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Science F o u n d a t i o n s u p p o r t e d s o m e o f his stud- canth, chia, oregano, j o j o b a and o t h e r species in

ies on agaves and tragacanth. In this p e r i o d he w h i c h he e n v i s i o n e d s o m e usefulness to society.
also consulted with the agriventure c o m m u n i t y A t the t i m e o f his death he was preparing to
that was f o r m i n g in the Southwest. In 1982, the return to the f a r m for a n e w season o f w o r k and
U n i v e r s i t y o f A r i z o n a Press p u b l i s h e d his " A g a - m e e t i n g s on these a n d o t h e r n e w c r o p projects.
ves o f C o n t i n e n t a l N o r t h A m e r i c a . " T h i s m o n - T h e farm continues u n d e r the direction a n d care
u m e n t a l v o l u m e o f 670 pages is definitive o f the o f Peter M c C r o h a n , f a r m m a n a g e r and close as-
genus and will r e m a i n a source o f i n f o r m a t i o n sociate for the last eight years. H o w a r d is sur-
a n d inspiration for botanists interested in this v i v e d by his wife o f sixty years, Marie, two
v a r i e d and useful desert plant. daughters, R i t a a n d Linnea, and two grandsons.
D u r i n g this " r e t i r e d " p e r i o d o f H o w a r d ' s long
a n d p r o d u c t i v e life, he spent m u c h t i m e on his
A n v e r Bioscience Design, Inc.
f a m i l y h o m e s t e a d , the G e n t r y E x p e r i m e n t a l
Sierra M a d r e , C A
F a r m , at Murrieta, California. H e r e he w o r k e d
at growing red squill as an o r n a m e n t a l , traga-

A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody a list of common names (clearly concentrating on Peru)
Plants of Northwest South America (Colombia, Ec- and another of scientific names. Within each family
uador, Peru). Alwyn H. Gentry. Conservation In- there may be mention of extralimital taxa as well. For
ternational, 1015 18th Street NW, Suite 1000, example, my first choice was to examine the Convol-
Washington, DC 20056. 1993. xxiii + 895 pp. vulaceae. Even Lysiostyles (Guyanan Plateau region
$25.00 (paperback). ISBN 1-881173-0101. only) is compared with Dicranostyles and Maripa both
of which occur within the range of the book.
I got so excited when I saw this book that I bought
I am sure that even the most liberal will find points
a copy! At this price anyone can afford this practical
of contention. For example, Gentry includes Odonellia
addition to plant study in northern South America.
in Jacquemontia. Odonellia was correctly segregated
When many publications are devoted to jockeying genes,
by Ken Robertson as a genus. Doubtless there are other
theoretical and practical applications of calculus, sub-
examples. Still, this is a minor flaw when compared
stituting modeling for reality, or some other esoteric
with the enormous quantity of information that is
part of biology, this down-to-earth useful book is most
packed into this field guide. Frankly, a North American
might not consider a 10" x 61/2" x 21/16 " book a field
The book begins with an introduction where Gentry
guide, but when it packs a whole library of genera in
assures us that it is really easier to identify sterile plants
South America it fills this role.
to family than fertile specimens. He surely does not
Many of the line drawings were stippled too closely
expect us to believe that, but his system did work on
and printed black. This could have been avoided easily.
the females I tested. The keys are not the sterile di-
On the whole, however, the 291 plates, with 4-15 or
chotomies that I expected, but begin with obvious mor-
so genera per page, are good and useful. Corollas on
phological traits like "leaves opposite or whorled (and
many genera were clearly drawn from dried specimens,
compound)" or "leaves simple and alternate." More-
but mostly artist Rodolfo Vasquez, a Peruvian Field
over, the text contains other surprises--there are draw-
Research Associate of the Missouri Botanical Garden,
ings of many (all?) genera, there are herbaceous genera
did a commendable job.
as well as woody, and there are lists and figures for
oddities such as leafless achlorophyllous parasites and DANIEL F. AUSTIN
saprophytes, whole-tree branching patterns, ant doma- DEPARTMENTOF BIOLOGICALSCIENCES
tia, stilt roots, spines, and the like. Families within the FLORIDA ATLANTICUNIVERSITY
book are arranged first into monocots and dicots and BOCA RATON, FL 33431
then alphabetically within these subdivisions. There is

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