1st QTR Reflection-English

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Reflection – 1st Qtr.


During my 1st quarter back in LSGH after summer, if I had to describe my

experiences in just a few words it would be,” This wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be!”.

And that was the general feeling I had for much of this quarter, relief, I was really happy because

I thought Grade 10 would be horrible. I got that initial bias because I saw how much my older

brother struggled when he was Gr.10 and I was already getting stressed from Grade 9 so I was

horrified by the idea that things could actually get worse. But this 1st Qtr. has come to be a

pleasant surprise to me, because for whatever reason, I find the lessons in Gr.10 much easier than

my previous lessons from Grade 9. Really the only negative complaint I have is that Gr. 10 has a

bit more projects and the Performance Tasks are a tad more difficult then our Grade 9

Performance Tasks. But I’ll take these extra assessments any day, then going back to Grade 9

lessons that completely destroyed any chances I had for 1st or 2nd honors. I still remember the

horror that was learning dozens of theorems for Geometry and trying to read Noli Me Tangere

which I really struggled at because I never read Filipino books unless it’s a requirement. Now

going back to Grade 10, if I had to focus specifically on English the one thing I really struggled

with was the speeches. Before I start my rant on my hate for public speaking, I think it would be

good to mention that other than the 3 speeches the rest of the lessons and activities for English

weren’t bad by any means. And when I put my Grade 9 English and my Grade 10 English

lessons side by side I would definitely rate Grade 10 higher. And that comes mostly from a

somewhat biased opinion of mine which is I enjoy reading about different life philosophies from

TWM more than I enjoyed reading about the story of Beowulf and Animal Farm. But then

there’s the speeches, so I want to preface this by just straight up saying the obvious “I hate

speaking in public”, and I don’t exactly try to hide it. Usually whenever a teacher says we have

to do a speech I instantly cringe especially when its supposed to be memorized. This comes from

the anxiety I get because of my stage fright. So, if you notice, even during the Eulogy which I

had a copy of, when I do a speech I try my best to finish it as quickly as I can which really just

makes me perform even more badly. But even with speeches, I can comfortably say that this

quarter was a great one and a good start to my 2018-19 SY.

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