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Information Literacy Diagnostic Test

20 Questions

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Questions and Answers

1. When working on a research assignment,
what is an effective and e:cient plan of
action to take? Arrange the steps below
from start to end for an effective and
e:cient plan.
Select information resources
Cite sources
Organise information
Conduct effective searches
Evaluate information
DeCne topic
Review (and repeat)
A. F, A, C, B, D, G, E
B. F, A, D, G, E, C, B
C. A, B, C, D, E, F, G
D. A, F, D, G, E, C, B

2. Your project group has 1 week to do

research, write a report and prepare a
presentation on: “The challenges facing the
elderly in Singapore and the programmes
available to assist them”. The group decides
that the action plan which will gain the best
results is:
A. Search the Web for websites with suitable

B. Identify key concepts and search

appropriate information sources with
suitable methods.

C. Search YouTube for presentations of similar


D. Identify an area where many elderly people

live and interview them.

3. You are working on a social enterprise

research consultancy project to provide
foreign domestic workers with training for
new skills. You have decided on the type of
information you need. Which resources
should you use to obtain your information?
Match the information needs on the left,
with the appropriate information resources
listed on the right.
A. Research study
A. Select a Match
B. Government regulations
B. Select a Match
C. Report of recent events
C. Select a Match
D. Commentary or analysis of an issue
D. Select a Match

4. How much of the Web are the best search

engines (e.g. Google) able to search?
A. A. A small percentage of the total pages on
the Web

B. B. About half the total pages on the Web

C. C. Most of the pages on the Web
D. D. All the pages on the Web

5. Assisted suicide has been in the spotlight at

various times in the Singapore press. In
order to Cnd as many news articles as
possible on the issue in a news database,
which search statement should be used?
A. A. Assisted suicide OR euthanasia OR
mercy killing AND advance medical directive
OR living will

B. B. Assisted suicide AND euthanasia AND

mercy killing

C. C. Assisted suicide OR euthanasia OR

mercy killing

D. D. Assisted suicide OR euthanasia AND

mercy killing

6. You need to write a report discussing the

positive and negative effects of social
networking. In order to get a feel of what’s
being written about this, you do a broad
search in a database such as Business
Source Premier. Which search statement
will help you Cnd the most relevant results?
A. A. Facebook AND Twitter AND Friendster
AND MySpace

B. B. (“social networking” OR “social media”)

AND (positive OR negative)

C. C. “social networking” AND positive OR


D. D. “social networking” AND (positive OR


7. You’ve been commissioned by the Ministry

of Health to produce a video to educate the
layman on common myths regarding bird
Vu. To Cnd out more, you search a medical
database. Which search statement will Cnd
the largest number of relevant articles on
the topic?
A. A. myths AND “bird flu” OR “avian flu” OR

B. B. (myth* OR urban legend*) AND (“bird flu”

OR chicken*)

C. C. myths AND “bird flu”

D. D. myth* AND (“bird flu” OR “avian flu” OR

8. A leading scientist working on stem

cell research is now based in
Singapore. You are a magazine
reporter that has been given the
opportunity to interview her! To
prepare for the interview, you do some
background reading. You look for
books on the basics of stem cell
research. At which call number(s) in
SP Library can you Cnd such books?
(Link to: SP Library Catalogue.)
A. A. RS420
B. B. QS599.S83
C. C. QH588.S83
D. D. QH332 and R724

9. When you search a database and obtain no

results or very few results, what are some
immediate steps to take?
RedeCne your topic.
Think again whether the keywords you
searched have synonyms.
Check the Help section to determine
the correct operators and symbols to
use in your search statement.
Search another database.
Remove any limits placed on the
Browse the library shelves in the
relevant section.
A. A. I, II, III
B. B. III, IV, V
C. C. II, III, V
D. D. I, IV, VI

10. You are searching the web for examples of

stereotypes in the local media and discover
this article in Wikipedia - “Singapore Girl”. It
provides you with some interesting
background information but eventually you
decide not to list the article as a reference in
your report because:
A. A. It lacks authority and

B. B. It provides references to other verifiable

sources for some sections.

C. C. It appears objective in its coverage.

D. D. It appears up-to-date.

11. In order to assess whether the information

you found is biased, which of the following
should you consider?
Author’s age
Author’s organisation
Author’s academic/professional
Purpose of the information
Tone of language
Type of publication, e.g. scholarly
journal, popular magazine, website
A. A. I, III, IV
C. C. II, IV, V
D. D. III, IV, V, VI

12. Eduardo Saverin, the co-founder of

Facebook, is heard to be living in Singapore
and was seen at local nightspot, The Butter
Factory. You googled and found this website
which mentions the news: Facebook Co-
Founder, Eduardo Saverin, is in Singapore -
Video Within Teh, J., 31 Oct 2010.
Facebook Co-Founder, Eduardo Saverin, is in
Singapore – Video Within. Available from:
singapore-video-within/ [Accessed 10 Mar
2011]. You think the news is probably true
A. A. Your friend said that he thought he saw
Saverin at The Butter Factory last month.

B. B. You searched the local newspaper The

Straits Times and found the article which
reported this news.

C. C. The website says that it was reported in

The Straits Times.

D. C. The website says that it was reported in

The Straits Times.

13. Your lecturer asks you to read parts of a

book for the next tutorial assignment. You
have found a copy of the book in the Library.
As a student using it for personal study, you
know you may:
A. 1. Your lecturer asks you to read parts of a
book for the next tutorial assignment. You
have found a copy of the book in the Library.
As a student using it for personal study, you
know you may: a. Photocopy a maximum of
10 pages of the book

B. B. Photocopy a maximum of 10% of the total

no. of pages of the book.

C. C. Photocopy a maximum of 20% of the

total no. of pages of the book.

D. D. Photocopy a maximum of 2 chapters of

the book.

14. In the literature review section of your

report, you need to use information from a
paragraph in a book. Which of the following
does not constitute as plagiarism and is an
acceptable way of using the information?
A. A. Use a few lines from the paragraph,
without quotation marks, with citation.

B. B. Use a few lines from the paragraph, with

quotation marks, without citation.

C. C. Use the exact words with quotation

marks, with citation.

D. D. Use your own words to paraphrase the

paragraph, without citation.

15. Earlier this year, it was reported in the news

that a German minister was alleged to have
plagiarised from various sources for a
signiCcant part of his doctoral dissertation.
Since then the university has revoked his
degree. He eventually admitted to his
mistakes and resigned as minister. In order
to have avoided plagiarising, what should he
have done?
A. A. Paraphrased the information from
sources, included personal analysis and
cited the sources.

B. B. Enclosed in quotation marks all the parts

he copied.

C. C. Used information from a larger number of

sources, not just a few.

D. D. Used a plagiarism checker.

16. Your essay on global warming cites an

article by Borick and Rabe. Which of the
following references of the article provides
the needed information for your reader to
locate the article easily (if he/she wishes to
read it)?
A. A. Borick, Christopher P., & Rabe, Barry G.,
'A Reason to Believe: Examining the Factors
that Determine Individual Views on Global
Warming', Social Science Quarterly
(Blackwell Publishing Limited), 91(3) pp.

B. B. Borick, Christoper, & Rabe, Barry, 2010,

'A Reason to Believe: Examining the Factors
that Determine Individual Views on Global
Warming', Social Science Quarterly
(Blackwell Publishing Limited, Oxford), pp.
777-800. Business Source Premier,
EBSCOhost [accessed 5 Jan 2011].

C. C. Borick, C., & Rabe, B., 2010, 'A Reason

to Believe: Examining the Factors that
Determine Individual Views on Global
Warming', Social Science Quarterly
(Blackwell Publishing Limited), 91(3) pp.

D. D. Borick, C., & Rabe, B., 2010, 'A Reason

to Believe: Examining the Factors that
Determine Individual Views on Global
Warming', Social Science Quarterly
(Blackwell Publishing Limited), 91(3),
Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost
[accessed 5 Jan 2011].

17. Your essay on environmental

sustainability refers to a journal article.
To ensure that your reader will be able
to Cnd the article to read it, what
information is needed to do a proper
citation using the Harvard (author-
date) style?

Article title
Journal title
Journal publisher
Place of publication
Year of publication
Beginning and ending page of article
Total number of pages
A. A. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, IX
D. D. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX (all the


While scanning a magazine, you found a

chart (see below) which will be useful for
your research on organic pollutants in
Singapore waters. You think that the original
article in which the chart was published
might have other relevant charts. To Cnd the
article, you do the following: Chart from:
Basheer, C., Obbard, J.P., & Lee, H.K., 2003.
Persistent organic pollutants in Singapore's
coastal marine environment: Part II,
sediments. Water, Air and Soil Pollution
[online], 149(1-4), pp. 315-325. Available
from ProQuest:
9676?accountid=40699 [Accessed 3 Mar
A. A. Search the Web using the phrase
“Basheer et al. 2003”.

B. B. Go to the end of the magazine article to

find the publication details of the original
article in the reference list.

C. C. Search the Library catalogue for the

author named Basheer.

D. D. Select a science and technology

database and search it for articles on
surface marine sediments in Singapore.

19. At the end of your essay on the effects of

storytelling, you are required to provide a list
of references using the Harvard style. For an
article by Pauline Chen, which of the
following uses the Harvard style:
A. A. “Patients Share Their Stories, Health May
Improve” (Doctor and Patient), – Global edition, Views, (New
York, USA), 10 Feb 2011.
ews/10chen.html. 10 Mar 2011.

B. B. Chen, Pauline W., 2011. When Patients

Share Their Stories, Health May Improve
[online], Available from:
ews/10chen.html [Accessed 10 Mar 2011].

C. C. Pauline W. Chen, “Patients Share Their

Stories, Health May Improve”, published
February 10, 2011, in The New York Times
website ( Access at:

D. D. Chen, Pauline W., M.D. (2011) "When

Patients Share Their Stories, Health May
Improve”, 10 Feb 2011,
(Global edition). .

20. You’ve almost completed writing your

project report and are left with making a list
of references. Your project supervisor
reminds you that when you work on your
references, the most important thing to
remember is:
A. A. Always provide at least the author(s) and
year of publication.

B. B. Provide the URL and the date of access

as long as it is available on the Web.

C. C. Indicate the publication title clearly by

enclosing in quotation marks or using italics.

D. D. Be consistent in your style and provide

sufficient information for the reader to find
the reference.

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