Reproductive System: Peristalsis

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Reproductive system

● Gonads - primary sexnorgans

○ Testes - males
○ Ovaries - females
● Gonads produce gametes and hormones
○ Sperm - male gametes
○ Ova - female gametes
■ Secondary oocytes - (matured egg cells)
■ Hormones female: Estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, inhibin

Male reproductive organ

● Testes/testicles
○ Sperm cells and hormones
● Duct system
○ Epididymis
○ Ductus deferen
○ urethra
■ Prostatic, membranous, penile/spongy
● Accessory organs - produces fluid from semen
○ Senimal vesicle
○ Prostate gland
○ Bulbourethral gland
● External genitalia
● Penis
● Scrotum - supports testicles

Testes: covering
● Tunica albuginea
○ Capsule that surrounds testes
● Septa
○ Extensions that extend into testes and divides it into lobules (seminuferous tubules)
○ Each lobule: 1-4 semineferous tubules
○ Function of SEMINEFEROUS : main site for reproduction of sperm cell
○ Tightly coiled structures
○ Empty sperm into the rete testis(junction of tubules into epidydimis
○ Interstitial cells- produce androgens such as testosterone

Duct system
● Epididymis
○ Storage and maturation sperm cells
■ 20 days
○ Comma shaped tightly coiled tube
○ Found in superior part of testis and along posterior lateral side
○ Expels sperm with contraction of muscles in epididymis walls to vas deferens
■ Dartos muscle
■ cremaster muscle
● Ductus deferens
○ Carries sperm to epididymis to ejaculatory duct
○ Passes inguinal canal and over the bladder
○ Moves sperm by peristalsis
■ Movement: forward
○ Spermatic cord
■ Collection of Ductus deferens, blood vessels, and nerves in a connective tissue sheath
○ Ends in ejaculatory duct and unites with urethra
○ Vasectomy
■ Cutting of ductus deferens at level of testes to prevent transportation of sperm
■ “Tomy” - to cut
● Extends base of urinary bladder to the tip of the penis
● Carries both urine and sperm
● Bawal magsabay ang sperm and urine

3 components/portion of urethra (8 inches)

○ Prostatic urethra - prostate gland
○ Membranous urethra - prostatic urethra to penis
○ Spongy urethra - runs length of penis

Accessory organs - production of fluid

● Seminal vesicle
○ Located at base of bladder
○ Produces thick yellowish secretion (60% semen)
■ Fructose
■ Vitamin c
■ Prostaglandins - (continuous vasodilation and contraction) (viability and motility) (immunity of sperm cell)
● Prostate gland
○ Donut shape
○ Upper part of urethra
○ Secretes milky fluid
■ Helps activate sperm
■ Enters urethra to smaller ducts
● Bulbourethral glands
○ Cowpers gland (bilog sa model)
■ Pea sized inferior to prostate
■ Produces thick, clear mucus
● Cleanses urethra of acidic urine
● Serves as lubricant during sexual intercourse
● Secreted into penile urethra
● Mixture of sperm and seminal fluid
● Advantages:
○ Fructose provides energy for sperm cells
○ Alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidic environment of vagina
○ Semen inhibits bacterial multiplication
○ Elements of semen enhance sperm motility
● Volume: 2.5-5ml with 50-150 million sperm per ml
● Ph: 7.2-7.7
● Penis
○ Contains urethra it is a passageway of semen and urine
● 3 cylindrical masses (all erectile tissues)
○ 2 corpora cavernosa
○ 1 corpus spongiosum
● Glans
○ Head of penis covered by prepuce (foreskin)

External Genitalia
● Penis
● Scrotum
○ Dicides sac of skin outside abdomen
○ Maintains testes at 2-3 deg. Celsius. Lower than body temp to protect sperm viability
■ Contract
■ Scrotum moves upward
■ Goosebumps - arrector pili for thermoregulation of the skin
■ To retain heat inside
■ Muscle: dartos and cremaster
○ Made up of subcutaneous Muscle tissue: Dartos muscle
○ Cremaster muscle (extension of internal oblique)
■ Helps contraction of scrotum
■ Series of small bands of skeletal muscle that descend
■ Cremasteric reflex -
● Stimulus: Stroke medial thigh
● Normal response: Movement of scrotum upward
● If no response: Weak internal oblique
■ Raphae - septum sa scrotum
● Penis
○ Deliver sperm to female repro tract
○ Regions
■ Shaft/body
■ Glans penis (most sensitive portion)
■ Prepuce (foreskin)
● Folded cuff of skin around proximal end
● Often removed by circumcision
- formation of sperm cell
- At puberty
- Occurs in semineferous tubules

● Processes of spermatogenesis
○ Spermatogonia (stem cells)
■ Mitosis - more stem cells
○ Lahat galing sa stem cell magdederivate sa mga spermatogonia hanggang matured
○ Follicle stimulating hormone
■ Modifies spermatogonia division
■ One cell- stem cell
■ Another crll - primary spermatocyte
■ Haploid spermatids - produced
○ Spermatogenesis - 64-72 days

Regions of spermatids
● Head - contains DNA by acrosome (helmet of the heat) (penetrate)
○ Nucleus wt 23 chromosome
○ Neck - centrioles that form microtubule
● Midpiece
○ Mitochondria that make locomotion of sperm
○ Principal piece and end piece- make up the tail and movement
● Tail - flagellum

Spermatids - sperm cells

Sperm - penetrate the secondary oocyte

Development of sperm
Primary spermatocyte
Early spermatid
Late spermatid
Spermatozoon (mature)

● Only human flaggellated cell
● Dna is found in the head

Testosterone production
● Most important important
● Prodyced in interstitial cells
● Functions:
○ Sex drive
○ Causes secondary sex characteristics
○ Deepening of voice
○ Hair growth
○ Adams apple
○ Enlargement of skeletal muscle
○ Thickening of bones

Female Reproductive System

**Tortora reference
● Ovaries
● Duct system
○ Uterine tubes (fallopian tubes)
○ Uterus
○ Vagina
● External genitalia (VULVA)

● Production of egg cell and hormones
● Ovarian follicles - sac like structures
○ Structure:
■ Oocyte
■ Follicular cells

Primary follicle
Graafian follicle- Growing follicle with a maturing oocyte
OVUlation - follicle ruptures
● 28 days cycle
Secondary oocyte released
Corpus luteum - shed during menstruation
● Remnant during dormation of matured follicle
● rupture follicle is transformed to this

Support for ovaries

● Suspensory ligaments
○ Secure ovary to lateral walls of pelvis
● Ovarian ligaments
○ Attach to uterus
● Broad ligament
○ Fold of peritoneum, encloses suspensory ligament

Uterine (Fallopian) tubes

● Receive the ovulated oocyte
● Site of Fertilization
○ 3 portions
■ Isthmus
■ Ampulla - Main site of fertilization
■ Infundibulum
○ Fimbriae - finger like structures
■ Receive oocyte
○ Cilia- moves oocyte
■ 3-4 days
● Attached to uterus
● Not physically attach to ovary
● Fertilization occurs in uterine tube

● Located between utinary bladder and rectum
● Hollow organ
● Function
○ Receives fertilized egg
○ Retains fertilized egg
○ Nourishes fertilized egg

Support for the uterus

● Broad ligament
○ Attached to pelvis
● Round ligament
○ Interiorly
● Uterosacral ligament
○ Posteriorly

Uterine/Vaginal prolapse
● Lumalabas yung dula ng uterus
● Carrying heavy objects
● Kakaanak

Regions of the uterus

● Body
○ Main portion
● Fundus
○ Area where uterine tube enters
● Cervix
○ Narrow outlet that protrudes into the vagina
Walls of uterus
● Endometrium
○ Inner layer
○ Allows implantation of fertilizer egg
○ Sloughs off if no pregnancy (menses)
● Myometrium
○ Middle layer of smooth muscle
● Serous layer
○ Outer visceral peritoneum

● Behind bladde and in front of rectum
● Serves as birth canal
● Receives penis
● Hymen
○ Closes the vagina is ruptured

External genitalia/ Vulva

● Mons pubis
○ Fatty area
○ Covered with pubic hair
● Labia
○ Skin folds
■ Labia majora - outer
■ Labia minora - inner
● Vestibule
○ Production of mucus
○ Enclosed lab. Majora
● Clitoris
○ Contains erectile tissue
○ Correponds to the male

● Supply of eggs are present at birth
● Ability to release eggs begin at ouberty
● Reproductive ability ends at menopause
● Menarch - first mens
○ 9-12 yrs old
● Menopause
○ 45-55 yrs old
○ Lifestyle
● Oocytes are matured in developing ovarian follicles

● Female stem cells found in dev. Fetus
● Undergo mitosis to produce primary oocytrs
● Primary oocytes are surrounded by cells that form primary follicles in ovary
● Follicle Stimulating hormone
○ Cause mature primary follicles
○ Meiosis starts insidr maturing follicle
■ Produces secondary oocyte and first polar body
○ Meiosis is complete after ovulatyonly if sperm penetrates
■ Two additional polar bodies are produced

Mammary glands
● Located in each of th two breast
● Modified sudoriferous (sweat) glands produce milk
● 15-30 lobes
● Alveoli- lobules containing milk secreting glands
● Nippl and lactiferoud ducts where milk emerges
● Areola- skin around nipple.

Suck reflex - for babies

Cyclical changes
● In Ovaries and uterus
● One month
Oogenesis and preparation by the uterus to receive a fertilized ovum
Ovarian cycle
● Maturation of the oocyte
Uterine cycle
● Endometrium for implantation

Gonadotropin releasing hormone

● From hypothalamus
● controls both ovarian and uterine cycles

Phases: 24-36 days.

4 phases of reproductive cycle
1. Menstrual
a. 1-7 days
2. Preovulatory
a. 7-13th day
b. Starts to mature
3. Ovulation
a. 14 day - ovulation period
b. 3 days after and before 11-17
4. Postovulatory
a. 18-28 day
b. Increase production of estrogen and progesterone

Counter part of structure

● homologous part sa practicals

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