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Hardwick WPCF Superintendents Report May 6, 2019

-4/2/19 Ordered new pump to replace worn #1 RAS/Waste/Aeration pump at Wheelwright WWTP. Ordered a better
pump than last time w/ hardened iron and steel wear parts: $4900 plus shipping

-4/8/19 Ordered new portable Honda pump to replace old unit that has failed. This is used weekly for pumping solids
from the chlorine contact chamber in Wheelwright as well as pumping out manholes along the Eagle Hill line. $440

-4/10/19 Took in 27,000 gallons leachate from Cassella

-4/11/19 Pumped water from Thoma manhole on Eagle Hill line and noted pressures: 23psi coming into BPV, 0psi
coming out. Tightened up on BPV one full turn and added oil to dampener. Opened valve fully with portable air
compressor to initiate “dirty flush”.

-4/12/19 9:30am removed pressure from Thoma BPV and started “dirty flush” on Boise valve; ran Boise open until
1:30pm. Spoke to Dan Holmes from T&B; he requested a new sample of scale from line and has not tested the first
sample yet. Mailed out a new sample for him. He restated that they will be looking at alternative odor control chemicals
if it is determined our scaling is from the Bioxide. He also acknowledged that tightening the springs on the BPV’s to reach
the recommended backpressures will likely cut down on our flows which are already ½ design. But, he recommended we
keep trying to approach those pressures slowly and incrementally as we have been.

-4/17/19 Ordered new high level alarm float for Wheelwright Pump Station manhole and scheduled Lagrant Electric to
install. Installed new float and tested; new float does not work. Retrieved larger, spare, float from Wheelwright WWTP
and installed then tested fine. Potter .25 hrs OT, Johnson .50 hrs OT. New float is hung on inlet side of manhole and
lower than previous float to allow earlier warning of alarm condition and (hopefully) less overtime when there is an
alarm due to lesser backing up of system that needs to be pumped down after correction.

-Johnson panicked a bit and ordered 1500 gallons EPIC58 to be split between Wheelwright and Gilbertville as he thought
Wheelwright was about to run dry. Probably had enough for another month and could only take 1245 gallons total. Both
tanks full 4/23/19

-Accepted deliver of new Wheelwright Station air compressor pump 4/23. EERS assisted with lowering into pump station
4/24. Noted that pump head is reversed compared to original units: Potter removed pump head and reverse installed to
allow us to use for our application.

-4/25/19 Installed new pump w/ hardened internals (that was approved at the April meeting) in place of worn #1
RAS/Waste/Aeration pump at Wheelwright WWTP. Also installed new motor for same that was purchased last year.
Amazing difference in noise level, vibration and performance. Mike Dougan from EERS assisted with moving out the old
motor (200 lbs) and pump (330 lbs) and getting the new ones inside atop the mount. We used his large truck hoist and
portable transmission jack which was extremely helpful. As with his assistance 4/24 at the Wheelwright pumping
station, Mike will not be charging us for this. He also assisted months ago removing/installing pumps at the Gilbertville
pump station that we could not have done without his hoist. He did not invoice us for that and, I believe, he deserves
some recognition from the Town for all this.
Alarm/Call-In/Unscheduled overtime log:
-4/6/19 8pm Wheelwright Pumping Station High Level Alarm. Johnson called in Martel who immediately came in,
started truck, and awaited Johnsons arrival in Gilbertville. Hardwick PD called Potter 8:54 pm to alert of alarm light
flashing. Johnson/Martell arrived at Pumping Station around 9pm and cleaned control float. Martel texted Potter at
10:20pm to alert that he came in at 8pm (?). Crew monitored until pumped down fully and departed at 11:30pm.
Johnson 3 hour minimum call, Martel 3.5 hours.

-4/11/19 8:15am Wheelwright Pumping Station alarm. Crew responded, cleaned float and monitored until pumped
down at 10am.

-4/20/19 3:10pm Wheelwright Station alarm, high level. Johnson unable to respond due to stomach bug. Potter came in
despite being out on Workers Comp for back injury from 4/18. Fortunately, had just picked up prescription medication
and hadn’t taken any yet. Martel came in for 4pm w/ Potter. Cleaned pot float, monitored station until pumped down
fully. Station back to normal and crew out 5:27pm. Martel 1.5 hours actual, Potter 3 hour call-in.

-4/21/19 7:16am Wheelwright Pumping Station alarm. Johnson acknowledged alarm and came in to assist Martel
already here on weekend duty. Crew responded, cleaned float and monitored until pumped down. Martel put in for 1
hour additional OT; Johnson 3 hour call-in.

-4/23/19 6:58 am Wheelwright Station alarm, High level. Potter and Johnson responded after setting up chemical
delivery at Wheelwright Pumping station. Cleaned float (very greasy), monitored until back to normal and dumped a
little degreaser into manhole before station.

-4/25/19 7:21am Wheelwright Station High Level alarm: Potter and Johnson responded during regular shift, cleaned
float and monitored until caught up. Potter noted that 3-way valve seems “lazy”. Returned 4/26/19 to replace 3-way
valve with new; also changed pipe union for same as it had corroded to the point of being unserviceable.


-Average flow at Gilbertville WWTP was over permit for the entire month of April and so far in May. Record rains and an
aged sewer collection system.

-Consider updating the Town of Hardwick Sewer Regulations (Section M, part 5) to include a greater factor under “Non-
Residential” EDU calculations for Breweries and/or Restaurants. Breweries typically produce waste at least 10 times
stronger in BOD/TSS than residential waste and restaurants can also produce waste of a much higher strength. BOD/TSS
removal costs the Town in greater aeration (electricity) as well as sludge removal and will increase chemical usage
especially if/when our permit gets stricter. These are our 2 highest costs. Current non-residential EDU’s are calculated by
quarterly cubic feet water used/1100, rounded up to next whole number.

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