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Name: 1. Plant Introduction (Please include plant capacity, production types, packaging types, product specifications, product. competitiveness) mang Gontuer aivireende CB) HK te mst qbinalent tired 282 7 sanay crmmne aciels which 9S used I feosd molasity as glover non essennal . emant yasre thax imersity the meaty, savoury flowor of oo molasses a6 raw maresal to prduce MmsG bY Qfutmic ociel fermeninyen fort We use tapioca Pyant capaci Lar prant operared for ses dajt per year which is apwalent to 5 says per week Sen pe e eppremorely 13,008 tonnes ¥ Fer of MSG ] Production types + Semi —barch, paces s ~ 00t * Can cont! the feel rete mbiwrnon — gerourebie engym™e Or™ Hire . - petucy concentrer tion. of oxygen BmvInents ppreluce ph raging types . + 25K§/bag ancl 1009 / packet + Gheit -bfe © 3 years clucs Speci pewsions Bestuct — Specipcavions + white coloured Carver ge rhmiyh decerouiger) + In aystel form > size avour yous mech thryh sieving + 95% punty Ctrragyh —Aigh efeiend o/uramie seid extraction) + Practicaly osloriess - Pris compere ness + cen provce not onfy salty POUT bux aizo umamr paste as compared! 8 Sa/t- + can enhance he plowour oF DOSt dishes 1 Sage per consumpuog — appmrec! by yo Pool ancl Ory — Aelmintotrerhon a Comment : Checked by: Guo + Honessdiun Glxfamete (MScq) is fhe most ebundin} naturally eccuring on -essenfig] amino acids. MSG is used widely as flavor enhan@r in food. industry. Hence , we propose fs build 4 plant fo manufacture MSG in Taman ferindustritn Guriseks, Johor. We choose this location beceyse the plant is easily accessible fo our caw metend] Capioce melasses) and better trapper ition Our plat aims te prisce tpprtiaatty [2,000 toants of Msq Ker annum within opiration peried of 265 days per year, This jroduction can be achitwed by glucose fermentation in semi~batch manners Our preducts will fe _prctaged intr 25 fy /bag qnd N04 Lpscket_with ot shelf - [He of 3 years. One of fhe greatest features oF eur riduct is OW" MSG can he reduced at a5 high 45 5% pea s Our predact is alco cerfified as safe consmab]e prdact by Weed! and Drug Administration Technvally ear process is Hermodynamically feasible Md temptrature (33°) and atmaspheric presture ere required Our product cong be adhered to its spectral on by varieus unficrtion and refinery means, Our product is al chemically intel fo the syeunding and can be fy safely in ventilated environment, Our waste products fPrerafed can alco be easily handled and dignsd te prevent tavi roomental impact. From the bel statistic, the ghd MSG macket is flowrishing and stable due te its cntinuovs demand, estimated «+ 3000 Kiletoants in 20l4 end likely te reach ford bie tinnes by 2020. (Zan Research Analysis, 2°15) With efimatet fhe estimated investment of USP 2] million and mung opertting wst of US) 0.875 million, ou lant tecgets te achieve the nett aft fF USD S| million pe~ mnnum. Hence, the ae aan be we bade in approximately & years with ROL of 24.34% per annum. Therefore it vo be oe er on. r ‘ er aialy A sents of faiths wil be pepard by owe company forthe stefh Name: 2. Plant Location (Provide a description onthe location in terms of accessibility to suppliers and clients A simple map Prcegs ssf cH oP can be sketched.) cess: production of MCG from tapioca at vam maherra) Lecapon: Taman Revindustian gericek » Dacra hh Ledang Joh Darnl Takei " Main tapioca oe re wea: Selangor( second largest), Jehor Clagest) , Pevak and Kelantan . = Reason local STearsion cheer: HaFway between the two largest faploon, phrtation cea (Selangor & Jobe), = Land trangpertion : nearby nevthrouth highvay Heb connechs 9 states» Penisalar Malaya ~ water and aly francportaton : dismnce to KLIN’ Port Klang only 200 km on average. 3) Moweling area. ~High-densihy population avea ‘yn 200 km radius : Malacca, Many, fort Bickson, Stremhan , Dubrayaye ick and Kuala Lumpay. a Nearky fe Malacca , ogee" Sembilan £ Sélangor food production ayia (200 Km vadium) =Net so many needt “Nearby villagers (aaisek A Batt Ganbir) enm be umpliged and fhe Leeafion can be 5? bo house the workers. 5, = Eneray -net much gmpe than with he small villagee for production - The! ret survoand aver ‘s ungle - ~waker plenty of water fom nearby river. (Muar viver) @ trahenewactesmanagtiment ard late the ovea). athe latd proven fo be induekial Friendly lerbblsheent. of ether factories | the aves = Treated wanpewarter channelled into the Mune vver (nearby ) = Gas welease cam be veuraliaed by survounding ‘ywnale « = Ledang docs toh vatin'ing much: redwce omerr on the spetling of the poodict or disturbance OF Phe fermenfaon proccss. - ber vusk on flood Lene Yuk on land glide Cvery for, Venala C.— WER: Hidr-densty population area oe sficen WB: tangortafion Focus Seremban — Malacca Comment : Checked by: Name: 3. Technical and Economic Feasibility (Discuss the technical aspects ofthe process and argue their feasibility. Discuss the economy aspects of the process in terms of cost-benefit-analysis, return of investment, tt.) 4) Techwvenl feasnkbty " Bermedyanielly xb: : clined - Tae Sof hoe tonrctin Ir four (37°C), Renee. om fe ent, ehiowl = Te proesy mr aToaphoie pester 2 Procket speifetanss = ue ey AMSG om be acherted by obiceat ghtme acd Sitecton aT patil $22 of fhe MSG can be cantealled by sievicg ~The HS pouder cm alse be made colourless end edourfoss 4 decolorizer and dyer respectively Hence, it is Fechrially Aasible to make fhe product fo meet its desed eotighin 3. stbilty of product: <5 con be fept for along time, which is 3-years a5 its chelf lite 4 Packegieg : ~The BSG product just needs fs be stered tn dey and vertilefed place, “Hp Moisture con be prevented y packing MSG in wetee-paof maferia] puch as phat. E Transports MSG ks ema 5efQ te be transported by geveetl means a5 it 15 non-teric, harmless, 00 ing lynmnabley mon explosive ctnia) : i § Safety ~The predact is safe te be stoved a5 if is inect to the serounding - Th can be kept in the presence ver of venfiledion system fo pavint powder explosion Pe cvs bi Econom ca) Le demanal = Grbay ghpamic acre! clemand! ~ eshmajes! af 3000 Kibfonnes on 30/4 Bikely fo reach — yooo kitoxannes By. 2020. Caron Researcd Analysts 20) = Hence, the purveer increase in worse) semanaf is /most guaran wool, enSVAY Seebye ancl prespemus market for M56 2. Revenue — Prjected fo merease fom USD 4500 millivn Yn aoly to USD SBEO mrmon 1m s090- Caton pesearch anes) anh). $ Cast ~ Benepe ~ Analysts —, | nee Economecgl Peas ety fecnom OF 1. demanol cee ee ee ee sory Biker to reach — gooo Kiowwnner Ay 9080 Caron Research Aratysrs 20) — Hence, the further increase 79 worrof etemanal is omost guereo Keel, ensinty S¥abie anh prspemus market por MSG 2. evenve = prjeced to merease fmm USD 4sve milan In a0ly Yo WD Fee mmer yn abaB~. Caen pesearch anatyth? ani=)- 3 Gast —Benepit ~ Analysis Cost | -——____—_ Operstin cast per asp 10-5 minon CA-S- Hucnins, n.d) Carreubs, 201) 4 Pept Analyses = nets prfit vso 5-7 men per annum ~ Break-even pero? apprximatery S years” = peturn ay mnventment ) 3 J, per annem ; TST enc ema clermety jerce, the copra) inver#nen can Ht porel 6 short pence wth quite high — annual ert poyit “aL aunneshiy bouts f : buna Wy =, Ec Snails, [wis | “I ce. “4 Reuse 2B sovpoR!| OUT 0 Arr Yarhsinig, [L- A a fal coe TT ono 054 araprtly poy via ! reabos, 4uaUyA\, veg o-ponry | RESEYCU) al, EP he OAc. 7 spuevs whes © Comment : ue 8 p Checked by: 7) Name: 5, List of Main Activities/ Process/ Equipment, Facilities (List the main activities and processes in the plant, together with the involved equipment and facilities) aceite Om ose f Sraporation of oeteno, Catwe Cbadero Corypeboctecom Gistonicrn) > Rarich Feinertotten = Meretetion, Gutowste TE HEAD Wy feAenIason oF HelRES ~ Fecmentotion compares wittin > SOys, 3s Hydealyers ce OE HCL to HeMIRL Te PONTE ons = Vequtmmine DEcoHeS F-GUOME oad. 4 Giutonsc, had Beieactton USNY CEnWvRIE Si Gisomic Kerk Segeratton Yn Or Sxceor G. Neytolmatten Ond deadedaotten by Coase Soda. 4 COMVERKED THte cAystal foan ba SRMEIG Cress waster, ge own: F Cryghailisadion + MSG sélutrer 2. Favret a A. Dryog | MCG cyst “ IAEX Vg VARY ek oe / to. a Lerccess to. gegregate NSE cysal WW AccoWdonc® Jotve vepewed S2€. We Pood’ Storage D. Bagging 1 MSG ore goeved WTO gre Saded yooRdst Ww YOS - uh NS = N@shoheetton 2 Decorate fone = weve = Fermeetor = Agdayrer = Crystonine xeric = Shorage Seve: + extrogan casmn 7 PREF = Ton-Gcrdage caiomn ~ 5 Foatthes, ORE = Power Saggy ~Yorervg le ond ~Comteen = ynstewurer nevtmerk —- EvcIGhon swe. = Conve roe lout 4 ~ Gund Wosse = Stork Centre CPecreatona Area 7 TEBSg Woy ' Comment Checked by: y dead [Ea Storage. reg Bh Pretsing aren in Research > Press line Entrance /exit gate 6, Plant Layout (Sketch the plant layout with proper labels) [| || [ks Se eee ES SEES SS Sieg Mo eran Name: Comment Checked by: Name: 7. Overall Mass Balance (Determine the overall mass balance ofthe plant and critique) Int stordivo metit, equertion of &aiwtamre acid fermettertion is a8 follow CoHi2 Oc +2. 2102 0.3¢NHs—> 0.346 Ha O4N +1-49(024374H20 Gute Soda, GeHi20¢ ——_—] | > CsHaNo4 Na” (MSQ) Oz CO2 NHa 0 H20 ow = Wastes Acsuone = 1) oad cycle requive 2. days te convplere wee a x 1s /den pe earn Ag ied EES sane ny J ae it podicton of MS par cyae fr} Famentor = 3 ton /eycle The annacr! production rae ef MSG per year for 3 fermentor = 12.000 tonfeav The conversion of MSG / glucose 18 0.84 ‘Gogoi | ‘on/wpt | let: iraol = Btn feyle . 24. 340m /agcle ined * | inlet a aquired = 23m laele 2 m Loge Ss i | 2 required = 7 Oz | Bt MO srioniiyele. (5.4 ,y = FE tone’ | | 33 | NH raysveel = 33-4un /ascle H20 | (00 | Ps Caustic sida, 10 se regia = |-00 ron igale x salt! —— a Outet = yge USHC Suda rayaired = [0-ton /eycle a praduceol = 23 ton/ugle (02 ee | Oz produced = 2g ton higcle. (148)=0-4on/egelg H20 wt | H20 produaa = 2 wether wes] 14-3 | P Pa tondaele ( 3.44) = Mon egcle ee aR] Otmer wastes = 14.2 ton/agele Comment = 7 i Checked by: KKEKS156 Plone Engineering ~ Mint Projec ‘Name: 8, Overall Energy Balance (Determine the overall energy balance of the process inthe plant and critique) | eenmated ait Operavion Energy Requirement Fermentor Pe xe? ug She sere | 1. #6 nto * I She Glotemic Adel Butrachen | 14 xm KI tay Tw u/50l, Crystangaten be ato * kT Inr « Drying Fax © Why 2-84 KIO KRY fav ve® _ve ? : kn Comment : 12 Checked by:

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