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Chapter I



Effective management styles determine the culture of the

organization, productivity of its staff and the ultimate success of the organization. As

such a manager should strive to use the best management style. Management style

is the particular way managers go about accomplishing those objectives. It

encompasses the way they make decisions, how they plan, organize work, how they

exercise authority and how they manage their workers. It is best portrayed as a

strategy of leadership that is utilized by the supervisors.

Different management styles will suit different contexts depending on

organizational culture, the size of the team or organization, the nature of the work or

industry and the particular personalities involved. It all starts with getting the right

team in place, the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. You need to select

the right people for the right jobs, build a complementary team, and align your people

with your organizational goals and culture. Knowing how various roles will help to

achieve your organization’s goals will help define the requirements against which you

will interview and assess candidates.

Every industry or organization first aim is to benefit from their work

and reach the purpose and targets they have built. One of the key drive is to have the

right people for achieving that desired goals, workplace happiness and comfort have

direct effect on achieving any organizations goals. Keeping high morale in the

workplace will give hard working employees well being and productivity.

Management style and practices are answers to achieve organizational goals

and it tends towards the oppressive as is often found in strongly hierarchical cultures.

Managers are keen to treat subordinates with respect whilst, at the same time,

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maintaining the dignity of the position of boss. Instructions will be given clearly and

precisely and subordinates will be expected to follow.

Leadership is less about your needs, and more about the needs of the people

and the organization you are leading. Leadership styles are not something to be tried

on like so many suits, to see which fits. Rather, they should be adapted to the

particular demands of the situation, the particular requirements of the people involved

and the particular challenges facing the organization.

In this research, you will be encountering the effective management

styles that will benefit the business owners and will help those who are willing to start

a business to form an effective management style for a modern workplace. This will

help them to formulate new ideas and styles that they can apply. Also, you will

encounter of what are the good qualities the manager or leader should posses in

order to have a better management style.

The aim of this research paper is finding the most suitable effective

management style for a modern workplace which result in creating a better working

environment that everyone would be satisfied and releasing the organization from

one man’s dependant management style. The result of this study will benefit the

Company’s Top Management and Department heads to make more precise and

relevant decision for more success in achieving their organizational goal. This study

shall perceive for an organization to run efficiently and effectively, good management

styles must execute in every workplace.

Statement of the Problem

This study focus on the Effective Management Style for a modern

workplace in Taal and Lemery for the year 2018-2019, as assessed by the

businessmen and manager themselves.

Specifically, the researcher attempted to answer the following questions:

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1.) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Civil Status; and

1.4 Economic Status?

2.) What are the effective management style for a modern workplace?

2.1 Participatory Management;

2.2 Democratic Management;

2.3 Autocratic Management; and

2.4 Laissez-Faire Management?

3.) What are the effects of management styles on the employees


3.1 Improving productivity;

3.2 Quick Decision making; and

3.3 Job Satisfaction?

4.) Based on the findings, what strategies may be proposed to enhance the

management style for a modern workplace?

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework that was used in this study was the Input-Process-

Output Model. In the IPO model, a process is viewed as a series of boxes connected

by inputs and outputs.

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Input Process Output
1. Profile of the Survey
Respondents Questionnaire Proposed
1.1 Age; Action Plan to
have an
1.2 Gender;
1.3 Civil Status; and management
1.4 Economic Status? style for a
2. Effective modern
Management Style workplace
2.1 Participatory
2.2 Democratic
2.3 Autocratic
Management; and
2.4 Laissez-Faire
3. Effects of
management style on
the employees
3.1 Improving
3.2 Quick Decision
making; and
3.3 Job Satisfaction?


Figure 1.1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The Figure 1.1 shows the Conceptual Paradigm of the Study. It includes the

input, process and output. The input frame includes the demographic profile of the

respondents according to their age, gender, civil status and economic status,

different management styles, and the effects of management styles on the

employees performance. The process indicates the step by which the study

conducted through survey questionnaire. The steps will guide the researcher to

gather data. The output frame includes the suggested proposed action plan.
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Significance of the Study

This study wants to know the Effective Management Style for a

modern workplace in Taal and Lemery.

The result of the study will be a great significance and yield benefits to

the following; parents, business owners, employees and future researchers.

To the parents. The study will give the parents some ideas in starting a business

through the given data. The given data will help them to make strategies and as well

as effective management style. In addition, it will also help the parents to make right

decisions before starting a business.

To the business owners. The study will help the business owners to formulate their

own effective management style for their business. It will help those business owners

specifically the one who are still starting their business to make an early adjustments

in their styles. Also this study may also help those business owners who found

difficulty in formulating their own style.

To the employees. This study will benefit them through gaining some strategies for

effective management styles that they may apply in their workplace. They will benefit

by learning in the assessment through new improved management styles, their

performance has improved, if they have found greater enthusiasm, and if a more

good communication, fair showing empathy, fair promotions, and fair rewards and


To the future researchers. This study may furnish a pool of data that may serve as

reference material for future researchers who may want to conduct related studies. It

will give them value, facts and ideas which generally enrich the body of the study.

They will benefit from this study since this can be the basis for further investigation.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The researcher aims to find out the Effective Management Style for a

Modern Workplace in Taal and Lemery. This study uses the current year 2018-2019
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as the basis for data gathering. The managers or business owners of Taal and

Lemery are the respondents of the researcher which is composed of 30 managers

and business owners. The study will conduct from September 2018 to October 2018.

The survey instrument will be given to respondents. In addition, both the

demographic data sheet and answers in the questionnaire are self-report instruments

and there is no interviewer to explain the items. Furthermore, the aspects will look

into the profile of the respondents, their current assess the management styles.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to how the researchers used the

following in the conduct of the study.

Authoritative- this term refers to leaders who sets the vision for the team.

Clearly and compellingly, then steps in from time to time to work.

Directive- this term refers to leaders who orders the team around, sets high

standards and discipline those who don’t meet the standard.

Employee Relations- this term refers to the connection shared by

workers/employee’s as they perform their assigned tasks for the organization to

which they belong.

Leadership- this is defined as the process of inspiring and influencing a group

of people to achieving its goals.

Management- this is defined as the process of coordinating and overseeing

the work performance of individuals working together in organizations so that they

could efficiently and effectively accomplish their chosen aims/goals.

Management style- this refers to the methods used by a person in managing

an organization or group of people.

Managing- this is defined as the process of working with and through other to

achieve organizational objectives efficiently and ethically amid constant change.

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Participative- this refers to the leader who starts asking all the team members

what they would like do, then voting on the options.

Workplace- this refers to the place where people work, such as an office or


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Chapter II


This chapter present the review of related literature and studies that are

relevant to the present study. These materials provided the researchers with

sufficient ideas and insights which led to the conceptualization of research problem.

Related Literature

Effective Managers

The managers must know and understand the needs and interests of its

subordinates to motivate them to reach peak performances to satisfy their needs and

interests. Employees who are satisfied are happy. This makes them efficient. And the

job of the manager is to lead them to greater efficiency.

Effective managers, as mentioned by Bateman & Shell (2007), are not

necessary true leaders. Many administrators, supervisors and even top executives

perform their responsibilities successfully without being great leaders. But these

positions afford an opportunity for leadership. The ability to lead effectively, then, will

set the excellent managers apart from others.

Truly effective managers know that different situations and indeed different

individual personality styles require different management styles. Effective managers

adapt their management style to suit the circumstances that they anticipate may

arise; i.e, they are proactive rather than reactive. However, some people are one trick

pony’s who never vary their management style, and consequently may find

themselves upwardly managed by their supposed subordinates.

Employees behavior and performance

Luthans (2008) articulates that employees perceive the behavior and actions

of managers as actions of the organization itself. Employees develop positive attitude

towards the organization where the actions of the managers clearly show that

employees are part of the organization. Pathack (2005) further affirms that

management styles affect the effectiveness and performance of organizations. This

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management scholar analyzed the impact of management styles on firm

performance level and found a strong relationship between management styles and

organizational performance.

Management Styles

Luisser & Chua (2007) management styles is the combination of traits, skills

and behaviors managers use as they interact with followers. Although management

style is based on traits and skills, the important component is behavior; because it is

relatively the consistent pattern of behavior that characterizes a manager.

According to Quick and Nelson (2009) autocratic style is directive, strong and

controlling in relationships. Managers who have this style use rules and regulations

to work an environment. Followers have little discretionary influence over the nature

of work, its accomplishment or other aspects of work environment.

Based on Baja et. al (2010) democratic style is characterized by collective

decision processes wherein the managers tend to involve employees in decision

making, delegates authority and encourages participation in deriving work methods

and goals.

Schermerhorn (2007) detailed that democratic style is committed to both task

and people, trying to get things done while sharing information, encouraging

participation in decision making ad helping others develop their skills and abilities.

Bass (2008) stated that laissez-faire style is also known as the “hands-off”

style where manager provide little or no direction and give employees as much

freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must

determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own.

The relationship between management styles and organizational


Quang (2002) proposes seven measurement criteria of organizational

effectiveness. These measurement criteria are employee’s satisfaction, profitability,

growth rate of sales or revenue, financial growth, competitiveness of the company’s

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products and services, public image and good will and leader in Technology. The

measurement criteria postulated by this scholar is quite impressive and cuts across a

wide range of issues. The relationship between management styles and

organizational effectiveness cannot be overemphasized. Management styles are one

of the important factors that affect organizational effectiveness. A good match

between the style of management and operating realities of an organization will

substantially influence its level of effectiveness. In each organization, management

style influences the performance of individual employee and work groups, and

thereby the whole organization’s performance.

Dealing with different management styles

Rightly or wrongly, a huge amount of our time at work is spent trying to please

our boss. Understanding different management styles and how they affect your day-

to-day tasks is vital if you want to get on in your current employment and feel that

those hours in the office are well spent. Of course, there will always be the

exceptions to the rule; the bosses who don’t quite fit the mould. Notice which styles

they most frequently use and adjust accordingly. If you’re aware of the management

style which your boss favours, then you’ll understand the most effective way to work

with them, not to mention make yourself a candidate for advancement within the


Job Satisfaction and Loyalty

Kaliski (2007) emphasized job satisfaction focuses on a combination of

positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work. When a worker

employed in a business organization, he has the basic needs, desires and

experiences that determinate his expectation towards the real awards. Thus if the

working conditions and real awards do not meet workers’ expectation, it will lead to

different feelings of them. In the study of Janssen and Yperen (2004), job satisfaction

is a workers’ sense of achievement and success on the job. The author also

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mentioned that job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being

rewarded for one’s efforts. The workers are happy and enthusiastic at work place;

they are motivated for recognition, promotion, and high salary or bonus that leads to

a feeling of fulfilment. Job satisfaction may refer to the attitude and feelings workers

have about their work. Workers who are satisfied with their job have positive and

favorable attitudes.

Leadership Styles

Taking a broad look at business management styles, I find there are basically

two types of leaders; those driven by inspiration and those driven by aspiration. We

are often told that successful businesses are created by inspiring leadership, and we

will sometimes attempt to replicate the styles of successful leaders into our own

organizations. The lessons we draw from these people - be they business peers,

political leaders or others - usually result in our changing the way we behave and

manage people.

Apple, Dyson and Amazon are good examples of inspiration-led companies.

They are exemplified by leaders who are dynamic and charismatic, and who, by

nature, are inclusive and connect well with their people. These leaders are driven by

innovation and creativity, they will try many different methods without the fear of

being proved wrong, and they have a clear vision of where they want their company

to be in the future. Being able to effectively communicate this vision in a way that is

compelling to those around them separates them from their contemporaries.

Related Studies

Participatory Management Style

Participatory Management is the practice of empowering members of a

group, such as employees of a company or citizens of a community, to participate in

organizational decision making. It is used as an alternative to traditional vertical

management structures, which has shown to be less effective as participants are

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growing less interested in their leader's expectations due to a lack of recognition of

the participant's effort or opinion.

This practice grew out of the human relations movement in the 1920s, and is

based on some of the principles discovered by scholars

doing research in management and organization studies, most notably the

Hawthorne Experiments that led to the Hawthorne effect.

While group leaders still retain final decision-making authority when

participatory management is practiced, participants are encouraged to voice

their opinions about their current environment. In the workplace, this concept is

sometimes considered industrial democracy.

Effects of Participatory Management Style


Participatory management may lead to increased productivity, motivation, job

satisfaction and quality enhancement, however, it may also slow down the process

of decision making and act as a potential security threat by providing access to

valuable information to fellow employees. This section will discuss the effects

Participatory Management had at the NATURA 2000 forest sites in Greece and

the pros and cons participatory management has on productivity in the workplace.


Participatory management can have negative and positive effects on

individuals in the workplace. In order for participatory management to have a positive

effect, there must be "trust in institutions, social trust and social networks". "Trust in

institutions influences communities' perceptions". When there is a high level of trust

among a community, "citizens tend to be more positive

towards collaborative management frameworks". Social networks are important for

the flow of information because it influences the level of participation in management

frameworks, the level of awareness in a community and also environmentally

responsible behaviors.
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Positive effects participatory management has that can lead to positive

employee perceptions:

 Employees may have greater job satisfaction and motivation towards their job

 Employees are given the opportunity to use their creativity and innovation which

in turn can lead to increased happiness and independence

 Employees have more independence therefore may take more responsibility and

pride in their work.

 Employees feel like an integral component towards the organization and

therefore have more pride, motivation, and incentive to fulfill the project.[8][9]

Negative effects participatory management has that can lead to negative

employee perceptions:

 Individuals develop egotism / arrogance, therefore making a tense environment

among the other workers.

 Egotism / arrogance among workers can lead to supervisors obtaining disgust

towards their egotistic employees.

Autocratic Management Style

Autocratic management is the form of leadership that enables managers to

make decisions unilaterally. Such leaders do not inquire about the consent and the

considerations of subordinates and do whatever they feel is necessary in order to

achieve a goal. In relation to treatment of subordinates, there are two types of

autocratic management -- Directive Autocrat and Permissive Autocrat leaders.

Positive Effects

Professor Jacqueline C. Mancall (2000), specialist in the psychology of

leadership, explains that autocratic managers have the power to control a confident

business structure. If properly exercised by a skillful manager, this management style

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might contribute to successfully running a business because the less control people

have over the decision-making process, the less likely it is for fraud to occur in a

business structure.

Negative Effects

Autocratic management has been a subject by severe criticism by

management specialists such as Derek Breton. He explains that such leaders are

over-confident and likely to make the wrong decisions because they have no respect

for the opinion of their subordinates. In a rapidly evolving market environment,

managers need to take into account of the expertise of skillful subordinates and thus

make the best decision for the company. Autocratic managers lead business

activities according to their own considerations and often ignore the expertise of their


Economist Mark Van Vugt (2004) also states that autocratic management

might lead to instability in the working environment. By not counting on the opinions

of their subordinates, autocrats can place extreme hardship on employees in a

company. Their subordinates often lack the motivation to contribute to the business

structure because they feel suppressed and underestimated by their leaders.

Autocrats are often compared to political figures such as the Italian leader Mussolini.

Democratic Management Style

Democratic management style is exhibited where the focus of power is more

towards the group as a whole, and where there is greater interaction within the group

(Mullins, 2002); the manager shares the management functions with members of the

group where he or she takes part as a team member. The manager would

characteristically lay the problem before the subordinates and invite discussion. In

this respect the manager’s role is to be a conference leader rather than that of

decision taker. The manager allows the decision to emerge out of the process of the

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group discussion, instead of imposing it on the group as a boss. This management

style is appropriate only in instances where the nature of the responsibility associated

with the decision is such that group members are willing to share with their manager,

or alternatively the manager is willing to accept responsibility for decisions, which he

or she has not made personally.

Laissez-Faire Management Style

The laissez-faire management style involves little or no interference from

management. The staff do not need supervision and are highly skilled which allows

management to take the hand’s off approach and leave the problem solving, and

decision making to the staff. Variations of this style include the delegative style and

what is referred to as boss less environments or self-managed teams.

This type of style works best in organizations with flatter decentralized

management. Typically, the staff is highly skilled, more so than the management, and

is trusted with setting the bar for innovation and setting the objectives.

The advantages of the Laissez faire are increased innovation and creativity

through the autonomy of expert staff. Some examples of this type of employee are be

teachers, creatives, and designers.

Disadvantages include the risk of low productivity by unsupervised staff, loss

of direction due to the hands-off style of management.

Effects of Management style on employees performance

Improving Productivity

During the last two decades, productivity research and applications have not been

given adequate importance when trying to attain excellence in the management of

manufacturing enterprises Grunberg (2003) has identified such an initiation to

improve the manufacturing productivity on the start of industrial era. With this

origination, the demand of the customers has been long-drawn-out unlimitedly

creating more and more challenges over the manufacturing industry in an increasing

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competitive environment. It has made the manufacturers eager to open up their

productivity improvement strategies enhancing their performance to successfully

meet with the challenges. The old models of productivity improvement strategies do

not longer perform because of the technological advancements and competitive

environment of the business world. In order to achieve the competitiveness and other

goals of an organization, it is very important to the workers to be in line with the forth

coming trends and techniques of the business world.

Job Satisfaction

In a literature review, Lu, While, and Barriball (2005) mentioned the traditional

model of job satisfaction focuses on all the feelings about job of an individual.

However, what makes a job satisfying or dissatisfying does not depend only on the

nature of the job, but also on the expectations that individuals have of what their job

should provide. Job satisfaction is a multifaceted construct with a variety of

definitions and related concepts, which has been studied in a variety of disciplines for

many years to now. Many theories and articles of interest to managers, social

psychologist, and scholars, focus on job satisfaction because most people spend

their life-time for work, and understanding of the factors that increase satisfaction is

important to improve the well-being of individuals in this facet of the living.

Quick Decision Making

Bowett (2009) has suggested two elements to support the collecting and

analyzing steps; he recommends that we need to look for very relevant and updated

data so the decision will be built based on up-to-date information. He suggests

a method for the analyzing process, ‘A very large spread-sheet can be used to hold

all the known information about, say, pricing and the effects of pricing on profits’

(Bowett, 2009). Now, it comes to the most important step which is making a decision

based on the collected information. He has defined the secondary steps of making a

decision as several possible solutions, but to be analyzed and evaluated to choose

the best solution. Therefore the decision will be needed to be discussed among the
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team or the organization by communication. Here is the connection between decision

making and management has been related by knowledge sharing

method. Implementation of the taken decision and evaluating it will be the last two

steps of the process.

Employees Performance

As stated by Santos (2010) employees performance has major role in the

success of the company. He said that management should also consider ways in

which the environment can help enhance attitudes-job satisfaction, job involvement,

organizational commitment, and positive work mood to reduce or minimize the

number of employees leaving the company organization. Performance reflects the

organizations success – the obvious employee characteristics to measure. Employee

performance main reflects the efficiency objectives to the organization, but equity

objectives were also the key yo the diagnostic approach.


Advincula-Dimalanta as cited by Boulding (2009) explained leadership as a

process by which a person influenced others to accomplish an objective and directs

the organizational in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry

out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics,

character, knowledge and skill. The authority to accomplish certain tasks and

objectives does not make one a leader, it simply makes one the boss and leadership

is not simply bossing people around. Furthermore, he described a leader as

trustworthy, and should be able to communicate a vision where the organization

needs to go.

Aruk (2005) leadership is a vital universal life skill and quality. It is

combination of motivating, coordinating, facilitating and recognizing. To be an

effective leader requires the respect and support of those that are being led.

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Chapter III


This chapter presents a brief discussion of the procedures that were utilized

by the researchers. This includes the description of the research design, population

and sample, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical

treatment of data which are important in gathering and interpreting data.

Research Design

The main thrust of this study is to determine and evaluate the effective

management style for a modern workplace in Taal and Lemery. The nature of the

research triggered the researchers to use descriptive method. Descriptive method of

research is the most widely used method for researches that determine the current

conditions and relations, viewed opinions and beliefs, the process to be used and the

possible effects, and developing trends. In this study, descriptive research method

was used as the research design with questionnaire as an instrument in gathering

data. Descriptive research (Wikipedia 2018) is used to describe characteristics of

a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not answer questions about

how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the "what" question

(what are the characteristics of the population or situation being studied?).

The researcher adopted this method because it is the most appropriate

strategy, since the purpose of the study was to know on the effective management

style for a modern workplace in Taal and Lemery.

The results depend on how much information the researchers has

accumulated about the topic prior to the data collection. This study depends on

survey questionnaire that will enable the researchers to have primary data and the

secondary data gathered will be different related studies.

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Respondents of the Study

The business owners or managers were the respondents of the study. The

sampling frame is composed of (30) business owners or managers of Taal and

Lemery which are selected for the current year participated as actual respondents.

The distribution of questionnaire to the respondents was utilized to generate the

needed information.

The researchers come up with this number of respondents through judgement

or purposive sampling technique which the researcher relies on his or her

own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study.

The researchers choose the business owners and managers of Taal and

Lemery as their subject because they know that those people were exposed to the

said issue of the study. Those people are relevant or had a prior knowledge when it

comes to different management styles.

Research Instrument

The researcher used questionnaire as the measuring instrument in gathering

and collecting data. Questionnaire is research instrument consisting of a series of

questions and other prompts for gathering information from respondents (Wikipedia,

2008). The survey questionnaire instrument were used to achieve the main

objectives of the study. The questionnaire was structured in such a way that

respondent will be able to answer it easily. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to

determine the effective management style for a modern workplace in Taal and


Constructualization and Validation of Questionnaire

The questionnaire used by the researchers was developed by the group. It

was initially drafted as a result of several reading and consultations. The researchers

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do their best to improve and revise the questionnaires and incorporated all

suggestions that came out after the validation.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted a survey questionnaire on the selected

respondent from the business owners and managers of Taal and Lemery. They

asked permission approval to the respondents and the researchers directly

distributed the survey questionnaire to the chosen respondents. The content of the

survey questionnaire was explained clearly and respectfully. The researcher

collected all the questionnaire without any problem. The objective of this is to

generate the most important data that will make the research possible. The

questionnaire was successfully accomplished through the determination and efforts

of the researchers. The responses of the questionnaires given to the respondents

were tallied, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted accordingly. The responses were

measured by means of enumerated statistical tools.

Score of Responses

The scoring and verbal interpretations of the response were arranged using

the Likert-five point scale given below:

Option Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation Symbol

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 3.50-4.49 Agree (A)

3 2.50-3.49 Undecided (U)

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree (D)

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were utilized by the research in the treatment of

the data gathered.

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Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the Effective Management style

for a modern workplace in Taal and Lemery. Weighted mean allows the final average

number to reflect the relative importance of each number that is being averaged.

Percentage. It compares values and quantify and determine the correct base

to calculate the percentage changes.

Tv = fv + fv + fv

WM = Tv / N


Tv= total value

F= frequency

V= value of scale

N= number of respondents

The range of values for the numerical rating used for the level of Effective

Management style for a modern workplace in Taal and Lemery were indicated by the

descriptive rating and their equivalent as follows:

Scale Quantitative Rating Descriptive Level

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41-4.20 Agree

3 2.10-3.40 Strongly Disagree

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree

1 1.00-1.80 Not at all

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Effective Management styles for a modern

Workplace in Taal and Lemery


Part I. Demographic profile of the respondents

Name (Optional):

Direction: Please accomplish the questionnaire carefully and honestly by putting a

check mark (/) on the appropriate boxes that corresponds to your answer. Rest

assured that any information that you supply will be treated with greatest

confidentiality and anonymity.

1.1 Age:

25-30 37 above


1.2 Gender:

Male Female

1.3 Civil Status

Single Married

1.4 Economic Status; (Income per month)

8,000 to 12,000 18,000 to 22,000

13,000 to 17,000 23,000 above

Part II. Effective Management Styles for a Modern Workplace

Direction: Please indicate by means of a check mark (/) which of the following

information related to effective management styles.

Where: 5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Strongly Disagree

2- Disagree

1- Not at all

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2.1 Participatory Management
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Employees are encouraged to voice their
opinions about their current environment or
2. Employees are given the opportunity to use
their creativity and innovation.
3. Employees participate in
organizational decision making.

2.2 Democratic Management

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Individuals have a greater interaction within the
2. Members are willing to share their decision with their
3. Employees give their feedback often regarding with
the organizations decision.

2.3 Autocratic Management

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Employees don’t voice out their opinions when it
comes in decision making.
2. Subordinates often lack the motivation to contribute to
the business structure because they feel suppressed
and underestimated by their leaders.
3. Managers consider the employees feelings or
emotions before making decision.

2.4 Laissez-Faire Management

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Staffs do not need any supervision from manager.
2. Individuals are increasing in innovation and
3. Employees that are unsupervised leads to low
productivity and loss of direction in achieving the

Part III. Effects of management styles on the employees performance

Direction: Please indicate by means of a check mark (/) which of the following

information related to effective management styles.

Where: 5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Strongly Disagree

2- Disagree

1- Not at all

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
3.1 Improving Productivity

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Employees perform their task efficiently and
2. Employees are responsible enough and flexible that
can go beyond the call of duty.
3. Employees are in line or aware with the upcoming
trends and techniques in the business world.

3.2 Quick Decision Making

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Employees are willing to evaluate and analyze the
problem and choose the best solution.
2. Employees are willing to accept responsibilities for
decision making.
3. Subordinates are willing to share their knowledge and
contribute in decision making process.

3.3 Job Satisfaction

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Individuals focuses on their general attitude toward
their respective jobs.
2. Employees are satisfied and fulfilled with their
performance towards their job.
3. Employees are passionate about their work, taking an
interest in all aspects in behind the management

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Magazines or Journals

Janssen, O., & Van Yperen, N. W. (2004). Employees' goal orientations, the

quality of leader-member exchange, and the outcomes of job performance and job

satisfaction. Academy of management journal, 47(3), 368-384.

Kaliski, B.S. (2007). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance (Second ed.).

Thompson Gale, Detroit, p. 446.

Tojeiro. K. (2013). Leadership Styles.


Unpublished Materials

Baja, Nina G., Guerra, Maiden O. and Marasigan, Dylan joy 2010.

“Management style effectiveness among managers”. Batangas State University.

Bass, Bernard with Bass, Ruth. 2008. The Bass Handbook of Management,

Research and Managerial Application 8th edition. McGrawHill.

Bateman, Thomas S, and Shell, Scott A. 2007. Management Leading and

Collaborating in a Competitive World 10th Edition, McGrawHill.

Bowett, R. (2009) Decision making in business, [Online], Available: [4 November 2010].

Jacqueline C. Mancall et al; 2000 "Against Management";

Jones, N.; Filos, E. (2015). "Exploring perceptions on participatory

management of NATURA 2000 forest sites in Greece". Forest Policy and Economics

Lu, H., While, A.E. and Barriball, K.L. (2005) Job Satisfaction among

Nurses A Literature Review. International Journal of Nursing Studies.

Luthans, F, (2008). Organizational Behaviour, Boston: McGraw-Hill Inc.

Mark Van Vugt; January 2004 "Journal of Experimental Social Psychology":

Autocratic Leadership in Social Dilemmas: A Threat to Group Stability

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Mullins, J. (2002). Management and organizational behavior: Library of

congress cataloguing in publication data, United Kingdom.

Pathack, S. H. (2005). ‘Management Style: Impact on subordinates’ Jos

Satisfaction. Leadership Quarterly, 11 (2).

Quang, T. (2002) ‘Conflict Management in Joint Ventures’, Transitions, 38


Quick, Campbell James and Nelson, Debra L. 2009. Principles of

Organizational Behavior, Realties and Challenges 6th edition. Western Cergage


Schermerhorn, John R. 2007. Management 9th edition. Wiley & Sons Inc.

Thomas Grünberg, (2003) "A review of improvement methods in

manufacturing operations"

Electronic Materials


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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners

The review of related literature has provided a background and rationale for

studying the effective management styles for a modern workplace. The literature

provided sufficient ideas and insight to the the conceptualization and development of

the research problem. The literature presented different behavior and performance of

an employee. It also emphasizes the relationship between management styles and

organizational effectiveness and how to deal with the different management styles. It

is also mentioned that job satisfaction and loyalty focuses on a combination of

positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work. In addition, the

literature also includes the two leadership styles: those driven by inspiration and

those driven by aspiration. However, it also includes the different management styles

such as participatory management, democratic management, autocratic

management style and laissez-faire management style. It also includes the different

effects of management styles on the employees performance. First is improving

productivity where in, in order to achieve the competitiveness and other goals of an

organization, it is very important to the workers to be in line with the forth coming

trends and techniques of the business world. Second is job satisfaction which

focuses on all the feelings about job of an individual. Lastly is quick decision making

which is important to achieve the organizational goals/objectives within given time

and budget.

(+63) 0977-8171-136 

Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners

A Research Paper Presented

to Faculty of

Taal Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement

in Practical Research 1

of ABM-11 B


Janela D. Wenceslao

Ednalyn Esquerdo

Aileen De Castro

John Vincent Maulion


(+63) 0977-8171-136 

Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners

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