Indesign PDF Random Poor Quality: This Question Is

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1 Reply
Latest reply on Sep 3, 2019 1:21 PM by kristik48581377

InDesign PDF Random

Poor Quality
This question is Not Answered.
kristik48581377 Sep 3, 2019 1:23 PM

Hi everyone! I'm in the process of setting up an In Design

PDF template but am struggling with the exported .pdf file
size. 72 dpi seems to be too blurry for my images and while
300 is crystal clear, the PDF is close to 50,000 kb. I've been
placing in linked .ai files (as I'm working with a team who
would like to update them continuously) but am nervous
that this is causing the file size. Is it possible to export a 10-
20 page .ai heavy PDF from In Design that's closer to

Also, it seems to pick and choose what to export clearly

from the linked. ai file as per below:

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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1. Re: InDesign PDF Random Poor Quality

kristik48581377 Sep 3, 2019 1:21 PM

Just an additional note, it seems that certain placed .AI

images display clearly in the exported .pdf while others
are super blurry. Odd since both of these are being
exported at 72 .dpi

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