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ACCPE Classe de Terminale Septembre 2018

The 10 first minutes of Season 1.

Voici un tableau qui consigne des extraits du script des 10 première minutes de Prison Break.

Visionnez l’extrait et donnez un numéro à l’extrait en fonction de son ordre d’apparence.

Lisez le script et trouvez les équivalents des mots ou des expressions demandés.

Consignez vos réponses dans le tableau.

Ordre Script Trouvez dans le script

l’équivalent de :
N° Name and bank number Les 10 commandements, tu
Scofield Mickael. 949417
You’re a religious man Scofield ?
I’ve never really thought about it Tu n’as rien à espérer
Good cause the 10 commandments don’t
mean a box of piss in here. We got 2 only.
Tu essaies de faire ton
The first commandment is you got nothing intéressant ?
What’s the second commandment ?
Tu fais le malin ?
See commandment number one.
You talking out the side of your neck ?
Come again ?
I said are you being a smartass ?
Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar boss, do
my time and get out
There isn’t any flying under my radar
Good to know
ACCPE Classe de Terminale Septembre 2018

N° I’m looking for someone, a guy named Lincoln Travail pénitentiaire

Tu feras pas de TP
Link the sink ?
That what they’re calling him now ? Un bleu / Un nouveau
Where can I find him ?
Man killed the vice president’s brother. In a
month he’s getting the chair. Which means no
one’s here is more dangerous than him cause
he’s got nothing to loose now. What are they
gonna do ? kill him twice ? Any way I can get
to him ? The only time those boys get out is
for chapel and P.I.
P.I. ? What’s that ?
Prison industry. The guys that get along get to
work – painting, scrubbing, making mattresses
you name it. I wouldn’t get excited if I were
you, fish. You ain’t sniffin’ none of P.I.
Why’s that ?
Because John Abruzzi runs it.
‘John Abruzzi’ John Abruzzi ?
‘John Abruzzi’ John Abruzzi
Why do you want to see Burrows so bad
anyhow ?
Because he’s my brother !

N° That’s it !
J’ai fini
Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute ?
You’re an artist, Sid
You’re telling me you just gonna walk out of Il y a des chances oui…
here and I’m never gonna see it again
There’s a good chance of that, yes Si seulement / J’aimerais bien
Most guys you know for the first one they start
with something small. Mom, girlfriend’s initials,
something like that. Not you. You get a full set
of sleeves all in a couple of months. It takes
guys a few years to take the ink you got.
ACCPE Classe de Terminale Septembre 2018

I don’t have a few years. Wish to hell I did.

N° All lanes start coming out ! All lanes start Les haltères
coming out !
Les gradins
Trey Street Deuces got the hoops
Nortenos got the bleachers, Woods got the Les paniers
weight pile. The CO’s go the rest. I’m telling
Les matons
you the guards have the dirtiest gang in this
whole place the only difference between us
and them is the badge ( …)

N° Given your lack of prior criminal conduct, I am Vous êtes condamné à 5 ans
inclined toward probation. However the fact
that you discharged a deadly weapon while
committing the crime suggests malice to me.
For that reason, I find it incumbent that you see
the inside of a prison cell Mister Scofield. It says
here you’ve requested to be incarcerated near
your home here in Chicago, I’m willing to
honour that. The closest level 1 facility
Level 1 ? That’s maximum security Your Honor
I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting
me. As I was saying the closest level 1 facility
would be Fox River State Penitentiary. As for
the terms of your sentence, I’m setting it at five
years. You’ll be elligible for parole in half that
time. Sentence to be carried out immediately.

Choisissez une scénette que vous allez jouer.

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