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Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207– 216

Produced water from polymer flooding process in crude oil

extraction: characterization and treatment by a novel
crossflow oil–water separator
Shubo Deng a,*, Renbi Bai a, J. Paul Chen a, Zhanpeng Jiang b, Gang Yu b,
Fusheng Zhou c, Zhongxi Chen c
Department of Chemical and En6ironmental Engineering, National Uni6ersity of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge,
119260 Singapore, Singapore
Department of En6ironmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua Uni6ersity, Beijing 100084, People’s Republic of China
Daqing Oilfield Limited Company, Daqing 163712, People’s Republic of China
Received 25 December 2001; received in revised form 30 April 2002; accepted 6 May 2002


Produced water from polymer flooding was much more difficult to be treated than that from water flooding in
many oilfields. The simulated experimental results showed that the small initial sizes of oil droplets were the main
reason that caused the difficulty in treating the produced water from the polymer flooding process. Polymer
hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) increased oil–water separation when its concentration was less than 790 mg l − 1.
The flocculating effect by the polymer was found to play a dominant role at low HPAM concentration, even though
it increased the wastewater viscosity and water film strength. Enhancing the coalescence of oil droplets and shortening
rising time of oil droplets were the critical factors affecting the treatment of produced water. A novel crossflow
oil–water separator with coalescence and separation sections was exploited. The coalescence section accelerated the
coalescence of the small oil droplets and the separation section shortened the rising time of oil droplets. The in situ
experiments showed that the separator successfully treated the produced water from the polymer flooding. When the
polymer concentration was below 410 mg l − 1, the quality of the treated water after the separator can meet the water
requirement for the subsequent filtration processes. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Polymerflooding; Produced water; Polymer; Crossflow oil– water separator; Oil droplets; Hydrolyzed polyacrylamide

1. Introduction

In crude oil extraction, water can be injected

* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 65-6874-8483; fax: + 65-
into the stratum to drive the crude oil out of the
6779-1936 ground, which is often termed as water flooding
E-mail address: (S. Deng). process or secondary oil extraction. The oil con-

1383-5866/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 8 3 - 5 8 6 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 8 2 - 5
208 S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216

tent would decrease after the secondary oil extrac- treated effluent can then be injected into the stra-
tion is operated for some time. In order to im- tum again for reuse [7–10]. Since about 6×107
prove the oil recovery, polymer flooding (injected ton of produced water from polymer flooding is
water containing polymer) and alkaline– surfac- generated in Daqing oilfield each year, its treat-
tant –polymer flooding (injected water containing ment plays an important role in oil production.
alkaline, surfactant and polymer) would subse- As most of the polymer remains in the pro-
quently be used, which is often called as tertiary duced water, the viscosity of the wastewater is
oil extraction. Industrial experiences show that rather high and the oil droplets in it are very
polymer flooding can enhance oil recovery by up small. The in situ experiments in Daqing Oilfield
to 12% and plays a key role in the oil exploitation showed that produced water from the polymer
[1,2]. This technology has been widely used in flooding was more difficult to be treated than that
from the water flooding. Conventional technolo-
Daqing oilfield in China in recent years [3– 5].
gies (e.g. gravity settling [11], flotation [12], de-
Recent statistics show that oil production by poly-
mulsification [13–15], membrane separation
mer flooding in China reached 8.8× 106 ton in
[16–22], and biotechnology [23]) have not been
2000, and Daqing oilfield has the largest polymer
able to meet the requirement for this produced
flooding project in the world [6]. water treatment in this oilfield. It is, therefore,
As illustrated in Fig. 1, a large quantity of a crucial to develop effective technologies to treat
polymer (hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, HPAM) is polymer flooding wastewater. To our knowledge,
dissolved in water to increase the solution viscos- no studies in this aspect have been reported for
ity before water is injected into the stratum the treatment of produced water from polymer
through water wells. The HPAM solution with flooding in the literatures.
some crude oil is then extracted from the oil wells. In this study, a series of experiments were con-
The produced liquid becomes produced water ducted to study the characteristics of produced
(oily wastewater) after dehydration process using water from polymer flooding. A novel crossflow
three-phase separators. The produced water needs oil –water separator was successfully used to treat
to be further treated for oil removal, and the the produced water.

Fig. 1. Process of tertiary oil extraction by polymer flooding and treatment of produced water.
S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216 209

Table 1
Quality of in situ produced water from polymer flooding in Daqing oilfield

Median diameter of oil droplets Concentration of oil Concentration of HPAM MW of HPAM Temperature
(mm) (mg l−1) (mg l−1) (×104) (°C)

3–5 B2000 312–630 200–500 42–45

2. Materials and methods 20 000 rpm with a PT3000 emulsifier (Kine-

matich Company, Switzerland) to obtain the
2.1. Materials 50% oil–water mixture. The median diameter
of the oil droplets was measured as 3.89 mm.
The crude oil obtained from the local oilfield in 2. A 99.6 ml stock solution with different concen-
Daqing has water content of less than 0.5%, den- tration of polymer was prepared in a 250 ml
sity and viscosity of 850 kg m − 3 (at 45 °C) and jar.
60.89 mPa s (at 45 °C), respectively. The polymer 3. 0.4 g of the 50% oil– water mixture was added
(HPAM) from S.N.F. Company (France) has an to the polymer solution. The sample was
average molecular weight (MW) of 2.72× 106, shaken to produce 2000 mg l − 1 of the simu-
and a degree of hydrolysis of about 25– 30%. A lated produced water.
commercial surfactant ORS-41 from Witco Com- 4. The produced water was transferred to a 100
pany (US) with a major component of alkyl ben- ml beaker, and allowed to settle for 4 h at
zene sulphonate was used. The other chemicals 45 °C in an oven. A 50 ml wastewater was
used in this study were reagent-grade. then withdrawn from the bottom of the beaker
using a syringe and its oil concentration was
2.2. Preparation of brine determined.

The brine was prepared on the basis of the

2.4. Viscosity measurement
quality of ground water in Daqing oilfield. The
salts concentrations in the brine were as follows:
CS-Rheometer RS100 (with double-gap sensor
[NaCl]=1523 mg l − 1, [NaHCO3]= 2820 mg l − 1,
DG40) from HAAKE Company (Germany) was
[Na2CO3]= 168.7 mg l − 1, [Na2SO4]= 10.5 mg
used to determine the viscosity of the produced
l − 1, [CaCl2]= 56.9 mg l − 1, [MgCl2 · 6H2O] =35.5
water. In the measurement, the temperature of
mg l − 1.
wastewater was 45 °C, and the used shear rate
was 10 s − 1.
2.3. Preparation of produced water

The quality of the produced water from poly- 2.5. Size determination of the oil droplets
mer flooding process in Daqing oilfield is shown
in Table 1. Based on these characteristics, with A laser particle size analyzer (CILAS Com-
particular attention to the diameter of oil pany, France) was used to determine the diameter
droplets, the method for preparing produced wa- of the oil droplets. The measurement procedure
ter from polymer flooding in the lab was as was as follows. Deionized water (500 ml) was
follows: added to a beaker, and heated up to 45 °C in a
1. Twenty gram of 1% surfactant ORS-41 and water bath. A proper volume of produced water
180 g of brine were added to a 500 ml jar. The containing oil droplets was then added to the
mixture was then heated to 45 °C. A 200 g beaker and stirred gently with a glass rod, and
crude oil at 45 °C was added consecutively. transferred to a cuvette. The median diameter of
The mixture was finally emulsified for 5 min at oil droplets was then measured.
210 S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216

2.6. Interfacial elasticity measurement Table 2

Effect of polymer concentration on coalescence of oil droplets
A CIR-100 rheometer (Camtel Enterprises, Number Concentration of Median diameter (mm)
UK) was used to determine the oil– water interfa- HPAM (mg l−1)
cial elasticity. This instrument provides interfacial
rigidity modulus G (interfacial elasticity) by mea- 0.5 h 2h
suring of amplitude of the motion of ring. The
1 0 3.97 4.29
resonance frequency is 2 Hz, and amplitude is 2 200 6.67 10.55
0.015 rad. The temperature was controlled to 3 600 10.27 13.54
45 °C, and oil/double distilled water without
added chemicals was used as the reference inter- Initial median diameter of oil droplets was 3.89 mm.
face in all measurements.
critical minimal value of 164 mg l − 1 (wastewater
viscosity of 1.298 mPa s) when the HPAM con-
3. Results and discussion centration was increase from 0 to 400 mg l − 1. The
oil concentration then increased from the minimal
value to 795 mg l − 1 when the HPAM concentra-
3.1. Characterization of produced water tion was increased from 400 to 1200 mg l − 1.
When the HPAM concentration was less than 790
3.1.1. Effect of HPAM concentration mg l − 1, the oil concentration was less than that in
MW of HPAM in polymer flooding wastewater the absence of the polymer.
was normally in a range of (2–5) ×106. In this When HPAM concentration was less than 790
study, the HPAM with a MW of 2.72× 106 was mg l − 1, effective oil–water separation occurred.
used to investigate the effect of HPAM on oil– This is attributed to the fact that the HPAM was
water separation. a macromolecular polymer, which has favorable
Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of HPAM concentra- effects on the oil–water separation. Although it
tion on the wastewater viscosity and oil– water increases the viscosity in wastewater, the HPAM
separation. As shown, the wastewater viscosity can flocculate the individual oil droplets and
increases with an increase in the HPAM concen- cause them to coalesce into bigger ones, making
tration. The profile of the oil concentrations in the their separation easier.
wastewater (after 4 h settling as stated in Section 3.1.2. Effect of HPAM concentration on the
2) exhibits a V-shape. The oil concentration de- coalescence of oil droplets
creased from an initial value of 430 mg l − 1 to a The effect of polymer on the coalescence of oil
droplets was studied. The produced water was
added to the jar and shaken on a to-and-fro
shaker KS10/TH10 (swing 17 mm, frequency 100
min − 1, temperature 45 °C). The diameter of oil
droplets at different time intervals was measured.
As can be seen from Table 2, the size of oil
droplets became larger as the time proceeded and
polymer concentration increased. In the absence
of HPAM, size increase was slight. Oil droplets
coalescence was, however, significant with the ad-
dition of HPAM. The median diameter of oil
droplets reached 13.54 mm after 2 h in the pres-
ence of 600 mg l − 1 HPAM. The coalescence of oil
Fig. 2. Effect of HPAM concentration on wastewater viscosity droplets is the main reason for the HPAM-aided
and oil concentration. enhancement on oil–water separation.
S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216 211

3.1.3. Interfacial elasticity Table 3

The residual oil concentrations depend on the Qualities of different produced water in Daqing oilfield
extent of coalescence of oil droplets in produced Produced water Viscosity (mPa s) Median diameter of oil
water. The more oil droplets coalesce, the less the droplets (mm)
residual oil contents. When two oil droplets ap-
proach each other, a thin aqueous film between Polymer 1.533 3.55
the surfaces of the droplets is formed. The water flooding
Water flooding 0.701 34.57
film must be broken before the two droplets coa-
lesce into one droplet. The strength of water film,
therefore, determines the degree of difficulty for
coalescence of oil droplets [27]. Interfacial elastic- retention time in settling tanks for produced water
ity has been used to quantify the film strength of from polymer flooding was 12 h, while the reten-
adsorbed emulsifier layers at the fluid interfaces tion time for water flooding was 4 h when the oil
[27 – 30]. In our study, the effect of the polymer on concentration was less than 100 mg l − 1. Table 3
the interfacial elasticity was investigated.
shows that the wastewater from polymer flooding
As shown in Fig. 3, the interfacial elasticity
was more viscous and the sizes of oil droplets
increased with increasing the polymer concentra-
were less than that in the water flooding.
tion, which indicates that the polymer increased
In the presence of the polymer, the initial me-
the difficulty of coalescence of oil droplets. As the
dian diameter of oil droplets in the produced
produced water contains the polymer, the thin
water from polymer flooding was very small (3.55
water film between oil droplets is more difficult to
mm), in contrast to 34.57 mm of the median di-
break during the coalescence of oil droplets.
ameter of oil droplets in produced water from
When some surfactants including Spans 20, 80,
water flooding. According to the Stoke’s Law, the
and 83 were used to stabilize emulsions, the inter-
facial elasticity increased with surfactant concen- rising velocity of oil droplets is proportional to
tration [28]. This explains why the produced water the square of the diameter of oil droplets and is
from polymer flooding is more difficult to treat, as inversely proportional to the wastewater viscosity.
compared with that from water flooding. Therefore, the small size of the oil droplets and
the high viscosity of the produced water are ex-
3.1.4. Mechanism of effect of HPAM on pected to cause the difficulty of oil–water separa-
oil– water separation tion for produced water from the polymer
Industrial experimental results showed that the flooding. During the coalescence of oil droplets,
the polymer increases the strength of water films
between oil droplets, and it is difficult for oil
droplets to break the water films and coalesce into
bigger ones. The polymer in produced water also
increases the viscosity of produced water, which
decreases the rising velocity of oil droplets. On the
other hand, polymer can flocculate oil droplets
and enhance the coalescence of oil droplets. At
lower concentration of polymer, flocculating ef-
fect is more significant than the viscosity’s effect,
and thus enhances oil–water separation (see Fig.
2). For this reason, the polymer should not be a
problem in treating produced water from polymer
flooding if the concentration is not too high.
At present, the gravity settling method is widely
Fig. 3. Effect of HPAM concentration on interfacial elasticity. used for treating produced water from water
212 S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216

flooding in Daqing oilfield. Due to the high incorporated with a coalescence section and a
wastewater viscosity and small sizes of oil separation section (as shown in Fig. 4). Produced
droplets, gravity settling is not working well for water first passes through the coalescence section
treating produced water from polymer flooding. where small oil droplets coalesce into bigger ones.
Therefore, it is essential to develop effective tech- The larger oil droplets subsequently flow with the
nologies to treat produced water from polymer water into the separation section where oil–wa-
flooding. According to above results, how to ac- ter–sludge is successfully separated. In order to
celerate the coalescence of oil droplets and achieve better separation of small oil droplets,
shorten the retention time appear to be important two series of coalescence and separation sections
in treating the produced water. Thus, the novel were installed in the equipment. The oil can rise
crossflow oil –water separator was exploited in while the sludge sinks to the bottom and the
our research for the treatment of produced water treated water flows out of the separator.
from polymer flooding.
3.2.2. Principle of coalescence section
3.2. No6el system for oil– water separation Coalescence technology has widely been used in
oil –water separation [24,25]. The materials of the
3.2.1. Principles of crossflow oil – water separator coalescence plates are usually made of hydropho-
Plate-coalescing devices had been used widely bic polypropylene, which ensured that the oil
for oil–water separation during the last 20 years droplets would adhere to the surface of the plates
[31]. Parallel-plate interceptor (PPI) was designed and coalesce. In this study, the coalescence plates
to improve the performance of existing horizon- in the equipment were constructed with a serial of
tal –rectangular API separator by installing a se- trapezoidal polypropylene plates which were
ries of parallel flat plates at 45° angle to the cross-placed each other (Fig. 5a). When a stream
direction of water flow. Some improvements have passes through the plates, the size and direction of
been devised for corrugated-plate interceptors channel change along the direction of liquid flow
(CPI) separator [11]. The operating principles of and the velocity of the stream was different. The
all the separators are to allow oil droplets rise to hydraulic diameters (R) were determined to range
a plate surface where coalesce will occur, forming from 0.0071 to 0.093 m, and the Reynolds num-
bigger oil droplets which are easier to separate. bers (Re) ranged from 24.3 to 318.8. These hy-
In our study, the common CPI separator was draulic conditions were found to enhance collision
improved. The crossflow oil– water separator was and coalescence of small oil droplets into big ones

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of crossflow oil – water separator.

S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216 213

Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of coalescence section in crossflow oil – water separator. (a) Three-dimensional structure (b) flow state
of wastewater in coalescence section.

without breaking the larger droplets in the pro- oil – water separation. The crossflow oil – water
cess. The flow pattern obtained was in sinusoidal separator, therefore, avoids the disadvantage in
shape and increased collision between oil droplets CPI and the separation performance could be
and coalescence plates. The schematic is shown in improved.
Fig. 5b.
3.2.4. Treating produced water from polymer
flooding by crossflow oil–water separator
3.2.3. Principle of separation section To investigate the actual treatment performance
The principle of the separation plates in the of produced water from polymer flooding with the
separation section is similar to that of parallel flat crossflow oil –water separator, pilot-scale experi-
plates in PPI, but the water current and the ments were conducted in Daqing oilfield. Fig. 7
structure of plates are different. The separation shows the overall experimental set-up used in the
plates consist of a series of hexahedrons plates.
The liquid stream flowed through large, medium
and small channels in series where the velocity of
the flow continuously changed. The hydraulic di-
ameters of large, medium and small channels were
1.485× 10 − 2, 9.56× 10 − 3, and 4.95×10 − 3 m,
respectively, and the corresponding Reynolds
numbers were 48.79, 94.23 and 146.37. Since the
Reynolds numbers were less than 500 and
changed continuously, the produced water had
laminar flow and the oil droplets were able to
collide and coalesce further. Along the flow direc-
tion, oil moved upward while the sludge glided
downward in the separation section and a good
quality of the treated water was obtained (Fig. 6).
This is contrasted to the flow pattern in conven-
tional PPI with mainly upward or downward [26],
which result in the flow of oil, water and sludge to Fig. 6. Schematic illustration of separation section in crossflow
be in the same direction that is unfavorable for oil– water separator.
214 S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of experimental set-up used for produce water treatment from polymer flooding.

study. The produced water flowed first through was reduced to 54– 93 mg l − 1 through the separa-
the separator and then two filters packed with tor (shown in Table 4). The final oil concentration
multi-layer media. The oil contents of wastewater after passing through the two filters was below 4.9
in the inlet and the outlet of the separator were mg l − 1 and the solids concentration was less than
determined. There were many factors, including 2.7 mg l − 1, which met the criterion of injection
oil droplet size, initial oil concentration, retention water for low permeate stratum in Daqing oilfield.
time, that affected the effectiveness of the From the above study, it can be concluded that
crossflow oil–water separator. Among those fac- the oil concentration of produced water from
tors, retention time was often most important as polymer flooding can be reduced to below 100 mg
the effectiveness of the separator increased with l − 1 by the crossflow oil –water separator, and the
the increase of retention time. In this study, the water quality is able to meet the need of down-
retention time of the separator was 30 min. stream filtration process. Thus the crossflow oil–
water separator can be used to replace the settling
In the pilot-scale experiments, the dimension of
tanks and flocculating tanks in the treatment sys-
the separator was ƒ 1.0× 1.5 m, and the treat-
tem for produced water from polymer flooding. In
ment capacity of the separator was 1.0 m3 h − 1.
fact, the separator has been widely used to treat
The polymer concentration of the in situ pro-
produced water from polymer flooding in Daqing
duced water was 406 mg l − 1 and its viscosity was
oilfield now.
0.83 mPa s. The experimental results are shown in
Fig. 8. It can be seen that when the oil content of
the produced water ranged from 897 to 2946 mg
l − 1, the oil concentration of treated water
through the separator was in the range of 68– 101
mg l − 1.
After the pilot tests, industrial scale tests were
conducted in Daqing oilfield. The size of the
separator was ƒ 4.0×12.5 m, and its treatment
capacity was 70 m3 h − 1. When the polymer con-
centration was 410 mg l − 1 and the viscosity was
0.93 mPa s, and initial oil concentration varied Fig. 8. Pilot-scale testing results of produced water treatment
from 580 to 2400 mg l − 1, the oil concentration by crossflow oil – water separator.
S. Deng et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 29 (2002) 207–216 215

Table 4
Industrial experimental results of produced water from polymer flooding

Oil concentration (mg l−1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Original produced water 1300 990 2400 580 1005 1730 1440
After crossflow oil–water separator 69 54 81 93 61 86 72
After second filter 3.5 2.9 4.9 3.7 3.9 4.4 4.7

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