Indentured Workers (Chinese, Indians and Portuguese) : Settlement and Citizenship

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Examine the strategies employed by Indentured and post-Indentured men and

women to improve their socio-economic status.

Indentured workers (Chinese, Indians and Portuguese): settlement and


(i) The drive for upward social and economic mobility by Indentured and
post-Indentured workers:

 education
 religious conversion
 cultural assimilation
 agricultural activities
 commercial activities
 professional activities

(ii) Resistance to:

 Capitalist exploitation
 Religious conversion
 Unjust laws
 Cultural assimilationist policies.


 Atlantic Interactions
 Freedoms Won
 Columbus to Castro- Eric Williams pgs 347-360
 A New System of Slavery – Hugh Tinker pgs
 British Slave Emancipation –William Green- pgs 261-293
 The Caribbean in the Atlantic World
 The Caribbean , the Atlantic World & Global Transformation pgs 82-95
 General History of the Caribbean: The Caribbean in the 20th century. Chapter 6

I need all students to do readings and make notes on the following:

1. Why did the planters seek alternate labour sources post 1838?
2. Which groups did the planters turn to first and why? ( freed Africans)
3. Why was this group a failure?
4. The following applies to ALL three groups: Portuguese, Chinese, Indians
 What was the name of the labour system under which these groups came to the
 Describe how that system worked.
 What were the reasons why each group came to the Caribbean?
 What was the time frame of the arrival of each group?
 What were the living conditions of each group?
 What were the working conditions of each group?


1. Evaluate the working conditions of the Indian indentured labourers in the British
Caribbean between 1860 and 1917.
2. Discuss the view that Indian immigration transformed Caribbean society and economy
between 1845 and 1900.
3. Identify three ‘false pretences’ which induced European immigrants to settle in the
Caribbean in the 19th century.
4. Comment on the Portuguese claim that their experiences were similar to African
5. Why did Lord Harris eventually become a strong supporter of Indian immigration by
6. Discuss the obstacles to worker solidarity between the Asian immigrant groups and the
formerly enslaved in the British Caribbean during the second half of the 19th century.
7. Outline three reasons why the Chinese immigrants were regarded as an ‘industrious
people’ and a ‘valuable addition to the community.”
8. Give three arguments to support the view that the colonial governments did little to
facilitate the adjustment of the Indian immigrants to life in the Caribbean.
9. Explain two ways in which Portuguese immigrants became ‘wealthy merchants’ of
benefit to the colony.
10. What are three reasons to support the view that immigrants were integrated into the
social fabric of Caribbean society by 1900?
General history of the Caribbean book. Look up the above link and read the relevant
chapters based on the topics in module three . Some of the pages obviously are missing, but
it’s a start if u can’t get your hand on the book .

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