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Tabes dorsalis child through the placenta, while the

baby is still in the womb.

Tabes Dorsalis also called Progressive
Locomotor Ataxia, rare neurologic form There are 3 stages in the progression of
of tertiary syphilis, is a slowly Syphilis; Primary, Secondary, and
progressive, degenerative disease that Tertiary. The sooner the treatment is
involves the posterior columns and started, better is the outcome. If
posterior roots of the spinal cord and treatment is delayed or is lacking; it
results in progressive loss of peripheral could develop into a serious medical
reflexes, impairment of vibration and issue with long-term neurological
position sense, and progressive ataxia. complications
It is also called spinal syphilis / syphilitic
myelopathy/ / Duchenne's Disease / Primary stage: After the initial infection
Locomotor Ataxia / Myelosyphilis (direct sexual contact with affected
individual), the bacterium spreads all
over the body using the blood vessels
and lymphatic system, and multiply
rapidly. Within 36 h these replicate and
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted
result in a painless ulceration called a
disease caused by a contagious
chancre. If untreated, the chancre will
bacterial infection named Treponema
heal within 3 to 6 weeks, after which
pallidum. During initial infection, the
most patients progress to the secondary
bacteria spread through the blood
stream into remote sites like the brain
and spinal cord, but remain silent in
Secondary stage: The bacterium
these areas. If proper treatment is not
invades tissues, cerebrospinal fluid,
instituted, neurological disorders arise
skin, and mucus membranes. It causes
about a decade later and is called
inflammatory rashes on the body
neurosyphilis. Damage to the spinal
(secondary lesions). This continues till a
cord substance due to syphilis is called
stage of dormancy is reached; after
tabes dorsalis.
which multiple relapse or remissions
take place. Approximately one third of
Course of the disease patients with untreated latent syphilis
develop tertiary manifestations of the
Syphilis is a very common infectious disease after a variable period ranging
disease caused by the bacterium from months to years.
Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is Tertiary stage: Tertiary Syphilis is
generally transmitted through sexual classified into three key types,
contact. A pregnant woman affected by principally based on the infestation
Syphilis can transmit the infection to her location. These are: Neurosyphilis,
Cardiovascular Syphilis, and  bone joint degeneration
Gummatous Syphilis. Neurosyphilis  Loss of positional sense (termed
occurs when the infection affects the as proprioception) - positive
central nervous system. It is grouped Romberg,s sign.
into six principal types; – Tabes Dorsalis  Abnormal increase in touch, feel
is one among them. sensitivity "stabbing" or
Pathology  traumatic ulcers or sores on the
lower extremities and feet
In tabes dorsalis, the preganglionic  Lack of proper muscle movement
portion of the dorsal roots is infiltrated coordination (ataxia)
with lymphocytes and plasma cells, and  Blindness, disorder of the eye
the posterior columns of the spinal cord pupils - pupils are
become atrophic. Inflammation occurs in characteristically small and non-
the dorsal columns of the spinal cord. reactive to light and called
These columns are in the portion of the "Argyll-Robertson" pupils
spinal cord closest to the back and have  sensory deficits cause loss of
nerve fibers that carry sensory bladder and sometimes bowel
information like deep pain and position control
sense (proprioception) The progressive  sexual function impairment
degeneration of the spinal sensory  Mental health disorders: Loss of
nerve roots along the dorsal column of memory, dementia
the spinal cord essentially causes a  Vomiting and nausea, intense
functional deafferentation. Such abdominal pain
deafferentation typically causes hyper
excitability in the ascending pain Diagnosis
pathways and is irreversible.
Diagnosis of Syphilis may be made at
Signs and symptoms : any stage of the disease. A few
diagnostic tests performed for Syphilis
include the following:
 Intense back and leg pain
 Physical exam with evaluation of
(stabbing pain that comes in
medical history
flashes and disappears)
 Exam of cerebrospinal fluid, via a
 Problems with gait, walking,
lumbar puncture
unsteady gait called "sensory
 CT scan of cranium
ataxia". stooped forward with a
 Cerebral angiogram
wide based "high-stepping" gait
 MRI scan of brain, spinal cord
and eyes glued to the ground in
 Blood test, for detecting
order to prevent falling
antibodies against Syphilis Two
 loss of tendon reflexes
serological tests are available Physiotherapy
(Rapid Plasma Reagin and
Venereal Disease Research Goals for Physiotherapy:
Laboratory) that can detect
established infection with high 1. Educate about sensory loss and
accuracy. educate on precautions to be taken
2. Strengthening of muscles
Treatment 3. Improve balance
4. Improve mobility
Treatment is aimed at curing the 5. Improve coordination
infection and hopefully halting the
progression of neurologic damage. Physiotherapy Management:
Treatment is unfortunately limited in
reversing the damage already done and 1. Strengthening of muscles.
the degree of recovery depends on the 2. Use of assistive aids to improve
extent of damage when therapy is mobility
started. 3. Balance retraining
Since 1945, syphilis has been effectively 4. Frenkel’s Exercise.
treated with penicillin, and the bacterium
has not developed any resistance over
the past 70 years. High doses are
necessary to reach the CNS, including
large doses of intravenous penicillin G
daily over 10–14 days.

Recovery and rehabilitation

Assistance or supervision may be

needed for self-care activities like
eating, showering, dressing etc. Patients
may require assistive devices like a
cane, walker or a wheelchair to
overcome gait difficulty. Diapers or
urinary catheters are used for urinary
incontinence. Surgery can help replace
joints destroyed by arthritis. Patients
need a good bowel regimen to avoid

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