What If A Seasoned Employee Was Shown The Door Because Its Position Has Become Redundant

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What if a seasoned employee was shown the door because its position has become

redundant? Suppose an applicant was rejected owing to the lack of tenure at previous
companies. Both hypothetical situations instil fear in job seekers who are bewildered by
the whimsical job market. The vexed question that comprises all of these insecurities is:
how long is too long to stay at a job?

Climbing the corporate ladder is so appealing that galvanizes employees into working
for quite an extensive time in the same organization. As the workforce occupies more
influential positions, not only are they thrown at daunting situations which are likely to
nourish them as experts but also they are to be driven to crack these puzzling
challenges. Consequently, the win-win circumstances will skyrocket productivity thanks
to the motivation and knowledge of the labour force.

On the other hand, labour mobility ensures versatility in terms of thought and practical
skills due to the fact that job-hoppers are provided with the golden opportunity of
working at varied areas. Harnessing adaptability might turn them into assets since they
might succeed in coming up with out of the box ideas and thinking on their feet in
nerve-racking scenarios.

If a solution should derive to clear the job-seekers’ heads, a balance is to be struck in

order to succeed in this modern professional world. The combination between partaking
in diverse traineeships and settling in a particular establishment, in all likelihood, will
grant flexibility and experience, respectively. Anyhow, employees must always be
determined to walk through the wide opened door of opportunity which will enrich the
working life unprecedentedly.
In the ages of feuds and realms, traitors were brutally executed in the eyes of the people
as if it were a joyous show in order to instil trepidation and prevent further crimes.
When democracy arrived on the world scene, impeachment was created so as to put an
end to the maelstrom of violence and rise as the diplomatic alternative. However, the
limited number of world leaders that have faced the trials bears witness to the thorough
and exhausting judicial process, whose reputation seems to blacken due to its
bewildering complexity.

Why would voters allow a national traitor rule their country scot-free? Impeachment is
the process by which the division of powers lingers since it holds the capacity of
terminating the excesses of world leaders and detaining them from overpowering the
legislative and judicial branches. A relentless and all-mighty executive power is likely
to precipitate into a dreadful political crisis unless the chief culprits go through the legal

All politicians should be questioned on condition that compelling evidence comes to

light with the intention of avoiding frivolous cases. Nevertheless, they do have
immunity in case they are subjected to political persecution, which might be removed
by a superior court or the parliament if it is hinted that statesman is abusing such

Despite the gruelling revoke of a national election, impeachment is a regulatory tool

which maintains the Republic healthy as it gives a sense of equity among the three
ruling powers. Since its creation, it has waged a long-running battle against notoriously
corrupt representatives who constantly denied the serious allegations. Consequently, it
is high time politicians learnt the lesson and realized politics are meant to help the
people who have rooted for them all their way to the presidency.

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