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Agner, Julia Kirsten S.


My True Identity

“Who am I?” , “What is my identity?” these are the two questions I often ask
myself. To me, identity can be define as who you are or what makes you different from others.
Actually I am no different from my classmates. I go to school, eat, play, sleep and do my
homework like you all do, yet there is something that makes me different from you guys and I
think that is, I can act normal or happy even though something’s bothering me or I have a
problem. Not everybody can be a great pretender and can handle emotions right.

I am who I am partly because of my family, but mostly because of who I want

myself to be. I will never be exactly what I want to be because of my family upbringing, but I
can provide myself with opportunities to live a somewhat similar life. I am very proud of the
person that I have become. I have followed my own dreams, fantasies, friends, and idols to
become the person that I am today. My family has influenced me as far as morals and values,
my friends have influenced me in social activities, speech, and clothing, and my fantasies and
idols have given me something to strive for in my life.

Once a person takes the time to truly get to know me, they tend to see me as one
of the greatest guys that they have ever met. I will continue to live my life for individual that I
am while taking into other people and not doing anything that may negatively affect another
person’s life. I am currently very happy with the person that I am and will continue keep myself
happy until the day I die.

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