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Oleh :

1. Rista Rachmawati (173221121)

2. Elma Qurrota A'yun (173221122)

3. Muh. Dzulfikri F (173221123)

Class : PBI-3D

Applying Filling Gap on The Listening Instructions for Junior High School Students

Listening is the receptive use of language, and since the goal is to make sense of the
speech, the focus is on the meaning rather than language (Cameron, 2001). Learn about listening
has been developed and advanced especially in media and in learning materials used in the cities
(Arono, 2014:1). Listening as a basic of language skill was a fundamental for interactive
multimedia development in improving student's critical listening skill. Listening process such as
hearing, understanding, perception, evaluation and response. For the students,the spoken
language is very important for the input (Nurul Puspita, 2016:2). There are many choices of
listening materials such as CD, DVD, or video applied in the classroom. Listening skill is a
process in languange skill that needs by using audio or technology such as a research done by
Embi and Latiff (2014) in using E-learning as a tool for learning ESL. Some listening activities
have been applied in listening practice, but most of them use listening materials from casssettes,
television and radio. According to Lehman, Himstreet, and Baty, most managers are on a daily
basis spend time working to listen and talk with supervisors, employees, customers, and various
business associations. Listening to be so important how to speaking or speak in front of an
audience. Most people talk about 120 to 150 words per minute, but listeners can process audio
information around 500 words per minute (Ambar Wulan, 2014:6). But today, where technology
has made very rapid progress, many educators have used internet media as facility in learning
In language teaching, filling gap method is filling the empty section of the test items
that each contains short discourses such as the phrase that is emptied from the original text either
in first, middle or at the beginning of the sentences (Djiwandono, 2008:70-71). The students has
to fill each space with the missing word or a suitable word. This method can be filling gap on the
sheet of the question that contains the lyrics of songs or conversation, when the speakers begun
to speak. The ability to properly complement the part or filling gap has been removed from the
original text identifies students' understanding of the whole original discourse, as well as being
able to simultaneously conclude the ability to understand sentence patterns, the correct choice of
words, background and compatibility of themes (An’nisa Dwi, 2016). The underlying principle
of this method is the students will learn how to communicate through activities by using the
language element in the song or english conversation. The students will also understand how to
pronounces the new vocabularies which they hear in this activity. But it should be noted that
filling gap method have an obvious weakness when used to teach listening comprehension
(Henning, Gary and Gary, 1993: Buck, 2009). If students do not understand the vocabulary, then
they will not be able to follow the course of learning in this method. But to work around this, the
teacher will repeat the recording of a song or conversation so that students are able to identify
what words are missing. So, this filling gap method has many benefits rather than its drawbacks.

Junior High School is a formal education at the primary education level. Education and
learning at the junior high school level emphasizes laying the foundation in preparing
generations to become human beings who are able to face increasingly heavy eras (UMS, 2015).
The effectiveness of learning is a standard of learning success, meaning that in the learning
process if it is successful in achieving the stated goals, the higher the effectiveness of learning,
including at the junior high school level. In the junior high scool, generally the students are aged
from 12th years and learning methods are also adjusted at the age of its students in order to
deliver the subject matter properly. At the age of junior high school, students are in puberty,
where there is a transition and development in themselves both physically, psychologically, and
socially (Sarwono, 2011). Junior high school students are in the early teenage stage with an age
range between 12-15 years. Students begin to leave their role as children and try not to depend
on parents. The focus of this stage is the acceptance of the form of physical conditions and
striving to develop themselves through association by forming peers. Didik Suhardi (2010: 35) in
Character Education Guide in Junior High Schools stated: "Student coaching is: educational
activities outside the hours of subjects and counseling services to help students according to their
needs, potential, talents and interests through activities that are specifically organized by
educators and/or educational staff with capability and authority in the school ". At junior high
school for three years the child will be educated. At this time children also have begun to be able
to critically and know about various values related to their lives, for example the values of
decency, beauty, society, nationality and religion.

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