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ME 130 Applied Engineering Analysis

Chapter 6

Review of Fourier Series and Its Applications

in Mechanical Engineering Analysis
Tai-Ran Hsu, Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
San Jose State University
San Jose, California, USA
Chapter Outline

● Introduction

● Mathematical Expressions of Fourier Series

● Application in engineering analysis

● Convergence of Fourier Series


Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier


A French mathematician

Major contributions to engineering analysis:

● Mathematical theory of heat conduction

(Fourier law of heat conduction in Chapter 3)

● Fourier series representing periodical functions

● Fourier transform
Similar to Laplace transform, but for transforming
variables in the range of (-∞ and +∞)
- a powerful tool in solving differential equations
Periodic Physical Phenomena:

Motions of ponies

Forces on the needle

Machines with Periodic Physical Phenomena

A stamping
machine involving
cyclic punching
of sheet metals
Sheet metal

Mass, M

In a 4-stroke internal
combustion engine:
Cyclic gas pressures
on cylinders,
and forces on connecting
rod and crank shaft
Mathematical expressions for periodical signals from an oscilloscope
by Fourier series:
The periodic variation of gas pressure in a 4-stoke
internal combustion engine:

1 - Intake
Pressure, P

The P-V Diagram

3 4 2 - Compression
P = gas pressure
in cylinders 3 - Combustion
1 5 4 - Expansion
5 - Exhaust
Volume, V or Stoke, L
But the stroke l varies with time of the rotating crank shaft, so the
time-varying gas pressure is illustrated as:
Period T Period T
Pressure, P(t)

So, P(t) is a periodic function

with period T
1 2 3 4 5
Time, t
One revolution Next revolution
FOURIER SERIES – The mathematical
representation of periodic physical phenomena

● Mathematical expression for periodic functions:

● If f(x) is a periodic function with variable x in ONE period 2L
● Then f(x) = f(x±2L) = f(x±4L) = f(x± 6L) = f(x±8L)=……….=f(x±2nL)
where n = any integer number
Period: ( -π, π) or (0, 2π)

-3π -2π -π 0 π 2π 3π

(a) Periodic function with period (-π, π)

Period = 2L: f(t)

t-4L -2L -L t-2L 0 t 2L 3L
-3L L

(b) Periodic function with period (-L, L)

Mathematical Expressions of Fourier Series

● Required conditions for Fourier series:

● The mathematical expression of the periodic function f(x) in one period

must be available
● The function in one period is defined in an interval (c < x < c+2L)
in which c = 0 or any arbitrarily chosen value of x, and L = half period
● The function f(x) and its first order derivative f’(x) are either continuous
or piece-wise continuous in c < x < c+2L

● The mathematical expression of Fourier series for periodic function f(x) is:
a0 ∞ ⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ a n Cos + bn Sin ⎟ = f ( x ± 2 L ) = f ( x ± 4 L ) = ....... (6.1)
2 n =1 ⎝ L L ⎠
where ao, an and bn are Fourier coefficients, to be determined by the following integrals:
1 c+2 L nπx
an =
L ∫ c
f ( x) Cos
dx n = 0,1, 2, 3,.................. (6.2a)

1 c+2 L nπx
bn =
L ∫c
f ( x ) Sin
dx n = 1, 2, 3,.................. (6.2b)
Example 6.1

Derive a Fourier series for a periodic function with period (-π, π):

We realize that the period of this function 2L = π – (-π) = 2π

The half period is L = π
If we choose c = -π, we will have c+2L = -π + 2π = π

Thus, by using Equations (6.1) and (6.2), we will have:

a0 ∞ ⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ an Cos + bn Sin ⎟
2 n =1 ⎝ L =π L =π ⎠
and 1 c + 2 L = − π + 2π nπx
an =
L =π ∫ c = −π
f ( x) Cos
L =π
1 c + 2 L = − π + 2π nπx
bn =
L =π ∫c = −π
f ( x) Sin
L =π

Hence, the Fourier series is:

a0 ∞
f ( x) = + ∑ (a n Cos (nx ) + bn Sin ( nx ) )
2 n =1 (6.3)
with 1 π
an =
π ∫π

f ( x) Cos (nx ) dx n = 0,1, 2, 3,.................. (6.4a)

1 π
bn =
π ∫π

f ( x) Sin ( nx) dx n = 1, 2, 3,.................. (6.4b)

We notice the period (-π, π) might not be practical, but it appears to be common in many applied math
textbooks. Here, we treat it as a special case of Fourier series.
Example 6.2

Derive a Fourier series for a periodic function f(x) with a period (-ℓ, ℓ)
Let us choose c = -ℓ, and the period 2L = ℓ - (-ℓ) = 2ℓ, and the half period L = ℓ
a0 ∞ ⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ an Cos + bn Sin ⎟
2 n =1 ⎝ L=l L =l⎠
1 c + 2 L =−l+ 2l nπx
an =
L=l ∫c=−l
f ( x) Cos

1 c+2 L=−l+2l nπx

bn =
L=l ∫c=−l
f ( x ) Sin

Hence the Fourier series of the periodic function f(x) becomes:

a0 ∞
⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ a n Cos + bn Sin ⎟ (6.5)
2 n =1 ⎝ l l ⎠
1 l nπx
an =
l ∫ −l
f ( x ) Cos
dx n = 0,1, 2, 3,.................. (6.6a)

1 l nπx
bn =
l ∫−l
f ( x ) Sin
dx n = 1, 2, 3,.................. (6.6b)
Example 6.3

Derive a Fourier series for a periodic function f(x) with a period (0, 2L).
As in the previous examples, we choose c = 0, and half period to be L. We will have
the Fourier series in the following form:
a0 ∞ ⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ an Cos + bn Sin ⎟
2 n =1 ⎝ L=L L= L⎠
1 c + 2 L = −0 + 2 L nπx
an =
L=l ∫c =0
f ( x) Cos

1 c + 2 L =0+ 2 L nπx
bn =
L=L ∫ c =0
f ( x ) Sin

The corresponding Fourier series thus has the following form:

a0 ∞
⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ a n Cos + bn Sin ⎟
2 n =1 ⎝ L L ⎠
1 2L
a0 =
L ∫
f ( x ) dx (6.8a)
1 2L nπx
an =
L ∫0
f ( x) Cos
dx n = 1, 2, 3,.................. (6.8b)
1 2L nπx
bn =
L ∫
f ( x) Sin
dx n = 1, 2, 3,.................. (6.8c)
Periodic functions with periods (0, 2L) are more realistic. Equations (6.7) and (6.8) are
Thus more practical in engineering analysis.
The class is encouraged to study Examples 6.4 and 6.5

Example (Problem 6.4 and Problem (3) of Final exam S09)

Derive a function describing the position of the sliding block M in one period in a slide
mechanism as illustrated below. If the crank rotates at a constant velocity of 5 rpm.

(a) Illustrate the periodic function in three periods, and

(b) Derive the appropriate Fourier series describing the position of
the sliding block x(t) in which t is the time in minutes

Rotational velocity
ω = 5 RPM
Sliding Block, M


Crank Dead End Dead End

Radius A B
R (X = 0) (X = 2R)
(a) Illustrate the periodic function in three periods:
Determine the angular displacement of the crank:
We realize the relationship: rpm N = ω/(2π), and θ = ωt, where ω = angular velocity
and θ = angular displacement relating to the position of
the sliding block
For N = 5 rpm, we have: θ = t = 5t Based on one revolution (θ=2π) corresponds
2π 1 to 1/5 min. We thus have θ = 10πt

ω R

x One revolution

Dead-end A: Dead-end B:
x=0 x = 2R
t=0 t = 1/5 min
Position of the sliding block along the x-direction can be determined by:
x = R – RCosθ

or x(t) = R – RCos(10πt) = R[1 – Cos(10πt)] 0 < t < 1/5 min

We have now derived the periodic function describing the instantaneous position of the
sliding block as:
x(t) = R[1 – Cos(10πt)] 0 < t < 1/5 min (a)

ω R

x One revolution

Dead-end A: Dead-end B:
x=0 x = 2R
t=0 t = 1/5 min

Graphical representation of function in Equation (a) can be produced as:

2R x(t) = R[1 – Cos(10πt)]

0 Time, t (min)
Θ= π/2 π 3π/2 2π

Time t = 0 1/10 1/5 min

One revolution 2nd period 3rd period
(one period)
(b) Formulation of Fourier Series:
We have the periodic function: x(t) = R[1 – Cos(10πt)] with a period: 0 < t < 1/5 min
If we choose c = 0 and period 2L = 1/5, we will have the Fourier series expressed in
the following form by using Equations (6.7) and (6.8):

ao ∞ ⎡ nπt nπt ⎤
x(t ) = + ∑ ⎢an Cos + bn Sin
2 n =1 ⎣ L = 1 / 10 L = 1 / 10 ⎥⎦
ao ∞
= + ∑ [an Cos10nπt + bn Sin10nπt ] (b)
2 n =1
1 15 R ⎡ Sin 2(1 − n )π Sin 2(1 + n )π ⎤
an =
1 ∫0
x (t ) Cos10 n πt dt = − ⎢ + ⎥⎦
2π ⎣ 1− n 1+ n
We may obtain coefficient ao from Equation (c) to be ao = 0:
The other coefficient bn can be obtained by:

bn = 10∫ x(t ) Sin10nπt dt = 10 ∫ R(1 − Cos10πt )Sin10nπt dt
0 0

[Cos 2(n − 1)π − 1] + R [Cos 2(n + 1)π − 1] (d)
2(n − 1)π 2(n + 1)π
Convergence of Fourier Series

We have learned the mathematical representation of periodic functions by Fourier series

In Equation (6.1):

a0 ∞ ⎛ nπx nπx ⎞
f ( x) = + ∑ ⎜ a n Cos + bn Sin ⎟ = f ( x ± 2 L ) = f ( x ± 4 L ) = ....... (6.1)
2 n =1 ⎝ L L ⎠
This form requires the summation of “INFINITE” number of terms, which is UNREALISTIC.

The question is “HOW MANY” terms one needs to include in the summation in order to
reach an accurate representation of the periodic function?

The following example will give some idea on the relationship of the “number of terms in the
Fourier series” and the “accurate representation of the periodic function”:

Example 6.6

Derive the Fourier series for the following periodic function:

f (t ) = 0 −π ≤ t ≤ 0
S int 0 ≤ t ≤π
This function can be graphically represented as:

f (t ) = 0 −π ≤ t ≤ 0
S int 0 ≤ t ≤π

-3π -2π -π 0 π 2π 3π
We identified the period to be: 2L = π- (-π) = 2π, and from Equation (6.3), we have:

f ( x) = + ∑ (a n Cos (nx ) + bn Sin (nx ) ) (a)
2 n =1
1 π 1 1 π 1 + Cos nπ
π ∫−π π ∫−π π ∫0
an = = + = for n ≠ 1
f (t ) Cos ( nt ) dt ( 0 ) Cos nt dt Sin t Cos nt dt
(1 − n 2 )π
1 π 1 0 1 π
bn = ∫
π −π
f (t ) Sin ( nt ) dt =
π −π∫ ( 0 ) Sin nt dt
0 ∫ Sin t Sin nt dt n = 1, 2, 3,.....
or 1 ⎧ 1 ⎡ Sin (1 − n) t Sin(1 + n) t ⎤ ⎫
bn = ⎨ ⎢ − ⎬ = 0 for n ≠1
π ⎩2 ⎣ 1− n 1 + n ⎥⎦ ⎭ 0
For the case n =1, the two coefficients become:
1 π 1

1 π Sin 2 t and b1 = Sin t Sin t dt =
a1 = ∫ Sin t Cos t dt = =0
π 0 2π o π 0 2
f (t ) = 0 −π ≤ t ≤ 0
S int 0 ≤ t ≤π

-3π -2π -π 0 π 2π 3π
The Fourier series for the periodic function with the coefficients become:
Sin t ∞
+ ∑ (a n Cos nt + bn Sin nt )
f (t ) = + (b)
π 2 n=2
The Fourier series in Equation (b) can be expanded into the following infinite series:
1 Sin t 2 ⎛ Cos 2t Cos 4t Cos 6t Cos 8t ⎞ (c)
f (t ) = + − ⎜ + + + + ................ ⎟
π 2 π⎝ 3 15 35 63 ⎠
Let us now examine what the function would look like by including different number of
terms in expression (c): f(t)
Case 1: Include only one term:
f ( x ) = f1 =
1 1
f1 =
π π
Graphically it will look like t
-π 0 π
Observation: Not even closely resemble
- The Fourier series with one term does not converge to the function!
f (t ) = 0 −π ≤ t ≤ 0
S int 0 ≤ t ≤π

-3π -2π -π 0 π 2π 3π
Case 2: Include 2 terms in Expression (b): f 2 (t ) =
Sin t
π 2
f (t ) = f 2 (t ) = +
1 Sin t
π 2
Observation: A Fourier series with 2 terms -π π
has shown improvement in representing the function
Case 3: Include 3 terms in Expression (b):
1 Sin t 2 Cos 2t
f 3 (t ) = + −
π 2 3π
f (t ) = f 3 (t ) = +
1 Sin t 2 Cos 2t

π 2 3π t
Observation: A Fourier series with 3 terms -π 0 π
represent the function much better than the two previous cases with 1 and 2 terms.

Conclusion: Fourier series converges better to the periodic function with more terms
included in the series.
Practical consideration: It is not realistic to include infinite number of terms in the
Fourier series for complete convergence. Normally an approach with 20 terms would
be sufficiently accurate in representing most periodic functions
Convergence of Fourier Series at Discontinuities of Periodic Functions

Fourier series in Equations (6.1) to (6.3) converges to periodic functions everywhere

except at discontinuities of piece-wise continuous function such as:
= f1(x) 0 < x < x1
f(x) = < = f2(x) f1(x)
x1 < x <x2 (2)
= f3(x) x2 < x < x4 f2(x)
x4 x
The periodic function f(x) has 0 x1 x2 x3
discontinuities at: xo, x1 , x2 and x4
The Fourier series for this piece-wise Period, 2L

continuous periodic function will

NEVER converge at these discontinuous points even with ∞ number of terms

● The Fourier series in Equations (6.1), (6.2) and (6.3) will converge every where to the
function except these discontinuities, at which the series will converge HALF-WAY of
the function values at these discontinuities.
Convergence of Fourier Series at Discontinuities of Periodic Functions


x4 x
0 x1 x2 x3

Period, 2L

Convergence of Fourier series at HALF-WAY points:

f ( 0) = f 1 ( 0) at Point (1)

f ( x1 ) =
[ f1 ( x1 ) + f 2 ( x1 )] at Point (2)
f ( x2 ) =
[ f 2 ( x 2 ) + f 3 ( x 2 )] at Point (3)
f ( x 4 ) = f 3 ( x 4 ) = f 1 ( 0) same value as Point (1)

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