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Microteaching Lesson Plan

Name: Hannah Tweedy Lesson Title: Infant Development Through Mirrors

Orientation - Objectives/Goal:
What do you want your students to know, understand or be able to do at the end of the lesson (e.g., “The students will
be able to describe, demonstrate, write, create…, etc.)

-Students will show interest in people. Students uses senses to explore objects in a variety of ways.
Infants in my classroom will be engaging their visual sense.
-According to infants should be able to recognize faces and learn to smile at 4-6
months of age.
-I am specifically targeting these four developmental areas: pretend play, mirror self-recognition,
synchronic imitation, and deferred imitation (memory of action developed by Jean Piget).
-Infants begin to develop successful social relationships through their understanding of ‘self’.
-I hope to get an infant to respond and recognize faces (and react by smiling) specifically their own
reflection in a mirror. I hope to see them develop more of an understanding of ‘self’ and their own
movements and their synchronized reflection.

Orientation - Introduction:
How will you connect the lesson to prior learning? What kind of interesting “hook” will you use to motivate and
engage students in the topic (e.g., ask a question, give a real-world example, state a fact, tell a story, etc.)?

I will engage an infant in exploring self-knowledge through a book and a mirror. I will begin by
reading the book Smile! which includes pictures of babies faces. Then I will introduce a mirror and
ask the infant, “Who is that in the mirror?” while pointing at their reflection. Hopefully this will
gain their attention and direct it toward the mirror.

Engagement - Modeling:
1) How will you provide a structured overview of the concepts or skills you will teach (e.g., verbally, write on the
board, etc.)?
2) How will you teach the content of your lesson (e.g., demonstration, presentation, discussion, etc.)?
3) How will you check for understanding (ask questions, seek feedback, etc.)?

1) I will verbally provide an infant with the concept of ‘me’ while using a picture-book as a visual. I
will then use a mirror as visual opportunity for exploration of the concept of self-knowledge.
2) I will mostly be interacting with the infant one-on-one in a demonstrating manner.
3) I will be watching for small signs of understanding such as the infant smiling or reaching for
their reflection in the mirror.

Engagement: Guided Practice/Assessment:

1) What activities will you and the students do together to help them practice their new knowledge/skill?
2) What strategies will you use to guide and monitor students’ progress (e.g., provide feedback, ask questions, etc.)?

1) I would hope that the next time we play this ‘game’ of mirror interaction and deferred imitation
that they will be forming more understanding of themselves through it.
2) I will look for more outward signs of understanding. See if they respond to the picture of me
and themselves.
Engagement - Independent Practice/Assessment:
How will you provide opportunities for students to practice independently (e.g., activity, assignment, homework, etc.)?
How will you assess student learning and provide feedback (e.g., ask questions, use an exit card, etc.)?
Infants/toddlers aren’t able to do too much independently. But as they develop, there will be more
opportunities for them to make self-conscious decisions based on their knowledge of ‘self’. They
will also begin imitating the motions of others.

At the end of your lesson, how will you wrap up your lesson?
I would like to have the led teacher take a picture of me and the infant and show the infant the
visual copy just like as in the mirror.

Permission for Future Use of this Lesson Plan

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Student Signature: __Hannah Tweedy_____________________________________________

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