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Proof of Molecular Bond Reversal

 & Ancient Stone Softening Technology

~by Christopher P. Dunn

It is not a simple matter to dismiss the physical constraints imposed on

anyone who would attempt to accurately replicate the granite artifacts
found in abundance all over the ancient land of Egypt. Those who try to
dismiss it do so from inexperience and do not understand the subtleties of
the work

Dragging a 25 ton block of granite over wooden rollers, with great difficulty,
does not explain how a 500 ton obelisk or monolithic statue weighing 1000
tons were moved by prehistoric people.

Bashing out a few cubic centimeters of granite with a dolerite ball does not
explain how thousands of tons of granite were extracted from the bedrock
and shaped with extreme precision and displayed as monumental pieces of
art in the temples of Upper Egypt.

Egyptian artifacts representing tubular drilling are the most clearly

astounding and conclusive evidence yet presented to identify the
knowledge and technology existing in pre-history. The ancient pyramid
builders used a technique for drilling holes that is commonly known as

This technique leaves a central core and is an efficient means of hole

making. For holes that didn’t go all the way through the material, they
reached a desired depth and then broke the core out of the hole. Regarding
tool marks which left a spiral groove on a core taken out of a hole drilled
into a piece of granite, the Egyptian chronicler Flinders Petrie wrote:

"The spiral of the cut sinks 0.1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches for each
revolution, or 1 inch for a 60 inch circumference [about a 20 inch diameter],
a rate of ploughing out of the quartz and feldspar which is astonishing."
This was an incredible feed-rate for drilling into any material, let alone
granite. I was completely confounded as to how a drill could achieve this
feedrate. Petrie was so astounded by these artifacts that he attempted to
explain them at three different points in one chapter.

To an engineer in the 1880’s, what Petrie was looking at was an anomaly.

The characteristics of the holes, the cores that came out of them, and the
tool marks indicated an impossibility. Three distinct characteristics of the
hole and core make the artifacts extremely remarkable. They are...

1. A taper on both the hole and the core.

2. A symmetrical helical [spiraling] groove following these tapers which

showed that the drill advanced into the granite at a feed rate of 0.1 inch per
revolution of the drill.

3. The confounding fact that the spiral groove cut deeper through the
quartz than through the softer feldspar. In conventional machining the
reverse would be the case.

Mr. Donald Rahn of Rahn Granite Surface Plate Co., Dayton, Ohio, told me,
in 1983, that in drilling granite, diamond drills, rotating at 900 revolutions
per minute, penetrate at the rate of 1 inch in 5 minutes. This works out to
be .0002 inch per revolution, meaning that the ancient Egyptians were able
to cut their granite with a feed rate that was 500 times greater.
If conventional machining methods cannot answer just one of these
problems, where do we look to answer all three?

I was just as puzzled as Petrie was when faced with this evidence.

In terms of a more thorough understanding of the level of technology

employed by the ancient pyramid builders, the implications of these
discoveries are tremendous.
There is little doubt that the capabilities of the ancient builders have been
seriously underestimated. The most distinct evidence that I can relate is the
precision and mastery of machining technologies that are only now
beginning to be re-invented. Some technologies the Egyptians possessed
still astound modern artisans and engineers primarily for this reason.
Petrie had described a single helical groove that had a pitch of 0.1 inch.
What I was looking at was not a single helical groove, but two helical
grooves. The thread wound around the core following the groove until it lay
approximately .110 inch above the start of the thread.
Adaptation from Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering
in the Temples of the Pharaohs
Chris Dunn
Stone Technology
Lathe Turned Stone
Tube Drilling
Stone Saws
Mechanical Methods
Ancient Machining
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
by Adrien Nash
Two experts wrote a book in which they 'debunked' the insights of both
Petrie and Dunn, and it all made sense, and Dunn was prepared to discard
his theorizing, until he had the opportunity to study Petrie's famous
tapering core # 7. In the examination he learned that they had not
examined it closely enough because he found that its striations were not
circular but spiral.
Dunn had done an experiment for his book, in which he drilled a core hole
the old manual way, like the Egyptions, using only a metal tube and sand as
an abrasive. It took him a long time to dril about three inches, and when he
broke the core out of the hole the results were not what the 'experts' would
have predicted.
Both showed no signs at all of any striations, circular or spiral. Dunn thus
was left without any discovered cause for the striations. How were they
made? He, like Petrie before him, knew from his expert background that
only a fixed jewel in the drill's cutting surface would or could leave such a
spiral scratch.
That result was the final word on the issue, showing that hand drilling with
abrasive sand did not create striations, so what were the experts going to
postulate could have caused them?
I suppose that they stayed away from that subject in the future. And
meanwhile Chris was left with having to figure out an explanation for a
penetration rate 500 times greater per revolution that even modern drills.
Well, -there is no such explanation within the confines in which he
professionally operated, so resort had to be made to one outside.
But it gets a little more complicated because Chris had also been told that
conceivably, a core drill could make the spiral scratch while being
withdrawn. Now I'm wondering if the 2nd spiral scratch was not made
during insertion but during extraction, after the driller had pulled up on the
drill slightly as he turned it on in reverse for extraction.
If that were the case would that not mean that the space between the
cutting-in scratches was not the visible 0.1 inch between lines but double
that; 0.2 inches per revolution since every other spiral would have been
caused by the spinning-out extraction process? If so, that would mean a
doubly astonishing penetration rate of 1,000 times modern tools. Wow!
How significant is this issue anyway...that it is worth researching at all? It is
hugely significant since the entirely of the modern 'scientific' consensus of
human history rests in the balance. Like an inverted pyramid. Everything
rests on this point. The core is real and not going away, and it displays the
use of a technology that could not have existed in the past and still does not
exist in the present (as far as we know).
So if it could not have existed within the sphere of human tools, then that
only leaves one alternate possibility: it existed within the world of
extraterrestrial tools. [~ "NO!" they scream, as experts' heads explode.~]
Now do you see the significance?
That leads us to the subject of the nature of the technology that could have
made such a penetration rate possible. Here's where things get really mind-
All atoms are engaged in some sort of relationship to other atoms because
of a need for stability within their out-of-harmony atomic forces. The usual
way to reach stability is by unifying with or teaming up with other identical
atoms, or with dissimilar atoms, which result in the formation of molecules.
Molecules are held together by the force of molecular bonds of attraction.
Molecules join with other molecules to form chemicals and compounds,
some of which are attracted to still other atoms or molecules, while being
repelled by others.
We have little experience with molecular repulsion but it is very real. A
video on the almost-light-as-air Aerogel shows that it can be made to be
highly attractive of water or be made to be totally repulsive of water. With
an invisible film of it on your hands you can hold water in your palm like it's
on an invisible membrane, with no contact between your skin and the
water. Like the water is not even there. I guess they call that hydrophobic.
So, molecules, like magnetism (with attraction and repulsion forces) are
either attracted to each other at one end of a spectrum, or are repelled at
the other. It is the repelling force that has been hidden from humanity
because it could be dangerously weaponized, as it has been.
Its destructive potential was discovered by Nikolai Tesla about 100 years
ago, but his technology was spirited away by forces within the government,
and not heard of nor seen until Sept 11, 2001.
On that day a video was shot of a collapsing Twin Trade Tower, and
something was captured that was an error and should never have
happened, -and captured on video for all to see once it was discovered by a
pair of very attentive eyes, -as shared by Dr. Judy Wood.
What is seen is that as the collapsing tower of dust is descending toward
the ground, it drops below the level of a very tall section of one of the 47
central vertical support beams. It might have been 50-100 feet tall, standing
straight up in the sky. But then the oddest thing ever seen happens. It
begins to tilt for no reason.
But the reason immediately becomes apparent. It is turning into powder.
Within the span of less than three seconds it has totally vaporized....even
though it was about three inches thick!
I watched that video when it was still available. It was shot from across the
river as I recall, and the collage extracted from it as frame-captures was a
close-up view of a small section of it. It happened so quickly and from so
far away that no one would notice what happened to the steel.
"Figure 39. "In the current compilation we can see from CNN a video clip of
steel turning to steel dust. CNN's Aaron Brown calls it 'smoke.'"
"This video is no longer available because the account associated with this
video has been terminated."
Molecular Dissociation
For audio, as well as individual pages, see here:

The Star Wars Beam Weapons, Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons
17 Oct 2006, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds, v. 0.5
"Following the murder of my student, Michael Zebuhr, an extraordinary
human being, I received an email stating, "we've done it before and we will
do it again if need be." Michael told me, "Whatever happens, don't ever
stop pursuing this. It's too important." Michael, this is for you."
~ ~ ~
So, with that revelation as scientific background and evidence of molecular
repulsion or "dissociation" (or molecular bond reversal), we can move on to
something less severe, namely simple molecular weakening. Molecules can
both loose energy (electrons) or gain energy. That is what is common
knowledge. What is not common knowledge is that they can be exposed to
too much energy.
That destabilizes their bonds, causing them to weaken, just as happens due
to enormous heat when things like metals turn into plasma. No longer solid
but like pudding. Plasma cutters and high-temp explosives turn solid steel
into liquid plasma, but a much lesser effect can be achieved by another
means without heat. That means has no official name but can be described
as hyper resonance frequency overload.
To coin a broad-range term I'll just call it Molecular Bond Overdrive, or MBO
for short. There are multiple means to disrupt molecular bonds, including
heat, radiation, chemical reaction, and electro-magnetism, but the use of
the word "Overdrive" serves to imply that it is a force that is literally driven
and not natural. It does not happen in nature. It requires advanced
technology that is powered by electricity which is needed to amplify
vibration waves to a degree that we can only try to imagine.
Super loud amplified guitars and synthsizers create a strange electro-
magnetic sensation that seems to affect one's own body electricity and
nervous system. But the clearest illustration of the effect is that of loud
sound causing a wine glass to shatter, -a la the old Memorex theme.
That can only happen if the sound generated is in the same frequency as
the resonance frequency of the molecules of the substance being affected.
A bass frequency doesn't do the job on a wine glass since it requires a very
high freqency. But that being said, it is a great mystery how the Trade
Towers were turned to dust, to such a degree that all substances; steel,
other metals, concrete, glass, wood, carpet, plastic and even bodies were all
vaporized before reaching the ground.
Ok, now turning our back on total demolecularization, we will look at mild
molecular disruption, to a degree that does not cause disassociation but
merely weakening to the point of pliability. Pliability makes it possible to
mold otherwise hard substances which would otherwise require extremely
hard tool edges to sculpt or cut. Like diamond.
That does not include work done via crushing of stone with steel bits and
chisels. That is brute force work, not artistic work. Stone can be split and
even drilled via methodical forces that break it apart or smash through it,
but that is not what is seen in finely cut igneous rock like granite, or in core
drilled holes which contain the striation grooves of a cutting drill bit.
Setting aside the enigma of the saw marks on hard stones around the
world, -marks that would not have been made by unpowered tools,
we are going to find the only explanation for a mystery that no one has
been able to solve. And that is the mystery of Egyptian cores that are not
straight but tapered, as are holes that are the opposite of the cores.
The famous Core #7 found by Flinders Petrie in Egypt in the 1880's has
baffled people for over a century because it is narrower at the top than at
the bottom, while it's hole was wider at the top than at the bottom.
Flinders Petrie wrote in 1883:
"The spiral of the cut sinks 0.1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, or 1 in
60, a rate of ploughing out of the quartz and feldspar which is astonishing."
The characteristics of the holes, the cores that came out of them, and the
tool marks indicated an impossibility. Three distinct characteristics of the
hole and core make the artifacts extremely remarkable. They are...
1. A taper on both the hole and the core.
2. A symmetrical helical groove following these tapers which showed that
the drill advanced into the granite at a feed rate of 0.1 inch per revolution
of the drill, in contrast to a modern rate of .0002 inch per revolution, (1 inch
in 5 minutes) meaning that the ancient Egyptians were able to cut their
granite with a feed rate that was 500 times greater!
What 'excited' Petrie and myself, was what appeared to be a phenomenal
feedrate for drilling into a solid piece of granite regardless of the speed with
which the drill turned.
For every 360 degree turn of the drill, the drill sank 0.1 inch into the
material. This is what we were faced with.
What method could perform such a feedrate into solid material?

These are NOT horizontal striations or rings as described in Giza: The Truth,
(by his two skeptics) but helical grooves that spiraled down the core like a
double-start thread.

Christopher Dunn wrote:

Petrie's observations are vindicated. The effort to discredit my hypothesis
on how this core was produced has fallen short.
To replicate this core, therefore, the drilling method should produce the
A clockwise double helical groove from top to bottom with a .11 - .12 inch
The groove should be between .000 - .005 inch deep.
A taper from top to bottom."
Christopher Dunn, Engineer
Checking the groove at the smaller top end of the core
Drill core #7 (UC 16036) © Copyright 1999 The Petrie Museum of Egyptian
Archaeology, University College London
[notice the width of the's not a tenth of an inch, but double that.]
~ ~ ~
So, who knows how a core drill can result in tapering? No one. "It can't be
done." But knowing about Molecular Bond Overdrive leads to a simple
answer which involves two unprovable things. There is lots of evidence to
show that those two things are and were true, but not actual proof.
They are; Extraterrestrial colonizers who encamped in various related places
across the globe (possessing very advanced technology) and the use of
stone softening MBO equipment connected to a core drill or used to
weaken/ soften the stone prior to drilling.
The rate of penetration of the core drill used on core #7 is easily explained
if the granite was already softened enough to allow the core drilling bit to
bore through it at an accelerated rate (500 times our 'normal') . To
minimize side friction during extraction (since the cutting jewel would jam
against the side making withdrawal difficult) the drill was rotated around
the hole slowly, pressuring the core to be squeezed slightly upward inside
the drill, -like clay in a sculptors squeezing hands, while at the same time
the outward rotation motion widened the hole in a tapering manner from
top to bottom.
So you'd have a core that was slowly squeezed upward while the granite
hole was slowly pushed outward. Just like in the diagrams.
Then, unlike cold-drilled holes, the stone had to sit for a while until it re-
hardened, otherwise it would not be possible to snap the core free from its
base connection. It would be too pliable for snapping.
Of course this is all imaginative speculation, but it is basically something
much simpler than that. It is simple common sense logic that finds no other
explanation past or present, inside 'science' or outside. It is the ONLY
explanation conceivable.
All who are incapable of listening to what Logic is telling them are more
than welcome to smash this explanation to smithereens with a much better
one of your own. Scientist or drop-out, all are invited to step up to the
conceptual plate and blast one out of the park. Don't be disappointed if
you can't.
I will follow up on this article with photos of what must be regarded as the
result of stone softening. They will show things that have been generally
overlooked since first photographed. -things that just left people scratching
their heads in wonder if they noticed them at all.
In acknowledgement of his invaluable contribution to unraveling the secrets
of Egyptian constructions, I'd like to share:
Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt:
Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs
-a book by Christopher Dunn
A unique study of the engineering and tools used to create Egyptian
monuments presents a stone-by-stone analysis of key Egyptian monuments,
including the statues of Ramses II and the tunnels of the Serapeum.
Reveals that highly refined tools and mega-machines were used in ancient
Egypt From the pyramids in the north to the temples in the south, ancient
artisans left their marks all over Egypt, unique marks that reveal
craftsmanship we would be hard pressed to duplicate today.
Drawing together the results of more than 30 years of research, including
nine field study journeys to Egypt, Christopher Dunn presents a stunning
stone-by-stone analysis of key Egyptian monuments, including the statue of
Ramses II at Luxor and the fallen crowns that lay at its feet.
His modern-day engineering expertise provides a unique view into the
sophisticated technology used to create these famous monuments in
prehistoric times. Using modern digital photography, computer-aided
design software, and metrology instruments, Dunn exposes the extreme
precision of these monuments and the type of advanced manufacturing
expertise necessary to produce them.
His computer analysis of the statues of Ramses II reveals that the left and
right sides of the faces are precise mirror images of each other, and his
examination of the mysterious underground tunnels of the Serapeum
illuminates the finest examples of precision engineering on the planet.
Providing never-before-seen evidence in the form of more than 280
photographs, Dunn's research shows that while absent from the
archaeological record, highly refined tools, techniques, and even mega-
machines must have been used in ancient Egypt."
Author: Christopher Dunn
First published: Jun 24, 2010
Number of pages: 400
~ ~ ~ ~
Automakers’ adopted the use of factory robots en masse in the 1970s, and
most companies have been collecting operational and machine data for
But now manufacturers are in the deep end of the pool adopting advanced
technologies. More importantly, they are finally converting all that data into
productive insights and automated, closed-loop actions. They’re wading
into other innovations such as:
virtual and augmented reality,
3D and 4D printing,
autonomous and collaborative robots called “cobots”,
advanced analytics,
and the Industrial Internet of Things.
As performance improves and costs decline for these new technologies,
mainstream adoption seems inevitable.
By Steve PillsburyJuly 8, 2019 PwC Digital Operations Leader
~ ~ ~ ~
The E.T colonizers were no more magical than you. They were just a heck of
a lot more technologically and biologically advanced. They were not
innately smarter but they had more advanced knowledge and equipment.
They were both human and mortal, but they had lifespans that we can't
really imagine.
The evidence of their handy work is seen all over the planet, things that no
one can explain via any establishment doctrine.
~ ~ ~ ~
To learn more about this area of science, you are encouraged to read my
two articles:

The Ark of God & its Deadly Device

Proof of Ancient E.T. Robot Builders

note: Whatever impressions those titles may elicit in your mind, you can be
assured that what you will discover is nothing like what you may have

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