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8th Grade United States History Course Outline

Teachers: Alyssa Turner, Nate Williams

Textbook: United States History
Necessary Materials: Pencils and pens, colored pencils, spiral notebook, folder, agenda

1st Quarter
Topics 2-4
2: England’s American Colonies (1607-1754)
3: The American Revolution (1754-1783)
4: Establishing a New Nation (1781-1789)

2nd Quarter
Topics 5-6
5: The Early Republic (1789-1855)
6: Reshaping America in the Early 1800s (1800-1860)

3rd Quarter
Topics 7-8
7: Sectional Division and the Civil War (1846-1865)
8: Reconstruction (1865-1877)

4th Quarter
Topics 9-10
9: Industry and Immigration (1865-1914)
10: Challenges in the Late 1800s (1865-1900)

1. To gather a knowledge and understanding of United States history.
2. Gain a background in the development of the United States.
3. Learn about the important people who helped develop the United States.
4. Analyze text to gather a further understanding of the development of the United States.
5. Gather an understanding of lifestyles and culture inside the United States.
6. Learn why the United States spread into the West and how it has impacted North
America and the entire world.
7. Compare and contrast the United States to other countries.
Students are expected to do all assigned homework. All assignments will be submitted
for full credit on the due date specified by the instructor. Late assignments are subject to
the following district late assignment policy. If students are absent, they have as many
days as they were absent to make up their work before it is counted as late.
NOTE: Percent is taken off grade earned on assignment.
10% 1st day late
20% 2nd day late
30% 3rd day late
40% 4th day late
50% 5th day late
No credit after day 5

Quarter Grades
8th Grade
55% Assessments
25% Homework
20% Classwork

8th Grade Honors

60% Assessments
20% Homework
20% Classwork

Final Grades
8th Grade
42.5% 1st/3rd Quarter
42.5% 2nd/4th Quarter
15% Midterm/Final Exam

8th Grade Honors

40% 1st/3rd Quarter
40% 2nd/4th Quarter
20% Midterm/Final Exam

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