. Copper B. Aluminum . Iron D. Brass The effect of electric shock on human body is dependent on which of the following? A. Current B. Voltage C. Duration of contact D. All of these The nucleus of an atom consists of which of the following? * A. Neutrons B. Electrons and neutrons C. Protons and neutrons D. Electrons and protons The resistivity of a given material is dependent on the ___ of the material. A. length B. volume C. nature or type D. cross sectional area Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity from the group? A. Silver 8. Copper ¢. Carbon D. Silicon ANSWERS: 26-A 27-D 28-€ 29-€ 30:4 18 Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas Jr. 86. At super conductivity condition, what happens to the resistivity of the material? A. It remains the same B. It reduces to zero C. It reaches infinity D. It will increase or decrease depending on the temperature of the material 87. Which of the following is a unit of conductivity? A. mho/meter B. mho-meter C. ohm-meter D. ohm/meter 88. Ina parallel circuit with unequal branch resistances A. the current is highest in the lowest R. B. the current is highest in the highest R C. the current is equal in all the branches D: the voltage is highest across the lowest R 89. Ohm's law is not applicable in all the following Cases except which one? A. Electrolysis B. Arc lamps C. Insulators D. Vacuum tubes 90. If two similar wire conductors are connected in Parallel, their total resistance is ___. A. double the resistance of one wire 8. one-half the resistance of one wire C. the same as the resistance of one wire D. two-thirds the resistance of one wire ANSWERS: 86:8 87-A BE-A BOC 9O-B “Objective Type . 21 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. How do you call a substance whose molecules consist of the same kind of atoms? A. Element B. Compound Cc, Mixture D. Mole Which of the following resistors is physically larger in size in respect to the other. resistors? A. 10 ohm, 50 W B. 100 ohm, 10 W C. 1 kilohm, 1 W D. 10 megohm, 1/2 W The heating effect of current in not needed in which of the following appliances? A. Vacuum cleaner B. Electric iron C. Immersion heater D. Electric stove Which of the following defines a short circuit? A. It uses a short piece of wire B. It goes only a short distance C. It is used for dimming light D. It offers a very low resistance path for current to flow The bulbs used in street lighting are all connected in what type of connections? A. Parallel B. Series C. Series-parallel D. Parallel-series ANSWERS: 100-A 107:A 102-A 103-D 104-A Objective Type 2 41. What is the reason why electrical appliances are connected in parallel? It Is the simplest form of a circuit it draws less current, thus less voltage drop Parallel circuit has lesser power lass . Each appliance operates independent of each other gomp 42. The filament of an electric bulb is. made from which of the following materials? A. Tungsten 8B. Manganin C. Nickel D. Copper 43. Ina carbon resistor in case the fourth stripe is not present, it can be concluded that __. A. the resistor is defective B. the tolerance limit is 20% C. the resistor is highly accurate: D. the resistor does not contain carbon: 44. What is the SI unit of power? A. Watt/second . B. Joule Cc. Watt D. Watt-hour 45. Which one is considered as an immediate first aid for electric shock victim? A. Talk to the victim to determine the cause B. Apply artificial respiration C. Pour water in the mouth D. Apply massage to the body ANSWERS: 40D 42-0 42-6 FEC ESE Objective Type as Objective Type Fi. 72. 73. 7A. 7S. Which of the following material is not used as a fuse material? A. Aluminum B. Carbon c. Silver D. Copper If a wire is increased in circular mils, which of the following is true? A. Its size is smaller in diameter B. Its size Is larger in diameter C. Its resistance is lower per unit length D. Both B and ¢ In de circuits, power is expressed as the product of which of the following? A. Amperes x Volts B. Coulombs x Amperes C. Anperes x Ohms D, Coulombs x Volts A circuit having identical properties in either direction is called s A. Linear circuit B. Bilateral circuit C. Passive circuit BD. Non-linear circuit Conductor resistance varies with : A. material B. power _ C. voltage OD. current ANSWERS: 71-8 72:-D 73-A 74-8 75-A Objecti Type 5 SObyective APS 21. 22. 23. 24, “25. ‘The electric current in a wire is defined as a flow of which of the following? A. Valence electrons B. Heavily charged electrons C. Free electrons S DB. Covalent electrons What is the expected ohmmeter reading of an open resistor? A. Infinite B. Zero ‘C. Law but not zero BD. High but within tolerance ‘One of the following will increase the resistance of a wire. Which one? . By reducing the temperature of the wire . By Increasing the cross-sectional area of the wire C. By increasing the length of the wire D. All of these o> What type of resistors can have a rating of 10 ohms and 10 watts? A. Metallic resistor 8. Variable resistor ‘Cc. Carbon resistor D. Wire-wound resistor In de circuits, energy received is __- A. absorbed and converted into heat B. stored in the form of electromagnetic field C. stored in the form of electrostatic field D. absorbed and released ANSWERS: 21-€ 22-A 23°C 24-D 25-A 10. Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas 1, | One newton-meter is the same as which one? A. Volt B. Coulomb Cc. Watt D. Joule A shorted coil can be detected by __. A. high resistance B. low resistance C. overheated coil D. both A and B . Which of the following [s true in a circuit containing) two unequal resistances in parallel? A. Current is the same in both B. Large current flows in larger resistor (C. Smaller resistance has smaller conductance D. Potential difference acrass each is the same The term “electric pressure” is the same a5 which of the following? A. Circuit current B. Voltage C. Power demand D. Energy consumption Which of the following statements is true? A. Arheostat needs three terminals 8. An open resistor has a resistance of zero ohm C. Carbon resistors can have a power rating less than 2W D. Wire-wound resistors cannot be used for a | rheostat ANSWERS: &-D 7-8 ED 9-8 TOC Objective Type 7 31. How do you call a material if its valence electrons are exactly equal to 4? A, Conductor B. Semi-conductor Cc. Insulator D. Super conductor 32. For current to flow, the circuit must be A. complete B. isolated C. insulated D. protected 33. A component having no continuity will have what resistance? A. Zero B. Infinite Cc. Smati D. Either Aor B 34. Which one is responsible. for the current to flow in a closed circuit? A. Electric charge B. Potential difference C. Resistance D. All of these 35. How do you call the property of a conductor to pass current on it? A, Reluctance 8. Permeance C, Resistance D. Conductance ANSWERS: 31-6 32-A 33-8 34-2 35-D 14 Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas Jr 66, 67. 668. 69. 70. The mass of an atom is determined by the number of which of the following? A. Neutrons - B. Electrons Cc. Neutrons and protons D. Electrons and neutrons Which one is true about an electric shock? A. It is always fatal B. It is always disfiguring C. It is never fatal D. It is sometimes fatal Which of the following is a standard condition for Ohm's law?- A. The temperature should remain constant B. The ratio of voltage to current is constant Cc. The voltage should remain constant i D. The current is proportional to voltage | Which of the following has negative coefficient of resistance? A. Wire wound resistor B. Metals C. Non-metals D. Thermistor What is an active element in a circuit? A. Itis an element that receives eneray 8B. It is an element that supplies energy ©. It is an element that receives and supplies energy at the same time. D. Itis an element that neither receives nor supplies energy *: : ANSWERS: 66-2 67-D GE-A 69-D 7O-E 12 Electrical Eng’g Pocket Reviewer, Rojas Jy, | 56. Which one it true about an emf of 1 wolt? A. It cannot drive much current through a circuit B. It represents a low resistance | ‘Cc. It can sometimes produce a large current D. It drops to zero in a short time 57. The diameter of an atom is about ___ meter. A. 207° B. 10°7° ¢. 10° D. 107° 58. Which one is a condition for the validity of Ohm's law? = A. Resistance must be uniform 6. Resistance must be wire wound type ‘C. Current should be proportional to the size of resistance D. Temperature at positive end should be more than the temperature at negative end 59. How do you call an electrically charged atom? A. A molecule B. An isotope C. An ion D. A fundamental particle 60. James Chadwick got the Nobel Prize for the discovery of which of the following? A. Protons 8. Neutrans C. Electrons D. Mesons ANSWERS: 56°C S7-4 5B-A 55-6 6O-B

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