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Implementing Guidelines


Implementing Guidelines

Photo credits: VisayasHealth Project, EngenderHealth Inc.

This document is produced through the generous support of the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID). The VisayasHealth Project is managed by the EngenderHealth with headquarters
in 440 Ninth Avenue, New York City, NY 10001.The contents are the responsibility of EngenderHealth
and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government
Implementing Guidelines

Table of Contents
PROGRAM FOR YOUNG PARENTS Implementing Guidelines (PYP) ...............................................3

Background ........................................................................................................................................................3


Approach ............................................................................................................................................................6

Engagement Process.........................................................................................................................................7

ATTACHMENTS ..............................................................................................................................................9

ATTACHMENT A: PYP Pre-Engagement Checklist ........................................................................ 10

ATTACHMENT B: Sample PYP Orientation Program .................................................................... 12

ATTACHMENT C: Sample PYP Core Team Composition ........................................................... 17

ATTACHMENT D: Sample PYP Protocol .......................................................................................... 18

ATTACHMENT E: Sample PYP Implementation Plan ..................................................................... 26

ATTACHMENT F: Sample Training Agenda ...................................................................................... 27

ATTACHMENT G: DOH AFHS Facility Monitoring Checklist ..................................................... 32

ATTACHMENT H: Sample PYP Launch Program ............................................................................ 36

ATTACHMENT I: Teaching and Learning Process Guide for Educational Sessions ................ 37

ATTACHMENT J: Sample PYP Data Monitoring Matrix ................................................................ 46

Implementing Guidelines


Implementing Guidelines
Evidence shows that effective prevention of rapid repeat pregnancy among adolescents links adolescent-
friendly clinical contraceptive services with non-clinical interventions that contribute to positive youth
Maureen Norton, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli and Cate Lane
Global Health: Science and Practice December 2017, 5(4):547-570;


According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) State of the World Population
Report of 2017, the Philippines has the third highest adolescent birth rate among 11 Southeast
Asian nations, trailing Laos and Thailand. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) estimates
that one in every five persons is likely to be an adolescent between 10 to 19 years old and
about half of them are female. From 2000 to 2010, the number of babies born to teenage
mothers increased from 7.1 to 11.7 percent of total births. Consequently, the proportion of
maternal deaths among teenagers doubled from 5 to 10 percent for the same period.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Implementing Guidelines

The problem of high teen pregnancy rates is compounded by rapid repeat pregnancy, meaning
that teen moms tend to have another pregnancy soon after the index pregnancy. About one-
fourth of teenage mothers have a second child within 24 months of the first birth.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Early pregnancy and childbearing carries inherent risks for the mother and her infant. The
bodies of young mothers have not fully ready for the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth,
significantly raising the risks for complications. Children of young mothers are more likely to
be born prematurely and with low birth weight, making them prone to infant death and other
health issues like deafness and blindness. Early pregnancy and childbirth also carries social and
economic risks, such as reduced probability of school completion, and therefore, reduced
likelihood of gainful employment, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. According to the UNFPA
early childbearing could be costing the Philippines PhP33.0 billion annually, or one percent of
the country’s gross domestic product in foregone incomes.

The Program for Young Parents (PYP) is the United States Agency for International
Development’s (USAID) response to the problem of increasing teen pregnancies in the
Philippines. The PYP seeks to expand access to high quality integrated MNCHN/FP services to
help reduce unmet need for family planning, especially among the poor and women below age
19. The PYP is an adaptation and expansion of the Teen Moms Program of the University of the
Philippines – Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH).
Implementing Guidelines

In compliance with the Department of Health (DOH) policy on high-risk pregnancy, CEmONC-
capable (Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care) regional, provincial, and
district level hospitals with high numbers of deliveries among young women below 19 years old
are engaged for the PYP. The PYP emphasizes joint responsibility and involvement of male
partners in ensuring healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. It seeks to promote complete antenatal
consultations; facility-based deliveries, including availing of Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth) benefits for the mother and infant; exclusive breastfeeding for at least
six months; and a gap of three to five years between births through the use of long-acting
reversible contraceptives.

It is incumbent upon hospitals to serve clients, but adolescents require special skills and
empathy, in accordance with the DOH Administrative Order 2013-0013, “National Policy and
Strategic Framework on Adolescent Health and Development and the National Standards and
Implementation Guide for the Provision of Adolescent-Friendly Health Services.” Engaged facilities
constitute a PYP Team with members from the different hospital departments and identify an
area that they can transform into an adolescent-friendly space. The PYP Team trains to deal with
adolescent clients; drafts the hospital PYP protocol; and operates the PYP Center. In addition to
providing antenatal services, they conduct educational sessions for teenage parents on
recognition of danger signs and symptoms of pregnancy, gender sensitization, life skills, healthy
timing and spacing of pregnancies, and exclusive breastfeeding. The PYP Team endorses clients
who complete the health education sessions to partners like the Department of Education
(DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) where they can access education and livelihood
opportunities after delivery.

The Schuyler Center for Analysis & Advocacy (2008) states that it benefits society if mother
and aby are healthy; the mother is educated and able to care for her child; the child is prepared
for school; and the mother becomes economically independent. Further, the intervention must
try to reach out to the teen fathers, engage them to be part of the pregnancy and birth
experience, help them pursue education and employment to help them support their family,
and counsels them on relationships and parenting. These are precisely the outcomes that the
PYP is seeking to achieve.

An assessment conducted by the Health Policy Development Program in 2016 concluded that
the PYP meets most of the DOH’s Adolescent-Friendly Health Services standards - “The PYP
provides a clear link between demand generation strategies and service delivery. It supports teenage
mothers before, during and after delivery at different levels of the health system. The hospital where the
pregnant adolescent is compelled to deliver provides AYRH education, prenatal, natal and postnatal
Implementing Guidelines

care including birth-spacing and opportunities for a better future. It also collaborates with an Inter-local
Health Zone-SDN for demand generation and care for the teenage mothers.”


The PYP emphasizes joint responsibility and involvement of the male partners, towards attaining
the following objectives:
1. Reduce rapid repeat pregnancy and births to women below 19 years old who have
already given birth (The Philippines' Department of Health encourages a gap of three to
five years between births.)
2. Promote facility-based deliveries, including availing of Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PHIC or PhilHealth) benefits for the mother and infant
3. Promote full breastfeeding for at least six (6) months
4. Increase contraceptive prevalence rates, particularly for long acting reversible
contraceptives (LARC)


The PYP emphasizes joint responsibility and gender sensitivity. It addresses young clients’
special needs for counseling and education, in addition to the usual weight and blood pressure
monitoring and laboratory examinations. Educational sessions were originally designed to
coincide with the required four (4) ante-natal and at least one (1) post-natal consultation visits.
Later on, the educational sessions were organized as follows:
 Session 1 focused on recognition of danger signs and symptoms of pregnancy and
birth planning, including compliance with Philippine Health Insurance (PhilHealth)
requirements so that the mother and her infant can avail of benefits
 Session 2 is on gender sensitization and healthy timing and spacing of births
through the use of long acting reversible methods of contraception (LARC). The
Philippines Department of Health (DOH) recommends an interval of three (3) to
five (5) years between pregnancy and child birth
 Session 3 is about life skills and breastfeeding
 Session 4 is an orientation on the education and livelihood programs of
development partners that teen clients may choose to avail of

Upon delivery, the young mother is initiated into breastfeeding and encouraged to breastfeed
exclusively for at least six (6) months.
Implementing Guidelines

Attendance in educational sessions is recorded in the client enrollment form in the facility. The
client is also given a card where her attendance is reflected. As an “incentive” for completing
the educational sessions, VisayasHealth is linking up the PYP Centers with institutions like the
Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for these agencies to
give PYP Clients “preferential access” to their services and programs. “Preferential access”
simply means that agencies give PYP clients’ priority in availing programs and services but that
slots can be opened to other interested parties, should no PYP client register within the given
period. This opportunity is extended to the partners or significant adult of PYP clients since
most of the time, young women come for check-up accompanied by their mothers or
husbands/ partners.

Ideally, young mothers should submit to ANC in the facility where they are supposed to
deliver, but inevitably, there will be those who will come ready to deliver or “straight to DR.”
There is need to reach out to them when they are in the early stages of labor and during the
immediate post partum (within 48 hours after delivery) to encourage them to accept family
planning, particularly long acting reversible contraceptives like the PP IUD and sub-dermal

Engagement Process

1. Conduct Situational Analysis (Please see Attachment A: Pre-Engagement Checklist).

1.1 Establish the need for the PYP in a particular facility by analyzing available records on
births and pregnancy outcomes, such as: number of deliveries to teen mothers for a
defined period; parity of the teen moms; pregnancy and birth complications
experienced; etc.
1.2 Determine available resources, such as, area that can be designated for use of the PYP;
champions in the different departments who are willing to be part of the PYP team;
other resources.
1.3 Summarize the information in a project brief for presentation to hospital management.

2. Advocate to Hospital Management

2.1 Set up an orientation meeting with hospital management.
2.2 Conduct orientation and present the briefing paper to establish the need for a PYP to
hospital management. (Please see Attachment B: Sample PYP Orientation
Implementing Guidelines

3. Organize the PYP Core Team (Please see Attachment C: Sample PYP Core Team

4. Conduct planning workshop with members of the PYP Team

4.1 Develop protocol. (Please see Attachment D: Sample PYP Protocol).
4.2 Orient stakeholders on protocol.

4.3 Prepare Implementation Plan for the PYP (Please see Attachment E: Sample
Implementation Plan).
5. Organize and conduct training for PYP Team.
(Please see Attachment F: Sample Dealing with Adolescent Clients Training

6. Transform the designated area into an adolescent-friendly space. (Please see Attachment
G: DOH AFHS Standards Facility Monitoring Checklist).

7. Launch the PYP. (Please see Attachment H: Sample PYP Launch Program).

8. Operate the PYP. (Please see Attachment I: Teaching & Learning Process Guide for
PYP Educational Sessions).

9. Monitor and evaluate performance of the PYP (Please see Attachment J: Sample PYP
Data Matrix).
Implementing Guidelines

Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT A: PYP Pre-Engagement Checklist

1. Data on teen-age pregnancy (pre-natal and delivery for January to December 2017 and January to June

Name of Facility:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number/s:

2017 2018
J F M A M J J A S O N D Total J F M A M J J A S Total
Total number of
Deliveries to
women <19 y.o.
% of deliveries
Total number of
women <19 y.o.
% of NSVD
Caesarian Section
Total number of
CS deliveries
CS deliveries to
women <19 y.o.
% of CS
Complications of Pregnancy Among Women <19 y.o.
Rupture of
Infections (UTI,
Post Partum
Fetal Outcome to Women <19 y.o.
Small for
Gestational Age
Gestational Age
Aging by Ballards of Infants of Women <19 y.o.
Post Term

Presence/Absence of Factors
Implementing Guidelines

YES NO Remarks
2. Expressed need of Specify name of champion; other prime movers
management to do
a program for
teenage mothers

3. Positive relationship Cite specific observations; pronouncements

between OB and

4. Shared vision Give specifics

between OB &
Pediatrics on the
program for teen

5. Willingness of Quote statements

department to host
the program and
of the
department to be
the major program

6. Willingness of other Quote statements

departments to
support the
 Nursing Service
 Women and Child
Protection Unit
 Social Welfare
 Nutrition

YES NO Remarks
7. Availability of space If no space, possibility of dedicating time and area for the program
Implementing Guidelines

in the facility (For example, Wednesday mornings)

dedicated to the
program for the
provision of
counseling service
and conduct of

8. Willingness of the Quote statements

departments to be
involved to attend
trainings on
gender and
adolescent sexual
health and rights

9. Expressed interest Cite probable topics for research

to conduct
research on
teenage pregnancy,

10. Availability of Specify names of organizations, contact person/s, and contact

NGOs, civic numbers
groups, academe,
agencies, etc. as
support groups to
the program

ATTACHMENT B: Sample PYP Orientation Program

Orientation on the Program for Young Parents

Implementing Guidelines

Friday, 23 May 2014


The Teen Moms Program was set up in the University of the Philippines - Philippine General
Hospital (UP-PGH) in 2000. It applies a multi-disciplinary approach to the multi-faceted problem
of teenage pregnancy, with team members coming from the Departments of Pediatrics, Obstetrics
and Gynecology (OB-Gyne), Social Work, Nutrition, and Education. Teen Moms advocates for
abstinence for those who are not sexually active and contraception for those who are sexually active
and may/may not yet have children. For those who already have children, the objective is to
postpone having another child/other children for at least two (2) years. Clients are encouraged and
assisted to continue their studies. They and their partners are helped to find work. Sexuality
education is a key intervention.

UP-PGH being a training hospital, Teen Moms' objectives are as follows:

 Service - Provide quality service for Teen Moms (OB-Gyne) and their children (Pediatrics).
 Training - Give residents and consultants the opportunity to work with teenage clients
 Research - Encourage the conduct of research on the adolescence stage

Since it was established in 2000, Teen Moms has been able to:

 Provide pre- and post natal care to adolescent clients

 Encourage delivery in a health facility
 Detect and treat complications of pregnancy and child birth
 Promote acceptance of family planning
 Prevent another pregnancy within two (2) years
 Encourage breastfeeding for at least six (6) months
 Provide pediatric care and immunization to children of teen mothers
 Provide psycho-social support to teen moms

In view of the improved health outcomes attained over the past 13 years that it has been
implemented, VisayasHealth will adapt the Teen Moms Program in health facilities with high
volumes of deliveries in its project sites. Henceforth, this will be referred to as the Program for
Young Parents (PYP), to underscore the importance of involving men in the effort to address teen
pregnancy. PYP will:

5. Promote facility-based deliveries

6. Reduce births to women below 18 years old
7. Promote full breastfeeding for at least six (6) months
8. Increase contraceptive prevalence rates, particularly for long acting methods
Implementing Guidelines

PYP will:

 Provide for "walk-in" clients who do not attend ante-natal consultations in the facility, but only
come to deliver. In the case of UP PGH, young mothers who submitted for ante-natal
consultation were enrolled in the Teen Moms Program and attended especially designed
educational sessions. The VisayasHealth experience has shown that there are many clients who
"walk-in" when they are about to deliver already. There is need to reach out to them when they
are in the early stages of labor and during the immediate post partum (within 48 hours after
delivery) to encourage them to accept family planning, particularly PP IUD.
 Engage husbands or partners who accompany their wives/girlfriends when they deliver. In
general, accompanying persons are not allowed into the labor, delivery, and recovery rooms.
Most of the time, the accompanying persons wait in a designated area, doing nothing. Staff can
reach out to men at this time to encourage acceptance of a male method of contraception
(specifically, condoms) or -- if not -- support their wives' use of a contraceptive method.
 Emphasize joint responsibility and gender sensitivity by calling it Program for Young Parents
 Engage other significant adults (for example, mother, mother-in-law, guardian) by reaching out
to them also.
 Emphasize exclusive breastfeeding for at least six (6) months.
 Apply interactive educational sessions to reach out to teen moms, their partners, and significant
adults. The sessions will be designed in close coordination and cooperation with Region 8
facilities and will cover recognition of danger signs and symptoms; preparation of a birth plan
with the participation of their partner, including PhilHealth requirements; family planning;
exclusive breastfeeding; and the involvement of men, with emphasis on correct and consistent
use of condoms and joint responsibility


1. Provide Region 8 stakeholders -- particularly the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
(EVRMC) -- with the essential knowledge and information about the University of the
Philippines Philippine General Hospital (UP PGH) Teen Moms Program
2. Identify features of the Teen Moms Program that can be adapted in the Program for Young
Parents (PYP) in Region 8 facilities
3. Identify other possible partners in the implementation of the PYP, especially from the private
4. Address specific ASRH concerns in the aftermath of the disaster
Implementing Guidelines

Time Activity In-Charge

8:00 AM Registration VisayasHealth Project Staff

9:00 AM Opening Program

 Invocation
 Pambansang Awit

 Welcome Remarks Dr. Susana K. Madarieta, MD, MPH

Deputy Chief of Party
VisayasHealth Project

Hon. Evangeline Esperas

Chair, Committee on Health

 Introductions Sandra D. Solis

Provincial Coordinator, Leyte
9:30 AM ASRH Situation in Region 8 Mr. Val Esteves
Save the Children
9:45 AM Teenage Pregnancy in EVRMC Dr. Realino Molina
Head, Family Planning Clinic
Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center
10:00 ASRHiE Response in the Wake of Typhoon Haiyan  UNICEF
 Save the Children
 Plan International – Tacloban
 World Vision

10:30 AM Response to ASRH Concerns in Region 8 Ms. Fe Modesto

Regional AYDP Point Person
11:00 AM Orientation on the Teen Moms Program Dr. Ma. Emma A. Llanto
Teen Moms Program Director
11:30 AM Open Forum Ms. Alicia Lourdes De Guzman/ Ms.
Nitz Bonsubre
Facilitators – VisayasHealth
12:00 NN Closing Program
 Statement of Commitment Dr. Nelita Salinas
Chair, Pediatrics Department
Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center

 Message of Support Councilor Jom Bagulaya

Committee on Women and Children

Ms. Carmela Bastes

Representative, Women’s Shelter/Office of
Councilor Cristina G. Romualdez
Implementing Guidelines

Time Activity In-Charge

Closing Remarks Dr. Feliciano John Matibag

Regional Technical Adviser
VisayasHealth Project
12:30 PM LUNCH/Departure
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT C: Sample PYP Core Team Composition

Iloilo Provincial Hospital

Pototan, Iloilo

Name Position Contact Number

PYP Day - Dr. Prem Parcon Chief of Hospital


Dr. Lorna Canong Co-chairman

Wilma Ponta-oy Member 0999 996 5708
Nelly Cubita Member
Pilar Armada Member 0920 244 7225
New Lucena
Dr. Ma. Elda Facinabao Member
Dr. Elizabeth Dator Member 0920 905 6496
Rosemarie Guillergan Member 0909 332 6653

Leganes Azel Dayot Member 0909 433 2938

Juvel Pro Chief Nurse, Member

Trinidad Capunihan Member

Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT D: Sample PYP Protocol



Implementing Guidelines


CEBU PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL, DANAO CITY is located at the Northern part of Cebu Province
approximately 33 Kms from Cebu City. It has a total population of 127,647 (as of 2010). The catchment areas
compose of Danao City, Lilo-an, Compostela and Carmen, otherwise known as "DALICOMCAR" in the
Inter-local Health Zone, with the total catchment area population of 339,289(as of 2010).

CPH-DANAO CITY is a proposed 100-bed capacity Provincial Hospital, but currently the authorized bed
capacity is 50 beds, level I, PHIC accredited. At present, the hospital is in the process of upgrading to a level
II hospital, pending the availability of the requested equipment, as well as the completion of the construction
of the infrastructure.

General Objective

To provide comprehensive “one-stop shop” care to the pregnant adolescent, her partner, and infant

Specific Objectives

1. Provide comprehensive pre-natal, intra-partum (EINC) and post-natal care including immunization
(Tetanus Toxoid) to the pregnant adolescent
2. Provide ENC and post natal care, including immunization to the baby
3. Promote exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months to women up to 19 years old
4. Reduce pregnancy among women 19 years old and below
5. Increase FP acceptance to prevent subsequent unplanned pregnancies
6. Promote active participation of patients’ support group (i.e. husbands/ partners/ parents/ guardians
/ peers) during pregnancy, care of the newborn and children and family planning
7. Prevent and manage STIs among pregnant adolescents and or partners
8. Conduct of Health Education including USAPAN


• Hospital Management Committee

• Section of Pediatrics
• Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology
• Women and Child Protection Unit
• Nursing Services
• HACT (HIV and AIDS Core Team)
• Hospital Training Office
• Medical Social Services
• Support Services (Dietary Section, Dental Services, Pharmacy, Anesthesia Department,
Laboratory/Radiology and Security)
• Breastfeeding support groups
Implementing Guidelines


• Services
• Training
• Research ( future time)


1. Medical
a. Obstetrical Care/Adolescent Health/Male partner participation
b. Medical/Pediatrics Care
2. Psychosocial
a. Counseling
b. Social Services
c. Women and Child Protection
d. Breastfeeding-support Group
e. Legal Services (PAO, Women's Desk)
3. Health and Parenting Education
4. Referral Services and Networking (i.e. Legal, Police, Social Services LGUs-BAKUD, Spiritual)
5. Nutrition/ Dietary Service


• Objectives:
1. To enhance the skills of hospital staff and residents in dealing with health issues of young parents, in
management of pregnant adolescents, and in responding to their reproductive health needs
2. To develop skills of service providers, specifically the nurses, midwives and social workers in the
conduct of health education
• Proposed Training Program:
1. Dealing with Adolescent Clients
2. Gender
3. Adolescent Friendly Health Facility and Adolescent Job Aid
4. Conduct of Usapan


• Objective: To encourage research on issues related to adolescent health such as teenage pregnancy
• Proposed topic:
1. Clinical Profiling of teen moms with pregnancy related complications
Implementing Guidelines


Pink – Obstetric Gynecology
Blue – Women and Children Friendly Center (Pink Room)
Orange – Training
Yellow – Pediatrics

Step 1: Gateway service: Triage at ER and OPD

Client arrives at CPH- Pregnant Teen presenting to Arrival of patient at OB/ER Arrival of the the teen
Danao registration counter WCPU with complaints (ie. mother with her sick child at
at OPD Lobby labor/vaginal the OPD/ER/Pedia Ward
bleeding/abdominal pain etc)
Patient’s chart is provided Enrolment to PYP Managing the complaints Identification if mother is
and forwarded to OPD below 19 y.o
Room 9
Identification if pregnant Conduct of Interview Admission of patient Enrolment of teen mother to
client is below 19 y.o the PYP
Enrolment to the PYP Physical Examination Enrolment of patient to the
Conduct of Laboratory Test
Referral to local DSWD

Step 2: Obstetric evaluation and care

PYP day is Tuesday. First time client who comes on Tuesday will be directed to proceed to PYP clinic along with the partner
or the accompanying person/s
Patient who comes on other days will be seen by OB resident at ER and OPD
Subsequent prenatal checkups will be conducted on Tuesdays at the PYP clinic/Postpartum check up together with babies
every Thursday
History taking and PE identification of obstetric and medical/ surgical problems
Referral to appropriate services to address specific non-obstetric problems
Routine prenatal labs and imaging
Immunization (Tetanus Toxoid)
Nutrition education and vitamin supplementation
Family Planning Counselling
Recording of all findings and recommendations on the patient’s chart
Provision of information on the danger signs of pregnancy
Agreement with Teen Mom on her follow-up activities
Provision of take home information and communication health materials
Implementing Guidelines

Step 3: Adolescent Health Care

Health Assessment:
 History
 PE
 Risk factors checklist
 Treatment of medical problems
 Referrals (Nutrition, Psycho, substance abuse, social worker, WCPU)

Step 4: Psychosocial Evaluation

 Psychosocial history taking using the HEADSSS ( Home, Education/Employment, Activities,

Drugs, Sexuality/Sexual Activity, Suicide/Depression, Safety) form

Step 5: Health Classes: these can be done at the PYP Center, OPD, OB ward

Family Planning *
Dental Care
Common Maternal Illnesses (warning signs of pregnancy) *
Unang Yakap
Birth Practices/Birth preparation including PHILHEALTH coverage orientation*
Newborn Care
Common Newborn Illnesses
Breastfeeding *
Personal Hygiene
Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Warning/ Danger signs of Maternal and Infant Illnesses
Healthy Lifestyle
Importance of Pre-natal Care
Importance of Immunization
Newborn Screening
Breast Examination
Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
Implementing Guidelines

Step 6: Delivery at CPH, DANAO CITY

Unang Yakap (EINC) At OB/ER, patients aged 19 and below admitted for abortion
or ectopic pregnancy, will be enrolled to the PYP Clinic
Time Bound Patients admitted at the OB/ER will be assessed by the ROD
Drying the newbon DDR cases not yet enrolled = enrol to PYP
Skin to skin contact Secure consent for PPFP from the parent if patient is FP
Early initiation of Breastfeeding Hygiene (Full body bath for selected patients) prior to
admission to the OB/ER
Timely cord clamping Admitting CTG
Baseline Labs
Non Time Bound Monitor progress of labor, serial FHT monitoring
Newborn Care Identify obstetric and non obstetric problems and refer
accordingly to approriate services
Ballard Scoring, anthropometric measurements, Delivery either by vaginal or abdominal route
bathing of infant at least 6 hours after birth
Ward follow-up rounds Essential intrapartum care
Discharge: BCG, Hepa B, NBS Initiation of PPFP
Postpartum care
Discharge IE
Discharge instructions
Discharge from hospital

Step 7: Post-natal Check up & Family Planning Services

Follow-up at PYP Clinic within 7 days after hospital discharge

Postpartum evaluation
Provision of take home information materials
Breastfeeding Follow-up
2nd visit: 6 weeks after delivery for postpartum check-up- Every Thursday and health assessment
Family Planning counseling and initiation - Tuesday
Breastfeeding follow-up

Step 8: Gateway service: Exit from CPH-DANAO CITY and referral services to LGU

 Complete diagnosis and services rendered

 Provision of specific instructions to the patient
 Provision of referral slip {except for pathologic patients}
Note: This can be done by either Pedia or OB in the event the mother decides to continue the services at the RHU.
Implementing Guidelines

Step 9: Adolescent Health Care

Adolescent Health Care for teenage mothers at the OPD

Nutritional counseling by the nutritionist/ dietician at the Pediatrics (Identification of cases for referral)
Dental Care
Health guidance/ healthy lifestyle
Curative services/ infectious diseases/ STI/ other medical concerns
Follow-up psychosocial and psychosexual concerns

Step 10: Newborn/Infant Care

Follow-up within 7 days, or earlier if discharge less than 2 days

Regular immunization, preventive and curative care services,Growth Monitoring and Promotion (GMP)

Step 11: Parenting Classes

Healthy Pregnancy
Newborn & Infant Care
Child Care & Positive Discipline
Personal Hygiene
Responsible Parenting
Gender Sensitization & Values Formation
Handling Finances
Trauma and Injury Preventions
Healthy Life Practices
Environmental Sanitation

Step 12: Personal Advancement and Development (linking-up with appropriate agencies)

Referral to the following:

 TESDA: for skills training
 DSWD: for livelihood opportunities and employment
 DepEd: for Alternative Learning System ( ALS)
Implementing Guidelines

Step 13: Conduct of peer group sessions in partnership with GOs and NGOs (Optional: subject to
the availability of NGOs in the city)

Identification and networking with support groups

Training of Support Groups
Referral to Support Groups
Monitoring and Evaluation of Support Group

Step 14: Endorsement to appropriate services for preventive maintenance if above 19 Y/O

Endorsement of referral to: Referrals for appropriate services.

 Family Planning Service Well baby check up
 Dental Check-up once every 6 months Immunization
 OB - Annual Check-up Growth monitoring
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT E: Sample PYP Implementation Plan

A. Analysis of Helping & Hindering Factors

Don Emilio Del Valle Memorial Hospital - Ubay, Bohol

Helping/Hindering Factors Causes Recommendations
Staff constraints Limited by 60-bed capacity  Hire CSW to be assigned at the
PYP Center
 Avail of LGU assistance through
JO deployed to the hospital
Financial support for PYP clients Attendance is a financial burden on  Tap attached agencies for support
the part of PYP clients
Dedicated area for the PYP Increasing number of clients  Designate an area for the PYP in
the new building under
Acceptability of FP service;  Cultural beliefs  Strengthen education campaign
encouraging healthy behaviors  Close-knit families

B. Work & Financial Plan

Objectives Activities Responsibility Time Frame Resource Cost Fund Source
Increase FP IEC Materials FP All year FP 300,000.00 GAD
acceptance Usapan Coordinator commodities 50,000,00
Sharing of Peer IEC materials 5,000.00
experiences Facilitators Transportation
Lectures ILHZ

Strengthen Consultative PYP Q1 Meeting VH

linkages with meeting with Coordinator expenses
development stakeholders VisayasHealth
partners Signing of Stakeholders
(DepEd, MOA Q2
TESDA, Facilitate Q3 & Q4
DSWD) access of PYP
clients to
Peer Training of PYP Q1 Venue VH
Counselors Trainers Coordinator Q2 Materials GAD
Training of Peer
PYP Team Facilitators
Training of
Enhance PYP IEC materials PYP Core All year IEC materials 200,000.00 Hospital
Centers Computers Team Computers income
Hospital IT Office supplies
Monitor Quarterly Hospital All year Transportation 100,000.00 Hospital
clients & home visits HEPO Office supplies income
partners Updating of DSWD
records GAD
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT F: Sample Training Agenda

VisayasHealth Project
For Samar Provincial Hospital & Tacloban City Hospital
27 to 30 March 2017

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 1 – Monday, 27 March 2017
AM Travel Time For Samar Samar Provincial Transportation
Provincial Hospital Hospital
12:00 NN LUNCH
(For all participants)
Hotel Lorenza, Tacloban City
2:00 PM Travel Time to Abuyog VisayasHealth Transportation
4:00 PM Arrival & Billeting Arianne Keith Attendance Sheet
Tomas Guest List
Room Assignments
 Clear Book
 Name Tags
 Training
 Notebook
 Ballpen
5:00 PM Opening Program Arianne Keith Laptop/ LCD Plenary
 Invocation Tomas Projector
 National Anthem  Invocation
 Welcome Remarks Merlyn  National Anthem
5:30 PM Pretest Arianne Keith Pre-test/ Individual Work
Tomas Answer Key
MODULE 1 - Opening Session
6:00 PM Module 1.1 (1 hour) Odette M. De Structured
 Introductions Guzman Learning Exercises
 Leveling of Expectations Arianne Keith
 House Rules Tomas
 Host Teams
Module 1.2 (1 hour) Odette M. De  AJA Manual Demonstration
Familiarization with Workshop Guzman  AJA Ppt
Flow/AJA Manual Arianne Keith Presentation
Tomas  Training
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 2 – Tuesday, 28 March 2017
7:30 AM Travel to Abuyog District Arianne Keith Transportation
Hospital Tomas
Host Team 1
Observation & Study Tour
8:00 AM Opening Program Host Team 1 Laptop/ LCD Plenary
 Invocation Projector
 National Anthem  Invocation
 Welcome Remarks Dr. Felicidad  National Anthem
Sales  Ppt
Chief, Abuyog
District Hospital

Dr. Maria Lea

 Orientation on the
Program for Young
Parents in Abuyog District

 Briefing on the Thelma

Educational Sessions Estremos
PYP Focal Person
10:00 AM Observation of Educational Sessions
Group 1 – Danger Signs & ADH PYP Team Session Guides
Symptoms of Pregnancy; Birth
Planning; PhilHealth
Group 2 – Healthy Timing & ADH PYP Team
Spacing of Births
Group 3 - Breastfeeding ADH PYP Team
11:00 AM Processing of Observations Odette M. De
Educational Session Guzman
12:00 NN LUNCH
1:00 PM Facility Tour Thelma Facility
Estremos Observation
PYP Focal Person Checklist
2:00 PM Travel to Tacloban City Arianne Keith Transportation
Host Team 1
3:30 PM Arrival & Billeting Hotel Lorenza
4:00 PM Processing of Observations Odette M. De
Facility Tour Guzman
4:30 PM Preparation for Return
Demonstration of Educational
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 3 – Wednesday, 29 March 2017
8:00 AM Recap of Day 1 Host Team 2
8:30 AM Return Demonstration Training Team
Group 1 – Danger Signs & ADH PYP Team
Symptoms of Pregnancy; Birth
Planning; PhilHealth
Group 2 – Healthy Timing &
Spacing of Births
Group 3 - Breastfeeding
10:00 AM Module 1.3a Odette M. De  Ppt Presentation
 Gender Sensitization Guzman  Training Paper
Broad tip pens
11:00 AM Module 1.3b Odette M. De  UN Structured
 Values Clarification Guzman Convention on Learning Exercises
the Rights of
the Child
 Ppt Presentation
 Lots
 Training Paper
 Broad tip pens
12:00 NN LUNCH
MODULE 2 - The Filipino Adolescent
1:00 PM Module 2.1 Odette M. De  YAFSS 4 Structured
The Filipino Teenager in Guzman  Ppt Presentation Learning Exercises
Region 8 Interactive Session
1:30 PM Module 2.2 Odette M. De Group
Data from each Facility Guzman Presentations
MODULE 3 - Adolescent-Friendly Health Services
2:00 PM Processing of Facility Odette M. De  AJA Manual Group Work –
Observation Guzman  National Self-Assessment
 Characteristics of Youth- Standards and (15 minutes)
Friendly Health Facilities Implementation
(P15) Guide for the
 Characteristics of Provision of
Adolescent-Friendly Health Adolescent-
Services (P16) Friendly Health Interactive Session
 AFHS Standards & Services (20 minutes)
Implementation Guide  Checklist
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 3 – Wednesday, 29 March 2017
MODULE 4 - Dealing with Teens
3:00 PM  Stages of growth and Dr. Dainah C.  Dealing with Interactive Session
development Fajardo Teens (Viner)
 Development of the teen
brain (risk taking; evolving  Ppt
capacity; the need for Presentation
appropriate” approach)
 Adolescent friendly clinic
MODULE 5 - Privacy & Confidentiality
4:00 PM  Legal Basis Odette M. De
 Common Scenarios Guzman
MODULE 6 - History Taking Using HEADSS
5:00 PM  Using HEADSS Odette M. De  HEADSS (short
 Asking sensitive questions Guzman version)
 Active listening Ppt Presentation

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 4 – Thursday, 30 March 2017
8:00 AM Recap of Day 2 Host Team 3
MODULE 7 - The Pregnant Teenager
8:30 AM  Statistics Dr. Dainah C.  Ppt Presentation Interactive Session
 Impact on mother and Fajardo  Video
infant Holistic approach
to management of teen  JAFES
pregnancy)  Aruda
MODULE 8 - Healthy Spacing & Timing of Births
9:30 AM  Impact of short birth Dr. Dainah C.  Elsevier Interactive Session
intervals; factors that Fajardo  GATHER Demonstration
predispose to repeat  ICV Chart Role Play (Dyads
pregnant; preventing a
second pregnancy using
 How to do contraceptive
counseling for adolescents
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity In-Charge Resources Methodology

DAY 4 – Thursday, 30 March 2017
MODULE 9 - Patient Contact Experience
10:30 PM Preparation for group  Case Scenarios Group work
presentations Role Play
12:00 NN LUNCH
1:00 PM  Presentation - 10 VH Training  Case Scenarios Interactive Session
minutes/group Team Small Group
 Processing - 10 Discussion
minutes/group Role Play
3:00 PM Post Test Dr. Dainah C. Post Test/Key Individual Work
Training Evaluation Fajardo Training Evaluation
4:00 PM Closing Program Host Team 3 Certificates
 Responses from the
 Closing Message Merlyn
 Awarding of Certificates Rodriguez
Technical Adviser
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT G: DOH AFHS Facility Monitoring Checklist


Standard 1. Adolescents in the catchment area of the facility are aware about the health services it
provides and find the health facility easy to reach and to obtain services from it.

Item Self Assessment Assessment Team Recommendations


Welcome Signage

Schedule of Clinic Hours

(Day and Time)

Health Services

Clinical Guidelines


Action Plan for


Policy regarding flexible

time schedule

Policies for provision of


Policies for payment


Plan for outreach


Registration logbook
containing the list of
clients who consulted
and were given services
Implementing Guidelines

Standard 2 “The services provided by health facilities to adolescents are in line with the accepted package of
health services and are provided on site or through referral linkages by well-trained staff effectively”.

Item Self Assessment Assessment Team Recommendations


National Standards for

Adolescent Service Package

List of services provided by

the facility

Stock cards showing the

delivery and utilization of
medicines, commodities for
adolescent health care

Certificates of training on the

minimum training courses
prescribed by DOH for
adolescent focal persons and
other providers

Protocols and guidelines for

patient interaction

Clinical management
guidelines and Adolescent
Job Aid are available

Individual Treatment
Records that shows the chief
complaint, findings on
examination, clinical
impression and management
of clients

Directory of organizations –
name, address, services
provided, contact number
and contact person

Referral logbook – name,

age, address, Clinical
Impression, where referred,
reason for referral, result of

Referral forms
Implementing Guidelines

Standard 3“The health services are provided in ways that respect the rights of adolescents and their privacy
and confidentiality. Adolescents find surroundings and procedures of the health facility appealing and
Item Self Assessment Assessment Team Recommendations
Patient flow from admission to
delivery of services including
the average time for each step
is posted in strategic places.
A policy to ensure
confidentiality is posted.
Policies to ensure privacy is
Individual records are kept in
separate envelopes.
All records are kept in a safe
place, preferably in a separate
room or a filing cabinet with
lock and key.
There is a designated person
with access to the records.
There are designated admission
and waiting areas.
There are separate rooms for
consultation, treatment and
counseling. If there are limited
rooms, there are at least
curtains to separate each
There is a suggestion box.
Conversation between provider
and client cannot be heard by
There are peer educators
assisting in clinic operations
and providing services
(lectures, counseling, etc)
Materials being used by the
adolescents in the facility
SOP for maintenance of facility
Policies and procedures to
ensure confidentiality
Policies and procedures to
ensure privacy
Protocol and procedures for
patient – provider interaction
Minutes of meetings of TWG
Implementing Guidelines

Standard 4. “An enabling environment exists in the community for adolescents to seek and utilize
the health services that they need and for the health care providers to provide the needed services”.
Item Self Assessment Assessment Team Recommendations
There are leaflets containing
the clinic schedule and
services which the
members can bring home
and share to other
community members.
IEC materials on the
different programs /
services available (Example
IEC on maternal care,
family planning, etc). The
IEC materials should also
include the directory of
where the services can be
IEC Plan
Copy of the Local
Development Plan
Advocacy Plan
Action Plan showing
different agency
participation – the name of
the agency,
resources/assistance they
will provide, the person’s
Accomplishment report
showing the services given
at the public health facility
as well as those given by
other agencies, individuals
and peer counselors
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT H: Sample PYP Launch Program

Launching of the Program for Young Parents
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Cebu City
04 March 2014

Ribbon Cutting Roque Antonio R. Paradela, MD, FPCS

Head of Medical Division
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial, MD, MPH

Assistant Secretary, Department of Health

Mr. Reed Aeschliman

Deputy Mission Director
United States Agency for International Development

Ms. Pamela W. Barnes, MBA

President & Chief Executive Officer

Jaime S. Bernadas, MD
Department of Health Center for Health Development Region VII
Blessing of the Center for Young Fr. Emmanuel Cabahug
Parents Chaplain
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
National Anthem Pediatrics Department
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Welcome Remarks Roque Antonio R. Paradela, MD, FPCS
Head of Medical Division
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Overview of the Program for Young Ramon V. Najarro, MD
Parents Chief of Pediatrics
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
Messages Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial, MD, MPH
Assistant Secretary, Department of Health

Ms. Pamela W. Barnes, MBA

President & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Reed Aeschliman

Deputy Mission Director
United States Agency for International Development
Closing Remarks Jaime S. Bernadas, MD
Department of Health Center for Health Development Region VII
Program Host: Dr. Annabelle Fuentes, Head, Wellness Center VSMMC
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT I: Teaching and Learning Process Guide for Educational Sessions

Teaching & Learning Process/Session Guide PYP SESSION 1

Identification of Danger Signs & Symptoms & Birth Planning
Resource Materials:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
3. DOH, WHO, AusAID, UNICEF 2011 Mother and Child Book
4. PHIC PhilHealth Circular No. 022-2014

Before each session, please review the reminders for facilitators found at the beginning of the resource materials:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart

Discussion guides for each visual are found in the panel facing the facilitator. Study the specific portions of the resource materials
that you will be discussing with your client/s in:
1. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
2. DOH, WHO, AusAID, UNICEF 2011 Mother and Child Book
3. PHIC PhilHealth Circular No. 022-2014

Time Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

5 minutes Opening Amenities Introductions
 Introduce yourself and the other members of the PYP Team.
My name is _________ and with me are __________ and __________.
We are here to conduct this Usapan session with you.
 Request participants to introduce themselves by stating their
name, age, number of children or pregnancies.
 Request accompanying persons to also introduce themselves by
stating their name and relationship to the young mother.
Now, may we ask you to share some personal information about yourself, so that
we will get to know each other and be more comfortable with each other.
10 minutes Discussion on PHIC 1. Thank participants for sharing personal information with the
information group.
Thank you very much for sharing that information with us. We assure you
that we will not be sharing this information with anyone else.

2. Introduce the Usapan session to the participants.

This morning/afternoon, we will be talking about family matters that affect each of

3. Introduce the first topic of the session. . If possible, request a

PhilHealth officer to explain the requirements/conditions for availing
of PhilHealth benefits. Ask participants:
Are you familiar with PhilHealth?
What do you know about Philhealth?

4. If available, give the participants leaflets/flyers/brochures

pertaining to PHIC benefits or any PHIC information necessary
for availing its benefits. Explain the benefits and the requirements
for availing PHIC.
Now, let me give you the PHIC requirements and the its benefits:
Implementing Guidelines

Time Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

Requirements: PHIC form, attachments as required, payment
Member - Must have paid contributions for at least one quarter before
If not, pay contributions for the last quarter and the remaining quarters of the year.
Non-Member - apply for membership at the Point of Care through the Medical
Social Worker.
Dependent - Client is covered, but the baby is not. Client should apply for
membership at the Point of Care through the Medical Social Worker.

4. Encourage clients to verify the status of their PhilHealth

membership after the session.
Please check the status of your PhilHealth membership so that you can avail of the

5. Make sure that all participants are keeping up with the discussion.

6. Encourage participants to share opinions and experiences

throughout the discussion.

Allow participants to ask questions, if any.

15 minutes Birth Planning 1. Introduce the second topic of the session. Ask participants to group
into two (2) and list down the things that they should plan before
giving birth and post it in the wall:
In this activity, You will be group into two (ask the participants to count 1 & 2,
All number 1 will be group and all number 2 will also be grouped together)
Now, list down all the things that you should plan before giving birth (Ano ano
ang dapat mong paghandaan bago manganak?) and post it in the wall.

2. Ask the leader of the group to report and explain on the answers
they posted on the wall.

3. Process the answers and discuss about the importance of having a

birth plan. Using the Integrated Desk Flip Chart, go to the
section on Maternal, Newborn, Child Health & Nutrition.
Discuss the following cards:
Card No. 2 - Maghanda Nang Mabuti
Card No. 5 - Ang Ligtas na Panganganak
Card No. 4 - Alagaan ang Sarili

4. Give the participants the birth planning forms and ask them to fill
it out.

5. Make sure that all participants are keeping up with the discussion.

6. Encourage participants to share opinions and experiences

throughout the discussion.

7. Allow participants to ask questions, if any.

15 minutes Identification of Danger 1. Introduce the third topic of the session. Using the same group,
Signs explain the next activity of the session.
In this activity we will have a game called Charades. Using the same group, the
group members will guess the actions of their co-member based on what they have
drawn from the fish bowl. The group with the more number of correct guesstimates
Implementing Guidelines

Time Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

will win.
Are you ready?

2. Discuss about the danger signs of pregnancy. Using the Integrated

Desk Flip Chart, go to the section on Maternal, Newborn, Child
Health & Nutrition. Discuss the following cards:
Card No. 1 - Importante ang Pre-Natal Check-Up
Card No. 4 - Alagaan ang Sarili
Card No. 3 - Emergency Signs

6. Emphasize:
Go to the hospital or health center immediately if you experience
any of these signs and symptoms.

7. For added emphasis, assuming Mother & Baby Books are

available, show and discuss the following pages with clients:
Page 5 - Warning Signs During Pregnancy
Page 9 - Some Helpful Tips I Should Remember

8. Repeat:
Go to the hospital or health center immediately if you experience
any of these signs and symptoms.

9. Make sure that all participants are keeping up with the


10. Encourage participants to share opinions and experiences

throughout the discussion.

Allow participants to ask questions, if any.

5 minutes Closing 1. Ask if anyone has questions or need clarifications. Ask:
Are there any more questions or clarifications about what we have discussed?
Answer questions or ask PYP Team members to answer questions.
2. After questions have been answered, thank participants for their
time and encourage visits to the PYP Center for any health
concerns, especially about their pregnancy. Say:
Thank you all very much for taking the time to join us for this discussion. You
know our PYP Team members __________, __________, etc. You can
come to see them about your health concerns, especially about your pregnancy.
Implementing Guidelines

Teaching & Learning Process/Session Guide SESSION 2

Family Planning & Gender Sensitization
Resource Materials:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
3. DOH, WHO, AusAID, UNICEF 2011 Mother and Child Book
4. ICV Wall Chart
5. Usapan Action Card

Before each session, please review the reminders for facilitators found at the beginning of the resource materials:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart

Discussion guides for each visual are found in the panel facing the facilitator. Study the specific portions of the resource
materials that you will be discussing with your client/s in:
1. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
2. DOH, WHO, AusAID, UNICEF 2011 Mother and Child Book

Time Allocation Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

5 minutes Opening Amenities Introductions
 Introduce yourself and the other members of the PYP Team.
My name is _________ and with me are __________ and __________.
We are here to conduct this Usapan session with you.
 Request participants to introduce themselves by stating their
name, age, number of children or pregnancies.
 Request accompanying persons to also introduce themselves by
stating their name and relationship to the young mother.
Now, may we ask you to share some personal information about yourself, so that
we will get to know each other and be more comfortable with each other.
40 minutes Discussion 8. Thank participants for sharing personal information with the
Thank you very much for sharing that information with us. We assure you
that we will not be sharing this information with anyone else.

9. Introduce the Usapan session to the participants. Introduce the

first topic of the session. Provide participants the Usapan
Action Cards and pens. Using the action cards provided,
facilitate the discussion by asking participants to read the items
in the action card.
This morning/afternoon, we will be talking about family matters that affect each
of us. Okay let’s begin; can you please read the first item in the Usapan action
card? What is your answer on that item?

3. After the participants answer the item number 3 in the action

card, Introduce the first activity of the session. Give the meta
cards and Marker pens to the participants for the activity.
Today, we will discuss about the importance of planning your family. Let’s begin
by writing down your insights regarding the advantages and disadvantages of
the different family planning methods. Using the meta cards write down what
you know about that FP method and post it on the wall in lined with the
name of the said FP method.
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

10. Facilitator read all the postings, process the answers, clarifies
and corrects misconceptions and introduces the different family
planning methods using the ICV Wall Chart/ Actual Sample
of an FP method.
It is important for you to safeguard your health, that of your baby, and your
entire family. The Department of Health recommends a gap of three (3) to five
(5) years between births to recover from the rigors of pregnancy and child birth.
Spacing births will let you have time for yourself and your family.
Note: Avoid lengthy explanations about the different family
planning methods. Simply say:
There are many family planning methods that couples can choose from, depending
on whether you want to stop having children or delay having the next child:
 Permanent Methods: Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL) for women or
No Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) for men
 Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC): Intra-Uterine
Device (IUD) and Progestin Sub-dermal Implants (PSI)
 Other Reversible Methods: Pills, Injectables, Condoms
 Fertility-based Methods: Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM),
Standard Days Method (SDM), Billings Ovulation Method (BOM), Basal
Body Temperature (BBT), and Sympto-Thermal Method (STM)
We can discuss in greater detail any method you and/or your
husband/partner are interested in.

11. Ask participants if they have questions so far.

Do you have any questions at this point of time?

12. If there are no more questions, introduce the gender sensitivity

topic and its corresponding activity. Give the Gender Meta
cards to the participants for the activity.
Now, we will be having an exercise, using the meta cards provided, examine
where the Meta cards will be placed. Is it in the column for Men? For
women? Or for Both?

13. Facilitator processes the answers and emphasizes the

importance of the session.
The session emphasizes gender equality. That both men and women are equal in
terms of decision making. Having a joint decision in the family is important
in minimizing conflict and in achieving better health outcome for the whole.

14. Invite a PYP graduate/satisfied family planning user to talk

about his/her experience as a teen mom and the importance of
having a plan before delivery and in using a family planning
Experiences about the Program for Young Parents, experiences during the entire
pregnancy, labor and childbirth
WHY they decided to use family planning
HOW they accessed services
WHAT was the effect of their use of family planning

15. Facilitator encourages questions and moderate the discussion

Do you have any questions or clarifications?
Implementing Guidelines

Time Allocation Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel

16. Go back to the Usapan action card and finish the remaining
items by asking the participants to read aloud on the remaining
Please go back to the Usapan Action card and read aloud the question number
4. What is your answer to this question?

17. Allow participants to write their FP method of choice after

reading question number 5.

18. Emphasize:
Family planning methods are safe and effective if correctly and
consistently practiced. There is a family planning that is right
for you and your particular family situation.

19. Answer questions/Clarify concerns about specific family

planning methods. Use the Family Planning section of the
Integrated Desk Flip Chart in addition to the ICV Wall
Do you have any questions or clarifications?

20. Repeat:
Family planning methods are safe and effective if correctly and
consistently practiced. There is a family planning that is right
for you and your particular family situation.

21. Make sure that all participants are keeping up with the

22. Encourage participants to share opinions and experiences

throughout the discussion.

23. Allow participants to ask questions, if any.

5 minutes Closing 3. Ask if anyone has questions or need clarifications.
Are there anymore questions or clarifications about what we have discussed?
Answer questions or ask the members of the PYP Team to answer

4. After questions have been answered, thank participants for their

time and encourage visits to the RHU for any health concerns,
especially family planning. Say:
Thank you all very much for taking the time to join us for this discussion. You
know our PYP Team members __________, __________, etc. You can
come to see them about your health concerns, especially about family planning.

Teaching & Learning Process/Session Guide SESSION 3

Resource Materials:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
3. DOH, WHO, AusAID, UNICEF 2011 Mother and Child Book
4. Life skills case study
5. Baby dolls for breastfeeding

1. Before each session, please review the reminders for facilitators found at the beginning of the resource materials:
Implementing Guidelines
2. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
3. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart

Discussion guides for each visual are found in the panel facing the facilitator. Study the specific portions of the resource materials
that you will be discussing with your client/s in:
1. DOH, NNC, UNICEF 2012 Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
2. DOH, USAID, CHANGE 2014 Integrated Desk Flip Chart
3. POPCOM 2016 SHAPE resource book

Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel
5 minutes Opening Amenities Introductions
 Introduce yourself and the other members of the PYP Team.
My name is _________ and with me are __________ and __________. We
are here to conduct this Usapan session with you.
 Request participants to introduce themselves by stating their name,
age, number of children or pregnancies.
 Request accompanying persons to also introduce themselves by
stating their name and relationship to the young mother.
Now, may we ask you to share some personal information about yourself, so that we
will get to know each other and be more comfortable with each other.
20 minutes Discussion on Life skills 24. Thank participants for sharing personal information with the group.
Thank you very much for sharing that information with us. We assure you that
we will not be sharing this information with anyone else.

25. Introduce the Usapan session to the participants.

This morning/afternoon, we will be talking about family matters that affect each of

3. Introduce the session topic and the activity for this session. If
possible request a POPCOM officer/ DSWD officer to discuss on
the topic of life skills.
Now, we will be having a short exercise on Life skills. We will divide the group into
smaller groups, please group yourself into 3 (if participants are 15 in total).

4. Give each group a copy of the case to read and study. Provide Meta
cards/ Manila paper and marker pens to the participants.
We will be giving you 10 minutes to read and discuss the case among your group.
Using the Meta cards/ Manila paper provided, please write down your insights
and answers to the case study. You will select a rapporteur in your group.

5. Ask participants to post their answers and present it to the big

Now, you will be presenting your answers to the whole group. Remember that there is
no right or wrong answers in this exercise we are here to share and learn from
every ones unique experiences.

6. Process the answers by using the key learning points.

Decision-making is a process that we all go through every day. It may be simple
or complex, easy or difficult. But one thing is sure, to make a sound decision, you
must SELECT:
S - Step back from the situation and give yourself some time to think and define
the problem of issue;
E - Explore all angles of the situation and gather information, talk to people;
L - Look for alternatives; identify as many alternatives;
E - Examine consequences of each alternative; the pros and cons, and think of ways
to minimize negative consequences and enhance positive ones;
Implementing Guidelines

Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel
C - Choose and decide the best alternative, the one with the most positive results and
least negative consequences;
T- Take action to implement your decision; things or activities to counteract negative
consequences or negotiate your decision.
Negotiating Skill – Since most decision usually affect other people, we need to
learn how to negotiate effectively, we need to talk with another person in order to come
to an agreement on something.
Refusal Skill – We need to be open to other ideas but some decisions we make
must remain non-negotiable; decision that put over safety, health and personal well-
being at risk. In some instances, there is a need to say NO or to refuse people who
would like to put us in risky situation.

7. Ask participants if they have any questions or clarifications so far.

Do you have any questions/ clarifications at this point of time?

20 minutes Discussion on Exclusive 1. Introduce the second topic and the activity for the session. Introduce
Breastfeeding the importance of breastfeeding.
The most valuable gift a mother can give is the gift of life. Second only to life is
sustenance in the form of breast milk. Only a mother can give birth and only a
mother can breastfeed, so it is of utmost importance for the mother to be supported
through her pregnancy, delivery, and the nurturing of the baby. Now, we will be giving
you Meta cards, please list down your thoughts and insights on the advantages of
exclusive breastfeeding and disadvantages on not practicing exclusive breastfeeding and
post it on the wall.

2. Participants write on Meta cards the advantages of exclusive

breastfeeding and disadvantages on not practicing exclusive
breastfeeding and post it on the wall.

3. Facilitator will read all postings, clarifies and corrects misconceptions

and discuss about the importance of breastfeeding.
Discuss the importance of breastfeeding using the following cards from
Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at Bata (IYCF
Counseling Cards)
Card No. 4 - Kahalagahan ng eksklusibong pagpapasuso
Card No. 1 - Wastong nutrisyon para sa mga buntis at nagpapasusong ina
Card No. 13 - Malinis na pangangatawan

4. Facilitator demonstrate the proper correct Infant latch-on position

while explaining the details of it by reviewing the 4 signs of GOOD
ATTACHMENT and proper positioning and showing the pictures
Using the Gabay sa Pagpapasuso at Pagpapakain ng Sanggol at
Bata (IYCF Counseling Cards) discuss on the proper positioning & good
Card No. 6 -
Card No. 7 -

11. Emphasize:
Breast milk is BEST for baby. Breastfeed exclusively for the first
six (6) months.

12. Facilitator will ask the participants to choose partners for the return
Okay, now let’s practice breastfeeding using the baby dolls provided. You will choose a
Implementing Guidelines

Activity/Topic Instructions/Spiel
partner and take turns to practice.

13. The participants will take turns on the demonstration of correct

infant latch-on position and on giving feedback and corrections on
the action while the facilitator supervise the participants.

14. The facilitator will ask the participants on what they have learned on
the session then clarifies concerns if there are any
What have you learned on this session? Do you have any questions/ clarifications?

15. If there are no more questions/ concerns. Wrap up the session and
repeat emphasis:
Breast milk is BEST for baby. Breastfeed exclusively for the first
six (6) months.

16. Make sure that all participants are keeping up with the discussion.

17. Encourage participants to share opinions and experiences

throughout the discussion.

Allow participants to ask questions, if any.

5 minutes Closing 18. Ask if anyone has questions or need clarifications.
Are there anymore questions or clarifications about what we have discussed?
Answer questions or ask members of the PYP Team to answer

19. After questions have been answered, thank participants for their
time and encourage visits to the PYP Center for any health
concerns, especially breastfeeding. Say:
Thank you all very much for taking the time to join us for this discussion. You know
our PYP Team members __________, __________, etc. You can come to see
them about your health concerns, especially about breastfeeding.
Implementing Guidelines

ATTACHMENT J: Sample PYP Data Monitoring Matrix


Cebu City
Total Number of Deliveries
Deliveries to Women <19 years old
Natural Spontaneous Vaginal Deliveries
Total Number of NSVD
NSVD to Women <19 years old
Caesarian Sections
Total Number of CS Deliveries
CS to Women <19 years old
Total Number of Clients w Completed ANC
Women <19 years old w Completed ANC
Total Number of Family Planning Acceptors
(Please specify method)
 Sub-dermal Implant
 Oral Contraceptive Pills
 Injectable/DMPA
 Condoms
 Fertility Based Methods
Number of Family Planning Acceptors <19 years old
(Please specify method)
 Sub-dermal Implant
 Oral Contraceptive Pills
 Injectable/DMPA
 Condoms
 Fertility Based Methods
Total Number of Mothers Initiated on Breastfeeding
Total Number of Mothers <19 years old Initiated on

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