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) Firstly, we are here to take up the current scenario of our Maggi, apply new
marketing strategies and make decisions on that. I would like to reiterate that Our
Maggi was safe and it is safe. Those lead and MSG levels might be from naturally
occurring sources also which were present in the pack.

2.) Geethika, can you please reveal the stats, facts and figures?

3.) Okay so Now Karthik, do you have any creative ideas on how to reframe our Sales
strategy for our comeback.

4.) on that note, Ishit Can you please go ahead with your points too on this!
As a part of our comeback, we should definitely introduce new flavours.
5.) Karthik, do you have any marketing strategies?

6.) Srikanth, on that note do you have your points?

7.) So, in this case as Maggi has an emotional connect, we first target the youth
(bachelors, hostellers, etc..,) making a social media ad of emotional mother. This
would be our first strategy.

8.) Karthik, what would be the next plan targeting working women, middle aged dads

Now, I guess we have to go with the below ones:
1) Social media ad with emotional mother
2) Targeting middle aged groups via television ad campaigning
3) Target this festive season and do mass marketing

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