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Players Stats Talents

Stat Unbuffed Tier Talent
Stamina 87,740 Level 15 Torrent
Intellect 59,622 Level 30 Graceful Spirit
Critical Strike 12,617 Level 45 Lightning Surge Totem
Haste 9,619 Level 60 Ancestral Guidance
Mastery 9,324 Level 75 Earthen Shield Totem
Versatility 3,671 Level 90 Cloudburst Totem
Level 100 High Tide
Tier Sets
Tier Bonus Active? Artifact - Sharas'dal, Scepter of the Tides
Tier 19 2 Piece No Sharas'dal's iLvL
Tier 19 4 Piece No Trait
Tier 20 2 Piece No Gift of the Queen
Tier 20 4 Piece No Buffeting Waves
Tier 21 2 Piece No Empowered Droplets
Tier 21 4 Piece No Floodwaters
Grace of the Sea
Fight Details Pull of the Sea
Fight Length (s) 788 Queen Ascendant
Blessing of Wisdoms 0 Refreshing Currents
Mana Potion None Sense of Urgency
Bloodlust Uptime 9.43% Tidal Chains
Mastery Effectiveness 24.57% Wavecrash
Tidal Waves - Wave 96.77% Queen's Decree
Tidal Waves - Surge 3.23% Cumulative Upkeep
Deluge Effectiveness 45.00% Tidal Pools
Flow of the Tides
Pre-Fight Options Echo of the Earthern Ring
Character Race Troll Pitter-Patter
Flask 1300 Intellect Deep Waters
Food 500 Intellect Concordance of the Legionfall
Augment Rune 325 Intellect Total Traits
Vantus Rune No
alents Created by @GargMW
Talent Updated by Lytheia#8510 and nisekoi#4130
ent Up to Date: 12-05-2017
eful Spirit Video Guide Text Guide
tning Surge Totem
estral Guidance Create a Copy
hen Shield Totem Join us on the AG Discord
dburst Totem

al, Scepter of the Tides

1 ###
1 ###
4 ###
4 ###
1 ###
1 ###
1 ###
1 ###
1 ###
1 ###

Damage Modifie 2.0009
Split Log
Paste Log in Cell below
Paste Log ---> Name Amount Casts
Healing Rain 188650336$20.40%188.65m 48
Fight Length Riptide 157465852$17.03%157.47m 132
Minutes 13 Riptide 157465852$15.69%145.06m 132
Seconds 8 Tidal Totem 157465852$1.34%12.40m 132
13.133 Chain Heal 108726175$11.76%108.73m 60
Cloudburst 90962414$9.84%90.96m 26
Bloodlust Uptim Spirit Link 72218425$7.81%72.22m -
9.43% Healing Stream Totem 71200325$7.70%71.20m 29
Healing Stream Totem 71200325$4.74%43.83m 29
Mastery Benefit Queen's Decree 71200325$2.96%27.37m 29
25% Leech 71200325$0.00%0.0 29
Healing Tide Totem 58374358$6.31%58.37m 3
Tidal Waves Healing Tide 58374358$6.31%58.37m 3
Unused % 60% Leech 58374358$0.00%0.0 3
Wave Casts 90 Healing Wave 57869339$6.26%57.87m 90
Surge Casts 3 Ancestral Guidance 51433374$5.56%51.43m 5
Leech 33916103$3.67%33.92m -
Guiding Hand 29125752$3.15%29.13m 7
Gift of the Queen 25469861$2.75%25.47m 10
Velen's Future Sight 17604776$1.90%17.60m 6
Gift of the Queen 16128935$1.74%16.13m -
Fruitful Machinations 12248163$1.32%12.25m -
Healing Surge 3712411$0.40%3.71m 3
Healthstone 1858586$0.20%1.86m 1
Spirit Link (Damage) -72216254$-7.81%-72.22m -
Spell Name Overheal % CD CPM
Healing Surge 0 Err:511
Riptide Err:511 Err:511
Healing Stream Totem Err:511 Err:511
Chain Heal Err:511 Err:511
Healing Wave Err:511 Err:511
Healing Rain Err:511 Err:511
Healing Tide Err:511 Err:511
Unleash Life Err:511 Err:511
Ancestral Guidance Err:511 Err:511
Earthen Shield Totem Err:511 Err:511
Cloudburst Err:511 Err:511
Restorative Mists Err:511 Err:511
Wellspring Err:511 Err:511
Gift of the Queen Err:511 Err:511
Queen's Decree Err:511 Err:511
Tidal Totem Err:511 Err:511
Rainfall Err:511
Downpour Err:511
Avg Cast Hits Avg Hit Crit % Uptime % Overheal
3.93m 1,972 95.7k 49.40% - 34.02%
720.0k (472.9k) 811 (918) 117.2k (68.0k) 39.1% (52.2%) - 20.15%
626.1k (472.9k) 132 (918) 626.1k (68.0k) 47.7% (52.2%) - 16.53%
94.0k 679 18.3k 37.40% - 47.02%
2.42m 225 483.2k 59.60% - 9.69%
- 339 268.3k - - 22.50%
- 135 535.0k - - -
0.0 (2.46m) 57 (1,472) 0.0 (48.4k) 38.50% - 15.53%
1.51m 417 105.1k 39.30% - 6.47%
943.9k 1,055 25.9k 38.20% - 22.17%
0 57 0 - - 100.00%
19.46m 530 110.1k 38.50% - 44.47%
19.46m 527 110.8k 38.70% - 42.60%
0 3 0 - - 100.00%
643.0k 90 643.0k 43.30% - 23.46%
10.29m 264 194.8k - - 21.12%
- 675 50.2k - - 50.55%
4.16m 197 147.8k 36.00% 58.51% 37.18%
2.55m 60 424.5k 40.00% 7.09% 32.31%
2.93m 193 91.2k - - 24.64%
- 60 268.8k 36.70% 7.08% 52.91%
- 26 471.1k - 5.07% -
1.24m 3 1.24m 66.70% - -
1.86m 1 1.86m - - -
- 110 -656.5k - - -
Ratio Tidal Waves
1.96% 40%

CPM Mana CPM Ratio Tidal Waves
3.65 192
10.05 77

4.57 4.57 39.22% Total CPM

1.98 29.7715736
2.21 4.568527919
6.85 6.85 58.82%


0.23 0.23 1.96%


Player Stat Weights - Copy These Weights
Stats Intellect Critical Strike Haste Mastery Versatility
HPS Gain 14.92 17.76 16.98 14.33 18.71

Total Weights - Paste "Values Only" from Above Here

Stat Intellect Critical Strike Haste Mastery Versatility
Log 1
Log 2 14.36 17.95 16.35 15.24 16.57
Log 3 16.70 21.58 21.71 17.20 20.85
Log 4 16.86 20.24 19.31 12.98 20.58
Log 5 18.01 21.53 19.68 16.23 21.98
Log 6 16.27 25.99 22.49 17.41 23.51
Log 7
Log 8
Log 9
Log 10
Summation 16.19 20.84 19.42 15.56 20.37
Normalized 1.00 1.29 1.20 0.96 1.26

Player We
3,475.02 2,596.79 8,112.27 2,870.15 9,756.85 3,364.63 93.44

Total Weigh

4,450.01 5,249.40 4,661.85 5,425.23 3,713.80 5,274.37 52.74

5,176.41 1,088.05 3,572.99 11,110.27 5,081.67 12,110.36 0.00
5,201.66 6,090.55 7,916.55 5,175.70 5,479.42 4,789.55 76.60
5,565.03 4,075.88 6,913.12 4,529.42 8,809.69 4,540.47 246.61
5,068.24 7,574.03 11,838.30 392.92 7,458.95 2,429.42 2,356.51

4,822.73 4,445.78 7,169.18 4,917.28 6,716.73 5,418.13 565.18

1.00 0.92 1.49 1.02 1.39 1.12 0.12
### 0.75 2.33 0.83 2.81 0.97 0.03 0.97
How To Use
Clear any previous values in the yellow part of the Total Weights
tables, upon creating your own copy of the sheet
If you want to summarize weights across multiple fights, use the
PASTE VALUE ONLY option (Or paste with Ctrl+Shift+V)
If you only want to use the most recent log, ensure both total weights
charts are empty
NOTE: The sheet, by default, uses summarized values. Ensure you
clear them if you do not want to use them in your calculations.
These values are used to calculate trinkets and NLC + relic values.

Player Weights for Artifact - Copy These Weights

3,366.74 7,782.41 10,184.08 7,563.03 4,537.82 0.00 0.00 9,710.58

Total Weights - Paste "Values Only" from Above Here


2,157.28 8,736.08 10,008.34 8,347.66 5,008.60 0.00 0.00 9,818.49

2,262.55 8,456.40 10,574.93 8,256.97 4,954.18 0.00 0.00 10,528.94
2,266.48 7,612.55 10,522.27 8,176.57 4,905.94 0.00 0.00 10,049.85
3,312.63 11,685.07 13,349.01 7,932.73 4,759.64 0.00 0.00 13,090.18
3,513.98 8,703.44 13,256.31 7,503.51 4,502.11 0.00 0.00 11,745.11

2,813.28 8,829.33 11,315.82 7,963.41 4,778.05 0.00 0.00 10,823.86

0.58 1.83 2.35 1.65 0.99 0.00 0.00 2.24
#REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! 0.00 #REF! #REF!
10,421.48 4,982.73 10,905.77 7,196.16 11,764.77


10,531.00 5,102.26 10,871.73 7,368.78 12,046.99 Valdura kin

10,863.69 4,900.92 10,894.26 7,078.02 11,571.63 niseko garothi
10,595.56 4,940.76 10,788.17 7,135.54 11,665.68 niseko portal
13,470.17 4,798.61 10,466.46 6,930.26 11,330.06 vari
12,997.50 5,075.19 10,819.95 7,329.69 11,983.08 maeve argus

11,479.90 4,966.74 10,791.06 7,173.07 11,727.04

2.38 1.03 2.24 1.49 2.43
SitL IoL LE 2 ilvl 3 ilvl 4ilvl 5ilvl
#REF! #REF! #REF! 2 3 4 5
Projected Results Stat W
Intellect Crit
HPS 957,433.05 16.19 20.84
Time till OOM 0:13:08 You should gem/enchant whichever stat is highlig

Neck Enchants Spell Br

Name HPS Healing Rain
Mark of the Ancient Priestess 13,367 Riptide
Mark of the Claw 10,066 Chain Heal
Mark of the Trained Soldier 9,339
Ancestral Guidance
Healing Tide Totem
Healing Stream Totem
Top 5 Trinkets Gift of the Queen
Name HPS Healing Wave
Amanthul's Vision - 1000 146,849 Queen's Decree
Eonar's Compassion - 1000 133,467 Tidal Totem
Highfather's Machination - 945 106,082 Healing Surge
The Deceiver's Grand Design - 930 98,185 0
Sea Star of the Depthmother - 930 86,208
Arcano - 930 83,838 Healing Rain Riptide
Ancestral Guidance Healing Tide Totem
Healing Wave Queen's Decree 0
Item Effects
Name HPS
GTR Active 6,830.22 A note to the user
Arcway Set 20,084.22 T20 will not be evaulated if you have them equipped.
Drape of Shame 8,747.35 evaluate it on a fight by fight basis, please use
T19 2pc 5,951.44 wowanalyzer or Afiya's tool.
T20 2pc 29,978.73
T20 4pc 64,225.07
T21 2pc 62,719.76
T21 4pc 27,212.67
Stat Weights Netherlight Crucible & R
Haste Mastery Vers Trait
19.42 15.56 20.37 20.84 +3 iLvL
t whichever stat is highlighted in red Refractive Shell
Murderous Intent
Spell Breakdown LightSpeed
Healing Rain 201281.3752 Infusion of Light
Riptide 189582.0827 +2 iLvL
Chain Heal 107693.9767
Master of Shadows
Cloudburst 92895.16867
Ancestral Guidance 78218.05893
Light's Embrace
Healing Tide Totem 75891.3436
aling Stream Totem 56722.64155 Empowered Droplets
Gift of the Queen 55598.40939 Pull of the Sea
Healing Wave 50453.09016 Queen's Ascendant
Queen's Decree 25284.13388 Secure in the Light
Tidal Totem 19042.15981 Floodwaters
Healing Surge 4770.614287 +1 iLvL
0 Chaotic Darkness
Buffeting Waves
Riptide Chain Heal Cloudburst Wavecrash
ce Healing Tide Totem Healing Stream Totem Gift of the Queen Tidal Chains
Queen's Decree 0 Tidal 50000
Totem 100000 150000Healing Surge
200000 250000
Torment the Weak
Dark Sorrows
ShadowBind (No DPS)
to the user Talents Chaotic Darkness (No DPS)
f you have them equipped. To Name HPS Crucible Weights Import:
by fight basis, please use Torrent 24,720.38
r or Afiya's tool. Undulation 11,280.15
Unleash Life (*) 31,158.54
ght Crucible & Relics
Weapon ilvl Value
Gear Comparison
Gear Piece 1 Piece 2 Piece 3 Piece 4
Intellect 2870 3300
Crit 597
Haste 1043
Versatility 805 869
Item Effect?
Effect HPS Gain 0 0 0 0
Overall HPS Gain 83,106 83,556 0 0

HPS Gain of all Pieces


Relic Comparison Tool

Relic 1
Relic Item Level Difference Relic Trait NLC Trait
Path 1 Empowered DropMurderous Inten
Path 2 Empowered DropInfusion of Light
Path 3 Empowered DropLightSpeed
Path 4 Empowered DropMurderous Inten

Relic 2
Relic Item Level Difference Relic Trait NLC Trait
Path 1 Floodwaters Refractive Shell
Path 2 Floodwaters LightSpeed
Path 3 Floodwaters Light's Embrace
Path 4 1 Queen's AscendaLightSpeed
Piece 5 Gear Head Shoulder
T20 T20
Itemlevel 930 930
int 2870 2153
crit 871
haste 805
mastery 1043 514
0 Socket?
0 Stat HPS Gain 78,312 61,004

HPS Gain of all Pieces HPS Gain of all Pieces

166,662 139,316 Stats
0 29,979 Sets
166,662 - 169,295 Total

Third Tier TraitTotal Gain How To Use
Wavecrash 4.42 Fill in the item level difference between the relic you have equ
Buffeting Waves 4.65 the relic you are comparing it to.
Queen's Ascenda 4.85 Select the Relic Traits and NLC Trait that your relic has. If it do
Wavecrash 4.42 appear in the list, leave it blank as the relic has a value of 0.
The final column will appear green if it provides the highest th
The Item Level Difference represents a change in your Shara
Third Tier TraitTotal Gain level. If there is no jump in item level, leave this cell blank. If
Pull of the Sea 4.84 comparing paths within the same relic, also leave this cell b
Queen's Ascenda 4.39 NOTE: All talents that require DPS assume you will b
Pull of the Sea 3.90
it on cooldown. If you do not find yourself DPSing, le
Empowered Drop 5.85
slot blank for a realistic view.
Tier How To
Back Chest Hands Legs Use the left table alone to compar
Insert the stats of whichever piece
930 930 930 930 If there is a socket, fill in the cell w
"mastery" or "vers", based on the g
Compare the values in the final row
You may also add the effects of tie
use the same wording as what is p

0 0 0 0


To Use
ween the relic you have equipped and

ait that your relic has. If it does not

the relic has a value of 0. 5.85
n if it provides the highest theoretical

ents a change in your Sharas'dal's item

evel, leave this cell blank. If you are
relic, also leave this cell blank.
DPS assume you will be proccing
find yourself DPSing, leave the
How To Use
the left table alone to compare individual pieces of gear
rt the stats of whichever pieces you are comparing
ere is a socket, fill in the cell with "int", "crit", "haste",
stery" or "vers", based on the gem used.
pare the values in the final row
may also add the effects of tier or item effects. Ensure you
he same wording as what is provided on the "Results"
Antorus Item Level Overheal Overall HPS Mana Gain
Eonar's Compassion 1000 0.3 133,467
Amanthul's Vision 1000 146,849
Ishkar's Felshield Emitter 945 0.3 75,473
Highfather's Machination 945 0.2 106,082
Tarratus Keystone 945 0.3 79,718
Carafe of Searing Light 945 50,778 7.77%
Garothi Feedback Conduit 945 75,620
Vitality Resonator 945 65,694
Tomb of Sargeras
Barbaric Mindslaver 930 0.60 63,818
Charm of the Rising Tide 930 65,711
Chalice of Moonlight (Day) 930 69,474
Chalice of Moonlight (Night) 930 67,747
Sea Star of the Depthmother 930 0.14 86,208
Archive of Faith 930 0.8 59,965
The Deceiver's Grand Design 930 0.5 98,185
Stat Sticks
Int + Crit 930 71,693
Arcano 930 83,838
Int + Haste 930 69,815
Int + Mastery 930 64,721
Int + Vers 930 71,066
Velens 1000 ??????
Jewel of Insatiable Desire 930 44,174
Obelisk of the Void 930 53,247
Thrumming Gossamer 930 62,994
Bottled Hurricane 930 0.30 37,971
Horn of Valor 930 53,389
Mote of Sanctification 930 0.30 37,289
Naglfar Fare 930 0.30 47,330
Nether Anti-Toxin 930 41,976
Concave Reflecting Lens 930 61,369
Flask of the Solemn Night 930 62,355
Faith's Crucible 930 0.30 41,199
Dreadstone of Endless Shadows 930 70,851
Chrono Shard 930 67,590
Echo of L'ura 930 0.30 59,998
Amalgam's Seventh Spine 930 44,155 6.04%
Fluctuating Energy 930 44,155 8.44%
Darkmoon Deck: Hellfire 900 57,903
Darkmoon Deck: Promises 900 33,388 9.17%
Infernal Alchemist Stone (Ancient Mana Potion) 935 69,972 0.80%
Infernal Alchemist Stone (Leytorrent Potion) 935 69,972 1.19%
World Boss
Padawsen's Unlucky Charm 930 68,741
Old Raids
Heightened Senses 930 65,120
Vial of Nightmare Fog 930 48,441
Horn of Cenarius 930 46,891
Perfectly Preserved Cake 930 0.25 67,935
Aluriel's Mirror 930 0.48 56,016
Etraeus' Celestial Map 930 70,851
Cocoon of Enforced Solitude 930 44,155 6.21%
Ephemeral Paradox 930 44,155 6.06%
Ulduar Timewalking
Energy Siphon 930 66,179
Eye of the Broodmother 930 64,610
Living Flame 930 56,965
Pandora's Plea 930 60,120
Scale of the Fates 930 64,677
Show of Faith 930 44,162 5.99%
Sif's Remembrance 930 61,370
Spark of Hope 930 44,162 5.79%

Best Antorus trinket, no way to farm it - good luck! Pantheon not calculated (Leech, Speed, Avoidanc
A little niche, but you can make it work
Extremely potent on Progress and Farm where the Raid often falls below 50%, useless if not

Weaker than stat sticks, more of a DPS trinket

The proc effectiveness depends heavily on your CH usage and how often you are close to people
Niche trinket, has its place in dungeons and Coven
Still very strong when its able to safe lives, and generally strong in dungeons

Best trinket by far, HPS depends on too many factors to calculate correctly
Infernal Alchemist S

None of the Ulduar ones are great, and also drop relatively low itemlevel
Make a copy to change item levels

Sorted by HPS HPS

Amanthul's Vision - 1000 146,849
Eonar's Compassion - 1000 133,467
Highfather's Machination - 945 106,082
The Deceiver's Grand Design - 930 98,185
Sea Star of the Depthmother - 930 86,208
Arcano - 930 83,838
Tarratus Keystone - 945 79,718
Garothi Feedback Conduit - 945 75,620
Ishkar's Felshield Emitter - 945 75,473
Int + Crit - 930 71,693
Int + Vers - 930 71,066 Weapon
Dreadstone of Endless Shadows - 930 70,851 Multipliers
Etraeus' Celestial Map - 930 70,851 1.2243
Int + Haste - 930 69,815
Chalice of Moonlight (Day) - 930 69,474
Padawsen's Unlucky Charm - 930 68,741
Perfectly Preserved Cake - 930 67,935
Chalice of Moonlight (Night) - 930 67,747
Chrono Shard - 930 67,590
Charm of the Rising Tide - 930 65,711
Vitality Resonator - 945 65,694
Heightened Senses - 930 65,120
Int + Mastery - 930 64,721
Barbaric Mindslaver - 930 63,818
Thrumming Gossamer - 930 62,994
Flask of the Solemn Night - 930 62,355
Concave Reflecting Lens - 930 61,369
Echo of L'ura - 930 59,998
Archive of Faith - 930 59,965
Darkmoon Deck: Hellfire - 900 57,903
Aluriel's Mirror - 930 56,016
Horn of Valor - 930 53,389
Obelisk of the Void - 930 53,247
Vial of Nightmare Fog - 930 48,441
Naglfar Fare - 930 47,330
Horn of Cenarius - 930 46,891
Jewel of Insatiable Desire - 930 44,174
Nether Anti-Toxin - 930 41,976
Faith's Crucible - 930 41,199
Bottled Hurricane - 930 37,971
Mote of Sanctification - 930 37,289

Sorted by Mana Gain / Fight Mana Gain

Darkmoon Deck: Promises - 900 9.17%
Fluctuating Energy - 930 8.44%
Carafe of Searing Light - 945 7.77%
Cocoon of Enforced Solitude - 930 6.21%
Ephemeral Paradox - 930 6.06%
Amalgam's Seventh Spine - 930 6.04%
Infernal Alchemist Stone (Leytorrent Potion) - 935 1.19%
Infernal Alchemist Stone (Ancient Mana Potion) - 935 0.80%
0 146849.1519
1 00 106081.7688
- 45 98185.31521
i on - 9 0 86207.78757
s n
Vi io 93 83838.10021
l 's nat er - 45 79718.48001
u i
th ch th - 9 5 75473.39488
an Ma hmo ne 94 71693.18114
Am r's ept ysto er - 30
e t 9 70851.12153
th D e it - 70851.12153
h fa the us K Em ers 930 69815.1623
ig f t ld V - 0 69473.84906
H ar o arra hie t + ap 93 68740.68674
St T els In al M y) - 30
a 67747.05614
i 9
e F st a - 67590.05559
a r's e le t (D ke 930 65711.37911
hk C i gh a - 5 65694.20483
Is s' onl d C ard 94 65119.60557

e o ve h - 0 64721.40608
tra f M ser o S tor 93 63818.04275
E o re n na y - 0 62993.6243
e P ro o r 3 62355.10903
lic ly Ch es ste r - 9 0 61368.61767
ha ect y
R a e 93 59998.06143
C rf
e a lit t + Msam s - 30 59964.65297
P Vi In os Len - 9 0 56016.14067
G h
g g i t 93
in ctin f Fa r - 30 53246.71893
m o
m fle o irr - 9 47329.82953
h ru Re ive M id 930 46890.60412
T ve rch el's Vo - 0 44173.6743
ca A luri the are - 93 41975.87528
A of r F re 30 37970.82535
C k lfa si 9
l i s ag e e - 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000
be N le D cibl
O b u
ia r
at s C
Ins ith'
of a
el F

Any itemlevel upgrade is better than than the suggested ranking -
For comparing items with different itemlevels,
please refer to the Gear Comparison Tools

Antorus Trinkets are in the Trinket Data tab

Slot Name Boss Value Ranking

Head Headdress of Venerated Spirits Aggramar 36,653 1
Helm of the Awakened Soul Argus the Unmaker 33,887 2
Nexus Conductor's Headgear Portal Keeper 32,292 3
Shadowfused Chain Coif Felhounds 29,069 4
Neck Chain of the Unmaker Argus the Unmaker 65,400 1
Collar of the Null-Flame Felhounds 57,061 3
Riveted Choker of Delirium Varimathras 56,051 4
Vulcanarcore Pendant Portal Keeper 64,337 2
Shoulder Pauldrons of Colossal Burden Argus the Unmaker 22,585 2
Pauldrons of the Soulburner Felhounds 22,148 3
Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits The Coven of Shivarra 25,399 1
Back Cloak of the Burning Vanguard Garothi Worldbreaker 16,818 2
Drape of the Spirited Hunt Imonar 16,054 4
Drape of Venerated Spirits Antoran High Command 16,663 3
Greatcloak of the Dark PantheoAggramar 18,016 1
Chest Fleet Commander's Hauberk Antoran High Command 30,111 2
Robes of the Forsaken DreadlorVarimathras 28,623 3
Robes of Venerated Spirits Eonar 32,292 1
Wrist Reality-Splitting Wristguards Portal Keeper 18,303 1
Scalding Shatterguards Kin'garoth 15,930 2
Hands Gloves of Venerated Spirits Kin'garoth 21,668 3
Heedless Eradication GauntletsGarothi Worldbreaker 22,467 2
Preysnare Vicegrips Imonar 24,188 1
Waist Depraved Tactician's Waistguar Antoran High Command 21,468 3
Sash of the Gilded Rose Eonar 23,377 2
World-Ravager Waistguard Aggramar 23,925 1
Legs Battalion-Shattering Legs Garothi Worldbreaker 31,972 2
Leggings of the Venerated SpiriImonar 29,164 3
Legguards of Numbing Gloom The Coven of Shivarra 33,477 1
Feet Deft Soulhunter's Sabatons Imonar 24,033 2
Greatboots of the Searing TempAggramar 21,282 3
Nathrezim Shade-Walkers Varimathras 25,173 1
Ring Band of the Sargerite Smith Kin'garoth 56,839 4
Loop of the Life-Binder Eonar 53,655 5
Seal of the Portalmaster Portal Keeper 63,584 1
Sullied Seal of the Pantheon Argus the Unmaker 60,608 3
Zealous Tormentor's Ring The Coven of Shivarra 60,879 2
he suggested ranking -
nt itemlevels,
arison Tools

ket Data tab Lower # = Better Ranking

= Tier

Tier Ranking (Opinion) You'll naturally get enough mastery by just picking
3 itemlevel, because it is the secondary thats availab
in Antorus.

Crit Haste
Head 1043
Neck 2457 1281
Shoulder 564
Chest 1162 686
Wrist 669
2 Hands 832 554
Waist 495 891
Legs 1162
4 Feet 802
Ring1 1307
Ring2 1408 2112
8882 8543

nough mastery by just picking highest
is the secondary thats available the most

Mastery Versatility

639 401



639 5881
10 Jun 2017
10 Jun 2017
10 Jun 2017
10 + 11 Jun 2017
11 Jun 2017
11 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
17 Jun 2017
07 July 2017
10 July 2017
18 July 2017
18 July 2017
18 July 2017
25 July 2017
25 July 2017
26 July 2017
30 July 2017
8 August 2017
16 August 2017
16 August 2017
30 August 2017
11 September 2017
27 September 2017

30 October 2017

31 October 2017

01 November 2017
03 November 2017

10 November 2017
21 November 2017
22 November 2017
03 December 2017
05 December 2017

09 December 2017

10 December 2017
15 February 2018
Sheet Started, Main page populated with Player Stats, Fight Details, Pre-Fight Options, Talents, and Artifact blocks.
Added Projected Results, Stat Weights, iLvL Value of Relics, +HPS Items Equipped, and Display Options blocks.
Started formatting of Spells page.
Spells Page populated, most Talents implemented.
Dropdowns and Misc. Tracking pages created.
Spells page populated further, need Log Data to continue sheet. Mana Page begun, need Spells page finished.
Player Logs page set up. Instructions block added.
Mana Page completed, HS, CH, HW CPMs can be derived to fit to end at FightLength variable.
Weights Page populated with Intellect and Secondary Stats.
+1 iLvL to Shalas'dal and all Throughput traits added to Weights page.
Added pretection from Healing Surge being at 0 CPM.
Added BiS List and legendary comparison
Trinkets added, courtesy of Nisekoi
Fixed Trinkets and Legendary information
Added trinket dropdown menus
Added Neck Enchants (Need proc rate / scaling of ancient priestess)
Increased Range for Player Log to avoid error
Added Chronoshard (Nisekoi) and changed Sea Star to work with logs
Fixed the mana scaling on various trinkets (Nisekoi) as well as dropped to a 1 CSV File System
FInished neck enchants
Added conditional Formatting
Added Gear Comparison
Added User Weights Section
Added new trinkets, alchemist stone update and fixed to calcaulcate for 2 GotQ occurrences thanks to Nisekoi
Added NLC traits and comparisons
Nisekoi: Overhauled formatting and updated calculations
Additional features added
Improved User Experience
Fixed Tidal Chains trait not interacting with healing surge
Added Antorus Trinkets
Fixed conditional formatting for spell Overheal in Player Logs tab. Should properly appear as green when no value is pre
Added Options and modules for T21
Implemented rough math for undulation and weights for torrent/undulation
Addded Unleash Life to it (rough) and finalized torrent/undulation
Fixed Wellspring returning negative weights
Fixed GotQ returning 0 casts if the 2nd hit heals more
Fixed all spells breaking the log if they don't have an overheal value
Added Tier comparison to the Comparison Tools
Antorus BIS list added
Fixed GOTQ breaking the sheet when one or both of the entries have no overheal
fixed itemlevel dropdowns
added trinket hotfix from 05 december -> doublecheck numbers after its live
updated sheet date from 10-15-2017
added a cell in results for a crucible weights import string
changed results to always recommend crit or vers enchants/gems because theres no reason to recommend anything else
pre-filled in a few t21 antorus logs, to get more current preset data
Added Ulduar Timewalking Trinkets
Healer Metrics Spell Power
Spell HPM kHPCT kHPCD Base % SP Tick % SP Total Tick %
Healing Surge 28.40 1,011.52 1,011.52 475.00%
Riptide 74.51 969.38 188.62 325.00% 50.00% 385.44%
Healing Stream Totem 63.69 1,320.16 51.38 82.00% 790.15%
Chain Heal 49.68 1,141.73 1,141.73 380.00%
Healing Wave 43.97 356.59 356.59 475.00%
Healing Rain 69.54 2,122.72 330.44 50.00% 321.20%
Healing Tide Totem 1,618.03 ### 110.75 96.00% 1091.80%
Unleash Life
Ancestral Guidance
Earthen Shield Totem
Gift of the Queen 2,814.45 97.36 800.00%
Queen's Decree 24.00% 92.51%
Tidal Totem 25.00% 224.85%
Power Mana Casting Healing
Total % SP Mana % Cost Cast CD CPM -MPS Raw HPS Overheal
1839.86% -3.78% -41,588 1.17 1.17 0.22 -154.12 4,376.52 0
2112.37% -1.38% -15,188 1.17 6 10.05 -2,544.22 227,126.01 0.1653
2567.35% -2.20% -24,200 1.17 30 2.21 -890.61 60,646.47 0.0647
3832.52% -4.07% -44,716 1.95 1.95 2.67 -1,988.56 109,398.12 0.0969
1412.33% -1.43% -15,780 1.95 1.95 4.00 -1,052.65 60,471.90 0.2346
7802.38% -4.32% -47,520 1.56 10 3.65 -2,894.62 305,064.22 0.3402
54104.82% -1.12% -12,320 1.17 180 0.23 -46.90 132,214.88 0.426
Err:511 Err:511
120 0.38 99,160.83 0.2112
-2.20% -24,200 1.17 60 Err:511 Err:511 0.00 Err:511
-1.72% -18,920 1.17 30 1.98 -624.26 119,864.73 0.225
Err:511 Err:511 Err:511 Err:511
Err:511 Err:511
11893.32% 0.00% 0 1.56 45 0.76 0.00 96,878.22 0.4261
1375.24% 2.21 32,486.36 0.2217
1671.39% 2.01 35,942.17 0.4702
HPS Pct.
4,770.61 0.50% Total HPS 957,433.05
189,582.08 19.80% Neg. MPS -10,195.94
56,722.64 5.92% Time to OOM 788
107,693.98 11.25%
50,453.09 5.27% Base Intellect 59,622
201,281.38 21.02% Total Intellect 64,187
75,891.34 7.93% Total Mana 8,034,400
Base Crit 12,617
78,218.06 8.17% Crit Percent 36.54%
Err:511 0.00% Crit Bonus 2
92,895.17 9.70% Crit Factor 1.365425
Err:511 Err:511 Base Haste 9,619
Haste Percent 28.48%
55,598.41 5.81% Haste Factor 1.28
25,284.13 2.64% GCD 1.17
19,042.16 1.99% Base Vers 3,671
Vers Percent 7.73%
Vers Factor 1.08

if TW Wave > T 1.47

else (TW Waves)
else (non TW Waves)
else (together) 3.38
Total Health 5,264,400

Base Mastery 9,324

Mastery Percent 93.93%
Effective Mastery 23.08%
Mastery Factor 1.23
C/M/V Factor 1.81
Total Tidal Wave 5.09
TW - Surge 0.16
TW - Wave 4.92
Queen's Ascenda 10.18
QA Additional 0.18
Dedicated Casts 23.76
Healing Surge C 0.22
Chain Heal CPM 2.67
Healing Wave CP 4.00

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