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Plan and Organize

Think about how the conversation between Frodo and Gandalf provides you with information
about the setting of the first part of ​The Lord of the Rings.​ Imagine that the next morning Frodo
panics and flings the ring out his window. Write a 250 word narrative about what happens the
next day. Include details describing the Shire and the creatures there based on textual evidence
from the selection. It is necessary to include three examples of figurative language in your
Details from the text about the setting—the Shire—and the creatures in it, to include in your

After Frodo panics and flings the ring out his window:
Event #1 in narrative:​

Event #2 in narrative:

Event #3 in narrative:​

Does Frodo get the ring back? Yes/ no.

The ending:​

What 3 examples of figurative language will you use in your narrative?

Use the outline below to prepare for your writing assignment.

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