Dublin Business School Case Study

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Pioneering Project Management Education in Ireland

Dublin Business School (DBS) is the have to go and 'sell' ourselves to the In addition to providing substantial
largest independent third-level college students. In essence, our work is already organizational benefits to DBS, their
in Ireland, offering programs that attract done," laughs Paul. "Students have R.E.P. status has also benefited its
more than 9,000 students from 70 confidence in PMI, and come to us with students and graduates by increasing
countries around the world. DBS is also a the knowledge that we have already their success in the marketplace and the
pioneer in offering project management proven ourselves to meeting PMI's workplace.
education, as it was the first private exacting standards."
college in Ireland to become a Registered INCREASING SUCCESS IN THE
exam preparation courses for PMI's Increasing demand for their programs has Today's graduates are entering a new
Project Management Professional (PMP)® enabled DBS to substantially increase job market, where organizations place
certification. its faculty. When it first began offering a high value on those who can prove
According to Paul Taaffe, PMP and project management courses, DBS had their project management expertise.
Senior Lecturer, the decision to work only a single full-time instructor on "Organizations want to place their
with PMI was a simple one. "DBS prides staff. Today, DBS has three full-time
itself on the quality of its programs, so instructors, as well as a network of
working with PMI was an easy choice," experts, who are on call to lecture on WHAT IS AN R.E.P.?
Paul recalls. "PMI is the world's leading specialized topics. Additional programs A PMI Registered Education
institution in project management. are in development, including an Provider (R.E.P.) is an organization
Today's global marketplace relies on online MBA program with a project approved by PMI to issue
organizations being able to trade with management focus. professional development units
one another all around the world, (PDUs) for its training courses.
despite coming from different cultures BOOSTING PROFESSIONAL
and speaking different languages. Only DEVELOPMENT: Courses offered by R.E.P.s are
PMI's framework of best practices makes Another benefit to becoming an R.E.P. is preapproved for contact hours in
it possible for project management the natural connection it creates with a fulfillment of certification eligibility
to become a universal language that powerful asset: the local PMI chapter. "I requirements, as well as PDUs to
everyone can speak." always encourage my students to join fulfill the continuing certification
PMI and the Ireland chapter," says Paul. requirements for PMI credentials.
According to Paul, achieving R.E.P. status "They have more than 800 members The R.E.P. program has been
has afforded a number of benefits not from across Ireland and represent a wide designed to enhance the ongoing
only to DBS but also to its students and range of industries. The chapter not only professional development of PMI
graduates. provides an incredible opportunity for members, those credentialed
networking, but also a great way to build through PMI and others in the
RAISING ORGANIZATIONAL knowledge and skills, as its members are
VISIBILITY: project management profession.
responsible for leading the key projects
"PMI is a globally recognized and happening in Ireland today." For more information visit:
respected organization. So many people PMI.org/REP
have heard of it, we found that we don't

Pioneering Project Management Education in Ireland

projects in the hands of people who exam preparation and project corporations have identified that helping
have a proven ability and a proven management training. them do so is a key employee retention
competency to actually execute them," strategy.
explains Paul. "This means that those MILLENNIALS SEE PROFESSIONAL
who have a certification, such as the CERTIFICATION AS THE KEY TO For Registered Education Providers,
PMP®, find it's a lot easier to push open INCREASING SALARY Even Uncertain Economic Times Boost
the door into an employer's organization the Bottom Line
Decades of studies have shown that
than those who don't." But how will R.E.P.s fare in today's
the PMP® is one of the most valuable
challenging economic climate? Paul is
certifications in the working world in
INCREASING SUCCESS IN THE confident that R.E.P.s will thrive, not
terms of salary. Now, recent Millennial
WORKPLACE in spite of the economy, but because
research reveals that more than two-
of it. "When an economy is struggling,
Paul, now in his second decade as a thirds of Millennials consider salary to
organizations need to gain any and every
PMP®, can also personally attest to the be one of the most important measures
competitive advantage they can," Paul
value of certification in the workplace, of career success... and more than 70%
states. "Project management has never
due to a 30-year career that has included of them regard professional certification
been more important, because in today's
managing large projects and running a as an important means of building a
environment, the failure of a project
project management office. "If you have successful career.
can actually threaten the survival of an
that certification, you're going to be
entire organization. Even organizations
a better project manager, rather than BOTH MILLENNIALS AND THEIR who are good at delivering projects know
just flying by the seat of your pants and EMPLOYERS WANT TO INVEST that they need to always be improving,
hoping that things are going to work out. IN BUILDING TRANSFERRABLE because if they aren't, they know that
Because PMI and its certifications are SKILLSETS SUCH AS PROJECT their competitors certainly are."
constantly aligned with best practice, it MANAGEMENT
keeps project managers very sharp and In addition, R.E.P.s can look to
the organization can have confidence in experience an increase in the demand
them and their ability to deliver." for project management training from
both individuals and organizations.
What Lies Ahead for Registered
Numerous studies have long identified
Education Providers?
project management as one of the most
A look at recent research regarding
transferable skillsets for a professional
"Millennials" indicates that Registered
to possess. Now, multiple Millennial
Education Providers may be uniquely
studies reveal that the majority of
positioned to benefit from long-term
Millennials strongly desire to build a
growth in the demand for certification
highly transferable skillset... and many

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