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November 2004
Volume 46 Number 9
$5.00 U.S.
$6.50 Canada

the Impact
The Day After Tomorrow
ALSO . . .


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Before and After The
A U.S.
Day After Tomorrow
. Study of Climate Change Risk Perception
by Anthony A. Leiserowitz

n Memorial Day weekend 2004, Twentieth Century Fox released
The Day After Tomorrow, a disaster movie depicting an abrupt
and catastrophic climate change. In the movie, a global warming–
induced shutdown of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation system1
triggers extreme weather events worldwide and subsequently a new ice
age, with wrenching global consequences. Before it even hit the the-
aters, however, the movie generated an intense storm of media con-
troversy as scientists, politicians, advocacy groups, and political
pundits debated the scientific accuracy and political implications
of the movie and global climate change.
Numerous predictions were made as to how the movie would
influence risk perceptions and attitudes of the U.S. public
toward global warming. Some commentators feared that the
catastrophic plotline of The Day After Tomorrow would be
so extreme that the public would subsequently dismiss the
entire issue of global warming as fantasy. At the other
end of the spectrum, others spun a scenario in which,
panicked by the movie, the U.S. public would
force Congress to pass climate change legisla-
tion, President George W. Bush would subse-
quently veto the bill, and challenger John
Kerry would exploit public hysteria over
global warming to win the U.S. presi-
dential election. Some predicted
the film would do more to raise
public awareness of global
warming than any number
of scientific papers or
documentaries, while
others opined that
the film would

have no impact at all.2 The Day After quality of news coverage about the “shark panics” such as was seen in
Tomorrow went on to become one of the movie and to compare The Day After the United States in the summer of
most commercially successful movies of Tomorrow with two other recent contro- 2001. Likewise, the dramatic portrayal
all time, grossing nearly half a billion versial films and two real-world news of a nuclear accident in The China Syn-
dollars worldwide in a little more than a events. The research tested the hypothe- drome (1979), combined with the sub-
month.3 But what impact did the movie sis that representations of risk in popular sequent real-world accident at Three
have on U.S. risk perceptions, behavioral culture can have a powerful influence on Mile Island, arguably shaped the public
intentions, and political preferences? public risk perceptions—in some cases debate about the safety of nuclear
To answer this question, a national more powerful than official risk commu- power. This synergism of fiction and
study was conducted to explore the pub- nications from scientists, government reality may have greatly amplified the
lic impact of The Day After Tomorrow. officials, or special interest groups.4 perceived risk of nuclear power, with
The study included two nationally repre- Anecdotal evidence suggests that this ripple effects that still reverberate in
sentative surveys of the U.S. public. The influence can, at times, be profound. For public opinion and fundamentally con-
first survey was implemented a week example, the film Jaws (1975) is thought strain the industry today. According to
before the movie’s release and the sec- by many to have greatly amplified pub- researchers Roger and Jeanne Kasper-
ond was done four weeks later, after the lic risk perceptions of shark attacks. The son, although these events resulted in
movie had played in theaters for three vivid imagery and theme music from “no fatalities, [they] shut down nuclear
full weekends. The second survey also this movie still reverberate in the public plants worldwide, cost billions of dol-
oversampled movie “watchers” to allow mind, stoking individual fears, influ- lars, and eroded public confidence in
comparative analysis with “nonwatch- encing behavior (such as vacation and nuclear power and (perhaps) other high
ers.” Finally, a media content analysis swimming preferences), and generating technologies, industry and regulatory
was conducted with two purposes in countless secondary ripple effects, institutions.”5 Despite these intriguing
mind: to determine the quantity and including re-emergent, media-driven examples, however, and even though


the mass public conceptions of climate change the movie fol-
media are from a linear warming trend to abrupt, lows Dr. Hall,
widely rec- nonlinear, and catastrophic change. who must brave
ognized as Antarctic condi-
having a large tions as he treks
impact on oth- The Movie’s Plot to New York to
er public atti- rescue his son.
tudes and behav- The Day After Tomorrow tells the
iors, almost no story of National Oceanic and Atmos-
research has ex- pheric Administration (NOAA) paleo- Movie Reviews
plored the role of climatologist Jack Hall (played by
motion pictures in Dennis Quaid), who survives the disin- The Day After
public risk perception tegration of a massive ice shelf breaking Tomorrow sparked
and behavior.6 off Antarctica and returns to warn the a heated national
world about the possibility of an abrupt debate about the sci-
climate change due to global warming. entific accuracy and
Public Risk Perceptions A few weeks after presenting his theory political implications
of Global Climate Change to a world climate conference, scientists of the film and the
monitoring the North Atlantic thermo- broader issue of glob-
Global climate change has been haline circulation system discover that al warming. The sci-
described as a prototypical exam- the system is rapidly shutting down. ence underlying the
ple of a class of “hidden hazards”— Using his paleoclimatic computer film was criticized by
risks that, despite their serious conse- model, Hall forecasts that “the world is many climatologists
quences for society, generally pass on the verge of a major climate shift” and other scientists,
unnoticed or unheeded until they reach and attempts to warn the U.S. vice who were dismayed by
disaster proportions.7 Public opinion president. His warnings, however, go some of the main ele-
polls and academic studies consistently unheeded. Meanwhile, extreme weather ments of the movie.
show that Americans regard climate events begin to occur throughout the In particular, some of
change as a relatively low national pri- world, with grapefruit-sized hail in the scientists complained
ority, despite decades of scientific warn- Tokyo, tornadoes destroying downtown about the physical impos-
ings.8 For example, in a 2000 Gallup Los Angeles, and ultimately, a storm sibility of a “quick-freeze”
poll, the environment ranked sixteenth surge–driven tidal wave drowning Man- or a storm surge–driven
on Americans’ list of the most important hattan. Based on his model projections, tidal wave hundreds of
problems facing the country, while cli- Hall determines that three massive, feet tall and the fact that a
mate change ranked twelfth out of thir- hurricane-like supercells will form thermohaline circulation
teen environmental issues, just below across the Northern Hemisphere and shutdown would neither
urban sprawl.9 Further, climate change rapidly pull sub-zero air from the upper happen so quickly nor have
is commonly understood as a geograph- troposphere down to the ground, quick- such far-reaching conse-
ically and temporally distant concern. freezing everything in their path and quences.11 Other scientists,
Climate change is often described as a leading to the onset of a new ice age. however, used the film and
global problem, with particularly severe Dr. Hall is called to brief the U.S. presi- the controversy surrounding
consequences for marginalized people dent, draws an east-west line through it as a “teachable moment”—
and places (such as small island or poor the center of the United States, and rec- an opportunity to not only cri-
tropical countries)—not for the United ommends that all people south of the tique the film but to more con-
States itself.10 The Day After Tomorrow, line be evacuated to Mexico, which ulti- structively educate the public
however, depicted disasters spawned by mately opens its borders after the U.S. about climate change.12 Like-
climate change and impacting present- president forgives all Latin U.S. debt. wise, the political implications
day New York City, Los Angeles, Wash- Meanwhile, Hall’s teenage son (played of the movie were debated by
ington, DC, and other global centers of by Jake Gyllenhaal), in Manhattan for a various pundits, ranging from
economic, political, and cultural power. scholastic decathlon, survives the tidal Arianna Huffington to Rush
The film thus had the potential to signif- wave and takes shelter with his friends Limbaugh. Finally, a number of
icantly alter American risk perceptions in the New York Public Library, where environmental and political advo-
of the likelihood and severity of climate they resort to burning books to keep cacy groups organized to greet
change in the United States and to shift warm as the ice age begins. The rest of moviegoers with leaflets and peti-



tension within the film, with con-

sequences (intended and unintend-
ed) that are hard to disentangle. What
impact, if any, did the film have on pub-
lic risk perceptions and conceptual mod-
els of climate change? Did the film
make moviegoers more or less willing to
take personal actions to reduce their own
greenhouse gas emissions? Did it
critics, change their political priorities or vot-
however, ing intentions?
the film ex-
pecting a Hol- Risk Perceptions: Moviegoers
lywood block- versus Nonwatchers
buster disaster mo-
vie, a genre infam- To answer these questions, a represen-
ous for weak plots and tative survey (n = 529) of the U.S. adult
artistic license yet spec- population was conducted after the
tacular visual effects. These movie had played in theaters for three
critics often found themselves weekends.15 The survey questionnaire
pleasantly surprised at how measured public climate change risk
much better the film was than perceptions, conceptual models, behav-
many past disaster movies. In the ioral intentions, and political prefer-
end, the only thing most critics could ences. As of mid-June, approximately
agree on was the outstanding quality of 21 million U.S. adults had seen The
the special effects. Day After Tomorrow. Demographically,
The general public, however, over- moviegoers were more likely to be male
whelmingly liked The Day After Tomor- (57 percent), 18 to 29 years old (38 per-
row. By mid-July, the film had grossed cent), Hispanic (26 percent), and politi-
more than $183 million in the United cally liberal (31 percent) than nonwatch-
tions, States alone and an additional $335 mil- ers, who were demographically identical
while lion overseas, for a total of more than to the U.S. public as a whole.
others half a billion dollars.14 In the United Global warming risk perceptions were
worked the States, an estimated 30 million tickets measured using broad questions about
media to al- were sold. The study reported here general concern and worry and likeli-
ternately hail or found that 70 percent of adult moviego- hood estimates of specific climate
decry the message ers rated the movie as good or excellent, change impacts. Moviegoers (“watch-
and politics of the 18 percent rated it as average, and only ers”) were found to have significantly
film.13 13 percent as poor or terrible. higher risk perceptions than “nonwatch-
Movie critics also In responding to the critics, the ers.” When asked, “How concerned are
greeted the film with moviemakers, including director Roland you about global warming?” 83 percent
widely divergent reviews. Emmerich, screenwriter Jeffrey Nach- of moviegoers said they were somewhat
Some critics held the movie manoff, and producer Gordon Smith, or very concerned, compared to 72 per-
up against the standards of fine repeatedly pointed out that their primary cent of nonwatchers (see Table 1 on page
theater and subsequently blasted goal was to create a “popcorn movie”— 27). Likewise, a higher proportion of
it for a weak plot, hokey situations, a summer thriller that would draw a moviegoers (40 percent) than nonwatch-
and pervasive use of standard movie mass audience. However, the filmmak- ers (31 percent) said that they worry
clichés. Others approached the movie ers also admitted to having the sec- about global warming “a fair amount” or
with the standards of the scientific doc- ondary goals of raising public con- “a great deal.” A separate question asked
umentary and found, despairingly, that sciousness and concern about global moviegoers directly whether the movie
while it had some elements of truth, it warming. These divergent goals—of had made them more or less worried
also included numerous scientific distor- mass entertainment, education, and about global warming. Forty-nine per-
tions and outright fabrications. Other political pressure—coexist in an uneasy cent said that it had made them some-


what or much more worried, 42 percent general public. More than 80 percent of Most telling, however, moviegoers were
said it had not changed their level of watchers responded that global warming much more likely than nonwatchers to
worry, and only 1 percent said they is somewhat or very likely to produce believe that global warming could lead
became less worried. Again, some com- more intense storms, hurricanes, and to a shutdown of the Gulf Stream ocean
mentators had warned that The Day After tornadoes over the next 50 years, versus current or a new ice age—two underly-
Tomorrow would so trivialize global cli- 72 percent of nonwatchers. Likewise, ing premises of The Day After Tomor-
mate change that the public would sub- higher proportions of moviegoers row. Across the board, the movie
sequently dismiss the whole issue. This believed that the flooding of major appears to have had a strong influence
forecast was clearly incorrect. cities, food shortages, and a decrease in on watchers’ risk perceptions of global
Overall, watchers and nonwatchers living standards are likely to happen in warming. To test this conclusion, multi-
demonstrated high levels of concern the United States over the next 50 years. ple regression analyses were conducted
about global warming yet lower levels
of worry.16 While many Americans are
concerned about global warming, fewer 4ABLE#ONCERNANDWORRYABOUTGLOBALWARMING
of them actively worry about it. This 7LYJLU[ 7LYJLU[
helps to explain the seeming paradox UVU^H[JOLYZH ^H[JOLYZI
between public opinion surveys that /V^JVUJLYULKHYL`V\HIV\[NSVIHS^HYTPUN&
show Americans expressing high con-  H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`JVUJLYULK  Æ
cerns about the issue yet giving it low  I5V[]LY`VYUV[H[HSSJVUJLYULK  
priority in either national or environ- /V^T\JOKV`V\^VYY`HIV\[NSVIHS^HYTPUN&
mental issue rankings.17  H-HPYHTV\U[[VNYLH[KLHS  
This study also included a series of  I6US`HSP[[SL[VUV[H[HSS   
questions measuring public likelihood H
assessments of various global-warming I
impacts on the United States (see Figure W#^H[JOLYZ]ZUVU^H[JOLYZ
1 on this page). Again, across the board,
moviegoers perceived global warming
:6<9*,!(3LPZLYV^P[a .
as a greater threat than the rest of the

Figure 1. Percent of watchers and nonwatchers who found each item somewhat
or very likely.

“In the United States, how likely do you think it is that each of the following will
occur during the next 50 years due to global warming?”

80 Watchers



More intense Flooding of Food Standards of Gulf Stream New ice age
storms, hurricanes, major cities shortages living decrease shutdown

NOTE: Nonwatchers weighted (n = 390), watchers weighted (n = 139).

SOURCE: A. Leiserowitz.


to control for the possible influences of point, by far the least likely of these line of The Day After Tomorrow was
gender, age, education, income, race, impacts—the onset of a new ice age—is based not on a gradual, linear warming
political identification, and political ide- currently and correctly perceived as but rather an abrupt and catastrophic cli-
ology on each result.18 Even after con- unlikely by a clear majority of Ameri- mate change, greatly compressed into
trolling for these demographic and polit- cans. The movie, however, does appear just a few weeks. Did the movie shift
ical factors, however, watchers were still to have led a substantial minority of mo- public conceptual models of how global
significantly more likely than nonwatch- viegoers (41 percent) to believe such an warming and the climate system work?
ers to perceive global warming as a event is likely to happen. To answer this question, the survey pre-
greater risk. sented respondents with five different
Overall, these results show that The and highly simplified models of the cli-
Day After Tomorrow had a considerable Conceptual Models of the mate system. Respondents were asked
impact on the global-warming risk per- Global Climate System to pick the one that best reflected their
ceptions of those who saw the movie. current understanding. The models were
Further, a majority of Americans, watch- How do Americans conceptualize the provided in graphic and textual form and
ers and nonwatchers alike, currently global climate system? Do they view can be seen in Figure 2 on this page. Sig-
believe that global warming will have a global climate as stable and strongly nificantly, moviegoers were much more
range of important impacts on the Unit- resilient to human interference, or do likely (39 percent) than the nonwatchers
ed States over the next 50 years—in par- they view the climate system as (28 percent) to choose model (A),
ticular, more intense storms, hurricanes, extremely sensitive and vulnerable to which depicts a threshold model of the
and tornadoes. From a scientific stand- abrupt and catastrophic shifts? The story climate system. This model describes a

Figure 2. Conceptual models of watchers and nonwatchers, percent of respondents

“Which one of the five pictures below best represents your understanding
of how the climate system works?”

Climate is stable Climate is random Climate is slow to Climate shows a Climate is very
within certain limits. and unpredictable. change. Global delicate balance. stable. Global
If the changes are We do not know warming will Small changes will warming will have
small, climate will what will happen. gradually lead to have abrupt little to no impact.
return to equilibrium. dangerous impacts. and catastrophic
If they are large, impacts.
there will be abrupt
and catastrophic






NOTE: Nonwatchers weighted (n = 390), watchers weighted (n = 139).

SOURCE: A. Leiserowitz.


Behavioral Intentions remained statistically significant even
after controlling for the influence of
The Day After Tomorrow had signif- demographic and political variables.
icant impacts on public risk percep-
tions and conceptual models of climate
change, but did it influence respon- National Policy Preferences
dents’ willingness to undertake indi- and Politics
vidual actions to address global warm-
system ing? The survey asked respondents, Did this increased willingness to take
that is “How likely are you to do the follow- individual action also translate to the
resilient to ing because of your concerns about national policy agenda? The survey
disturbance global warming: Purchase a more fuel- examined whether The Day After
within certain efficient car? Join, donate money to or Tomorrow led moviegoers to elevate the
limits; however, volunteer with an organization work- priority of global warming as a national
forcings beyond ing on issues related to global warm- or environmental issue or whether the
these thresholds lead ing? Make your views on global warm- movie influenced presidential voting
to abrupt and cata- ing clear to politicians (by writing preferences. The survey asked respon-
strophic impacts. This letters, telephoning, sending e-mails, dents, “Here are some issues now being
was the model implied by signing petitions, etc.)? Talk to friends discussed in Washington. Among these,
The Day After Tomorrow, and family about how to reduce or pre- which do you think should be the top
in which global warming vent global warming?” The first item priority for Congress and the Presi-
gradually increased until it reflects willingness to take action to dent?” Among the general public, glob-
reached a critical tipping point, reduce one’s own emissions, while the al warming ranked tenth out of ten
causing the thermohaline circula- next three indicate willingness to take national issues and sixth out of nine
tion system to collapse and climate activist, political, or social action. The environmental issues (see Table
chaos to ensue. last item, the willingness to talk to 2 on page 30). Moviegoers,
Interestingly, moviegoers were no family and friends about global warm- however, ranked global


more likely than those who did not see ing, is particularly important as it warming higher: eighth
the movie to choose the most extreme reflects issue salience. The more among national is-
model (D), which depicts the climate important an issue is perceived to be, sues and fifth
system as extremely sensitive to human the more people talk about it, which in among envi-
disturbance. Thus, the catastrophic turn leads to an increase in perceived ronmental
impacts depicted by The Day After issue importance, and so on, in a posi- issues.
Tomorrow did not lead moviegoers to tive feedback loop. This process is
suddenly adopt an extreme model of cli- commonly referred to as “word of
mate sensitivity. Further, the movie mouth” or “buzz” and is a critical ele-
appears to have influenced moviegoers ment in social change. Moviegoers
to reject the other extreme models: (E), were found to be much more likely to
which depicts a very stable system and engage in all four behaviors than
(B), a totally random and unpredictable nonwatchers (see Figure 3 on
system. Overall, however, the random page 30). With the exception
and unpredictable model (B) is still pre- of respondants’ likelihood
ferred by a large proportion of watchers to express their view-
(29 percent) and nonwatchers (34 per- points to politicians,
cent) alike. This most likely reflects the the difference be-
common (mis)interpretation of climate tween watchers
change using widespread cultural mod- and non-
els and the personal experience of daily watchers
weather, well known for its unpre-
dictability beyond short time horizons.19


Figure 3. Behavioral intentions of watchers and nonwatchers, percent somewhat
or very likely.

“How likely are you to do the following because of your concerns about
global warming?”




Purchase a more Talk to friends or family Join, donate money, Express your views
fuel-efficient car about how to reduce volunteer with global on global warming
or prevent global warming warming group to politicians
NOTE: Nonwatchers weighted (n = 390), watchers weighted (n = 139).
SOURCE: A. Leiserowitz.


and nonwatchers remained statistically
significant even after controlling for
demographic and political variables.
  ,JVUVT` ,JVUVT` Interestingly, moviegoers also ranked
damage to the ozone layer higher than
  ,K\JH[PVU ,K\JH[PVU nonwatchers, which may reflect the
  :VJPHS:LJ\YP[` :VJPHS:LJ\YP[` common conflation of global warming
  4LKPJHYL 4LKPJHYL with ozone depletion among many
members of the public.20
  ;H_J\[Z ;H_J\[Z Finally, what impact did the movie
 *YPTL .SVIHS^HYTPUN have on U.S. voter preferences? Many
commentators noted that the film cast
the Bush administration in a relatively
9HUR 4V]PL^H[JOLYZH 5VU^H[JOLYZI negative light. For example, the actor
  (PYWVSS\[PVU >H[LYWVSS\[PVU (Kenneth Welsh) who played the U.S.
  >H[LYWVSS\[PVU (PYWVSS\[PVU vice president looked strikingly like cur-
  +HTHNL[V,HY[O»ZVaVULSH`LY ;V_PJ^HZ[L rent Vice President Dick Cheney and
played the role of a global-warming
  3VZZVM[YVWPJHSYHPUMVYLZ[Z .SVIHS^HYTPUN naysayer. At one point in the movie,
  (JPKYHPU <YIHUZWYH^SHUKSVZZVMVWLUZWHJL ignored, the hero, Professor Hall, raises
his voice in urgency: “Mr. Vice Presi-
^LPNO[LKU$ dent! If we don’t act now it’s going to be
too late!” At a later point, once the enor-
]HYPHISLZ apparent, the director of NOAA says
want to hear about the science when it
would have made a difference.” But did


these less-than-subtle characterizations lic was conducted
have an impact on public attitudes one week before the
toward the Bush administration? release of the movie
The survey measured this in two (14–23 May), measur-
ways. First, respondents were asked ing the same variables
how much they trusted a number of dif- described above.21 Ac-
ferent groups—including the Bush ross the board, no differ-
administration, the National Aeronau- ences were found in U.S.
tics and Space Administration (NASA), risk perceptions, policy
NOAA, the U.S. Environmental Protec- priorities, or behavioral
tion Agency (EPA), scientists, and envi- or voting intentions. As a
ronmental groups—to tell them the whole, Americans before
truth about global warming (see Table 3 and after The Day After
on page 32). Moviegoers were more Tomorrow were no more
likely to distrust the Bush administra- likely to be concerned or to
tion and more likely to trust scientists worry about global warm-
and environmental groups than non- ing—or to believe that cli-
watchers were. mate change impacts were
A second question asked respon- more likely to occur. They
dents, “If the 2004 presidential elec- also were no more likely to
tion were held today, who would you prioritize global warming as an
vote for?” Moviegoers were less likely issue, take personal actions, or
to vote for George Bush and more like- to vote differently.
ly to vote for John Kerry (see Figure 4 How could this be? The an-
on page 32). This difference between swer is simply a matter of num-
watchers and nonwatchers remained bers. Based on box office totals
statistically significant even after con- and survey data, The Day After
trolling for demographic and political Tomorrow was seen by approxi-
variables. Thus, it is likely that The mately 21 million adults aged 18
Day After Tomorrow did have an and older—an enormous movie audi-
impact on voter preferences, if only on ence. Yet this represents only 10 per-
those individuals who saw the movie. cent of the U.S. adult population, not
As a whole, these results suggest enough to change public opinion as a
that popular movies can have a consid- whole. A movie, even one as commer-
erable influence on the risk percep- cially successful as The Day After
tions, conceptual models, behavioral Tomorrow, is rarely viewed by a major-
intentions, policy preferences, and ity of all Americans.22
even the voting intentions of the In addition, moviegoers did not uni-
movie-going public. The Day After versally leave the theater transformed
Tomorrow, although hailed by some into global warming alarmists or
critics and reviled by others, was well naysayers. While the results reported
received by the movie-going public above suggest that on balance, the film
and became an enormous commercial tended to make people more concerned,
success. Individuals who saw The Day not all people responded in the same
After Tomorrow were more likely to way or with the same intensity. This is
perceive global warming as a threat, to a critical point almost completely
be willing to act as consumers and cit- missed by many pundits, scientists, and
izens to mitigate this threat, and to critics before the film was released.
translate their heightened concern into Many commentators treated the public
political action. Given these results, as a single, homogenous mass, like a
however, was there a measurable shift great herd about to be spooked into a
in public opinion at the national level? mass stampede, either toward climate
To answer this question, a represen- change alarmism or outright denial. A
tative survey (n = 472) of the U.S. pub- truism of social science and public


opinion research, however, is that the
4ABLE4RUST “U.S. public” is in fact many publics—
7LYJLU[ 7LYJLU[ a plurality of different groups and inter-
UVU^H[JOLYZH ^H[JOLYZI pretive communities, each predisposed
/V^T\JOKV`V\[Y\Z[[OL)\ZO(KTPUPZ[YH[PVU to attend to certain risks and issues and
[V[LSS`V\[OL[Y\[OHIV\[NSVIHS^HYTPUN& to discount or ignore others. Very few
 H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`[Y\Z[   events have the power to move public
opinion en masse in the same direction;
/V^T\JOKV`V\[Y\Z[5(:( September 11 is an obvious exception.
 H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`[Y\Z[   Further, the mass media plays a crit-
 I:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`KPZ[Y\Z[   ical role in this process of risk amplifi-
cation or attenuation. As mentioned
above, The Day After Tomorrow
 I:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`KPZ[Y\Z[   sparked a heated debate about the sci-
ence and politics of global warming in
/V^T\JOKV`V\[Y\Z[,7( the U.S. press. This debate was con-
 H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`[Y\Z[   ducted at all levels of the media, from
broadcast networks to local papers and
/V^T\JOKV`V\[Y\Z[ZJPLU[PZ[Z Internet Web sites. But how many and
 H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`[Y\Z[   what kind of news stories were generat-
 I:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`KPZ[Y\Z[   ed? A media content analysis was
undertaken to answer these questions.
 H:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`[Y\Z[   Using Lexis-Nexis, media coverage
 I:VTL^OH[VYZ[YVUNS`KPZ[Y\Z[   of the film The Day After Tomorrow
was analyzed from 1 April through 30
June 2004 (see Figure 5 on page 33).
W#^H[JOLYZ]ZUVU^H[JOLYZ “The Day After Tomorrow” was used
W#^H[JOLYZ]ZUVU^H[JOLYZ as the search term, and analysis was
:6<9*,!(3LPZLYV^P[a restricted to substantive articles (movie

Figure 4. Presidential politics of watchers and nonwatchers, percent of respondents


Figure 5. Media coverage

broadcast media and newspapers
Number of stories in major U.S.

2,500 TV and NPR





2001 IPCC Report The Day After Fahrenheit 9/11 The Passion Abu Ghraib
(1/1–3/30/04) Tomorrow (4/25–7/20/04) of the Christ (4/28–7/20/04)
(3/28–6/28/04) (12/25/03–3/25/04)
SOURCE: Lexis-Nexis.

listings were not included). Three lev-

els of media were examined:
• national television and radio broad-
casts, including national networks
ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, and NPR Overall, these
and cable networks such as CNN and media sources gen-
MSNBC; erated 151 substantive
• national newspapers such as The news stories about the
New York Times, The Washington Post, movie. Of these, 39 percent
USA Today, and Los Angeles Times; and addressed the science underlying
• major metropolitan newspapers the movie, 37 percent focused on the
such as The Boston Globe, Chicago politics, 29 percent provided movie
Sun-Times, The Denver Post, and The reviews, and only 23 percent were enter-
San Diego Union-Tribune. tainment stories. The articles and broad-
News stories were coded into four casts included numerous editorials, media
categories: opinion pieces, interviews with leading storm, re-
• science stories that focused on the climatologists, and debates between glob- lative to other
veracity of either the movie or global al warming advocates and opponents. recent controver-
warming; News stories also included coverage of sial films or real e-
• political stories that focused on the efforts by Al Gore,, and envi- vents? To answer this
political implications of the movie; ronmental groups’ efforts to use the movie question, an analysis of
• entertainment stories that inter- as a “teachable moment”; a leaked memo media coverage of two other
viewed the stars of the movie or from NASA administrators allegedly sti- recent movies was conducted for
focused on the special effects; and fling comment on the movie from NASA comparison: Fahrenheit 9/11, Michael
• movie reviews. scientists; and a Pentagon-commissioned Moore’s documentary on alleged ties
These categories were not mutually report on the geopolitical implications of between the Bush family and Saudi
exclusive, as a number of news stories abrupt climate change.23 Many news sto- Arabia and the consequences of the Iraq
discussed the scientific and political ries addressed the science underlying the War, and The Passion of the Christ, Mel
dimensions of the movie. Entertain- movie and the broader political implica- Gibson’s controversial depiction of the
ment stories, however, were almost tions in the midst of a presidential election. last days of Jesus Christ. News stories
always focused exclusively on the Media controversy helped drive peo- generated about two real-world events
entertainment aspects of the film. ple to the theater. But how big was this were also analyzed to put media



IPCC report—which summarizes the Conclusions

latest international scientific consensus
cov- on the causes, consequences, and solu- The Day After Tomorrow had a signif-
erage tions to global climate change and icant impact on the climate change risk
of The serves as the scientific basis for inter- perceptions, conceptual models, behav-
Day After national negotiations (see Figure 5). ioral intentions, policy priorities, and
Tomorrow However, while The Day After Tomor- even voting intentions of moviegoers.
in context: row did generate media controversy The film led moviegoers to have higher
the release of and attract national attention, it paled in levels of concern and worry about glob-
the 2001 Inter- comparison to either Fahrenheit 9/11 or al warming, to estimate various impacts
g ove r n m e n t a l The Passion of the Christ. Michael on the United States as more likely, and
Panel on Climate Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 generated to shift their conceptual understanding
Change (IPCC) syn- three times more news stories than The of the climate system toward a threshold
thesis report on cli- Day After Tomorrow despite earning model. Further, the movie encouraged
mate change and the only half as much at the box office in watchers to engage in personal, politi-
Abu Ghraib prison its first month of play. Likewise, The cal, and social action to address climate
scandal in Iraq.24 Passion of the Christ generated nearly change and to elevate global warming as
Some commentators five times more news stories while a national priority. Finally, the movie
had predicted that the film earning only about 60 percent more in even appears to have influenced voter
would bring more public its first month. preferences. These results demonstrate
attention to the issue of glob- Dwarfing the coverage of all these that the representation of environmental
al warming than the publica- stories, however, was coverage of the risks in popular culture can influence
tion of most scientific articles, Abu Ghraib prison scandal, which had public attitudes and behaviors.
reports, or congressional testi- more than 10 times the coverage of The Critically, however, this influence was
monies, and this prediction appears Day After Tomorrow. Note as well that limited by the level of national expo-
to have been correct. The Day After this event, as important and shocking as sure. Surveys conducted immediately
Tomorrow generated more than 10 it was, was still only a subtheme of the before The Day After Tomorrow was
times the news coverage of the 2001 much larger story about the Iraq war. released and three weekends afterward


the U.S. adult population—not enough ing. A follow-up study
to measurably shift public opinion as a will be conducted in
whole. This percentage, however, will coming months to
certainly increase once the film is address these crit-
released on video and later broadcast on ical questions.
found national and international television. Addition-
no shift Will the movie thus influence a larger ally, a key
in broad proportion of the U.S. public? It also com-
public at- remains to be seen whether the movie
titudes or in will have the same influence over
behaviors. time—in other words, was the influence
More than 21 temporary? It is possible that the
million U.S. observed shift in public perceptions
adults went to and behavioral intentions repre-
see The Day Af- sents a momentary blip—that
ter Tomorrow in after time, the experience
the theaters (and and imagery of the movie
millions more world- will recede in public
wide), making the memory, along with
movie an enormous heightened worry
commercial success. and concern a-
Nonetheless, this repre- bout global
sents only 10 percent of warm-

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3., The Day after Tomorrow

without strong and concerted (24 July 2004), available at http://www.boxoffice
leadership from the local to
international levels, it may 4. This research also contributes to recent develop-
ments in risk perception theory, including work on the
take a series of real-world role of affect and emotion in risk perception and The
extreme events linked to Social Amplification of Risk Framework, which “aims
to examine broadly, and in social and historical con-
climate change to perma- text, how risk and risk events interact with psycholog-
nently raise the salience ical, social, institutional, and cultural processes in
ways that amplify or attenuate risk perceptions and
and priority of global concerns, and thereby shape risk behavior, influence
warming among the mass institutional processes, and affect risk consequences.”
J. X. Kasperson et al., “The Social Amplification of
media and the broader Risk: Assessing Fifteen Years of Research and Theory,”
U.S. public. in N. Pidgeon, R. E. Kasperson, and P. Slovic, eds.,
The Social Amplification of Risk (Cambridge, UK:
Anthony A. Leiserowitz is a University of Cambridge Press, 2003), 13–46; P.
research scientist at Decision Slovic, The Perception of Risk (London: Earthscan,
Research, Inc. and an adjunct 2000); and P. Slovic et al., “Risk as Analysis and Risk
professor of Environmental Stud- as Feelings: Some Thoughts About Affect, Reason,
ies at the University of Oregon Risk, and Rationality,” Risk Analysis 24, no. 2 (2004):
in Eugene. His research focuses 311–22.
on environmental risk perception, 5. R. E. Kasperson and J. X. Kasperson, “Hidden
decisionmaking, and behavior. Hazards,” in Deborah G. Mayo and Rachelle D. Hol-
Leiserowitz may be reached at lander, eds., Acceptable Evidence: Science and Values
(541) 485-2400 or by e-mail at in Risk Management (New York: Oxford University author Press, 1991), 9–28.
thanks his colleagues at Decision 6. Very few studies have examined the impact of
Research, particularly Paul Slovic popular movies on risk perceptions. But see W. C.
and research assistants Philip Adams et al., “Before and After ‘The Day After’: A
Solomon Hart and C. K. Mertz, as Nationwide Survey of a Movie’s Political Impact,”
well as independent scholar Robert W. paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Interna-
Kates, for their help, encouragement, tional Communication Association, San Francisco,
and constructive criticism. This paper is CA, 27 May 1984; C. A. Anderson et al., “The Influ-
based on research supported by a grant ence of Media Violence on Youth,” Psychological Sci-
from the National Science Foundation ence in the Public Interest 4, no. 3 (2003): 81–110; and
(SES 0435622). C. M. Bahk and K. Neuwirth, “Impact of Movie Depic-
tions of Volcanic Disaster on Risk Perception and
Judgments,” International Journal of Mass Emergen-
NOTES cies and Disasters 18, no. 1 (2000): 65–84.
7. Kasperson and Kasperson, note 5 above.
1. Thermohaline circulation refers to a system of 8. R. J. Bord, A. Fisher, and R. E. O’Connor, “Public
ocean currents that distribute heat from the tropics Perceptions of Global Warming: United States and Inter-
northward to the North Atlantic. These warm ocean national Perspectives,” Climate Research 11 (1998):
currents maintain a relatively warm, temperate climate 75–84; R. E. Dunlap and R. Scarce, “The Polls-Poll
in northern Europe. Recent paleoclimatology research Trends: Environment Problems and Protection,” Public
has demonstrated that this system has sporadically Opinion Quarterly 55 (1991): 651–72; J. J. Houghton,
flipped on and off, resulting in abrupt climate shifts, at G. J. Jenkins, and J. J. Ephraums, Climate Change: The
least at the regional scale. While a future thermohaline IPCC Scientific Assessment (Cambridge, UK, and New
shutdown is currently considered a low-probability York: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Intergovern-
event, growing scientific concern about the potential mental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group 1, Cli-
for abrupt climate change from this and other possible mate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change.
triggers has led recently to a report by the U.S. Nation- Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary of
ponent the Working Group I Report (Cambridge, UK, and New
al Research Council, a Pentagon-commissioned study
of the risk on the geopolitical implications, and widespread media York: Cambridge University Press, 1996); Intergovern-
attention. See National Research Council, Committee mental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group I, Cli-
ampl i fi c a - mate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Summary for
on Abrupt Climate Change, Abrupt Climate Change:
tion process is Inevitable Surprises (Washington, DC: National Acad- Policymakers (Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cam-
emy Press, 2002); P. Schwartz and D. Randall, An bridge University Press, 2001); National Academy of
media attention. Sciences, Energy and Climate: Studies in Geophysics
Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications
Issue salience and for United States National Security (Washington, DC: (Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences,
Institute for National Strategic Studies, 2003), 1977); and “Editorial: Costs and Benefits of Carbon
priority is, in no small Dioxide,” Nature, 3 May 1979, 1.
part, driven by the sheer %5Fchange.pdf; and W. Steffen et al., “Abrupt 9. R. E. Dunlap and L. Saad, Only One in Four
number and repetition of Changes: The Achilles’ Heels of the Earth System,” Americans Are Anxious About the Environment,
Environment, April 2004, 8–20.
news stories. This research sug- 2. S. Connor, “Warming Up: The Debate over a 10. A. Leiserowitz, “Global Warming in the Ameri-
gests that, relative to other news Movie That Claims to Be a Vision of the Future,” The can Mind: The Roles of Affect, Imagery, and World-
Independent, 8 May 2004; G. Easterbrook, “Blast- views in Risk Perception, Policy Preferences and
stories, global warming is a rarely Frozen Nonsense,” The New Republic Online, 10 May Behavior,” PhD dissertation, University of Oregon,
reported issue. These results help contex- 2004; A. Freedman, “Disaster Movie’s Focus on Rapid 2003.
Change Expected to Set Off Renewed Debate,” Green- 11. See for example, K. Davidson, “Film’s Tale of
tualize and explain why global climate wire, 5 April 2004; G. Lean, “How Rupert Murdoch Icy Disaster Leaves the Experts Cold,” The San Fran-
change remains a relatively low national Saved the Planet (and Other Tall Stories),” The Inde- cisco Chronicle, 1 June 2004; S. Palmer, “Global
pendent, 16 May 2004; and P. J. Michaels, “Apocalypse Warming: The Warm, Hard Facts,” The Register-Guard
and even a low environmental priority Soon? No, but This Movie (and Democrats) Hope (Eugene, OR), 23 May 2004; D. Vergano and S.
for most Americans. Unfortunately, You’ll Think So,” The Washington Post, 16 May 2004. Bowles, “Killer Weather, or Not?” USA Today, 26 May


2004; and A. J. Weaver and C. Hillaire-Marcel, “Glob- arguably a stronger predictor of action and behavior. 22. The Day After Tomorrow, however, will likely
al Warming and the Next Ice Age,” Science, 16 April 17. For a synthesis of public opinion data on global influence a larger audience once it is released on video
2004, 400–02. warming, see Program on International Policy Atti- (scheduled for 12 October 2004).
12. Likewise, a number of educational Web sites tudes (PIPA), Global Warming (PIPA, 2003), http:// 23. G. Mahone, “No NASA Role in Movie,” The
were created to separate movie fact from movie fiction. New York Times, 1 May 2004; A. Revkin, “Glob-
See for example, The Woods Hole Oceanographic global_warming/gw_summary.cfm. al Freezing? Do Tell, NASA Says,” The New
Institution Web site, 18. Multiple regression (partial correlation) is a sta- York Times, 4 May 2004; and A. Revkin,
occi/currenttopics/abruptclimate_dayafter.html; and tistical technique used to determine whether an “NASA Curbs Comments on Ice Age Dis-
the Union of Concerned Scientists Web site, observed relationship between an explanatory variable aster Movie,” The New York Times, 25 and a dependent variable persists, even after the April 2004. See also Schwartz and
_warming/page.cfm?pageID=1405. effects of one or more additional explanatory variables Randall, note 1 above.
13. Groups advocating a viewpoint on the film includ- are removed. For example, there is an observed nega- 24. News stories about each
ed, the Rainforest Action Network, the tive relationship between height and hair length—that film and event were collected
Natural Resources Defense Council, the Union of Con- is, short people have longer hair than tall people. This using a three-month sam-
cerned Scientists, Greenpeace, Future Forests, The may seem odd at first, but if the explanatory variable pling frame that included
Cato Institute, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. gender is added to the regression equation, the stories from two months
14. See, note 3 above. observed relationship disappears (because women prior and one month
tend to be shorter and have longer hair than men). If after each movie
15. The survey was implemented 15–27 June by
the relationship between height and hair length per- release and the
Internet survey firm Knowledge Networks (KN), using
sists even after the effect of gender is removed, then three months
their online research panel, which is representative of
one can be more confident that the observed correla- after each
the entire U.S. population (see http://www
tion is not spurious (StatSoft, Inc., “Multiple Regres- real-world for more
sion,” event.
information about the KN methodology). The survey
also included an oversample of 98 randomly selected
adults who had seen the movie, for a total of 139 movie 19. See W. Kempton, “How the Public Views Climate
“watchers.” The within-panel response rate was 74 per- Change,” Environment, November 1997, 12–21.
cent. The combined sample was weighted to corre- 20. See Kempton, ibid.; and W. Kempton, J. S. Boster,
spond with U.S. Census Bureau parameters and the and J. A. Hartley, Environmental Values in American
demographic profile of moviegoers. For more details, Culture (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995).
please contact the author. 21. This survey was implemented by Knowledge
16. This is an important distinction to bear in mind Networks from 14–23 May (see note 15 above).
when interpreting public opinion data. While “con- The questionnaire used in both national surveys
cern” and “worry” are often used synonymously, they was identical, with several questions added to
can produce different results. One may have a general the second, post-movie survey. The within-
concern for an issue without actively worrying about it. panel response rate for the first survey was
Worry is a more active emotional state and as such is 71 percent.


rates second in Japan and Germany after view- s the article “Before and After The Day
ers have watched the film, it performed poorly After Tomorrow” was going to press,
in the United States and—even stranger from I was very pleased to learn that some-
a non-U.S. view—is not affected by the film: what similar studies had been conducted in the
About 7 percent of watchers and nonwatchers United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. Thanks
chose it. to the generous hospitality of Fritz Reusswig
There is much more to comment and com- and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
pare about the studies mentioned, and the par- Research, the primary investigators of all these
ticipants of the Potsdam workshop agreed to studies gathered for a workshop in October
unite forces to create such a comparison. For 2004 to share our respective findings. This
now it is worth noting that the impact studies meeting was quite stimulating and led to the
of The Day After Tomorrow have entered a formation of an international research team to
new, reflexive area of climate change research: conduct cross-cultural experimental research.
the area of the impacts of impacts. Twentieth I thank Reusswig for his comments on the
Century Fox Germany has established an initia- paper and would like to take this opportunity
tive to facilitate emissions trading rights and to address his primary concern. We conducted
reducing CO2 emissions of services, events, three national surveys of the American pub-
and traffic (see lic—before, during, and several months after
One might take it as image work, but it is also the movie played in theaters. The article
an indication that The Day After Tomorrow reported results from the first two waves, in
might not be the last of the global warming particular the second, which compared a ran-
movies. Thus, it will be helpful for climate domly selected group of movie watchers and Are the significant
scientists to continue researching media and nonwatchers from a national sample in June
differences observed
film representations of climate change and the 2004—several weeks after the movie debuted.
public’s response to them. It is doubtful that The first two surveys were not based on a in the U.S. study
the creators of the United Nations Framework within-subject (panel) design, so this study between movie
Convention on Climate Change had Hollywood was unable to directly measure whether watch-
watchers and
on their minds when they drafted Article 6, ing the film changed an individual’s attitudes
which asks for improved communication and toward climate change. Thus Reusswig raises nonwatchers really
education on the issue of climate change. But a legitimate question: Are the significant dif- due to the impact
the entertainment industry seems to have done ferences observed in the U.S. study between
of the film, or did
quite a lot for the public awareness of climate movie watchers and nonwatchers really due to
change, and Anthony Leiserowitz gave us a the impact of the film, or did movie watchers movie watchers
very useful look at this new domain of climate already have “more pro-climate or pro- already have “more
impact research. environment attitudes before entering the cine-
pro-climate or
ma”? In other words, perhaps moviegoers went
Fritz Reusswig to the film because they were already more pro-environment
Potsdam Institute concerned about global warming. attitudes before
for Climate Impact Research Three streams of convergent evidence sug-
entering the cinema”?
Germany gest this hypothesis is incorrect. First, our own
and other previous national surveys have found
1. See
that climate change is not a highly salient con-
2. A. Leiserowitz, “Before and After The Day After Tomor- cern of the American public, yet by the time of
row: A U.S. Study of Climate Risk Perception,” Environment, our second survey, 21 million American adults
November 2004, 22–37.
3. F. Reusswig, J. Schwarzkopf, and P. Pohlenz, Double had seen the movie in the theater. Our respon-
Impact. The Climate Blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow and dents were randomly selected to represent this
its Impact on the German Cinema Public, Potsdam Institute
for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Report No. 93 (Potsdam, group. On its face it seems unlikely that 21
Germany: PIK, 2004), million Americans went to the film because
4. M. Aoyagi-Usui,“The Day After Tomorrow: A Study on
they were already highly concerned about glob-
the Impact of A Global Warming Movie on the Japanese Public,” al warming. It is more likely that most people
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Working
Paper (unpublished), October 2004; T. Lowe et al., “Does Tomor-
went to see the film because it was a summer-
row Ever Come? Disaster Narrative and Public Perceptions of time, blockbuster disaster movie.
Climate Change,” Draft Tyndall Working Paper (unpublished),
October 2004; and A. Balmford et al., “Hollywood, Climate
Nonetheless, we explicitly tested this hypoth-
Change, and the Public,” Science, 17 September 2004, 1713. esis in our third and final survey, completed in


November 2004. In this survey (not reported in reported in the article, we found that even after
our article because it had not been conducted controlling for these variables, there remained
yet) we re-interviewed the same respondents significant differences between the attitudes of
as in wave two, including movie watchers. We watchers and nonwatchers.
asked them, “Why did you watch this movie?” Third, as reported in the Environment arti-
Of all movie watchers, only 17 percent said cle, we directly asked movie watchers whether
they went because they were “interested in the movie made them more worried about
global warming.” By contrast, 83 percent global warming. Forty-nine percent of movie-
of moviegoers went because they “liked the goers said the film made them somewhat (36
trailer” (29 percent), “like disaster movies” percent) or much more worried (13 percent),
(21 percent), “like to see all big films” (21 42 percent said it did not change their level of
percent), or “another reason” (12 percent). In worry, and finally, only 1 percent said it made
contrast, Reusswig’s team found that among them less worried. These three streams of con-
We have only German moviegoers, 36 percent said a prior vergent evidence all suggest that indeed, the
scratched the surface interest in climate change led them to watch reported differences in perceived risk between
the film. As he writes, “The German panel watchers and nonwatchers were due to the
in the effort to study demonstrates a rather strong self- impact of the film.
understand the recruitment of . . . more engaged visitors of the During the meeting in Potsdam, the principle
role of popular film.” Again, by contrast, only 17 percent of investigators of all five studies identified a
American moviegoers said they went because number of other intriguing cross-cultural dif-
representations of risk. of a prior interest in global warming. Thus, the ferences in American, British, German, and
results on which he bases his conclusion that Japanese responses to the movie, which we
“there is a significant self-selection effect” are intend to investigate further with a multination-
probably more indicative of very interesting al experimental study, using exactly the same
cross-cultural differences between German and research design and instruments in these and
American climate change risk perceptions. other cultural contexts. We have only scratched
Second, as reported in the article, we deter- the surface, however, in the effort to under-
mined that movie watchers were demographi- stand the role of popular representations of risk
cally different from the general public—they (such as movies, books, television, fiction, and
tended to be slightly younger, male, Hispanic, nonfiction) or of cross-national differences in
and politically liberal. We therefore used mul- public risk perception and behavior.
tiple regression to control for sociodemograph-
ic and political variables, including sex, age, Anthony A. Leiserowitz
education, income, race, political party, and Decision Research
political liberalism. In almost all cases and as Eugene, Oregon


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