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CoolPack – Simulation tools for refrigeration systems

Team CoolPack, Department of Energy Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

CoolPack is a collection of paragraphs. The four subgroups of

programs used for energy analysis EES-CoolTools tools shown in Figure 1 are
and optimisation of refrigeration designed to assist the engineer of a
systems. CoolPack is developed at Overview refrigeration system right from the
the Department of Energy phase of choosing the overall
Engineering at the Technical EES-CoolTools are developed for process design to evaluating the
University of Denmark. The end-users and not for modellers commissioned refrigeration
Danish Energy Agency finances who wants a lot of freedom to system. Currently, 8 different
the project. CoolPack is freeware manipulate the equation system Cycle design tools, one
and can be downloaded from constituting the mathematical Dimensioning tool and one System Users model. The tools are designed to analysis tool are implemented in
without access to the Internet can give the user exactly the right EES-CoolTools. It is the intention
contact Team CoolPack by using quantity of information with a that the remaining of the
the address stated in the last minimum of input information Dimensioning-, System Analysis-
paragraph. required. This is made possible by and Evaluation tools corresponding
The purpose of this article is defining a number of specific to the 8 Cycle design tools will be
twofold: Introduction to the use of simulation purposes. The same developed in the near future.
CoolPack and presentation of some simulation model (tool) can serve
of the related technical issues of more purposes as each tool allows User interface
modelling and layout of user flexibility in choosing specific
The user interface for all EES-
interface. input-variables to describe a
CoolTools has the same principal
certain phenomenon.
layout - a main diagram window
Introduction EES-CoolTools have been divided
with one or more sub diagrams.
The overall purpose of developing The main diagram window
into five subgroups: Tools for
CoolPack is to assist engineers and contains the main outputs and a
Cycle design, for Dimensioning of
users of refrigeration systems in drawing that identifies the process.
components, for System analysis
the process of designing and In the process design tools the
and for Evaluation of system
utilising refrigeration systems more drawing is a Log(p),h-diagram, see
performance (based on
energy efficiently. Today, most Figure 2, in dimensioning, system
measurements). The fifth category
engineers do not spend much time simulation and evaluation tools it is
contains Accessory tools. The
on energy optimisation when a pipe diagram. In the main
different subgroups will be
designing a new refrigeration diagram window the only input is
described in the subsequent
system due to lack of efficient the choice of refrigerant. All other
methods and computational tools. Selection of cycle
By using the programs in CoolPack Cycle and specification
C-Tools Design of parameters
the engineer has the possibility to
evaluate different solutions and is
thereby getting an opportunity for
improving the energy-economics. Use of dimensioning
D-Tools Dimensioning criteria
of System
CoolPack consists of a number of
programs which all can be
accessed through a user-friendly
interface. The programs can be Calculation of
Simulation of operating conditions
divided into 3 main groups: S-Tools
Operation with selected
1. EES-CoolTools
2. Refrigeration Utilities
Energy analysis
3. Dynamics Evaluation of based on
Operation measurements
EES-CoolTools and Refrigeration
Utilities form the major part of the Figure 1. The figure shows the different phases when designing a
programs while Dynamics still is in refrigeration system and the corresponding EES-CoolTool
its early stage of development. supporting it.
systems have completed the phase
where choice of refrigerant,
temperature levels, and the overall
process design have been selected,
the next stage is to select the actual
components. Engineers mostly rely
on manufacturers catalogues in
paper or electronic form. But the
engineer can normally not use the
electronically catalogues to test
how the components operate
together (especially when
components from more than one
manufacturer are used). Part load
operation is also difficult to
evaluate using catalogues.
The Dimensioning tools can assist
the engineer when he is selecting
Figure 2. The main diagram window for a one-stage cycle with DX the components – dimensioning the
evaporator. components. The user is defining
the refrigeration system based on
inputs are in sub diagram windows as volume or mass flow. The user the desired temperature levels and
- see for example Figure 3. must always select one of these temperature differences. For each
input options. This is an easy way main component the user specifies
Process design for the user to compare process test conditions according to the
During the design phases of designs having different manufacturers catalogues he/she
refrigeration systems engineers constraints. The input interface (all wants to use. The tool will
often rely on rules of thumbs, as inputs are in the same window) for typically return the test-capacity
they do not have the necessary a simple one-stage cycle is shown for the component and necessary
time to evaluate relevant process in Figure 3. pipe diameters for the main pipes.
designs. Instead they find a similar Based on the output from the
case they (or a colleague) have System dimensioning tool the designer
completed previously. In many dimensioning/simulation selects the different components
cases the overall energy-economics When engineers of refrigeration from catalogues. It is seldom
will not benefit from this approach.
Cycle design tools do not deal with
the actual components. Instead the
user can experiment with
parameters such as choice of
refrigerant, temperature levels,
pressure losses, and see how it
affects the overall energy
efficiency. The user interfaces in
all cycle design Tools have the
same general layout. The user has
to give some core parameters that
describe the cycle/system. There is
a small but fixed number of these
parameters but the user has several
choices regarding which input
variables he wants to use when
specifying a phenomenon. For
example the cycle capacity can be
Figure 3. Input window for one-stage cycle with DX evaporator. Numbers
specified either directly as
in frames are input variables. Numbers without frames are output variables.
refrigeration capacity or indirectly

possible to find a component that energy consultant will typically go difficult to make the simulation
matches the output from the through the following steps: 1. Is program numerically robust
dimensioning tools exactly, and the the current refrigeration system without increasing both the
user has to choose the most performing, as it should? 2. How computing time and the time the
suitable. will suggested improvements of user has to spend struggling with
In the System simulation tools it is the main components affect the start guesses for variables.
possible to test the system performance of the whole Instead EES-CoolTools consists of
operation having selected all refrigeration system, and what will several programs each with a
components forming the the effect be in terms of annual predefined refrigeration cycle. As
refrigeration system. Before energy savings? described in Rasmussen and
entering model parameters from Jakobsen [1], using a cycle-
the manufacturers catalogues it is Accessory tools oriented modelling method can
often required to make some In addition to the already increase the numerical robustness
additional calculations because mentioned subgroups of tools, of a system model. This method
manufacturers describe the EES-CoolTools has a subgroup of separates the underlying cyclic
components and their performance Accessory tools. There are tools process model (refrigeration cycle)
in different ways. Several tools for simultaneous comparison of the from the component models of
have been developed to convert the performance of 3 user-selectable evaporators, compressors, etc. The
information from the catalogues refrigerants. There are also tools cycle description is implemented in
into the information needed for for pipe calculations, etc. a single procedure that calculates
system simulation. all refrigerant property data for
When the refrigeration system has Development of EES- each state point. The state points
been set-up in the system CoolTools are calculated on basis of general
simulation tool, a series of Simulation tools that let you design variables describing the different
questions can now be answered: your refrigeration system by process in a refrigeration cycle.
Can the system obtain the desired selecting the different main Separate component models or
temperature levels? Are some of components and freely couple user inputs are feeding the cycle
the components too large or too them together are at first thought with general variables specifying
small? appealing since they have a lot of the cycle. These variables are all
Another possibility in system flexibility. Unfortunately these "insensitive" to the size
simulation tools is to test how the programs are often both (refrigeration capacity, mass flow)
system is working under part load cumbersome and complex to work of the system and numerical
operation or at working conditions with. In most cases it is time problems are therefore greatly
different from those of the consuming to build a system model reduced. Normally, when mass
dimensioning situation. in this way, and the information flow, refrigeration capacity or
needed and generated exceeds by similar capacity variables vary
Evaluation of operation far, what most users know and from close to zero to numbers in
After the plant has been need. Furthermore, it can be the magnitude of 106 numerical
commissioned an energy problems occur during the solving
consultant may be asked to
evaluate its operation. This task is
Compressor Condenser
different from that of the design SP SP
phase and therefore different tools
are needed. These tools are called
ηIS, fQ ∆TSC, ∆TS
Evaluation tools. Now the
operation conditions of the system Refrigeration
are known from actual Cycle
measurements. ∆TSH, ∆TS ∆xEXP
The energy consultant will
probably know very little about the SP SP
specific components. Instead data Evaporator Expansion
such as energy consumption and Device
pressures measured at the
compressor suction and discharge Figure 4. The figure shows the numerical interactions between
locations will be available. The cycle and component models. SP: State Point.

process. It is also easier to give steady conditions. But there are interested in receiving comments,
general adequately accurate start also situations where a transient suggestions and new ideas.
guesses for the size "insensitive" model of the system or parts of the
variables. system is necessary. Cooling of Contact team CoolPack
Figure 4 indicates how the cycle larger amounts of food products
As mentioned in the beginning of
procedure and surrounding from one temperature level to
this article CoolPack is freeware
component models are coupled another could be one example and
and it can be downloaded from the
together. tuning of control parameters could
CoolPack homepage
be another.
In EES-CoolTools underlying
cycles are developed for the most
commonly used refrigeration
cycles, one-stage, two-stage with
open intercooler, etc.

All EES-CoolTools are developed

in the program EES (Engineering
Equation Solver) from F-chart
( EES is a user-
friendly steady state Equation
Solver and allows development of
graphical user interfaces connected
to the model. Property functions
for a wide range of refrigerants are
built-in. Furthermore "ready to
run" models can be created as Figure 5. Log(p),h-plot of R404A. A one-stage cycle with DX evaporator
executable files and freely is plotted as well.
CoolPack includes a tool called To help
Dynamic. Dynamic can be used to new users getting started with
Refrigeration Utilities investigate the transients of the CoolPack a tutorial has been
Refrigeration Utilities is a program temperature, power, etc. when created. It contains problems and
for making high quality property cooling an object. The underlying solutions for most of the tools in
plots (e.g. Log(p),h- and T,s plots) cycle model is a simple one-stage CoolPack. The tutorial can
for a wide range of refrigerants. If cycle. The temperature is regulated likewise be downloaded from the
you have a licensed copy of the using an on/off control of the homepage. On the homepage there
program Refprop 6.01 you can use compressor. will also be information about
the Refprop property data instead seminars and other events arranged
of the ones built into Refrigeration
Utilities. It is also possible to draw
CoolPack and the by Team CoolPack.
If you are unable to access the
refrigeration cycles in the property future Internet you can get CoolPack and
plots. Figure 5 shows a typical CoolPack is developed as part of a the tutorial by mailing to the
Log(p),h-plot. project called SysSim at the following address:
Department of Energy Engineering
Dynamics, Transient at the Technical University of Team CoolPack
Denmark. The SysSim project ends
tools New Year 1999/2000. Further
Department of Energy Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
All tools in EES-CoolTools and development of CoolPack will Building 402
Refrigeration Utilities are using continue until then. The quality of DK-2800 Lyngby
static models. A static model will the tools in CoolPack depends very DENMARK
in many cases provide sufficient much on user interaction. Team
and accurate information about CoolPack is therefore very Email:
how a refrigeration system is
behaving under different but quasi-

Figure 6. Team CoolPack. From left: Simon Engedal Andersen, Morten
Skovrup, Bjarne Dindler Rasmussen and Arne Jakobsen.

[1] B.D. Rasmussen & A.
Jakobsen, “Simulation
model structure
nummerically robust to
changes in magnitude and
combination of input and
output variables”, to be
presented at the 20th
International Congress of
Refrigeration, IIR, IIF,
Sydney, 1999.

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