Work Project: Joshua Charles B. Rivera

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Work Project

(Science, Technology and Society)

Joshua Charles B. Rivera

July 12, 2019
Element 1

Submitted to:
Mr. Darwin Calilap

 I declare that this work submitted for assessment is my own work
and does not involve plagiarism other than that authorized.
 I understand that this declaration covers all work submitted for
assessment for the 1st semester SY 2019 – 2020.

Name and Signature
In this reflection paper, the talk by David Takayoshi Suzuki, is a
warning delivered in a reasonable, friendly voice about the destruction
of the biosphere that sustains humankind.

Suzuki, who truly cares about the planet and the future of the
species and seems to believe, despite his words, that we still have time
to save ourselves if we act immediately. But how, he doesn’t say.

At very first part of Suzuki’s speech he states that before species

appeared on earth human has gathered to fulfill the most elemental
need “companionship”. There are some questions that troubled us,
who are we, how did we get here, why are we here, and where are we

Suzuki also states that “We are the environment”, it just tells us that
whatever we do to our surroundings we do it directly to ourselves,
whatever happens to the environment will also affect humans. Human
that causes the environments crisis will also be the victim of the
consequences. On his talks, Suzuki states that “We are air” he started
the speech by telling that the first thing we need when we were born is
“air” to announce the world that we arrived. Air is a vital part of the
environment in which Suzuki defines it as a sacred element because it
gives life to each human living other living being. Whatever we do to
air, we do it directly to ourselves, and the water we drink, and that we
are ultimately one another, as we recycle the same elements.

What he sees in the future is alarming. The world population has

grown rapidly and now threatens to exhaust the limited resources that
we take for granted and carelessly contaminate.

We need to understand that nature gave us birth and that is our

home and the source of wellbeing. He ends his speech with a
celebration of staying put in one place that becomes sacred to you.
This kind of love, loyalty, and commitment to home leads to much
more caring relationships with the land, the animals, and the
vegetation. David Suzuki demonstrates with his teachings and his life
that "We are one" is the mantra we can practice every day.

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