2 Simple Past

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Unidad 2: Past Simple


Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que concluyó en un tiempo anterior al actual. La duración no es relevante. El
tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el pasado reciente o un pasado lejano.

-John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

Siempre se utiliza el "simple past" para referirse a cuándo ocurrió algo, de modo que va asociado a ciertas
expresiones temporales que indican:

frecuencia: often, sometimes, always

I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
I often brought my lunch to school.

un tiempo determinado: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago
She finished her work atseven o'clock
I went to the theatre last night

un tiempo indeterminado: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago
People lived in caves a long time ago.
She played the piano when she was a child.


Formar pasado de un verbo.

Todos los verbos regulares forman su
pasado añadiendo -ed al final de su
forma en infinitivo.

Algunos verbos cambian ligeramente

su ortografía:
- si acaba en cons-vocal-cons, esta
última se duplica.
stop -- stopped

- La Y del final de los verbos que aca-

ban en consonante seguida de y, se
convierte en una i
try -- tried

Página 1

1.- Translate these sentences using past simple: 2.- Write affirmative sentences using past simple:

Ella vio tu casa nueva. She / lose / her umbrella

No compramos el libro We / know / the truth

No comieron tarta It / work / properly

¿Tuviste tiempo? I / play / chess

¿Os sentasteis juntos? They / fly / to Mexico

¿Dónde estudiaste? He / tell / me everything

Él sabía la verdad He /spell / his name

Visitaron la catedral You / invite / Mary to the party

No dibujamos el mapa She / find / her wallet

No entendí la película We / pay / the rent

3.- Write negative sentences using past simple: 4.- Write interrogative sentences using past simple:

They / not pay / the bill Why / you / cry?

We / not draw / the map He / see / Mary?

They / not drive / fast How many times / you / try?

I / not read / yesterday’s newspaper She / go / with him?

She / not want / to cry He / tell / you the truth?

He / not listen / carefully What / you / do?

He / not teach / in our school They / understand / the problem?

We / not break / the rules You / find / the key?

They / not know / the answer He / read / the book?

She / not win / alone He / learn / the lesson?

5.- Translate these sentences using past simple:

Where ___________________? (she / go)

How many days _________________? (he /wait)

I _____________ very hard (work)

They _______________ about the problem (not think)

She ___________ with her family (not go)

_________________ my new car? (you / see)

Página 2
6.- Elige la mejor opción para cada oración:
- I break / broke a cup yesterday.
- Ann did not play / played tennis yesterday.
- Harry work / worked last Sunday.
- I didn’t know / knew.
- I didn’t feel / felt well last night.
- Ann come / came to see us at the weekend.
- I didn’t see / saw Bill at the party.
- Peter didn’t write / wrote to me for a long time.
- The train did not arrive / arrives on time.
- Mary didn’t like / likes / liked her teacher.

7.- Elige la mejor opción para cada opción:

- I take / took my father to Spain last week.
- Did you hear / heard me?
- Did John bring / brought his wife with him?
- When did Ann start / starts school?
- I see / saw Eric in the supermarket yesterday.
- Why did you leave / left your job?
- Did Fred speak / spoke to you about Andy?
- Where did that woman keep / kept all her money?
- Derek learn / learnt English when he was young.

8.- En estas oraciones interrogativas, elige la mejor opción (ten cuidado, si el pronombre es sujeto
o complemento):
- Who gave / did give you that ring?
- What wanted John? / did John want?
- Who said / did say that?
- What made / did make that noise?
- Who asked / did she ask?
- Who told / did tell you?
- What fell / did fall out your bag?
- What put you / did you put in the shop?

9.- Haz preguntas para estas oraciones, usando el comienzo que te dan:
- ‘Somebody heard me’, Who ________________________________?
- ‘I heard somebody’, Who __________________________________?
- ‘I phoned somebody’, Who _________________________________?
- ‘Somebody wrote to me’, Who ______________________________?
- ‘Something broke the window’, What ____________________________?
- ‘I broke something’, What __________________________________?
- ‘Mary played something’, What ______________________________?
- ‘Something fell off the table’; What ______________________________?

Página 3

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