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The operations manager was asked by the senior manager to look into a Quality incident report
(IR) citing the compliance and performance concerns escalated for client League, Inc., a leader in gaming
software development. The report of the Quality team stated that five particular agents have shown
habitual non-compliance for the company’s policies and guidelines in following the proper call holding
procedure, tools required when troubleshooting software and compatibility issues, and making efforts to
upsell software services and product license extensions. A follow up concern expressed what appeared to
be agent toggling and an excessive use of auxiliary time (AUX) and after call work (ACW). This also
meant that certain metric successes would have to be put in question for unethical practice. There was
also a previous Workforce Communication reporting the same agents doing anomalous activities noted on
monitoring tools wherein apart from the cited toggle, AUX, and ACW issues, there were also instances of
illegal call drops/cuts. These reported issues alarmed the Operations Manager because if these are not
immediately addressed, the center’s performance in the global business will be greatly affected and their
job stability will be put at risk. These issues may lead the current and possible clients to question the
integrity of the employees and distrust the company.


The main goal is to resolve these underlying issues and to implement preventive measures to
avoid the same problems in the future.


 A.C.A. I.
Enrolling these agents in Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), wherein part of the
training is to revisit acceptable performance, reviewing company policies and procedures, and at
the end of the training, agents enrolled will have a one-on-one performance evaluation and
coaching, when necessary.

1. This program will let the agent revisit all that were taught during their first trainings in the
2. Underlying causes of poor performances will be determined and agents will get the chance to
work on these performance issues.
3. Problematic performance can be ideally corrected throughout the PIP period and agents will
be propelled towards possible work outcomes, while potentially staving off the need for a
demotion or termination.

1. Agents may find PIP as a getaway from taking calls and attending to customers’ queries.
2. The program is time consuming and agents enrolled may not have any improvements once
the whole program duration is done.

 A.C.A. II.
Team managers should attend trainings and seminars to gain more knowledge and skills
in handling their agents.

1. Team mangers will be able to learn and share something new to their agents.
2. They develop more skills and capabilities in handling their subordinates.
3. They may recall their past learning and experiences.
4. They will know another technique on how to manage and coach their agents.

1. Increased cost to the organization.
2. Having seminars and trainings are time consuming.
3. Team managers will have less supervision on their agents while on training.

● A.C.A III.
The company should reward and recognize the team with top performing manager and

1. Team managers will be motivated as well as his agents to perform efficiently and effectively.
2. Rewards and recognition will inspire team to exert more efforts in their work.
3. Team managers will give his best performance in order to make his team on top.

1. Teams might just do their work just for the rewards.
2. It increases expense in the part of the company.

● A.C.A. IV.
Reducing the time that teams managers spend on administrative duties that do not have
any effect on the agent’s development.

1. Team managers can focus more in monitoring their agents.
2. They can concentrate more on finding solutions on the organization’s flaws.
1. There might be a chance that they can’t perform their administrative duties well.
2. Team manager might lose some of his administrative duties and it will be given to others.


The best alternative course of action is the first A.C.A. which is enrolling these agents in a
Performance Improvement Plan. This is an opportunity for these agents to improve and change their
unethical behavior in the company rather than directly terminating them. However, enrollment should
only be applicable for first warnings. Once these agents enrolled in the PIP shows no improvement and do
the same behaviors towards work, it will be already under the company’s discretion to terminate them.


This case study hopes that the performance and work ethics of these agents will improve when
these measures and courses of actions will be implemented. The above mentioned Alternative Courses of
Actions doesn’t highlight the implementation of only one which has been recommended but the other
measures cited serves as guides and mediums wherein the company may or may not directly follow.
Aside from the fact that these issues are very alarming, it has been foreseen that the high possibility of the
company’s downfall may occur. Thus, the main purpose of this case study is the need to revitalize the
company’s performance through proposing and implementing the best measures and actions for the
benefit of everybody.

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