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Fig. 4. System unit step responses.

Fig. 3. Controlinstrumentation.

Fig. 5 . System unit st.epresponse.

Fig. 5 shows the system step response with the opt.imal law,
for the plant. P = (9 l)+. The closed-loop transfer function is
(17) with w = 1.87, = 0.63.

[I] P. Eykboff “Some fundamental aspects of process-parameter estimacion.”
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tron. Conf.,vol. 21, pp. 541-546, 1965.
[3] J. E: Gibson and J. S. Meditch, “Adaptive control re>.ien.: vol. 1, a class of
p r d c t i v ea d a p t i v e cont.rols,” FlightControl Lab., USAF Aeronautical
Sys. Div., Tech. Rept. ASD-TDR-~Gl-28. September.1965.
[4] H. Kaufman and P. &I. DeRusso, Stability analym of predictive control
?nee I € E E Trans. Automatic ControZ, 1-01.AC-11, pp. 455464, July
[ 5 ] D. Graupe and G. R. Cas+. “Xdaptive control by predictive identification
and optimization,” Proc. A d . Electron. Conf., vol. 22, PP. 59C594, October
T h e s y s t e m closed-loop t.ransfer function is thus

A Hyperstability Criterion for

Model Reference
Zmmpk 2 Adaptive Control Systems
If ~ A ( T )= 1, then

Absfract-This paper considers the stability problem of the model

reference adaptive control systems by means of the properties of
hyperstablesystems. A theorem concerning the hyperstability of
model reference adaptivecontrol systems ispresented. This theorem
directly gives a structure of the adaption mechanism. The results
presented here include all the results obtained by Butchart, Shack-
cloth, Parks, Winsor, Roy, and Dressler. The hyperstability approach
and yP/z/chas the form of (17) with presented in this paper also allows for other solutions to the adaption
mechanism and represents a general method for studying this type
w = d / s / T ~r, = 4 3 7 8 . of adaptive systems. The results aredirectly applicable to the design
of model reference adaptive control systems and they wereverified
TEST RESULTS for some particular cases by analogical simulation.
The theoreticd results were verijied by hybrid simulation with
an Electronics Associat,es 231R analog computer. The control was
calculated by instrumenting (7) and (8) as sbown in Fig. 3. The I. IXTRODUCTION
sample-and-hold element near t.he top center of Fig. 3 ensures that Butchart and Schalicloth [3], Parks [4], Winsor and Roy [5] dis-
u ( t ) is constant during speedup. The int.egrator immediately u p cussed the an&& and synt.hesis of model reference adaptive control
stream from the sample-and-hold element integrates d u l d r in fast systems from the point of view of stabi1it.y. They used Lyapunov’s
t,ime and holds the computed control u(t) in normal time. The second method for the st.udy of the stability of t.hese systems. More
speedup factor used was 100 so t.hat 10 ms of fastArne computat.ion general results can be obtained in the problem of analysis and syn-
produce an estimate of the next. one second of the syst,em error
Fig. 4 shornstep responses of the systemforExample 1. It
demonstrates the variation with TI of system natural frequency w
and the invariance of damping ratio r with changing TI.

thesis of model reference adaptive systems from the point of view of

stability, using Popov's results in the field of hypelstable systems
ill, P 1 .
Consider the multivariable standard system represented in Fig. 1
and described by state equations of the folm Fig. 1. Standardmultivariablenonlinear control syatem.

2 = xz + x u 1 (1 1
v = Px (21
211 = -u. (3)
u ( t ) = g(v(T),t), T 5t (4)
where X , X, and P are matrices, 5, u., 211, and u are vectors. It is
assumed t.hat the pair [ P , N ] is completely obselvable, and the pair
[M,K]is completely controllable. It. is also assumed that the vectols
u and L' have t.he same dimension, and that 5 denotes a nonlinear de-
pendence (funct.ional dependence) between u and the values of v in
the interval 7 5 t . Consider also the subset of u,which satisfies the
following inequality for all t Fig. 2. Multivariable model referenceadaptive control system.

which define the real syst.em; C is a T X n dimensional constant out-

put matrix; D is a T X T dimensional constant. mat,rk which defines
where depends on the initial state of the s>-st.emand eventually the linear processing block of generalized error; &,Bs, F, are vectors
of sup 0 < < t ,( x ( ~ y 1 ,but does not depend on time t. which correspond to the model out.put, the real system output,, and
t.hegeneralized error. and X denote a nonlinear dependence between
elements of the matrices A s @ )and & ( t ) and t.he values of o in the
The system (1)-(4)is termed asymptotically hyperstable, if for interval T 5 t. For these systems t.he adaptive response for a given
any u ( t ) belonging to the subset defined by (j),the null solution of input u ( t )is considered.
the system isasymptot.ically stable in the large. At thesame time t.he
following inequality holds Dejkition
Ilz(t) ;[ 5 k ( ; ( 2 ( 011) + 61, Yt 2 0, k,6 > 0. The adaptive response of a model reference adaptive control sys-
tem, described by ( 6 t ( 1 3 ) for a given input. ~ ( t )is, defined as the
The Popov theorem for asymptotic hyperstability of system (1)-(4) evolution of t.his system, starting from the following situation
is the following.
[AM - AS(4)l # 0
[By - Bs(t0)l # 0, t = to
Necessary and sufficient condit.ions, inorderthat t.he system,
-described by (1)-(4) and t.he inequality ( 5 ) , be an asymptotically with the assumption that A & ) and B d t ) depend only on the adapta-
hyperstable system, are that. t.ion mechanism for t > ta.
1 ) the transfer mat.rix from u1 to V: Z ( s ) = P(s1 - be
strictly positive real (in the sense tha.t Z ( s ) is positive real for all s); IB. HYPERSTABILITY
2) all the poles of Z ( s ) lie in t,he half plane Re s < 0; -ADAPTIVE CONTROL SI-STEMS
3) Z ( j w ) ZI*(jw)should be positive definit.e Hermitian for all Theorem
real w [8], [91.
Necessary and sufIicient. conditions in orderthat those model
111. T H ESTABILITY FOR M O D E L REFEREXCE reference adaptive cont.rol syst.ems, described by (6)-(13) be an
ADAPTIVECOKTROL asymptotically hyperstable system, are that
Consider a multivariable model reference adapt,ive control system 1) the t.ransfer mat,rix Z ( s ) = DC(sI - -4,u)-I be strict,ly positive
with m inputs and r outputs represeded symbolically in Fig. 2 and real;
described by the following equations 2 ) the vectors [ A M - As(t)]y; [BM- Bs(t)lu,v be of the same di-
X = A.@ + B3r~ (6 )
3) the computing block of the mat.rices ds(t),& s ( t ) must intro-
e,<= cx (7) duce functions with the following form

?j = B s ( t ) y + Bs(t)u (8) +(t) = [ y z j ( t ) ]= [ ~ g ~ i y j ] aIi-positive

, constant. (14)

6s = cy (9) I< (t) E [?&)I = [&viuj], &,-positive constant. (1.5)

B = e.u - e.; (10) &marks

T7 = Da (11) Condit.ion 2 ) of the Theorem may be interpreted as follows: the
dimension of v (which is identical with the dimension of a) must be
As(t) = @(V(.),t), T 5t (12) equal to the number of lines of AS@)and Bs(t),respectively, which
B.S(t) = J<(V(T),t), T 5t (13) contain elements not identical to the corresponding elements of A x
and B M . At the same time &(t) and Bs(t) must have the same
where AM and BH are respectively n X n and n X m dimensional number of lines which are not identical to those of A x and B,w.
constant mat.rices which d e h e t h e model; A s ( t ) and B s ( t ) are re- Proof: 1)The system described by (6t(13) can be represent.ed by a
spectively n x n and n X m dimensional time-variable matrices set of equations of the form (1)-(4). The transfer matrix of the
554 11,:EK T R A X S A C T I O N S O N AUTOb1.iTIC CONTROL, O C M B R R 1969

linear block in the equivalent syst,em is

Z ( S ) = DC(SI - A M - ' .
From ( i ) ,(9), and (10) one obtains
E = C(a - y) = c,

which, from (12), (13), and (18), yields

w(t) = -w ~ ( t )= $ ( t ) ( ' T ) , f ) , 7 5 f. (211
Equations (19F(21), obtained from (6)-(13), are similar to equa-
tions (1 )-(4) of the standardnonlinear system.The transfermatrix of
the linear block is the following
Z ( s ) = DC(s1 - &I)-'. (22)

For asymptotic hyperstability the strict positive realness of Z(s) is

required. The necessity of the fiwt condition of the Theorem is which are satisfied for all fnnctions u,(t), yj(t), and vi(t). Thus the
therebv proved. third assumption of the Theorem asures the condition ( 5 ) for the
2 ) I t will be proved t.hat an inequality of the form ( 5 ) is satisfied application of the Popov results.
if The a,ssumptions of the Theorem are at the same time sllfficient,
because if an inequality of type ( * 5 ) holds, the necessary and sufficient
a(()= [p,j(t)] = [cuijviyj], a,,-positive constant condition for hyperstability is that. Z ( s ) be strictly positive real.
74t) = [ v i j ( ( ) ]= [bijc~uj], 0,j-positive constant
with the condition that [A.u - As(t)]y, [B.v - B s ( ~ ) ] ube
, P of the One can also find other forms of the third condition for hyper-
same dimension. The inequality (j),corresponding to the ayxtem de- stability of model reference adaptive control systems. These forms
scribed by (19)-('21), becomes can appear by finding new rolnticnla for the integral equation (23).

(23) Particular Case 1

Consider the model reference adaptive control system represented
The first condition, in order to satisfy the inequality, ('23) is that. in Fig. 3 and described by the following equations
the vectors w and v have the same dimensions, [A.w - As(t)]y and
[B.,f - Bs(t)]u,v,respectively. Thus, the necessity of the second as- (34)
sumpt.ion of the Theorem is proved.
From (18) and (21) one obtains

w = [Ul,] =
L n -
j= 1
(aJfij - asii(t))?/j

- (b.qij - bsij(t)bj , 1 _< i 5 IP. (24)
(37 1

Kow inequa1it.y (23) yields

dia(f) = t (35)

2 5 [L'-
(nl(V(7),f), T I

1=1 J=1
(Uuij - U ~ i j ( ~ ) ) L l j ( r ) U i (d~r )
1 6?2(t) = ?i(V(T),f),

Necmsary and sufficient. conditions, inorder


< t.
reference adaptive control system described by (34F(39) define an

asymptotically hypelstable system are that

1) the transfer funct.ion

be strictly positive real:


adaptat.ion. The results of this paper are applicable directly to the

synthesis of model reference adaptive cont.ro1sgst.ems. Some partieu-
lsr cases of the t.heorem were verified by analogical simulation.


Theauthor is grateful to Prof. V . &I. Popov, member of the

Romanian Academy, for very useful discussions.

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tems, dutomatzon and RemoteControl rol. 24, pp. 1-23, January1963.
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grodifferential model ( p = d / & ) . R. L. Butchart And B. Shackcloth, “Synthesis of model reference adaptive
control systems by Liapunov’s second method,”Proc. 2nd IFAC Sump. on
ThforqpfSelf-Adaptise Control Systems. Kew York: Plenum,1966,pp.
2) t,he computing block of the elements a ! & ) and &i2(t) must P. C. Parks, “Liapunov redesign of model reference adaptive control sys-
tems.” I E E E Trans. Aufomutic,Control,vol. AC-11, pp. 362-36i, July 1966.
produce functious with the following form C . A. Winsor and R. J. Roy, Design ai model reference adaptive control
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d‘ P (Correspondence),,, vol. AC-13, p. 204, April 1968.
c.&) = ai 7v(l), i = 0, . .., h, cu,-positive constant (41) R. M . Dressler, A n approach to model-referencedadaptivecontrol sys-
tems,” I E E E Trans. Aufomatic Control, VOI. A C 1 2 . pp. 75-80, February
L. A. Zadeh and C . A . Desoer, Linear Sgsiem Theory. New York:
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B. D . 0. Anderson, *.A simplified viewpoint of hyperstahiliiy.” I E B E
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Particular Case 8 I. D. Landau, 4 . V. Grossu, and St. Gavat, “L’utilisation de la command:
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Consider the model reference adaptive control system dcwibed Automatisme, v?!. 13, pp. 146-152, 1968.
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Stability of a Relay Servosystem

Abstract-This paper considers a servosystem containing a relay

with dead zone and hysteresis. A frequency-domain stability cri-
terion is given using the Popov-type techniques, and it is shown that
Necessary and sufficient. conditions, in order thatthe model if the linear subsystem in thefeedback loop contains a free integrator
reference adaptive control system described by the equat.ions (43)- and its frequency response satis6es this criterion, then the error
(47) define an asymptotically hyperstable system, are t.hat, settles within the dead zone after a h i t e time.
1) the transfer function
Becawe of the inherently at,tractive factors of a relay-type con-
troller, such as funct.iona1 simplicity, reliability, weight, and coat,
his' relay servosystems find wide application in indmtry. General
i=O stability analysis of relay servosystems has been invest,igated by the
phase-plane approach and t.he describing function method [ I ] , [Z] .
be st.rictly positive real; In the case of a system containing an ideal relay, some reults based
2 ) the computing block of g , ( t ) must. produce a function of the onLyapunov’s second method [3], [4] and the Popov-type tech-
following form niques [SI are available.
Pakubovich considered zero-input qstenls with hysteresis non-
linearities and linear subsystem described by ordinary differential
equations, and derived frequency domain stability conditions using
V. CONCLUSION the method of mat.rix inequalities [6], 171. The class of hysterezis
nonlinearities considered by Yakubovich is very broad; speci6cally
The Theorem given in t.his paper includes all the results obtained it contains discontinuous hysteresis (relay-hysteresis) such asthe one
by Butchart and Shackcloth [ 3 ] ,Parks [4], and Winsor and Roy [5], treated in this paper, and t.he criteria may be applied to a system
using Lyapnnov‘s second method and the Dressler [6] results ob- wit.h such nonlinearit.y, provided that thesolution of the system equa-
tained by a se1lsitivit.y method. tion is properly defined in a m-ay similar to what is usually done for
The procedure presented here may be wed also for solving t,he differentialequations with discontinuous right-hand aides.
cases it1 which one cannot. find a Lyapunov function, but, in which it The relay non1inearit.y considered in this paper, although specific,
is possible tu evaluate an integral o f t.he form (.SI. is of practical importance; it is chamcterized by dead zone as well s
Other result5 in the problem of the hyperstabi1it.y of model refer- hysteresis. A more general class of linear subsystems than Yakubo-
ence control systems can be deduced by finding new solutions of
integral equations (23). It is probable that in this way one can find
solutions for the model reference adaptive systems in which only a Manuscript received October 30, 1968.
The aut.hors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka,
set of elements of the statemat.ri.u of the real system is accessible for Japan.

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