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CHP131 – Protection in Power Plants –


Course goal
The participants acquire in-depth application knowledge for power plants that enable them to design
protection application solutions in practice.

Main learning objectives Topics

The participants will be able to: — Introduction
— Learn the development steps and design a Positioning of power devices in the power
protection concept system, faults and disturbances, generator
— Understand and assess customer specifica- and transformer parameters, protection
tions and provider quotations functions overview etc.
— Study protection principles and evaluate the — Generator protection application and func-
appropriate protection concepts tions
— Design protection schemes for generators Protection for stator fault, rotor fault, abnor-
and unit transformers and select important mal operating and system backup like: dif-
protection functions ferential, stator earth-fault, interturn, rotor
— Coordinate different protections and estab- earth-fault, 100% stator earth-fault, re-
lish selective and graded schemes stricted earth-fault, thermal overload, over-
— Calculate the settings of protection func- voltage, overcurrent, negative sequence,
tions overflux, loss of excitation, breaker failure,
— Specify and verify instrument transformers pole slip etc.
— Introduce different application cases — Station transformer application and func-
Participant profile Differential, restricted earth fault, thermal
Consultants and employees from the electricity overload etc.
supply industry. Technical personnel from ABB. — Auxiliary protection application and func-
Prerequisites Overcurrent, directional overcurrent, earth
Engineering degree, technical college qualifica- fault etc. Communication and Supervision
tions or equivalent. Basic knowledge of protec- — Particular application cases
tion as well as PC based data processing. Small, large and parallel generator, splitted
Recommended course or equivalent experience: phases, unit-, excitation- and auxiliary trans-
former etc.
Copyright© 2019 ABB All rights reserved

— CHP102 Protection for Electrical Power Sys-

tems — Calculation examples of protection settings
— Current transformer requirement calculation

ABB Switzerland Ltd
Learning Center Grid Automation 2018-12-01
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden
+41 58 585 65 53 ABB MyLearning
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Course type To Register:
This is a face to face class room training with LMS:-MyLearning
maximum 16 participants. Sign In: Click SIGN IN to Sign-up or
Log-in with your myABB account.
Learning methods and tools Search: please enter course number or
Lectures, demonstrations, design, application title into the search field. (Please
and calculation exercises. check the language filter)
Laptop or tablet is required to have access to Unable to Sign In? Find a solution here
the e-documentation. Please bring your own de- The latest version of the course portfolio, and
vice course schedule can be found on our
Learning Center Webpage
5 days (till Friday noon)

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