The Terminal Reflection Paper

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Jodi Marie G.

September 4, 2019


The Terminal is an American comedy-drama film that was released in 2004. The movie is
about Viktor Navorski from the country of Krakozhia who arrived at the JFK International Airport
but finds that he is not allowed to enter the United States. He is stranded at the airport due to a
revolution in his home nation of Krakozhia, leaving him without a nationality, thus cannot be
allowed to enter the United States. Victor is unable to return to his home nation because all the
flights going in and out of Krakozhia are cancelled due to the war. Also, he is not allowed to leave
the airport. Instead, Viktor lives in the terminal, carrying his luggage and a Planters peanut can.

Before watching the movie, I’m expecting that it would be boring because the movie was
released in 2004. I’m not fond of watching movies that was made before 2012. But this movie is
different. It was entertaining, inspiring, and at the same time, it is pitiful. In the movie, Viktor only
knows few English words. He is misunderstood by many people so he pursue to learn English by
translating the Russian New York travel guide books to the English New York travel guide books.
Through practice, he learned to read the news flashed in the television. He also developed his
English speaking skills by communicating with people in the airport. I am amazed at Viktor
because even though the Mr. Dixon gave him a clue on how he can enter the United States without
the guards to check his documents, he didn’t do it. He was a law-abiding citizen and was willing
to wait until he can legally enter the United States. I also admire his perseverance because
everyday, he files for a visa and everyday, he only receives a red stamp, which means denied. But
he didn’t lose hope. He believes that he has a fifty-fifty chance to enter New York. He’s also
resourceful by retrieving vacant baggage trolleys for a 25-cent reward to buy food. Mr. Dixon saw
it and wanted Viktor to be removed at the airport because everything he does comes back to him.
Then he met a catering car driver, Enrique, who asks information about a girl in exchange of food.
He developed his English skills by talking to the female customs and border protection officer and
relying the information to Enrique. While walking at the terminal, he met Amelia Warren, a flight
attendant who asked him out to a dinner. He declined the offer knowing that he has no money and
tried to look for a job to take Amelia out on an Italian diner. After passing resume to different
establishment, he was not accepted. I felt pity on him because he waited in front of the telephone
until midnight waiting for a call to know if he is accepted in the job. But sad to say, he is not.
Viktor has a talent in construction and the head of the construction workers discovers it and hired
him immediately. As a person, Viktor Navorski is really determined. He’s not easily influenced
by others. He has his own beliefs and dignity. While the movie is close to its ending, I felt so
inspired when Viktor told the real reason why he wants to go to New York. He is also a loving son
and once he tells a promise, he keeps it and do it.

The social issue I saw in this movie was language learning. English is the universal
language. Most people on Earth understand the English language. In ‘The Terminal’, Viktor
Navorski knows only a few English words and phrases. It is common to people who lack
knowledge about English. It is a social issue that people are facing. Language is a barrier to many
people and it is a problem when it comes to communication. In the movie, Viktor experienced
language crisis, but he managed to overcome it by carefully studying the English language and he

To promote the movie that shows language crisis, I will use the internet. I will make an
advertisement and my audience are the fluent English speakers who wants to help and teach non-
English speakers the English language. The text that I will use is “Language Literacy is the key to
the World’s Effective Communication. Help us Teach the English Language”.

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