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ia MANUAL OIL-COOLED TRANSFORMERS UP TO 4000 kVA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 24. GENERAL INTRUCTIONS, 22, AS SUPPLIED CONDITION..... 22.1. Reception Place. 2.2.2. Inspection upon Receipt 223. Unloading and Handling Procedures 2.2.4. Checking and Testing Procedures upon Receipt 2.3, STORAGE ssn sunita nates 3. INSTALLING POWER TRANSFORMERS > 300 kVA 3.1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 3.2, PLATFORM TYPE TRANSFORMER. 3.3. ALTITUDES. 3.4. CONNECTIONS 3.5. TANK GROUNDING 3.6. PROTECTION AND MANEUVERING EQUIPMENT. ASSEMBLING THE TRANSFORMER. 4.1. RECOMMENDED CARES DURING AND AFTER ASSEMBLY. 4cte4. Thermometer nsinensninnnesnnnn onus nine 44.14. Application, Instruction 4.4.2. Pressure Relist Device Membrane type “explosion pipe’, Valve type pressure relief device was uneueenennmnenennnnn 4.4.8. Pressure Surge Relay. Generaltios _ Construction and working principle Installation procedure: 4.464, Expansion Tank vrnnnsnnnnnnnnnnen onus nine Silica gel air dryer: generalities. unenemnenn mnnenennnnn Construction Drying agent Regeneration ofthe silica gel Procedures for the installation of the air dryer. 4.4.5, Buchholz Type Gas Relay nnnieinennnineninenenn nner Generalities Description and working principle. 4.1.53. Service instructions. 22 4.4.6, Oil Level Indicator. nnn nnn sui oumnsinsne®S AAG, Generalities ssn snsnenininnmninnininennonesninaninin PB, Description and working principle. 24 4.1.7. Radiators. 24 4.18. Bushings. 24 4.2, COLLECTING SAMPLES OF TRANSFORMER INSULATING LIQUIDS wo... 25 422. Sampling Equipment. 25 425. Identitication of samples 28 426, Table of Standardized Value for Insulating Olli ansinninne nnn nnn 8D 43. OILFILLING 31 43.1. OilFiling Procedures. 3t 43.2. Recommendations 36 5. INSTALLATION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS DESIGNED FOR POLE AND PLATFORM. 37 5.1, VISUAL INSPECTION... sesninniesnnnnnie ST 5.2. NAMEPLATE 37 5.3. TRANSFORMER FASTENING 37 5.4, LIFTING sss sesnininsnnnnie ST 5.5. CONNECTIONS 38 5.6, PROTECTION sass seein nemnn inne 3B 5.7. GROUNDING 38 5.8. MEASUREMENT 38 6. TESTS. 7. POWERING UP 8. MAINTENANCE. 8.1, PERIODIC INSPECTIONS...... 42 8.1.1, Operational Records ws nuernennnnes oA 8.4.2. Thermographic Inspection a2 8.1.3. Checking the Condition of the Insulating Oil 42 8.1.4. Visual inspections 43 82, USE OF INFORMATION. 43 8.2.1, Occurrences that Require Immediate Shutting DOWN .n.uesrnsn seinenninennenninenn 82.2, Occurrences Requiring a Preset Shutting Down 43 83. ESSAYS AND CHECKING - PERIODICITY 44 83.1. Halt yearly. As 83.2. Yeatly.suminsnnsninenininenninninin nnn nnn snnnmninninn ll 83.8, Every 3 CAFS snineninneninnnsnin nnn nnn sun nnmninnsnn ll 84. SPARE TRANSFORMERS 45 ATTACHMENT A - Periodic half-yearly (S) and 3-yearly (T) inspections. ATTACHMENT B - WARRANTY TERMS. 4. INTRODUCTION This manual is intended to provide the user with all necessary information about reception, installation and maintenance of distribution and power transformers up to 4000 kVA. Compliance with these instructions will allow for a better performance of the transformer and will extend its useful life, All of WEG transformers are designed and built in strict accordance with the last in ABNT and the IEC 60076 standards. Therefore, th contained herein remains subject to changes without previous notice. For further information about the applicable standards, we recommend you to editions of the Bra: formation read the following standards: * NBR 7036 — Reception, installation and maintenance of distribution transformers submerged in insulating liquid. + NBR 7037 — Reception, installation and maintenance of power transformers submerged in insulating mineral oil + NBR 5416 - Applying loads to power transformers. * IEC 60076 - 7 — Loading guide for oll submerged power transformers. IEC 60076 — 8 - Power transformers — Application guide. Also very important is to keep in hands all publications about installation of transformers that are issued by the network power suppliers of your region, since many of them have a normative character. For further clarifications, call our Technical Assistance Department. eq BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 2.1, GENERAL INTRUCTIONS All workers involved with electrical installation, whether in assembly, operation or maintenance work, should be permanently informed and updated about the standards and safety procedures that rule the work and we strongly suggest that they adhere to them. It is the buyer responsibility to make sure, before the work begins, that all instructions have been read and understood and all involved workers are aware of the hazards involved in the proposed task. We recommend that only qualified personnel should carry out such work. Fire combat equipment and first aid placards should be available at the work place, always placed in visible and accessible places 2.2. AS SUPPLIED CONDITION All transformers are factory tested before shipment in order to assure their perfect working condition. Depending on the transformer size or on its shipment conditions, it can be shipped either assembled or disassembled. Further details are described hereinafter. Upon receipt, we recommend a careful inspection in order to check the transformer for any damages occurred during the transport. In case damages have occurred, please notify immediately your local WEG representative and the freight carrier so that insurance indemnification can be claimed without problems. 2.2.1. Reception Place Whenever possible, the transformer should be unloaded directly onto its definitive mounting base. When it becomes necessary to unload it in a provisory place, the ground should be checked for proper safety and load distribution conditions and also for proper eq leveling and cleanliness, The equipment should never be placed in direct contact with the ground. 2.2.2. Inspection upon Receipt Before unloading the transformer, spe ly assigned personnel should carry out a preliminary inspection in order to check its outside shape, accessories and components for any deformity, oil leakage and its painting condition. Also, all components and accessories should be checked against the provided packing list. In case of any evident damage, missing accessories or components or any indication of improper treatment during shipment, the manufacturer and the freight carrier should be notified 2.2.3. Unloading and Handling Procedures All of the transformer unloading and moving work should be carried out and supervised by specialized personnel according to all applicable safety rules and using all indicated support and lifting points. The transformer should be hoisted or dragged by the points as indicated in the drawings. Do not use any other points, otherwise severe damages can occur to the transformer. 2.2.4. Checking and Testing Procedures upon Receipt When the transformer is shipped without oil, check the pressure of the dry gas inside the transformer's tank and inside the gas bottles, if supplied. When the transformer is shipped with oil at atmospheric pressure, the pressure gauge should indicate a “zero” level. Check for its dielectric stiffness and water contents in the oil in order to obtain conclusions about the absorption of humidity by the insulation. meq The transformer should not be opened under circumstances that might allow for the penetration of humidity, such as in atmospheres having a relative humidity above 70% and under strong wind. 23. STORAGE a) The unit should be preferably assembled and filled with insulating oil at ‘its operation place and be inspected as soon as it is received, no matter if the transformer is not supposed to be started up right after it's reception. In case the transformer is to be stored for short time periods (maximum 3 months). this can be done without filling it with oil, as long as it is filled with pressurized dry gas. In such case, the gas pressure should be inspected on a daily basis in order to detect any leakages in due time and to prevent the penetration of humidity b) When the transformer is not installed immediately, it should be stored preferably in a sheltered and dry place, free of dust and corrosive gases, and it should be placed always in its normal position and set apart from any areas with too much traffic or subject to collisions. ©) Components and accessories, when removed from the transformer for shipment or storage purposes, should meet the following + Allaccessories should be stored in suitable places. + Radiators should be stored next to the transformer, and they should not remain in contact with the ground, ‘+ Bushings should be stored, if possible, in suitable and dry places. ‘+The insulating oil should be stored in drums, which should remain in a horizontal position with their lids aligned, if possible, covered with canvas and should not remain in contact with the ground + A transformer fitted with auxiliary circuit panels should be kept with its heating resistors switched on, controlled by a thermostat and adjusted for the recommended temperature of 30°C. 3. 3.1 as a) b) 3.2 whic is fi eq INSTALLING POWER TRANSFORMERS > 300 kVA GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Before starting any installation work, make sure that qualified personnel as well suitable installation equipment and tools will be available. Transformers should not be installed on rainy days. Before starting the installation of the transformer, the following procedures should be carried out: ‘* Visual inspection, particularly for a proper level of its base: ‘+ Check the transformer's anchor devices for proper fastening: + Visual inspection on the outside of the transformer tank for any damages occurred during the handling procedures; ‘+ Make sure the name plate ratings are compatible with the equipment technical specification; + In case of re-starting transformers, make sure the shipped connection meets the specified details; ‘+ Incase of transformers shipped without oil, check the gas pressure; ‘+ In case of transformers shipped with oil, whenever possible, collect a sample of the insulating oll for lab analysis: ‘* Check the transformer's grounding connections. PLATFORM TYPE TRANSFORMER Platform type transformers should be installed on properly leveled foundations, ich should be capable to withstand the transformer’s weight. When the transformer itted with wheels, the foundations should be fitted with suitable rails. When installing the transformer, the following factors should be taken in account: a) There should be a minimum spacing of 0,5 m between each transformer and between a transformer and any adjacent wall in order to provide for easy Wen access for inspections and suitable ventilation, depending, however, on the project dimensions and voltage class. b) When the transformer is to be installed in a sheltered place, the facilities should have sufficient ventilation so that the hot air can freely flow out and be replaced with fresh air. There should be no obstacles that could impair the airflow inside the cabin Therefore, all air inlet openings should be located next to the floor and be distributed in the most effective manner, preferably bellow the transformer level, and should not be bigger than the transformer dimensions. The air exit openings should be located as high as the building allows. The number and size of exit openings will depend on their distance above the transformer height, on their performance and their loading cycle. Usually, the air exit openings should have 5,50 m? per 1.000 kVA of installed capacity 3.3, ALTITUDES Our transformers are designed in compliance with ABNT and IEC standards, i.e. they will perform optimally at altitudes up to 1.000 m above the sea level. When installed at altitudes above 1.000 m, the transformer will have a reduced performance or will require a more effective cooling system. The transformers are designed to withstand a safe temperature increase in altitudes up to 1.000 meters. Should a transformer work in altitudes above 1.000 meters, the limits specified on table 1 should not be exceeded, 10 Table 1 Temperature increase limits in °C. eq ‘Temperature Increase limits (A) Windings ot wetais paris esistance variation method Tncontast | Not sranstormertypes | ATS] po oy with the | contact with forced ot | Free | Hottest sold | thesotia circulation point insulation | insulation with driven witout diven | oradjacent | and not oil low toit, | adjacentto it Wikoutarayer Shower] The or net gas on 5 60 65 | som | reach | temperature the top ofthe oi temperature | shoud not s above the | reach, inary 3 maximum | case, ovels 3 spect or | that could & | win airdryoror thenotest | cause & | inort gas on the s ° “ $5 | pointotthe | damages 3 on 70% | eo | ese top ofthe oil adjacent | to these pars, insuaton or | other pars or incontact_ | adjacent witnit, | matoras ‘AI nsulaion materials, ‘according 10 practical experience and essays, should temperature increase limit the tanstormer is categorized for. ‘+ Measured next to the oll surface. gas is used. When paper insulation is used, this one should be a thermally stable type. Be properly designed Tor tho Measured next to the top of the tank when an air dryer is available, and next to the oil surface when inert ‘Note: The power rate reduction for alitudes above 1-000 m oocurs according fo the folowing equation H-1000 Where ) J Pr = Reduced power rate in KVA Pn = Rated power in kVA H «Altitude in meters (Always rounded up to the next centesimal meter value) k = Reduction factor (Table 2) "W eq Table 2— Power rate reduction factor for altitudes above 1.000 m Cooling Wee Reduction factor Tr nsulating Tau fing Tquie pooe 2) With natural cooling (ONAN) ') With forced cooling (ONAF) 0,005 €) With forced circulation of the insulating liquid and with forced ventilation 0,005 (OFAF) «) With forced circulation of the quid and with water cooling (OFWF) 0,000 3.4. CONNECTIONS All connections to the transformer should be made according to the diagram of connections as stated on its nameplate. It is Important to make sure the nameplate ratings will meet the specification of the system where the transformer is to be installed. The connections to the bushings should be properly tightened, making sure that no strain will be transmitted to the terminals, which could cause the loosening of the connections, poor contact and leakages later on due to overheating in the sealing system The cable ends should be flexible enough to prevent mechanical strains that could be caused by expansion and contraction, which could break the porcelain isolators. Such ends allow for significant weight of cables, but long distances without support should be avoided. Some types of bushings allow for a direct connection of cables or bus bars; others require suitable connectors, which may or not be supplied with the transformer. 3.5, TANK GROUNDING The tank must be effectively and permanently grounded. A permanent low resistance grounding mesh is essential for a suitable protection. The tank is designed for either one or two grounding connectors. 12 ia BES Yo eeoe The grounding mesh should be connected to these connectors by means of a copper cable having a suitable cross-section 3.6. PROTECTION AND MANEUVERING EQUIPMENT The transformer should be protected against overloads, short-circuit and voltage surges by means of fuses, circuit breakers, sectioning switches, lightning rods, etc., which should be suitably sized to be coordinated with the transformer and be tested before they are connected. 13 eq 4. ASSEMBLING THE TRANSFORMER, The transformer should be assembled in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4.1. RECOMMENDED CARES DURING AND AFTER ASSEMBLY 4.1.1. Thermometer Application The thermometer (See figure 1) is designed to capture the temperature from the hottest point of the oil, right bellow the transformer lid, and can be preset to trigger an alarm and to shut off the transformer at given distinct temperatures. It has four hands that are connected to four contacts, which features are the following: * Actual temperature hand: Indicates the actual temperature level * Alarm hand: An alarm is triggered when the temperature exceeds a preset level. + Shut off hand: The transformer is completely shut off when the temperature exceeds a preset level. * Max. Temp. hand: It indicates the maximum temperature that has been reached within a given time period. This red hand moves only forward, driven by the “actual temperature han ro and does not return when the temperature decreases. 14 eq Figure 1 Instruction The three “b, ¢ and d" hands can be preset to any position of the thermometer scale, Recommended temperature setting: For an increase of 55° in the winding vf = 758, a= 858, d = 95°. After each periodic inspection of the thermometer, retum the red hand to the same position as the actual temperature hand. 4.1.2. Pressure Relief Device 44.24 Membrane type “explosion pipe” If the transformer is submitted to vacuum, this device should not be mounted before a sealing flange is mounted at the opening. After this is completed, remove the flange and install the membrane. 4.12.2, Valve type pressure relief device An automatic closing pressure relief valve (See figure 2) is installed in transformers submerged in insulating liquid in order to protect them against any deformation or rupture of the tank in case of internal failure causing the excessive inctease of internal pressure. This valve is extremely sensitive and quick (It operates automatically in less than two thousandth of a second). It closes automatically after being operated to prevent any foreign matter from getting inside the transformer. 15 ia 4123. Features and working principle The automatic closing pressure relief valve has a spring, which is fitted with a system that instantly amplifies the actuation force Figure 3 The figure 3 above shows a view of the valve mounted on the transformer by means of screws fixing it to the flange (1) and sealed with a gasket (2). The valve disc (8) is compressed by the springs (7) and sealed by means of the gaskets (4 and 5). The valve operates when the pressure actuating on the area defined by the gasket diameter (4) exceeds the opening counter pressure caused by the springs (7) As soon as the disc (3) slightly lifts from the gasket (4), the pressure inside the transformer immediately starts to act over the disc entire area, which is limited by the gasket diameter (5), thus resulting in a force much higher that moves the disc upwards 16 eq and causes the immediate and full valve opening until the height of the springs (7) when they are in a compressed position. The pressure inside the transformer is quickly reduced back to normal values as a result of the valve exhaust and then the springs (7) cause the disc to return (3) to its resting position, thus sealing the valve again. A small bleeding orifice is available between the gaskets (4 and 5), which prevents the valve from actuating unnecessarily in case of imperfect sealing between the disc (3) and the gasket (4), which could be caused by external particles settled on the gasket (4). The valve lid (6) has a colored pin (8). which is a mechanical indicator of the valve actuation. The pin is supported by the disc (3) and rises with the disc when the opening occurs, being held in the valve's open position by the gasket (11). The pin can be seen from a long distance, showing when the valve has been actuated. It can be manually re-armed by pushing it down until it stops against the disc (3). The valve is fitted with a sealed and weatherproof switch (9), mounted on the lid, having simultaneous actuating contacts. The switch is actuated by the stroke of the dise (3) and should be manually re-armed by means of its lever (10) after its operation 4.1.3, Pressure Surge Relay Generalities The pressure surge relay (See figure 4) is a protective device for sealed type transformers. It is installed above the maximum level of the liquid, in the space containing gas between the liquid and the transformer's lid. The relay is designed to actuate when failures occur inside the transformer producing abnormal internal pressure. Therefore, its operation is triggered only by quick changes in internal pressure, regardless of the transformer's operating pressure. 7 ia Figure 4 In case of pressure gradients above 0.2 atm/sec, the valve operates instantly On the other hand, the relay does not operate as a result of slow pressure changes that are typical during the transformer’s normal operation, not due to disturbances to the system (lightning, maneuvering over voltage or short-circuit), unless such disturbances may result in damage to the transformer 413.2. Construction and working principle The relay consists essentially of a pressure sensitive element, which is a micro rupturing device. When the pressure inside the transformer changes slowly during its normal operation, the equalizing orifice stays large enough to equalize the pressure inside the relay casing with the pressure inside the transformer. As a result, the bellows will not deform and the alarm will not be triggered, allowing for the transformer’s normal operation. On the other hand, if the inside of the transformer is submitted to pressure increases quicker than those occurring in normal operation, the small equalizing orifice holds for a while, in the relay casing, a pressure lower than the pressure inside the transformer. This causes the bellows to stretch and consequently, the actuation of the micro rupturing device. 18 eq Installation procedure Typically, the pressure surge relay is mounted on one of the transformer's tank sidewalls, between the maximum insulating liquid level and the lid. Nevertheless, it can be also mounted horizontally on the top of the transformer's lid When the transformer is shipped filled with insulating liquid or vacuum is applied to it in the field, it is important to make sure that insulating liquid will not penetrate into the pressure equalizing orifice or inside of the relay. The flange to which the relay is applied is usually supplied with a blank sealing flange. The relay is supplied separately and should be mounted after the transformer installation is completed and its tank filed up with insulating liquid. 4.1.4, Expansion Tank Make sure the inside of the expansion tank is dry and clean. If necessary, wash it with clean and preferably hot oil (Maximum 50°C). 4144 Silica gel air dryer: generalities In order to maintain the oil high insulation resistance, the transformer is equipped with an air dryer (See figure 6), which due to its humidity absorption feature, to dry the air brought into the transformer from the atmosphere. capable ~ hard Figure 6 19 eq Construction The expansion tank consists of a metallic casing containing the air drying agent and one oil chamber, located in front of the casing containing the air drying agent, isolating it from the atmosphere. During normal operation, the oil becomes hot and expands, thus expelling the air from the expansion tank through the air drying agent. If the transformer load or the room temperature decreases, so will the oil temperature decrease, followed by the corresponding volume reduction As a result, the air volume inside the expansion tank decreases and fresh air from the atmosphere is sucked in through the chamber and through the drying agent, which absorbs humidity from the air. Drying agent The drying agent named silica gel is vitreous and hard, chemically almost neutral and highly hygroscopic. It is silicon impregnated with cobalt chloride, and when it is active, it has a sky blue color and a crystalline aspect. It is capable to absorb 40% more water than its own weight. Due to water absorption. its color changes to a rose shade, which indicates it must be replaced. It has a long useful life and can be regenerated and reused after a drying process, which can be applied many times., Regeneration of the silica gel The hygroscopicity of the silica gel can be restored by heating it up in an oven at a temperature of 80 to 100°C in order to evaporate the absorbed water. To speed up the drying process, it is convenient to constantly stir the silica gel unti it fully recovers its characteristic color. Its contact with oil or even oil traces should be avoided at all costs so that it will not loose its blue shade and become brown or even black, in which case it will need to be replaced. After its regeneration, the silica gel should be transferred immediately to a dry and waterproof sealed container. 20 41.4.5. eq Procedures for the installation of the air dryer Remove the plug located on the top of the expansion tank (It is not necessary to remove the oil from the tank). Remove the upper lid from the air dryer and fill it with silica gel Fit the lid back on the air dryer. Fix the air dryer to the bottom of the expansion tank with the glass facing downward. Remove the bottom glass of the air dryer and fill it with the same transformer oil until the available red indication. Carefully re-install the glass in the air dryer. Make sure it will be perfectly fixed in order to prevent the penetration of any humidity into the transformer Figure 7 4.1.5, Buchholz Type Gas Relay 4154 Generalities The Buchholz Relay (Figure 8) has the purpose of protecting the electrical appliances working in insulating liquid, particularly transformers. While overloads and over currents are phenomena's that can be controlled by means of maximum current intensity relays, failures like loss of oil, internal discharges, at eq defective winding insulation, from iron or even to the earth, occurred on transformers equipped with maximum current relays, can cause great damage if the failure remains unnoticed by the operator for some time. Therefore a Buchholz Relay is installed on transformers in order to indicate, by means of an alarm or by switching off the transformer, failures like the above | mentioned ones and prevent them from developing any further. Figure 8 4.15.2. Description and working principle The Buchholz relay is usually mounted between the transformer main tank and the expansion tank. The relay’s casing is cast iron, having two flanged openings and also two sight glasses having a graduated scale to indicate the volume of gas. There are two floats mounted one over the other on the inside, When a certain amount of gas accumulates inside the relay, the upper float is forced to move down. If, in turn, an excessive production of gas causes a circulation of oil inside the relay, it is the lower float that responds, even before the formed gas reaches the relay. In both cases when the floats touch each other, an electrical contact will be made. 41.53. Service instructions 22 Wen The alarm sounds without causing the transformer to switch off, In such case, the transformer should be entirely shut down and the gas should be tested. Depending on the test result, the following defects can be distinguished a) Combustible gas means presence of acetylene. In such case, there must be a failure that needs to be repaired in the electrical part. b) Non combustible gas means no acetylene. exists. The transformer can be switched back on In such case, pure without danger. When the alarm sounds repeatedly, it means there is air getting into the transformer. Shut it off and repair the failure c) Not generated gas. The gas level in the relay is dropping and an amount of air is being sucked in through the open valve. In such case, it means the oil level is too low, possibly due to some leakage. Repair the failure, and complete with oil up to the recommended level d) The transformer is switched off without a previous alarm. This means the transformer must have been thermally overloaded. Switch it back on after a cooling interval. The failure can be found at the short-circuit contact or in the relay system. @) The alarm sounds and the transformer is switched off right before or after the alarm has sounded The cause must be one of the failures already described in a), b) or c). Check the gas and proceed as described above. 4.1.6. Oil Level Indicator 41.64 Generalities The magnetic level gauges are intended to indicate with accuracy the insulating liquid level and, in addition, when they are fitted with contacts for alarm or trip, they are intended to operate as protective devices for the transformer. weg Description and working principle The magnetic level gauges (Figure 9) have a cast aluminum casing. The level indication is carried out by a hand coupled to a highly sensitive permanent magnet, which makes it very accurate The display case of the magnetic level gauges has three indications, i.e., MIN, which corresponds to the minimum level; 25°C, which corresponds to the marked room temperature and MAX, which corresponds to the maximum level. Trip occurs at the minimum level. Figure 9 4.1.7. Radiators Radiators should be inspected for cleanliness and humidity. If necessary, they should be washed with clean and perfectly heated oil (Maximum 50°C). 4.1.8. Bushings Before the assembly, all bushings should be perfectly cleaned up with benzene and dried up. 24 Wen The sealing gaskets should be carefully ited and their fixing elements should be carefully tightened in order to achieve a good tightness. The bushings should be mounted one at a time in order to prevent the penetration of air from the atmosphere. The bushing should be fitted in a safe manner, using suitable lifting and handling devices, i ch fcc d fA Zi T Figure 10 When a bushing is supplied with threaded bolt, the connector should be assembled as shown in figure 10. 4.2. COLLECTING SAMPLES OF TRANSFORMER INSULATING LIQUIDS: 2.1. Definitions Insulating liquids are fluids having dielectric features, made of mineral oils or synthetic products, which are used in transformers in order to promote the dissipation of heat produced by the coils of the equipment. 4.2.2. Sampling Equipment a) Sampling flask The flasks used to catch samples should be made of black glass and have a capacity for 1 litre, and should be cleaned up as described in 4.2.3 25 eq b) Sampling devices * Nipple * Hose ©) Cleaning up the sampling flasks Flasks having been used should be cleaned up according to the following procedure: ‘+ Remove all oil from the flask; ‘+ Wash the flask and its lid with a neutral detergent; ‘+ Rinse them with plenty of regular running water; ‘+ Let the regular water slip away and then rinse with distilled water: ‘+ Dry them up in a vertical position in an oven at a temperature of 102 + 2°C for at least 12 hours. Let the flask cool down at room temperature, and then close it, making sure not to touch the flask edge or the internal part of the lid that will get in contact with the oil NOTE: Instead of regular water, a sulphochromic solution can be used, which should be diluted in water at rates as indicated by the manufacturer. 4.2.3. Sampling of the Transformer's Insulating Liquid: Recommendations a) Collect the samples, preferably under dry weather in order to avoid any external contamination; if the weather is rainy, the following precautions should be taken: b) If possible, the liquid should be at least at the same temperature as the room atmosphere. ©) If the equipment is operating, make note of the liquid temperature when collecting the sample. NOTES: This requirement is particularly necessary when checking the water contents or features depending on it The operator should be qualified to respect all safety rules when collecting oil samples from transformers having an air dryer (expansion tank), while they are switched on. In case of sealed transformers (without an expansion tank), oil samples should be collected while the transformer is switched off. 26 Wen d) If no other indication is available, the lower valve or draining orifice (bottom sample) and upper filling valve (top sample) can be used. e) Using a hose, introduce it into the transformer and collect the sample. Before removing the hose, let all oil to slip down from its surfaces. 27 eq 4.2.4, Procedure: Sampling Through the Draining Orifice. a) Remove the protective cover from the draining device. Note: In case the equipment is not fitted with a typical draining or sampling orifice available on equipments open for inspection, the sampling procedure should be carried out as described in item 4.2.3 e) Remove all visible dirt and dust from the valve with a clean piece of cloth. ‘Adapt the sampling device to the valve. Open the valve and let the oil flow thoroughly at least three times the pipeline volume. Note: This procedure does not apply to equipments having a small volume of cil. In such case, the sampling volume should take in account the oil level available in the equipment. Place the flask under the sampling device Fill the flask and let the liquid flow over an amount at least the same as the flask capacity. The flask should be filled as much as possible by taking in account the volume variations resulting from possible temperature changes. After the flask if filled, seal it as described in 7. Identify the flask as described in 4.2.5 and send it to the analysis lab. ‘As soon as the sampling if finished, cover the flask with its lid, making sure not to touch the part of the lid that will get in contact with the liquid. Wrap the flask throat with plastic film (cutout in a circle), squeeze it and wrap it with adhesive tape. 4.25. Identification of samples The samples should be identified as follows: a) Transformer's series number; b) Power rate; ©) Voltage class; d) Oil type: e) Customer's name. 28 eae enn Figure 11 — Sampling device Connection to the equipment valve 1000 mi flask 50 ml syringe for chromatographic essay Tube and lid made of copper or polytetrafluorethylene (Teflon) Lid for a 1000 ml flask Plastic hose s06,7em Figure 12 — Sample collecting device 29 4.2.6. Table of Standardized Value for Insulating Oil ia ‘Typical resulta Ti values Wow | Used | Now Teed oi ot | ot | on [Satisfactory] Tobe Tobe ‘ier recondition ‘reatment od Essay Essays ®) (A) [Upto] Above [Upto | Ab | regenerated [Up | Above | metho 230 230 | ove to q Ww kv a ° Ww 2/2 > STW 30/35 33 0877 so |>40 | s0 |>s0 J>35 so -|so- > |>3e | «ar Dielectric [6s |>70 |- |>60 |>70 |o0 |70 6s |>76 | 6869) stiross - | - |s20 [27 ]20 -]20- > |>30 | astm mo |>ss |- |>48 [ose Jas Jor 25 |>60 | 1816 40 -|40- > as™™ 40 {sa 50 01816 co Fischer Water 2s -|ts- < method contonss fro [15 fess |<2s | eis >40 <5 [0 a 40 | 40 20 as™u i 01593 Mo-818 AST ere 1 aciaty or fe Me-101 0.03 o4 NBR voltage | 0,045 > 0.025 0.02- 0,025 | <0,020 > 003 093 | 004 e234 Nim asT™ 02285 AST cor fos 1-15 Ja <2 1500 MB-351 Power [007 for —-|< 0s 05-15 | >15 <4 20°C 30 Taciora)_]= 03] O05 a EC 007 |- < b AST or |. 0.05 P . - <03 400 *c : 924 80°¢ VoE 370 43. OIL FILLING 43.1, Should be carried out according to the following instructions: Oil Filling Procedures Transformer provided with dry gas and a non vacuum resistant air dryer, After the vacuum process (The manufacturer determines how long and how much), fill up the transformer with oil under vacuum until approx. 20 kPa (150 mmHg) bellow the lid. Interrupt the vacuum between the oil level and the level using dry gas. Disassemble the vacuum pump hose. Fit the valves and gas relay to the pipeline and open the installed valves. Open the plug B (Figure 13) or install an air dryer without silica gel. Continue filling, now preferably through the upper valve of the transformer, Fill up the expansion tank to the level that is compatible with the oil temperature (Detectable level by the ‘I” indicator). Close the plug B. Check the oil preserving system (bag or membrane). if applicable, for proper working Note: The pressure x temperature relationship must be as per NBR 10576. (Table 2) Transformer provided with dry gas and a vacuum resistant air dryer. After the vacuum process (The manufacturer determines how long and how much), fill up the transformer with oil under vacuum through one of the tank valves. Fill up the expansion tank to the level that is compatible with the oil temperature. Switch off the vacuum pump, interrupt the vacuum between the oil level in the expansion tank and the top of the expansion tank with dry gas. 31 eq Disconnect the vacuum hose, Close the flange. Install the air dryer. Check the oil preserving system (bag or membrane), if applicable, (See figure 14) for proper working Note: The pressure x temperature relationship must be as per NBR 10576, (Table 2) Transformer with a lowered oil level Open the valves installed on the gas relay. Open the plug B or install an air dryer. Fill up the expansion tank to the level that is compatible with the oil temperature (Detectable level by the “I” indicator). Close the plug B. Check the oil preserving system (bag or membrane), if applicable (See Figure 15), for proper working, Note 1: The pressure x temperature relationship must be as per NBR 10576 (Table 2), as follows: Note 2: The temperature inside the vacuum chamber should be as a function of the quantity of vacuum that is applied in order to avoid any distillations of the oil and/or oxidation inhibitor fractions. The Table 2 showed bellow serves as a guideline for choosing the ratio of vacuum and temperature. TABLE 2 — Selection of the vacuum-temperature ratio PRESSURE TEMPERATURE, °C (Pa) ‘Gil without oxidation] Oil with oxidation inhibitor Inhibitor 666 o Ss 656 cc EF Ta a 7 Note: Tmmiig = 198.32 Pa 32 ia TRANSFORMER Meee Scale 82047 (oan) 4 Ve 0018 10.98-cnnigs Tenn) |-Oltpet ica “eliny Vacuum Pump Pg D4 -Gatevaie OL STORAGE a TANK ot. (see NOT) PuuP ly Figure 13 33 ia Legend 1M Gauge Scale. toa 200kPa option) \V-Vacuum mets (Seale. 0.0136 o 10129473 0mm 760mg) ‘THERVOVACUUM SYSTEM _ VACUUM BOMB FALTER HEATER Figure 14 34 ia Legend > Gauge Seale to 2004P2 (opton) R-Buchoz Rel Toate B-Pug D4 -Gatevahe Figure 15 35 4.3.2. Recommendations eq Ta at SOC) oF FP at 10080 (%) Water TE > 20 mNim at (Factorot | stiffness Acidity Recommendations ‘contents 2520 dielectric loses at 90°C or at 100°C) ™ None ‘Ollregeneration or M M M N es change ‘Ollregeneration oF N S change and cleaning of the oil fiter i ‘Ollregenevation oF M M M N “3 change Tregeneralion oF a 7 Oilreaenerati change N uJ AP and on dying AP aryng and Ol = ying and OF regeneration or change AP eying and OF 7 = = ining regeneration or change ‘Ollregenevalion or N 7 general change tes Oilregeneration or change (whatever is more costs saving}, Regeneration = Treatment with Fuller earth = A chemical veatment with a basic middle (e.9., meta-sicates) andlor veatment with a sold absorbing middle (e.9., clays, bauxite or activated carbon). The oil treated this way should be mixed with a mass of 0.3% of DBPC (Tertiary dibutyl paracresol AP = Active par. M-~= Meets: N = Does not meet 36 eq 5. _ INSTALLATION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS DESIGNED FOR POLE AND PLATFORM An inspection should be carried out before installing the transformer. 5.1, VISUAL INSPECTION Particularly on the bushings, connectors and accessories in order to make sure there are no damages or leakages that could have occurred during the transformer shipping and handling procedures. 5.2, NAMEPLATE Make sure the nameplate data is coherent with the system where the transformer is being installed. Make sure the tapping panel connections or the position of the changeover switch with regards to the connection diagram is correct. 5.3, TRANSFORMER FASTENING The fastening system should be in compliance with the ABNT standard. Pole type transformers are fitted with two fastening straps having a support for direct mounting on the pole. 5.4, LIFTING The transformer should be lifted with ropes or cables, which should be fixed to the straps, hooks or eyebolts available for this purpose. The transformer should not suffer any damages. Before lifting the transformer, it is convenient to fix the strap 37 eq suspension hooks or supports. Thus, when the transformer is lifted at a suitable height. it will be easy to fit the fastening clamps. 5.5. CONNECTIONS The transformer connections should be carried out according to the connection diagram showed on its nameplate, making sure the right phase sequence is followed. The connection to the lines should be made preferably with a live line tapping connector (clamps) in case of copper lines, or a parallel clamps for aluminum lines. The neutral from the secondary winding and the transformer tank should be connected to earth 5.6. PROTECTION The transformer should be protected against overloads, short-circuit and voltage surges. Typically, fuse switches, circuit breakers, sectioning switches, lightning rods. etc. are used. All of such components should be suitably sized in order to be coordinated with the transformer and tested before making the connections. The protective equipment should be installed as close as possible to the transformer. The links used on the fuse switches should be in accordance with the transformer demand and power rate. 5.7. GROUNDING The lightning rod grounding should be made with grounding cables independently of the transformer neutral grounding 5.8. MEASUREMENT 38 Wen After the transformer is powered up, a final inspection should be carried out with the measurement of the secondary voltage. 39 ia TESTS The following essays are recommended: a) f) h) Analysis of the insulating liquid (Physical-chemical) * Dielectric stiffness ‘+ Water contents © Power factor + Neutralizing rate + Glowing point «Density Chromatographic analysis Measure the transformer power factor and the bushing power and capacitance factor, in case the transformer is fitted with bushings. Measure the transformer and the wiring of motorized control panels for insulating resistance. Measure all phases and positions of the no load tap changer for transforming relationship. For the on load tap changer, measurement should be carried out at least at the outside and central positions of all phases. Simulate the actuation of all supervising, protecting and signaling devices, check the adjustment and/or calibrate the thermometers, and thermal images Measure the CT for transforming relationship, saturation and polarity. Apply a short-circuit and grounding to all of the CT secondary windings that are not intended to be used. Check the auxiliary circuits for proper voltages and insulation before powering up. Alter the motorized control panels are powered up, check the fan motors and the starting motor for proper rotation direction, electrical limit switches, remote position indicators, remote control of the on load tap changer. lighting and heating of the cabinets and starters. 40 Wed k) Measure the electrical resistance on all windings, on all phases and positions of the on load tap changer POWERING UP Before powering up a transformer fitted with capacitive bushings, gas relay, on load tap changer, radiators, etc., it is recommended to carry out an air bleeding on all provided points. Inspect all of the transformer's protective and signaling devices. It is important to observe that the transformer should be powered up at least 24 hours after it is filled with oil Adjust and lock the position of the manual tap changer as recommended by the system's operation procedures. All the assembly, essays and powering up procedures should be supervised by a manufacturer's technician The transformer should be powered up initially without load. If the transformer is fitted with an on load tap changer, it should be changed over to all of it’s taps. It is recommended to carry out a chromatographic analysis of the insulating oil before powering up (as a reference), 24 h to 36 h after powering up and 10 days and 30 days after powering up for the detection of incipient failures. 41 eq 8. | MAINTENANCE The maintenance chapter contains troubleshooting instructions that are typical for this type of equipment 8.1. PERIODIC INSPECTIONS 8.1.1. Operational Records Operational records should be obtained by means of readings made from the indicating instruments, about extraordinary occurrences related to the transformer, including every event related or not with the operation of the electrical system that could affect the equipment performance and/or intrinsic features. We recommend a daily reading of the temperature gauges (Make note of the room temperature too), of the oil level gauge, of the transformer’s current load and voltage. 8.1.2, Thermographic Inspection Such inspections should be carried out on a periodic basis at the power plant, particularly in order to detect any abnormal heating of the connectors. 8.1.3. Checking the Condi Nn of the Insulating Oil Samples are collected periodically and essays are carried out according to tables in 4.2.6 and 4.3.2. 42 8.1.4, Visual inspections Periodical visual inspections should be carried out by following a pre-established schedule, which should cover all points to be inspected, as per Attachment A. 8.2 8.2.1. 8.2.2. USE OF INFORMATION Occurrences that Require Immediate Shutting Down Since they put the equipment and the installations in imminent danger: * Abnormal intemal noise; * Significant oil leakage; * Excessive connector heating by taking in account the established thermo vision criteria: * Actuated gas relay; * Overheating of the oil or the windings, detected by means of the thermometers / thermal images. Occurrences Requiring a Preset Shutting Down Such occurrences do not offer imminent dangers. The shutting down operations should be carried out as soon as possible in case of the following system's operating conditions: * Oilleakage that offers no imminent risk of dangerous level dropping; * Heating on the connectors, observing the established thermo-vision criteria; + Unleveled base: + Anomalies verified in the oil essays, following the limits established in NBR 5356; * Irregular operation of the on load tap changer. In such case, block the operation of the tap changer. 43 eq * Cracked or broken safety valve diaphragm (Explosion pipe); * Defective protective and signaling accessories. 8.3. ESSAYS AND CHECKING - PERIODICITY 8.3.1. Half yearly At least the inspections and checking mentioned in Attachment A should be carried out, as long as the transformer does not need to be shut down. 83.2. Yearly An analysis of the insulating oil should be carried out, by colleting samples, carrying out the physical-chemical essays described in table 4.3.2. Note: It may be convenient to change the periodicity of this inspection, depending on the transformer construction type and its place of installation. It is also recommended to carry out, at least once a year, an analysis of dissolved gases in the insulating oil (Chromatography), as per NBR 7274. 8.3.3. Every 3 years The following essays and inspections should be carried out, as per Attachment ‘A, with the transformer shut down. a) Power factor of the transformer and power factor and capacitance of the bushings, if capacitive taps are available; b) The transformer's insulation with continuous current; c) Transforming relationship: d) Winding electrical resistance. Notes: 44 Wen a) After changing from one tap of the no load tap changer and/or when holding the tap changer under load. b) Considering the equipment performance, the periodicity for inspections and ‘essays can be changed ©) Treatment and painting should be carried out on all of the transformer's points | requiring them. ea 8.4, SPARE TRANSFORMERS = The procedures should be the same as for powered up transformers. 45 eq ATTACHMENT A — Periodic half-yearly (S) and 3-yearly (T) inspections This attachment provides for all procedures that should be carried out in the actions listed in A-1 to A-13. AA AA, Bushings: the following items should be checked: Leakages (S): Insulating oil level (S); Cracked or broken parts, including the oil sight glass (T): Fastening (T): Condition and alignment of the sparkers (T); Connectors, cables and bus bars (T); Porcelain cleanliness (7). Tank and radiators: the following items should be checked: Vibration on the tank and on the radiators fins (8): Leakages on the lid, radiators, tap changer, valves and draining plugs (S): Painting condition: Make note of any oxidized spots (S); Condition of the pressure gauges (for sealed type transformers) (S) Alll grounding connections (Tank, neutral, ete.) (T); Base plates (level, cracks, etc.) (S); Position of the radiator's valves (S) Expansion tank: the following items should be checked Leakage (S); Make sure that the Valve between the expansion tank and the transformer's tank is fully open (T); Fastening of the expansion tank (T) Insulating oil level (S). Thermometers for oil and/or windings: the following items should be checked: ‘Temperature gauges for proper working condition (S): 46 AB. eq Verified temperature values (make note) (S); The condition of the capillary pipes of the thermometers (T); Painting condition and oxidation (S); Calibration and verification (T); Oil level in the bag (T). Ventilation system: the following items should be checked: Fans for heating, vibration, noise, weatherproof sealing, fastening, painting and oxidation (S) Manual actuation (S); Supply circuits (S) Fins and protective grids (S). Gil circulating system: the following items should be checked: The force oil circulating pump for heating, noise, vibrations, leakage (S) Command, control and supply circuits (S): Flow rate indicator ( Pressostats (S) Air dryer: the following items should be checked: Preserved condition (S); Cleanliness and oil level in the cup (S); Condition of the sealing gaskets (S); Condition of the silica-gel (S) Note: The saturated silica gel (rose shade) can be recovered by heating it up in an oven at 80°C to 100°C, using an open container, until its color tums back into a cobalt blue shade. Silica gel contamined with oil should be disposed. Pressure relief device: the following items should be checked: Tubular type: check the membrane condition (T); Valve type: Check the micro rupturing device for proper operation (T). 47 Note: eq To check the valve for proper working condition, it must be disassembled and essayed on a suitable device. A-9. Gas relay: the following items should be checked: * Presence of gas in the sight glass (S) ‘+ Sight glass cleanliness (T); + Oil leakage (S) © Gaskets (S) © Wiring (T); ‘* Actuation (Alarm and shut down) (T). ‘A-10. Pressure surge relay: the following items should be checked: * Leakage (S): * Gaskets (8): ‘+ Plug type connectors (T); + Wiring (7) ‘A-11. Tap changer: the following items should be checked: ‘+ Under no voltage: Main shape and working condition (T); © Under load Oil level in the tap changer compartment (S); Condition of the motorized starter casing regarding cleanliness, humidity sealing gaskets, latches and handles, internal heating, etc. (S); Motor and power supply circuit (S); Wiring (S) Note: the inspections per operating time or per number of changeover operations should be carried out as established in the manufacturer's instruction manual ‘A-12. Terminal box for the control and protection wiring: the following items should be checked: * Cleanliness, condi n of the wiring and terminal blocks (S); ‘+ Sealing gaskets, latches and handles (S): 48 eq Heating resistor and internal lighting (S); Fastening, corrosion and air bleeding orifices (S); Contactors, fuses, relays and switches (T); Wiring insulation (T); Grounding of the CT secondary winding, fitting rule, identification of the wiring and components (1). Outside connections: the following items should be checked: Grounding (T); Outside power supply circuits (S). 49 eq ATTACHMENT B — WARRANTY TERMS. The WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S/A, Transmission and Distrioution Unit, warrants its products against detects in manufacturing or materials for a period of eighteen (18) months from the invoice date issued either by the factory or distributeridealer limited to twenty-four (24) months from the date of manufacture, whichever occurs first. The paragraphs written above cover the legal warranty periods and, they are not cumulative each other. If any different warranty period is negotiated in the technical- commercial proposal or in the purchase order, this specific warranty will be then considered. ‘The warranty periods aiven above are independent of both product installation date and startup date. If any defect or trouble is detected during regular product operation, the CUSTOMER must immediately notify WEG in writing about such event. Furthermore, the CUSTOMER should make the product available to WEG or to a WEG Authorized Service Center for the required period to allow identification of the defect cause, check the warranty coverage, and perform required repairs. Damages possibly occurred during transportation and detected in receving inspections must be noted in writing on the backside of the commercial invoice/packing lisvBL or formally reported to WEG within maximum 10 days after receipt of the equipment The warranty will only be valid if the customer has followed the requirements of WEG's technical documents, especially those set out in the product Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, as well as the applicable standards and regulations in force in each country. Defects arising from the incorrect or negligent use, incorrect operation and/or installation of the ‘equipment, non-execution of regular preventive maintenance, as well as defects resulting from external factors or equipment and components not supplied by WEG, will not be covered by this warranty. Damages caused to the transformers during the transportation from the official delivery location to a different location are not covered by this warranty, if transportation is not carried out by WEG. The warranty will not apply if the CUSTOMER, at its own discretion opens the transformer, performs repairs and/or modifications on the equipment without prior written consent from WEG. The warranty will not cover equipment, components. parts and materials whose lifetime is usually shorter than the warranty period. It will not cover defects andior problems resulting from force majeure or others causes not impulable to WEG, such as, but not limited to: incorrect or incomplete specification or data supplied by the CUSTOMER, transportation, storage, handling, installation, operation and maintenance ‘not complying with the provided instructions, accidents, defects in the construction works, use in application andlor environments for which the equipment was not designed and not previously informed to WEG, equipment and/or component not included in the scope of WEG supply. ‘The warranty does not include disassembly services at customer's premises, transportation costs and loading of the product as well as travels, meal expenses and accommodation for the technical staf of the Service Centers, when requested by the CUSTOMER. The services under warranty will be provided at WEG Authorized Service Centers or at one of its ‘manufacturing plants. Under no circumstances will the warranty services extend the warranty period of the ‘equipment, repairedireplaced parts or its devices. WEG's civil ability is ited to the supplied product; WEG will not be liable for indirect oF consequential damages, such as losses of profit and revenue losses and alke which may arise from the agreement signed between the parties Notes: “For the case in which the transformer is supplied with impact recorder, the impact recorder shall be removed and sent to the responsible person at WEG in a period of maximum (five) 5 days affer the transformer delivery, Only after receipt confirmation of the impact recorder data by WEG, the warranty period will enter into force. Alter carrying out the commissioning of the transformer at site, the electrical test results measured during such procedures shall be sent to WEG within maximum 15 days before the Startup date. Only after receiving these electrical test data and approval by WEG, the warranty period can come into force. WEG EQUIPAMENTO ELETRICOS S/A - TRANSFORMADORES, Rua Dr,Pedro Zimmermann, 6751 — Bairro Itoupava Central '89068-005 ~ Blumenau — SC Phone: (47) 3337-1000 ~ Fax: (47) 3337-1090 E-mail: (Comercial) / wtd-astec@wea net (Technical Assistance) 50 eq WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S/A — T&D Blumenau Rua Dr. Pedro Zimmermann, 6751 Bairro Itoupava Gentral '89068-001 - Blumenau Santa Catarina - Brasil Tel: +55 (47) 8397-1000 Fax: +55 (47) 3337-1090 Gravatai Rodovia RS20 - km 6.5 Rio Grande do Sul ~ Brasil Tel.: +55 (51) 3489-2500 Tel: +55 (51) 2131-2500 Fax: +55 (51) 3489-2501 ltajai Rua Rosa Orsi Dalgéquio, 100 - Cordeiros 88311-720 - Itajai Santa Catarina - Brasil Tel: +85 (47) 3276-7311 BANWEG (Sales building) ‘Av. Moema, 862-Indianépolis CEP: 04077-028 So Paulo - Sao Paulo Brasil Tel.: 55 (11) 5083-2300 Fax: 85 (11) 5052-4212 Email: 51

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