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Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and The Lark by Bernadette Brady
(Samuel Weiser Inc, 1992, 1998).

© Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg 1994, 2012

These notes form part of the Astro Logos teaching syllabus. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission
of the copyright holder.
The Houses in Predictive Work ................................................... 4 
Grading and Sorting Transits ...................................................... 8 
Transit Graphs or Graphic Ephemeris ......................................... 9 
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto........................................... 30 
The Axes of the Angles and the Axes of the Nodes .................. 31 
Putting It Together ..................................................................... 33 
Cycles and Transiting Cycles .................................................... 35 
Understanding Outer Planets via Cycles ................................... 38 
Synodic Cycles .......................................................................... 40 
‘The Mid-Life Crisis’ or ‘The Mid-Life Blooming’ ........................ 42 
Secondary Progressions: .......................................................... 51 
Introduction and the Progressed Sun ........................................ 51 
Secondary Progressed Moon and the Progressed Lunar Phase ..... 60 
Secondary Progressions – ........................................................ 70 
Time Maps ................................................................................. 83 
Putting It All Together ................................................................ 83 
Returns ...................................................................................... 89 
Planetary Firdaria .................................................................... 112 
Eclipses ................................................................................... 121 
Predictive Packages ................................................................ 125 
APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 143 
APPENDIX 1 Creating a 900 5 Year Transit Graph using Solar Fire. ..... 144 
APPENDIX 2 Producing a Lunar Phase Printout in Solar Fire.147 
APPENDIX 3 Creating a Time Map in Solar Fire .................... 149 

Introduction to Transits
Predictive Astrology Workshop
PARTS 1-5 on DISC 1.

General Introduction
These notes form part of the Astro Logos teaching syllabus which
accompanies the Astro Logos Predictive Astrology lectures. These are classic
lectures delivered by Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg to their
students in face-to-face sessions between 1990-2002 in Adelaide, South
Australia. Both lecturers make frequent references to Predictive Astrology:
The Eagle and The Lark by Bernadette Brady (Samuel Weiser Inc, 1992,
1998). Although not essential, this book is a helpful adjunct in learning
predictive astrology.

Finding Transits

CHART EXAMPLE: Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of England 1979 - 1990.

When Margaret Thatcher was born V was at
140 D. Currently V is in J. That means that
during her life time V has transited through her
9th house, passed over her M, conjuncted her
MC, moved through her 10th house, entered the
11th house, conjuncted her Q, her N and her
O, entered her 12th house, conjuncted her S
and Ascendant, entered her 1st house,
conjuncted her P and and is currently transiting
through her 2nd house.

Each time V formed a conjunction in her chart

she was said to be having a V transit. By
looking at the movement of V in your
ephemeris you well see that from 1925 until the
present day V has moved from D to J.

Now look to see when V was at the same degree as her natal Q which is at 90 G
28’. V moved over this zodiac degree and minute on the 12th October 1975. It
then moved forward until in January 1976 V it went retrograde. It then formed
another conjunction to Q on 3rd May 1976. This is known as the retrograde hit, as
transiting V appeared to move ‘backwards’ over this sensitive point. In June of
1976 V turned direct and once again moved forward through the zodiac and
formed a third conjunction to Q on the 3rd August 1976. The transit of V conjunct
natal Q was therefore effective from the 12th October 1975 to the 3rd August
1976. It was during this period of time that Margaret Thatcher became the leader
of the Conservative party in the House of Commons.

Later as it continued to move forward through the zodiac, transiting V formed a

conjunction to her natal N.

See if you can find the dates of the three exact transiting conjunctions to her
natal N? This was the period in which she became Prime Minister.

Now take your own chart …and, using your ephemeris, look up today’s
position of V. Place transiting V in your chart and look at the arc that it has
moved through since you were born. In looking at that arc, ask yourself the
question: ‘Has transiting V formed a conjunction to any of my angles
(Asc/Dsc or MC/IC) or to any of my personal planets (NMOPQ)?’ If the
answer is ‘yes’, then look in your ephemeris to see when transiting V was
forming this conjunction. Now think about that period of your life. Was
anything significant happening in that period?

The important points of the above exercises are

1. Understanding how planets continue moving after you are

born and therefore can move into key sensitive degrees in your
natal chart.

2. Learning how to use the ephemeris to find the exact dates

that these transits are going to occur.

3. Understanding that most outer planet transits will move over a

particular degree three times, and possibly even five times, due
to the planet’s retrograde motion.

4. Using your own life history to start to understand or get a

feeling for the effect of transits in a person’s life.

The Houses in Predictive Work

The natal house involved in a transit gives the astrologer valuable information
concerning the areas of a person’s life that are being effective.

For further information see also Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, pages
29-44. This section of the text discusses each house and gives you ideas of its
meaning, depending on whether it is the house of the natal planet (top row), the
house being transited (middle row) or the house being ruled by one of the planets
involved (bottom row).

The Houses and Transit Grid for Margaret Thatcher

Example 1:
Using the example of Margaret Thatcher, we can start to gain an
understanding of her V transits, firstly, by considering the meaning of VaS
and then by looking at the houses involved.

Further material can be found in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, page 48, as
well in the audio lectures.

The transit of VaQ involves the following grid:

V aS

8 12aAsc


1 3 (3)

The brackets around the 3 indicate that K – the other sign ruled by S apart
from J - is intercepted in the 3rd house.

The nature of the transit:

The VaS implies super-human effort and hard work. It is a transit where the
person can feel miserable and melancholic, as if they are constantly in a black
hole. There is a potential for anger or violence or a great deal of political
lobbying and working behind the scenes.

The top row of the grid:

The 8th house and 11th houses along the top line describe where the transit
originates. They come about as a result of something that has been there all
the time (12) which now becomes apparent regarding upheaval and change

The middle row of the grid:

The transit’s activity is focused in the 12th house, so the transit is telling you
that it will be focused into her feeling a sense of isolation and separation.

The bottom row of the grid:

The bottom row of the grid shows the results of the transit. In this case due to
all the political lobbying and difficulty that has burdened her throughout the
transit, she herself (1st house) makes a statement (3rd house) or re-situates
herself in her local neighbourhood.

What happened?...

Throughout 1990 Margaret Thatcher was under continual political challenge

from her party to step aside. She eventually gave way to this challenge and
resigned as Prime Minister and from politics in November 1990. Does this
transit describe the huge change in her life that this resignation represented?

Example 2:

In 2011 a film, The Iron Lady was produced with Margaret

Thatcher as the subject matter. Although Thatcher was not
involved with the film and did not appear in it (Meryl Streep
played that role), the subject matter meant that her name
was in the public domain.

However, in 2011 Thatcher was having transiting UbM.

The grid on this was as follows:

U bM

9 9

4 9

The nature of the transit:

The UbM is a transit where the person can feel more than usually
susceptible to the emotions of others. It can be a visionary, drug-sensitive
time or a time of insightful spirituality but the outcome is to pull away from the
world in order to re-organise one’s emotional reality.

The top row of the grid:

The duplication of the 9th houses along the top line describes where the
transit originates. In this case the transit originates in foreign affairs,
publishing, connections overseas, politics and legalities.

The middle row of the grid:

The transit’s activity is focused in the 3rd house, so the transit is telling you
that it will be focused into how she communicates, or in this, the pulling away
from communication.

The bottom row of the grid:

The bottom row of the grid shows the results of the transit. In this case it
reshapes where she lives (4th house) in connection with her political or
foreign connections (9th house).

What happened?...

In 2011 Baroness Thatcher’s health

declined and she made decisions not
to attend key public events such as the
wedding of Prince William and Kate
Middleton, the Garter Day ceremony at
Windsor, Founder’s Day at the Royal
Hospital, Chelsea, and the unveiling of
a statue of Ronald Reagan in
Grosvenor Square on July 4.
Furthermore at the end of July 2011, her office in the House of Lords was
closed down in what has been described as her final and irrevocable
withdrawal from public life. Her son, Sir Mark Thatcher, told Tim Walker of The
Guardian: ‘If I am honest, I think it highly unlikely that Margaret will now ever
be seen in public again.’

Does this transit describe the final withdrawal from public life that this transit

On another level, the film The Iron Lady – another expression of the virtual
reality that transiting Neptune connected with the Moon can represent –
depicts Thatcher over the course of three days struggling with grief and the
loss of her husband, Denis, until finally packing up his clothes to be sent to a
charity shop.

Other Aspects

So far we have just been looking at transiting planets forming conjunctions to

natal planets. However, a transiting planet may also form a transiting
opposition or square, or indeed any type of aspect to any natal point in a
chart. When Margaret Thatcher was married in September 1951 she had
transiting R opposing her natal Q. Indeed whenever an outer planet forms a
SQUARE, OPPOSITION or CONJUNCTION to a your chart, you are having
important transits and it is worth taking note of them. This is much stronger
for STU and V than for R.

Now do the same exercise but now follow the movement of U through your

Grading and Sorting Transits

Every day your chart will be receiving transits. Therefore as astrologers we

need to have a method of sorting though the information in order to focus on
the transits which are going to have a significant effect on our own or our
client’s life.

There are four major rules for sorting transits which are given in the text. By
applying these rules to a set of transits you will have a consistent method of
finding which are the strongest transits. It is the strongest transits which will be
the ones which shape the year.

For example, if you were having transiting Q conjunct your natal M, this may
be a day where you lose your temper or are very motivated. However, since
this transit is going to happen every two and a half years, it is not going to
dramatically change your life. However, transiting T square your natal M is
only going to happen maybe twice in your life time and could therefore
symbolise major changes.

The single biggest defining statement between an educated, qualified

astrologer and a hobbyist who has just read a few books is that the
professional will have an understanding of the frequency of certain events and
will not be swept away with worry or concern or anticipation by the arrival of
high-frequency transits.

Exercise for you to do to help you understand this technique

Take your own chart and, using the ephemeris, find all the transiting
conjunctions, squares and oppositions that transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto form during the coming next twelve months.

LIST these down the dates on which they occur and then using the rules
given in the text, find the top four transits of the year and list them in order of

Take what you consider to be the most important transit and DRAW UP ITS
GRID. Write a paragraph delineating each house and then write a page
delineating the transit grid.

(There is further information on this in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark,
pages 73 to 97, and also in the lectures.)

Transit Graphs or Graphic Ephemeris
Time Map Workshop
PARTS 1-4 on DISC 2.
See Appendix for how to do this in Solar Fire.

One of the difficulties in working with transits is actually finding the particular
transits that are active at any one time. Computer programs can be of
assistance but to quickly sort 12 months or more of transits and see the
retrograde and direct hits, the best tool is a Graphic Ephemeris or Transit

GRAPH 1 ... is a 30° Graphic Ephemeris for the period 1st January – 31st
December, 1997.

ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE … is a scale of numbers of 0 to 30. These

are the degrees of ANY zodiac sign.

THE HORIZONTAL AXIS ... forms the months of the year.

THE GRAPH... contains the plotted planetary movements

Q,R,S,T U and V.

EACH LINE ... is labelled with a planetary symbol as

well as a zodiac sign.


… you will see SA sitting on a line. The line starts at a point on the 0 to 30
scale at about 1 and a bit. This is telling you that S was in A at 10 25' on the
1st January. Following that line through the graph. you will notice that it sweeps
downwards, going deeper into A until early August. At that point you will notice
a small dash on the line which indicates that the planet is changing direction.
Thus from the graph we can see that S turns retrograde in early August 1997
and if we read the degree scale we see that this occurs about 20 and a bit
degrees of A. From that date it continues to move retrograde through A – we
can see this by the way the line moves upwards on the graph - until mid-
December 1997 where at about 14° A it turns direct.


… you can see that R is moving through K throughout 1997 and has two
STATIONS (the term used for when a planet slows to a standstill and changes
its direction of movement). One station is in early June is at about 23° K and
the other in early October is at about 12° K.

Graph 1

You will also note that the R line crosses the S line three times throughout

 once in mid-February when S is at 4° A and R is at 4° K.

 secondly in mid-July when S is at 20° A and R is at 20° K.
 and finally in mid-November when S is at 14° A and R is at 14° K.

Whenever any two printed lines cross on a Transit Graph, then the two
planets are forming a transiting aspect to each other. The type of aspect is
found by first considering the type of Graph - this one is a 30° graph, thus
each time these lines cross the graph it indicates that the two transiting
planets are forming a 30° aspect to each other - and then by taking into
account the signs in which the two planets are situated.

Given that it has to be a 30° aspect – a, h, e, d, c, b and the i – and

that S is in A and R is in K – then the aspect is a e.

The Major Points to Understand

Graphic Ephemerides quickly show you a year or more at a glance and
make it very easy to find planetary stations, when a planet will change
signs, and what aspect it may be forming throughout the year to other
transiting planets.

Adding a Natal Chart

EXAMPLE 1 John Howard

John Howard, the 25th and second-longest serving Prime Minister of

Australia from 11 March 1996 to 3 December 2007. His Ascendant is 5°C31'
and his MC is 170L44'. GRAPH 2 is the same graph as Graph 1 but in this
case these two angles have been drawn on the graph.

With John Howard's Ascendant at 50C31'. we can draw a line at 5½° across
the graph. This line is labelled with what natal point it is (in this case the
Ascendant) and the sign of the natal point (in this case C). His MC of
170L44' is added to the graph in the same manner. An astrologer would
normally enter the entire natal chart on the graph but for the sake of simplicity
we shall work with just Howard's angles.

John Howard – former Australian Prime Minister.

Graph 2

In looking at the Ascendant line we can see that S,Q,R, T, and V all cross the
line in early February:

 S is in A so it will be forming a e to the C Ascendant. Not a very strong


 T is in K, so it also forms a e to Howard's Ascendant.

 R is also in K, so it, too, forms a e to the Ascendant (indeed the graph

is showing you that there is a R T conjunction which only happens every
14 years.)

 Q is in G so it is forming a c to Howard's Ascendant.

All of the above transits are interesting but none of them make very strong
connections. However…

 … when we look at V we see that V is in I and Howard's Ascendant

is in C, therefore transiting V is forming a a to his Descendant. This
extremely strong transit will only happen once in his life time.

In further looking at the graph we can see that the V transit is stationary on his
Descendant from mid-February to mid-March and then comes back to the degree
of his Descendant in late November 1997.

In now looking to his MC, we can see that both R and S are forming transits to his
L MC but both R and S are forming hs. By themselves this is not very important
but later when we cover midpoints we will come back to this example.

The Major Points to Understand

By drawing the natal points on a graph you know that where a printed line
intersects a drawn line the chart is receiving a transit.

The details of the transit are determined by:

• which natal point is receiving the transit;
• what is the point which is producing the transit; and
• what is the aspect that is being formed?

The Graphic Ephemeris means that you no longer need to wade through
pages of an ephemeris. You can see all the transits at a glance.

1. Once you have sorted out the transiting aspects, write them on the
transit graph as shown with transiting V so that you can quickly
read the graph at a later date.

2. Use a red pen or a bright colour to draw the natal lines on the
graph. This will make it a great deal easier to read.

Other types of Graphic Ephemeris

Graphic Ephemerides can be made for any length of time and for any modality
(number of degrees on the left hand side and therefore the types of aspects that
the graph will show). A useful Graphic Ephemeris is shown in GRAPH 3. This is
a 90° five year Graphic Ephemeris.


At first glance this graph looks like the previous example. However, you will notice
that the degree scale is not 0 to 30 but rather 0 to 90. This means that the
graph will only find aspects between planets and/or natal points which are
made up of units of 90°. There are only three such aspects: a, d and b.

As well, this graph is for a much larger time frame covering the period January
1997 - December 2001. Each planet has been plotted against time as in Graph 1
but now any intersections of the line indicates that the two planets are forming one
of the three aspects given above.

This graph is also called a 4th HARMONIC GRAPH as the modulus of 90° is
called the 4th harmonic (900 divides into 3600 exactly 4 times or 3600 divided by 4
gives 900) and it reveals the three aspects of the 4th harmonic.

Note that Graph 1 which is a 30° graph is also called a 12th HARMONIC GRAPH
as it gives the aspects that belong to the 12th harmonic. (300 divides into 3600
exactly 12 times or 3600 divided by 12 gives 300).

In looking at the graph, the diamond blocks at the 30° line and the 60° line indicate
a change of sign. For example, in the case of U, throughout 1997 U is still in J
but by early 1998 U moves into K. The movement from one sign to another is
marked by the diamond.

Graph 3

The first 30 degrees of the scale 0 to 30 belong
to all the CARDINAL signs: A, D, G, J.

The second 30 degrees of the scale 30 to 60 belong

to all the FIXED signs: B,E,H,K,

The third 30 degrees of the scale 60 to 90 belong

to all the MUTABLE signs: C,F,I,L.

To enter a natal chart on this graph…

… you have to first decide whether the natal point is cardinal, fixed or mutable and
then use the appropriate 30 degree scale.

For example, in graph 4, part of John Howard's natal chart has been drawn onto a
90° Graph. His Ascendant is 5°C31'. This is a mutable sign, thus it will be
entered in the 60° to 90° slot, as this 30° has been reserved for mutable points. As
you can see the Va Descendant transit is still showing but all the other transits to
his Ascendant/Descendent axis are no longer apparent, as they do not belong to
the 4th harmonic (are not made up of 90° units). His MC of 17°L44' is also
mutable, so it is also entered in the mutable area of the graph (60° to 90° zone).

Howard's Q is at 28°J55'. This is a cardinal sign, so to enter his Q on the

graph we would used the Cardinal zone (0 to 30) as shown.

Howard's M is at 28°H51'. This is a fixed sign, so to enter his M on the

graph we would used the Fixed zone (30° to 60°) as shown.

The power of this graph is that once you have drawn a person's natal chart
onto the 90° graph, you can quickly see all the major transits that the person
is having for the next five years.

Graph 4

EXAMPLE 2 Barack Obama

Barack Obama was born to a white American

mother, Ann Dunham, and a black Kenyan father,
Barack Obama, Sr., who were both young college
students at the University of Hawaii.
Left: Ann Dunham with her father and children during Ann's
brief stay with her family in Hawaii during the mid-1970s.
Photo © Obama for America.

When his father left for Harvard, she and Barack stayed behind, and his father
returned alone to Kenya, where he worked as a government economist. Barack's
mother remarried an Indonesian oil manager and moved to Jakarta when Barack
was six. He later recounted Indonesia as simultaneously lush and a harrowing
exposure to tropical poverty. He returned to Hawaii, where he was brought up
largely by his grandparents. The family lived in a small apartment - his
grandfather was a furniture salesman and an unsuccessful insurance agent and
his grandmother worked in a bank - but Barack managed to get into Punahou
School, Hawaii's top prep academy. His father wrote to him regularly but, though
he travelled around the world on official business for Kenya, he visited only once,
when Barack was ten.

Obama attended Columbia University, but found New York's racial tension
inescapable. He became a community organizer for a small Chicago church-
based group for three years, helping poor South Side residents cope with a wave
of plant closings. He then attended Harvard Law School, and in 1990 became the
first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. He turned down a
prestigious judicial clerkship, choosing instead to practice civil-rights law back in
Chicago, representing victims of housing and employment discrimination and
working on voting-rights legislation. He also began teaching at the University of
Chicago Law School, and married Michelle Robinson, a fellow attorney.
Eventually he was elected to the Illinois state senate, where his district included
both Hyde Park and some of the poorest ghettos on the South Side.

In 2004 Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate as a Democrat, representing

Illinois, and he gained national attention by giving a rousing and well-received
keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. In 2008 he ran
for President, and despite having only four years of national political experience,
he won. In January 2009, he was sworn in as the 44th President of the United
States, and the first African-American ever elected to that position.

Reference: - February 2010

His biography states:

‘On February 10, 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for President of the
United States in front of the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the general
election with 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173 and became the first African
American to be elected President of the United States.’

Recognizing this is a huge year for Obama, how would you delineate the
astrology of the grids and how it might have related to the year in which
Barack Obama stood for President of the United States of America?

Graphic Ephemeris 1980-1984

Graphic Ephemeris 1985-1989

Graphic Ephemeris 1990-1994

Graphic Ephemeris 1995-1999

Graphic Ephemeris 2000-2004

Graphic Ephemeris 2005-2009

Graphic Ephemeris 2010-2014

Graphic Ephemeris 2015-2019

The Transits of
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Lectures 1,2 and 3 on DISC 1

The transits of these four outer planets are the major transits with which the
astrologer works and although the transits of R can be illuminating, enlightening
and inspiring, the reality is that for most people, it is the above four planets which
cause the most positive or negative stress when involved in a transit.

For example … A MS combination in a natal chart is a theme of loneliness

and separation-anxiety linked to a fear of rejection. If, however, a person’s
chart is receiving a transit of S to their M, they will also have to deal with
issues of lack of resources, feeling unloved and a period of isolation.

NOTE: If you are unsure of these combinations,

look at the Astro Logos Planets and Aspects Kit.

There is further material contained in Chapter 1 ‘The Alphabet’ of Predictive Astrology: The Eagle
and the Lark. Pages 1-16 deal with the planets giving or receiving transits.

Points that need to be stressed with this material:

 Each planet or luminary has a particular use in predictive work. For

example, the N is used for receiving transits and can make and receive
progressions (something we will cover later in the course).

 Each planet or luminary has figures with which it can be linked. Thus if
you are having a S transit, then a person or group who has authority over
you may be putting pressure on you. This is called ‘projection’. Projection is
where we use another individual to take a role or play a part in our own
internal drama. This occurs within a natal chart but can also occur when the
person is receiving a transit. The purpose of projection is to help us
understand the issues via seeing them being played out around us.
For example, by dealing with the authority figures that transiting S can bring
into our lives, then we are learning more about our own S, we are learning
more about dealing with authority and issues of responsibility. However, by
simply blaming authority figures for your problems and considering yourself
to be the totally innocent party, then you are projecting without any
consciousness and you therefore fail to learn or grow from the experience.

Projection of transits is very common. The astrologer’s role is not only to see these
future potential projections but to also help the client own and accept responsibility
for the events around them.

The Axes of the Angles and the Axes of the
Further material on the different axes in a natal chart can be found in Predictive Astrology:
The Eagle and the Lark, pages 17-19, as well in the audio lectures.

‘Opposition to’ or ‘conjunct’?

That is the question.
Computer programs will list transits or progressions as ‘forming an opposition to
an angle or main point of an axis’. For example, a computer program would list
John Howard’s V transit, discussed in the previous section, as being in opposition
to his Ascendant rather than ‘conjunct his Descendant’. If we interpreted this
extremely important transit in that light – ‘opposite the Ascendant’ - then we would
hypothesise that intense and difficult events were happening to Howard and/or his
environment due to the action of other people (b). This may or may not be

However, if we acknowledge that the Descendant (a person’s intimate

relationships and commitments) actually has some influence on the individual,
then it is better to shift the focus of the transit to the Descendant and delineate the
transit as being a the Descendant. In this situation we would hypothesise that
some intense and difficult events are going to be happening in his personal
relationship and/or his political alliances. Granted these will affect his environment
but to delineate this transit as simply ‘opposite the Ascendant’ would greatly
reduce the astrologer’s accuracy.

The same concept applies to the MC/IC axis as well as the Nodal axis. If the IC is
receiving a transiting conjunction, then the effects will be felt in the home and
family environment. The impact on the MC - one’s social standing and place in
society - would be a secondary result, not a primary cause. Similarly a transit to
the South Node emphasises health, old issues from the past, family patterns,
genetics, and so on which is quite different to the North Node which would be
describing associations and groups.

Just because a computer program finds it easier to list such a transit as

opposite the ‘main’ end of the axis does not mean that that is the way they
should be interpreted. Indeed the ‘shadowy’ end of an axis is usually more
sensitive to transit as it is the areas of our lives where we are more vulnerable.
John Howard, as the Prime Minister of Australia, may have felt able to handle
problems of State but he, like all of us, would have felt far more powerless in
matters to do with his family and his wife.

Further material on the meaning of the aspects in predictive work can be found in Predictive
Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, pages 22-29, as well in the audio lectures.

Points that need to be stressed with this material:

 When dealing with transits, generally the astrologer is working with

the hard aspects (a,b,d) and will only turn to other aspects to either
amplify what is already being indicated by the transits or if there are no
large transits occurring. However, this does not mean that transiting
e,i,f or g have no influence on a person. It is just that their
influence may be drowned out by larger transits or they become minor
subplots in the central story that is emerging with the major transits.

 If an individual is in a waiting mode, either trying to prevent a difficult

thing from happening or waiting for a long-planned positive event to
finally occur, then a cluster of transiting cs may well be the indication
of the timing of the event.

 A series of transiting es will indicate incoming opportunities but not

all opportunities will be seen as pleasant when they are presented. A
person’s house burning down is an opportunity to change where they
are living or to do extensive rebuilding. In retrospect this may be
considered a positive thing but at the time of the house fire, your client
will not consider this a good event. Be wary of too many transiting

Putting It Together
So far we have been concentrating on one transit at a time. Later in the
course we will consider TIME MAPS, a method by which all the predictive
events can be viewed at once, thus enabling the astrologer to synthesise the
different predictive influences happening to a client at any one time. However,
at this stage a simple Time Map can be constructed.

Take a piece of paper and across the long edge write the name of the months
of the year. Once you have found the transit that you are examining, draw up
its grid and enter it underneath the month in which is will be exact. For other
months where the transit is also exact, write just the transit itself .

For example, Howard’s V transits in 1997 were as follows:

 VT a Desc VT a Desc                                                                   VT Desc 

This is a simple Time Map. The advantage of this system becomes apparent
when you are working with more than one transit.

However, be aware that clients do not experience transits as isolated events. If

a client is experiencing a major transit, there is a strong possibility that there will
be two or three major transits happening in the same year. By entering each
transit on the Time Map, the astrologer can see the sequence of the major
transits. For example, during 1997 Howard also had UT a natal Q. This
occurred in March, June and December of 1997.

Adding this to the above Time Map we get the following:
 VT a Desc VT a Desc                                                                     VT Desc 
2 UT aQ UT aQ

UT aQ 
                    4 8

10 11

Provided his birth time is correct, the difficulties will start in February-March.1 By
late March through to June he is going to feel ineffective and the difficulties do
not clear up until December. This is not really delineating these transits but rather
is a simple example of how large transits will combine with other large transits to
form an overall picture of the year and the combination and the timing and order
of these transits is important.

These are two strong transits and they will not act as two isolated events but
rather combine to talk about one very difficult event. Since the V transit is before
the U transit, here is a crisis in his committed relationships (VT a Desc) and it is
only after this that Howard feels unable to take effective action (UT aQ ). If the
U transit was first, followed by the V transit, then it is through inaction that a
crisis occurs: quite a different meaning to the year.

Exercise for you to do to help you understand this technique

 Find what you consider to be your two major transits for this year.
 Draw up a simple Time Map, like the example for John Howard.
 Delineate these two transits taking into account their relationship to each other.

Any transit to the Angles is dependant for its timing of the accuracy of the birth time. If
Howard was born 5 minutes later, then this transit would not occur until 1998.

Cycles and Transiting Cycles
Lecture 5 on DISC 2

In the Delineation module you encountered the 8 stages of the Lunation

phase and their meanings in the lunation cycle.

These eight stages, however, have a far larger implication than just the
lunar phase under which you were born. They are a universal mechanism
or pathway which all living things, and all things that support life, follow. And
because cycles are the core of all life, they are also the pathway by which we learn
things or by which we grow in understanding.

As an example, consider the way in which you learnt to read:

First stage:
NEW MOON (00 - 450 ahead of the N)
You hear someone reading you a story and you wish that you could do
it. The beginning of the journey.

Second stage:
CRESCENT MOON (450 - 900 ahead of the N)
Assertive emerging
You are given books with pictures and someone points to large letters
and coaches you to link sounds to symbols. You are keen, you
concentrate and put in a great deal of effort.

Third stage:
FIRST QUARTER (900 - 1350 ahead of the N)
Immature action
You can read your first primer slowly but without help. You can read as
long as there are no unexpected words.

Fourth stage:
GIBBOUS (1350 - 1800 ahead of the N)
You feel more confident and are starting to tackle larger words. You learn
that some sounds can be spelt in different ways to mean different things.
You are learning the subtleties of the language.

Fifth stage:
FULL MOON (1800 - 1350 behind the N)
You can read. You are proud that you can read and you are aware of
‘reading’. You consciously ‘read’ signs, and so on.

Sixth stage:
DISSEMINATING MOON (1350 - 900 behind the N)
Transform and Change
You discover books. Now the focus shifts from ‘reading’ to using
reading to explore the world of books.

Seventh stage:
THIRD QUARTER MOON (900 - 450 behind the N)
Mature action and productivity.
You read a book that impresses you. You forget about ‘reading’ for
now you are actually using the skill in the way it was intended, to
broaden your mind.

Eighth stage:
BALSAMIC MOON (450 - 00 behind the N)
Endings or completion.
You forget about consciously reading. You forget about how you learnt
to read. Reading has now become a part of who you are, one of your
skills which you can use as you desire. It is now impossible for you
NOT to read a sign when you see it.

The eight stages of a cycle are traditionally named after the lunation cycle but
such a cycle does not have to involve the N or the M. As planets transit through
your chart, they will form aspects back to their natal positions. When working with
the outer planets of S,T,U and V, these cyclic transiting aspects become
extremely important and are considered to be markers of large developmental
changes in your life.

Material on pages 19-21 in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark
shows you a list of these key cyclic transits. You will need to make a note of
the ages at which these cyclic transits tend to occur. For example, if you had a
client coming to see you and they were in their late 20s, then you need to be
aware that the client’s Saturn Return has just occurred or was about to occur
and that would make a major difference to how you would delineate the
client’s predictive work.

Exercise for you to do to help you understand this technique

What cyclic transits have you experienced during your life?

List down the dates of your R returns, S cycle aspects and, if you have
had them, your TbT, UdU and VdV transits.

Arrange all of these cyclic transits on one page in chronological order. We

have provided a separate handout for you to do this.

In looking at this list, ask yourself about any events that may have been
occurring during these cyclic transits. Did you change as a result?

Understanding Outer Planets via Cycles
When a new planet is discovered, it symbolise to astrologers that the human
collective is becoming conscious or aware of an insight or philosophy. At the
discovery of the planet, the potential for the insight is there but that is all.
However, as the planet moves in its orbit and makes aspects to its zodiacal
position at discovery, then the concepts symbolised by the planet are revealed
to the human collective. The full nature of the planet is not fully understood until
it has completed at least one full cycle and returned to the position it occupied
at the time of its discovery.

For example…
U was discovered in 1846 at about 240 K and completed its ‘Return’ in 2011.  
U describes oneness and, simply put, at a political level this implies that all
humans should have equal rights. When the U was discovered, the wars
against slavery were just about to begin. That was its ‘New Moon’ phase.
People were beginning to think that maybe it was not correct to ‘own’ another
human being. Those wars were won and slavery was abolished but that did
not mean that minority groups had equal rights.

U has a period of 165 years.

We can look at the four major stages of its cycle:

1846: U discovered. (New Moon phase). Wars against slavery. Gold

discovered in New World and for the first time the poorer classes could have
access to wealth and all its power.

1890’s: (First or Waxing Square or First Quarter phase ). U forms its first
square to itself since its discovery. Suffragette movements.

1930’s: (Opposition or Full Moon phase). U forms an opposition to its

discovery position. The depression. Old Wealth being eroded. The breaking
down of old industrial practices. The beginning of a rapid increase in the
persecution of Jews in Europe. Major lack of human rights in this period which
forces to world to relook at human rights issues.

1970’s: (Third or Waning Square or Third Quarter phase). Equal
opportunities for women. Major women’s movements. Anti-war groups.

2011 (Next New Moon). The beginning of a new cycle of Human rights issues
and environmental issues.

U has only just completed its first cycle, so the meaning of U now has a
greater clarity with regard to human rights. However, U is much closer to
completing its first cycle than V which has a period of 248 years. It was
discovered in 1929 in the middle degrees of D. We will not experience its
opposition or ‘Full Moon phase’ until 2050 and we, as a race, will not truly
understand V until after 2175 when it completes its first orbit since its

Cycles are the way we LEARN things,

whether that is on a personal scale
or the scale of the human collective.

Synodic Cycles
Lecture 5 on DISC 2

Synodic Cycles are the cycles formed between two moving bodies.

If you consider two runners on an oval who are running at different speeds, then
eventually the faster runner will lap the slower runner. If it takes the faster
runner 10 minutes to lap the slower runner, then the Synodic Cycle between the
two runners is 10 minutes.

The most common Synodic Cycle that we work with in astrology is that of the N
and M. We call this the Lunar Phases and the M takes 29.5 days to lap the
slower-moving N. However, all the planets move at different speeds around the
same ‘oval’ called the ecliptic, thus all planets will have synodic cycles with all
other planets. Some of these synodic cycles are quite important.

In Appendix 4 page 301 in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, you
will find a list of the synodic cycles of the outer planets giving their periods, as
well as their dates and places of occurrence in this century.

Each time a large planetary pair come together, as is the case with the TaU in
1993, astrologers believe that a new concept or awareness is going to come
into the human collective. However, this new awareness will reveal itself
through the concept of cycles. TaU occurs every 171 years. The last
conjunction before 1993 was in 1820s and it was in that time that Clara Barton,
the founder of the Red Cross was born, as was as Florence Nightingale, a
celebrated English nurse, writer and statistician who came to prominence for
her pioneering work in nursing during the Crimean War. Here we can see the
expression of the reform (Uranus) of medicine or drugs (Neptune). This did not
happen at once in the 1820s but slowly emerged as the two slow-moving
transiting planets formed different aspects to each other. Eventually they came
together again in 1993. Whilst it is clear that this heralded the digital revolution,
the reform and availability to all (Uranus) of virtual reality (Neptune), astrologers
are aware that there were some important people born in the early 1990s and
that we will have to wait until well into the middle of the next century to really
start to understand the meaning of this conjunction.

You were born as a member of a generation. In astrology we define a human

1. by the zodiac placements of the outer planets – for example, the VE

generation (the Baby Boomers) which is why you would never
delineate an outer planet in a zodiac sign on a personal level for
someone as it is meaningless on this level; and

2. by the SYNODIC CYCLE and the aspects between these planets – for
example the SV generation which includes children born with SaV,
SdV (waxing square), SbV and SdV a (waning square).

You are a freeze frame of the many constantly unfolding different synodic
cycles. You, as part of your generation, have a role to play in bringing to
awareness your generation’s message. This is expressed in astrology by the
different stages of synodic cycles that have been captured in your chart. Your
generation will do this via the fashions that it follows, the music that it likes,
the activities that it seeks and, most importantly, the changes that it demands.

Think about these:

Neil Armstrong was born when U and T were in a Disseminating phase.

Alexander Graham Bell was born just before TaU.

Madam Blavatsky was born on a TaR.

Lewis Carroll was born in a UR crescent.

Mid-Life Cycles:
‘The Mid-Life Crisis’ or ‘The Mid-Life Blooming’
Lecture 6 on DISC 2

The cycles of R,S,T,U and V can be lined up in columns alongside each

other (see Handout entitled The Mid-Life Crisis Cycles). When this is done, it
is easy to see that from the ages of roughly 37 years old through to roughly 43
years old – a window of roughly 7 years - the three outer planets T,U and V
all form major hard aspects back to themselves : TbT, UdU and VdV.

These years are known collectively as the mid-life crisis or the mid-life
‘blooming’ and they are the trademark of the generation who were born in the
late 1940s and 1950s who received the VdV much earlier than their
parents, due to V’s erratic movement through the zodiac. Indeed it is the
Baby-Boomer Generation who has named this particular series of years and
the changes they invoke ‘the Mid-Life Crisis’. Before this, such a phenomenon
was not known or acknowledged.

These years are as big a change mentally as puberty is physically and they
have just as big an impact as the Saturn Return. To shy away from them, to
pull back and fear these mid-life changes is to pull away from life. For whilst
the years of puberty can be difficult, no functioning adult would not want to
have gone down that pathway.

The following great planetary cycles can occur in any order and sometimes
two cycles can occur within the one year.

A note on SdS, RaR and SbS

If you look at the handout, you will notice that S squares itself at age 35 just
before the third R return at age 36 and then S opposes itself around the age
of 44. Whilst technically not part of the mid-life crises years, it is as if the
cosmos is book-ending this time, opening it with the responsible action of the
waxing square of S, followed by the success, optimism and expansion of the
third R return and closing it with the clarity of responsibility and consolidation
of the S opposition.


For people born between 1900-1940 with VC and VD, the VdV occurred
when they were in their 60s, anywhere from 1958-1984. For the VE generation -
the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation born 1940-1958 - the VdV occurred when it went
into H in 1984-1995 and for that generation it occurred anywhere between the
ages of 37-42 years old. The generation born with VF also experienced the
square around the ages of 37-42 years old.

Technically this occurred due to the erratic orbit of V which moves faster through
some signs than it does through others. Yet any astrological phenomenon is
simply reflective of the Collective Unconscious. Where our parents were ready
emotionally and mentally to retire in their 60s and wind their life down, the ‘Baby
Boomer’ generation is still reaching for their prime of life, still working at a career
and still finding their place in life. The ‘Baby Boomer’ generation has been asked to
deal with VdV much earlier in life.

So what is this issue about?

V is always concerned with the more primal and visceral layers of a person that
haven’t yet been encountered. Illogical and hidden, V forces change on the
chthonic parts of ourselves. VdV brings tension which forces a person to take
action. This action is internal (due the nature of the transit: a planet making an
aspect back to itself) and wants us to deepen, broaden and irrevocably change our
emotional spectrum. It wants us to work out what issues we need to get
emotionally worked up about, recalibrate them and put them into perspective. It is
a time of re-evaluation of our emotional expression.

As it occurs, we notice external changes in the physical body – fine lines and the
greying of hair - and begin to realise for the first time:

1. that life is finite

2. that we are mortal and

3. that life does not go on for ever.

This realisation can come through an external
event, such someone close to us dying, or getting ill
ourselves. A public example is Olivia Newton-John
when she found out that she had breast cancer at
the age of 44, the same weekend that her father
died from cancer.

She says: ‘In June 1992, I discovered a lump in my

breast. A subsequent mammogram, ultrasound and
a needle biopsy proved negative. But my instinct
said it still didn't feel right, so I had a lumpectomy. I
then got the news that it was cancer. A few days
later, I went for a partial mastectomy and breast
reconstruction, followed by a year of chemotherapy.
The entire experience was very traumatic - I needed
counselling afterwards.’

Newton-John took time out from her career to focus

on her own healing. The result of this period of
introspection was Gaia (1994), an extremely
personal album, self-written and produced, that
reflected her experiences with cancer and loss.

Yet facing issues of mortally is the first step towards

living life fully. This is ‘the getting of wisdom’.
Knowing death is the door prize of life forces one
(the square) to adjust one’s mental and emotional
priorities. This deep body realisation brings with it a
realisation that life is not a dress rehearsal, that this
is life in the ‘ever after’ and the fairytale of ‘One-day
when I grew up I will be.....’ is over, for this is ‘one-
day!’ What you've got of your life is what you've
made it and if what you're trying to do isn't fitting in
with what you're doing, you need to make changes,
otherwise there will be strong consequences.

Once such a realisation is made, it brings with it

tremendous energy as a gift of grace for accepting
who we are. This can be seen in the photos of Oliva
Newton-John from when she was young to more
recent times. She has allowed V to transform her
and she is the more beautiful because of it.

Other people will not want to accept this realisation and will prefer to stay as the
puer/puella. They may express this by taking a young mistress or a Toy Boy,
buying sports car or blowing all their money in a casino. Some will have face-lifts,
such as Paul Hogan and Elizabeth Taylor as a way of staying the hand of time.

If person can go with the

changes being asked, their
life will run smoothly. But if
this is someone stuck in
public service job, believing
that all they have to do is
stay there until they retire
and all will be well, it can
cause all sorts of havoc as a
way of forcing adjustment.
That's why this period of time
is called “a crisis”.

The VE generation are the

ones who are in power today
and hold public office and it
is this generation that is
redefining ageing, refusing to
retire and demanding more
of life than our parents ever
dreamed. They are the ones
who are lengthening life
through scientific and
medical research, making
Keep Fit DVDs and writing
endurance books, redefining
the family and clarifying the
nature of intimate
relationships, happiness and

NOTE: Due to the length of time to complete one cycle, VbV occurs at roughly age
130 years, hence VdV is the only hard aspect we will receive from V to itself in our

Excellent films to watch which encompass the VdV are:

 LANTANA (Australia, 2001) – Geoffrey Rush, Anthony La Paglia,

Barbara Hershey.

 THREE COLOURS – BLUE – (France 1993) Juliette Binoche,

Benoit Regent.

 MY LIFE AS A HOUSE (USA, 2001) - Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas.

 DAMAGE (UK 1992) – Jeremy Irons, Juliette Binoche.


Uranus is always concerned with independence and self-hood, being strong
enough to go against the tide and having differences acknowledged in the
group. Our first sense of individualism comes with TdT at age 20-21. At this
age we feel that it is in important to be seen at the right places but it is also a
time when we are trying out different images and seeking for our own
uniqueness in the group.

The TbT is, as its name suggests, an ‘opposition’, so we ‘see it’ clearly.
Now, at age 42, we see clearly the goals we have set up in our early twenties,
the goals we have strived for and reached towards and which we now
question: ‘OK – I’ve got there. And now what? how do I redefine myself? What
do I reach for now? What are the terms of my self-differentiation?’

The answer comes with the recognition that rather than this being the goal for
which one has strived, it is merely one step on a flight of steps and hence we
have to look for the next step.

With this transit we encounter the new and the unexpected in order to expand
the boundaries of our world in order to gain freedom and independence from
the shackles of the past. TbT brings new internal areas to explore which
reveal the hidden through the sudden and the unexpected and asks us to go
down that path. This transit is about taking risks and being brave. It is about
stepping off into unknown territory because one sees clearly who one wants to
be and how this gives one uniqueness and emancipation. As VdV was totally
emotional, so TbT is entirely unemotional. The clarity is an internal
expression but it may express itself externally as stepping into new areas of life
that have previously been hidden. The bottom line is clarity of vision: ‘For the
first time I clearly see who I am as an individual.’ TdT waning square occurs
around age 63 and TaT occurs at age 84.

Excellent films to watch which encompass the Uranus opposition Uranus

THE MATRIX (USA, 1999) – Keannu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne.

BLADE RUNNER (USA, 1982) - Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer.

THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR – (USA, 1999) – Armin Mueller-Stahl, Craig



This transit occurs around the age of 40 years old. It is the waxing square so it
is the young, immature square which, through tension, forces action. This transit
is about a religious crisis or a crisis of one’s relationship to the cosmos. It
causes an examination of the self at what one might term the soul level and
gives one a sense of the manifestation of one’s faith or spirituality. It is a walk
down the Road of Enchantment and it brings with it either a total clarity about
what one believes at a deep spiritual level of one’s soul or a total confusion
about one’s place in the world.

This transit will bring with it all manner of opportunities which force or corrupt
one’s sense of integrity and can lead to deep despair.

For some it may express itself as being caught up in drug dealing, alcohol
abuse or a fraud scandal, felt as internal loss or confusion and the erosion of
boundaries, with the year summed up as: ‘I've never been so deceived by

For others, it will manifest as being enfolded in the arms of a Tibetan

monastery during a trekking expedition in the Himalaya or a new artistic
expression coming into one’s life or a metaphysical or religious infusion, with
the year summed up as: ‘It was an awesome time that forced me to have faith
in myself and gave me a profound experience of enlightenment.’

Ultimately this transit shows one the quality of one's soul and if one can have
faith and integrity, it becomes a deeply enlightening time.

UbU occurs at the age of 84.

Excellent films to watch which encompass the Neptune square Neptune are:

MOULIN ROUGE” (Australia, 2001) – Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor.

MUSIC OF THE HEART” (USA 1999) Meryl Streep, Cloris Leachman.

SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE” (UK, 1998) – Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes.

POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE” (USA, 1990) Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine.

SHINE” (Australia, 1995) – Geoffrey Rush, Lyn Redgrave.

Suggested reading List on the Mid-Life Crisis

Carroll, L. Patrick, Chaos or Creation: Spirituality in Mid-Life.
Katherine Marie Dyckman (Photographer) USA: Paulist Press. 1986.
Engelsman, Joan Chamberlain. The Queen's Cloak: A Myth for Mid-Life. USA:
Chiron Publications. 1993.
Hand Clow, Barbara. The Liquid Light of Sex: Understanding Your Key Life
Passages. USA: Bear and Co. 1991.
O'Connor, Peter. Understanding the Mid-Life Crisis. Sydney, Australia: Pan
Macmillan, 1981
Rountree , Catheleen. Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty
Freedom,California: The Crossing Press. 1991
Sheey, Gail. New Passages: Mapping Your Life Across Time. Joelle Delbourgo (Editor)
USA: Ballantine Books. 1996


Sharp, Daryl. Survival Papers: Anatomy of a Midlife Crisis. (Studies in Jungian

Psychology by Jungian Analysts, No 35). USA: Inner City Books. 1988.
Sharp, Daryl. Dear Gladys: The Survival Papers, Book 2 (Studies in Jungian Psychology
by Jungian Analysts, No 37). USA: Inner City Books. 1989.
Stein, Murray. In Midife. A Jungian Perspective. USA: Spring Audio & Journal. 1983

Between twenty and forty is when you build
all your connections, you build your base. It’s
after forty that you relay come into your
maturity as an artist.
Judy Chicago

Ageing can be fluid and graceful and funny even thought it hurts since death
is the door prize. In indigenous cultures, shamans don’t reach their potential
until their fifties. It is expected that they will grow into their power, not out of it.
Gabrielle Roth

We came into this life to give certain gifts and if we don’t give them
no-one else ever will. We are so unique, so individual, it would be a precious
gift lost to the world if we don’t share ourselves fully. The gifts we contribute
from that kind of warrior stance will be much more profound than the gifts we
give by living as society prescribed.
Brooke Medicine Eagle

Cycles and the Mid Life Crisis Years

Transiting Transiting Transiting Transiting Transiting

Jupiter… Saturn… Uranus… Neptune… Pluto…
12 year cycle 28.5 year cycle 84 year cycle 167 year cycle 247 year cycle

7 years old
… square Saturn
12 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
14 years old
… opposition Saturn
21 years old 21 years old
… square Saturn … square Uranus
24 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
28-29 years old
… conjunct Saturn
35 years old
… square Saturn
36 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
37-40 years old
… square Pluto
41 years old
… square Neptune
42 years old 42 years old
… opposition Saturn … opposition Uranus
48 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
49 years old
… square Saturn
56-57 years old
… conjunct Saturn
60 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
63 years old 63 years old
… square Saturn … square Uranus
70 years old
… opposition Saturn
72 years old
… conjunct Jupiter
77 years old
… square Saturn
83 years old
… opposition Neptune
84 years old 84 years old 84 years old
… conjunct Jupiter … conjunct Saturn … conjunct Uranus

© Astro Logos PO Box 168, Fishponds, Bristol, 5ZX, England

Secondary Progressions:
Introduction and the Progressed Sun
Lecture 7 on DISC 3

Further material can be found in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark Chapter 3, pages
98-106, the example of Joan of Arc, and pages 144–147, as well in the audio lectures.

Exercise for you to do so that you understand this technique:

Given that the progressed N moves approximately 10 per year:

 How old were you when your progressed N changed signs?
 How many signs has it progressed through?
 On what dates did the progressed N change houses in your natal chart?
Think back, not so much to events but rather to changes in your attitudes
and beliefs around those times.
 In a couple of paragraphs, write how you think this has been reflected in
the astrology

Important points:

House System
When working with progressed planets moving through the houses, the
house system you use will change the times that the N, or any other
progressed planet is going to change houses. Thus before an astrologer
will give a prediction about the timing and effect of such an event, they
need to be confident of the house system they are using. Generally it is
far better to assume that, for example, the N is going to change houses
over a period of four or five years. This allows an orb of 40-50 for a house
cusp which will cover most variations.

Birth Time
If there is any error with the birth time, then the progressions of the N to a
house cusp could be many years out, as 4’ error in the birth time correlates
with approximately 10 of movement and 10 of movement = one year of time
for the progressed N. Link that to the question of which house system
should be used and this makes using the precise timing of the progressed
N to/over a house cusp a risky predictive tool. This problem also applies to
the progressed N making an exact aspect to an angle. Any error in birth
time can shift the predicted event considerably and the astrologer could be
years out in their prediction. For these reasons, when working with
progressions of any planet to the angles, the astrologer must be extremely
confident that the birth time is correct.

Progressed Planets Changing Sign or House
Further material on the movement of the progressed planets O,P and Q can be found in
Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark Chapter 3, pages 150-158, as well in the
audio lectures.

Look at your own chart and ask the questions:

 When did these planets change sign by progression?

 Taking into account the problems of house systems and birth times
have they changed house and if so, when?
 Can I relate to these times of change as shown by these three
progressed planets?

Progressed Planets Changing Direction

Further material on the movement of progressed planets changing direction via secondary
progressions can be found in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark Chapter 3,
pages 158-160, as well in the audio lectures.

Look at your own chart and ask the questions:

 Have any or will any of my natal planets change direction during my

 If so, what age was I or will I be when this occurs?

Exercise for you to do so that you understand this technique:

Using the chart of Queen Elizabeth II (following) and her attached

biography, answer the following, assuming that her birth time is correct
and that she is responding to Placidus houses:

1. Look at the movement of her progressed Sun though her chart

since her birth. How old was she when it changed houses or signs
and, if possible, link these changes to her life?

2. The years of 1991 and 1992 were particularly interesting and, at

times, difficult for the Queen. Working with her secondary
progressed Moon (and other secondary progressed planets)
changing house, sign or direction or conjunct an angle, what was
happening in her progressions? How do these secondary
progressions support the events occurring to the Queen in this

Natal Chart
21 Apr 1926
2:40 am BDT -1:00
51°N31' 000°W06'
Mean Node

00° ‡
23' †

Ï …
25° 32'
¾ 09°
09' †
ˆ ‡
14° 27'
À „
‰ „
12° ¶
07' „

21° 21°

Ê 20°‰ 28' Œ ƒ
Œ 28' ƒ20°
42' ƒ12°
É 26'
20° Š31' ƒ
Š ¼ 01°
½ ‹

40' 12' ‚
Ü 14°
» 27°
00° 37'
‹ 32' ¿º Ý
¸ 25°
Ü 00° Ý

Elizabeth II, Queen of England

The Queen was born in London on 21 April 1926, the first

child of The Duke and Duchess of York, subsequently
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Five weeks later
she was christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in the
chapel at Buckingham Palace.

Left: Princess Lilibet. Derivative image from Time Magazine Cover,

April 29, 1929.

When she was 6 years old, her parents took over Royal Lodge in Windsor Great
Park as their own country home. Princess Elizabeth was educated at home with
Princess Margaret, her younger sister. After her father succeeded to the throne in
1936 and she became heir presumptive, she started to study constitutional history
and law. She also studied art and music, learned to ride (she has been a keen
horsewoman since early childhood) and enjoyed amateur theatricals and
swimming. She enrolled as a Girl Guide when she was 11 and later became a
Sea Ranger. At 13, she won the Children's Challenge Shield at London's Bath

The Princess broadcast a message for the first time at 14 years of age in October
1940 during the BBC's children's programme to those children who were being
evacuated for safety reasons. In early 1942 she was appointed Colonel-in-Chief of
the Grenadier Guard. On her 16th birthday she carried out her first public
engagement when she inspected the regiment. In April 1943, Princess Elizabeth
carried out her first solo public engagement when she spent a day with a Grenadier
Guards tank battalion in Southern Command. Shortly after her 18th birthday in
1944, Princess Elizabeth was appointed a Counsellor of State during the King's
absence on a tour of the Italian battlefields and, for the first time, carried out some
of the duties of Head of State. By the end of the war she had reached the rank of
Junior Commander, having completed her course at No. 1 Mechanical training
Centre of ATS and passed out as a fully qualified driver.

Her first official overseas visit took place in 1947 to South Africa. Shortly after the
Royal family’s return, the Princess was engaged to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.
The couple, who had known each other for many years, were married in
Westminster Abbey on 20 November 1947. His Royal Highness The Prince Philip,
Duke of Edinburgh, was the son of Prince Andrew of Greece and a great-great-
grandson of Queen Victoria. In 1952, King George VI's illness forced him to
abandon his proposed visit to Australia and New Zealand. The Princess,
accompanied by Prince Philip, took his place.

On 6 February, 1952, during the first stage of this journey, in
Kenya, she received the news of her father's death. Her
Majesty's coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on 2
June 1953. The ceremony was broadcast on radio around
the world and, at The Queen's request, on television. It was
television, then in its relative infancy that brought home the
splendour and the deep significance of the coronation to
many hundreds of thousands of people in a way never before
possible. Prince Andrew and Prince Edward were the first
children to be born to a reigning monarch since Queen Victoria had her family.

Elizabeth's reign has been marked by vast changes in the lives of her people and
in the power and prestige of her nation. Beginning in the mid-1950s, there was
constant turmoil in Northern Ireland. On the home front, the nation suffered
economic difficulties after World War II. Many industries were nationalised, and in
1973 Great Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.
Coalmines continued to close in the 1970s and 1980s - with the issue coming to a
head with the Miners’ Strike of 1984 - and by the end of the 1980s, there were
only six collieries left in the land between Tyne and Tees. Arguments and strikes
between bosses and workers were allayed for a time with the Queen’s Silver
Jubilee in 1977 when Elizabeth celebrated 25 years on the throne. By the early
1980s, some 40 former British colonies, protectorates and mandate territories had
been granted their independence. Elizabeth's primary role was as a symbol of
unity and continuity within the Commonwealth of Nations.

The 40th anniversary of The Queen's Accession in 1992 was marked by a number
of events and community projects in the UK. On Accession Day itself, 6 February,
the BBC broadcast Elizabeth R, a television documentary on The Queen's
working life. This was subsequently shown in over 25 countries around the world.

Since the 1980s the royal family has also undergone

changes due to in-depth press coverage. Prince Charles
and Prince Andrew separated from their wives in 1992.
Both separations occurred amid a flurry of international
press coverage, surrounded by accusations of infidelity and
damaged the reputation of the royal family.

Also in 1992 the Queen and Prince Charles agreed to pay income taxes on their
personal income, the first time the monarchy has done so. The same year, part of
Windsor Castle was seriously damaged by fire. In 1993 Buckingham Palace was
opened to tourists to help pay for the repairs. As Head of State, The Queen
maintains close contact with the Prime Minister, with whom she has a weekly
audience when she is in London.

In 2002, Elizabeth marked her Golden Jubilee as queen. Her sister and mother
died in February and March, respectively, and the media speculated as to whether
the Jubilee would be a success or a failure. She again undertook an extensive
tour of her realms, which began in Jamaica in February, where she called the
farewell banquet "memorable" after a power cut plunged the King's House, the
official residence of the Governor-General, into darkness. As in 1977, there were
street parties and commemorative events, and monuments were named to honour
the occasion. A million people attended each day of the three-day main Jubilee
celebration in London, and the enthusiasm shown by the public for Elizabeth was
greater than many journalists had predicted.

On 20 November 1997 The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh celebrated their
Golden Wedding. Her reign of 59 years is the second-longest for a British monarch;
only Queen Victoria has reigned longer. Her Silver Jubilee was celebrated in 1977,
her Golden Jubilees in 1977 and her Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

On 20 March 2008, at the Church of Ireland St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, the

Queen attended the first Maundy service held outside of England and Wales. At
the invitation of Irish President Mary McAleese, in May 2011 the Queen made the
first state visit to the Republic of Ireland by a British monarch.

Queen Elizabeth addressed the United Nations for a second time in 2010, again in
her capacity as queen of all her realms and Head of the Commonwealth. UN
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon introduced her as ‘an anchor for our age’. During
her visit to New York, which followed a tour of Canada, she officially opened a
memorial garden for the British victims of the 11 September attacks. The Queen's
visit to Australia in October 2011, her 16th
visit since 1954, was called her ‘farewell
tour’ in the press because of her age.

She is the longest-lived and second-longest-

reigning monarch of the United Kingdom,
and the second-longest-serving current
head of state (after King Bhumibol
Adulyadej of Thailand). She does not intend
to abdicate, though the proportion of public
duties performed by Prince Charles may
increase as she reduces her commitments.

Web References: - accessed January 2012


Queen Elizabeth II was born with N 00B12’.

1952: 26 years old – NP moves into the 4th house.
1957: 31 years old – NP moves into C.
1971: 45 years old – NP moves into the 5th house.
1988: 62 years old – NP moves into D.
1989: 63 years old – NP moves into the 6th house.
2010: 84 years old – NP moves into the 7th house.

Progressed planets/luminaries changing sign or house in 1991-1992:

PP a IC – 8th May, 1991.
MP moves into J – November 1991.
MP moves into the 12th house – December 1991.
MP moves into FULL PHASE – February 1992.

In 1952 the Queen’s NP entered the 4th House. Not only did this progression
allow her to focus on her family and home (4th House) but ‘on 6 February,
1952, during the first stage of this journey, in Kenya, she received the news of
her father's death. Her Majesty's coronation took place in Westminster Abbey
on 2 June 1953.’ She connected with the tap root of her ancestry (the IC) and
her ‘home’ literally became England itself.

In 1957, when she was 30 years old, the Queen’s NP entered C. This
progression would have seen her focussing more on communication and
ideas using television, then in its relative infancy, to make a closer connection
with the people. ‘Television… brought home the splendour and the deep
significance of the coronation to many hundreds of thousands of people in a
way never before possible.’

In 1971 her NP entered the 5th House. The 1970s and 1980s were turbulent
years with coalmines closing and Great Britain becoming a member of the
European Economic Community. Former British colonies, protectorates and
mandate territories were granted their independence and Elizabeth’s NP in
the 5th house saw the role of her personal creativity changing with regard to
her position.

It also affected her personally through her children (5th house): the Queen's
second son Prince Andrew flew a helicopter in the Falklands war and came
back safely, and two of her son married in this time – Charles to Diana,
Princess of Wales to her son Charles in 1981 and Andrew to Sarah Ferguson
in 1986.

Queen Elizabeth’s NP entered D in 1988 and in 1989 entered the 6th House.
This was a time when she was working hard (6th House) in a nurturing,
supportive role (D) to hold the reputation of the Royal Family together and
their role in the service of the community (6th house): Prince Charles and
Prince Andrew both separated from their wives in 1992, damaging the
reputation of the royal family. In this year the Queen and Prince Charles
agreed to pay income taxes on their personal income, the first time the
monarchy has done so. The same year, part of Windsor Castle was seriously
damaged by fire and in 1993 Buckingham Palace was opened to tourists to
help pay for the repairs.

In 2010 Queen Elizabeth’s NP crossed her Descendant. This was a time

when she renewed her commitments: she addressed the United Nations in
her capacity as queen of all her realms and Head of the Commonwealth, she
toured Canada, and the USA, and in October 2011, as her NP moved more
fully into the 7th house, visited Australia.

Progressed planets/luminaries changing sign or house in 1991-1992:

PP a IC – 8th May, 1991.

MP moves into J – November 1991.
MP moves into the 12th house – December 1991.
MP moves into FULL PHASE – February 1992.

Note: the best way to approach this is to lay out the timing on a Time Map:

May 1991 November 1991 December 1991 February 1992

P P a IC M P =J M P = 12th house M P = FULL

In April 1991 the Queen’s PP entered her 4th House. This progression points
to a focus on networking, socialising and relating patterns now focused
around the house and home.

At this time there was much turmoil within the monarchy at the possible splits
between Charles and Diana and Andrew and Sarah and these relationships
came increasingly into focus during this time.

In November 1991 the Queen’s MP entered J, forcing increased

responsibility upon her shoulders at her children’s impending marriage break-

In December 1991 the Queen’s MP entered the 12th house and in February
the Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase became Full. The Full Moon phase is
the time when the fruits of one’s labours, set in motion some fifteen years
earlier, become apparent. Charles investiture as the Prince of Wales took
place on 1st July, 1969, after which he took up university studies at
Cambridge, where he first met Camilla Parker-Bowles (then Camilla Shand).
Unable to marry her then, now in this time period the Queen sees the fruits of
what was possibly an unwise decision with the breakdown of Charles’
‘arranged’ marriage to Diana. With the MP in the 12th house at this time,
rather than expressing itself as seclusion, Queen Elizabeth and her family are
under close scrutiny through the press and media and as a symbol for the
people, the Queen has to use her MP in J as the stabilising, authoritative
voice in this matter.

Secondary Progressed Moon and the
Progressed Lunar Phase
Lecture 8 on DISC 3

You can find further material in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark,
Chapter 3: pages 113-144.

The Secondary Progressed Moon/ Secondary Progressed Lunar Phasing is

probably one of the most important predictive tools that an astrologer can have. It
predicts not so much particular events but the seasons of one life, the ebb and flow
of energy.

Using the Ephemeris to find Lunar Phases

George Lucas, the creator of film series Star Wars.
His chart and biography follow.

George Lucas was born on 14th May, 1944. If you look at the ephemeris2 for that
date, you will see what has been reproduced below:

At the bottom of the page there is a table labelled ‘Moon Phases & Eclipses’. This
table will tell you the dates of the lunar phases for the two months that are covered
on that page of the ephemeris.

From this table you can see that:

There was a Full Moon at 170H34’ on the 8th May 1944 at a GMT
time of 7 hours and 28 minutes.

There was a New Moon at 10C01’ on the 22nd May 1944 at 6 hours
and 12 minutes.

There was a Full Moon at 150 I 54’ on the 6th June 1944 at GMT
18 hours and 58 minutes.

There was a New Moon on the 20th June 1944 at the time and zodiac
place given.

The table also lists the 1st Quarter and 3rd Quarter Moons. The Moon symbol
with the horns of the Moon pointing left is a 1st Quarter Moon and the symbol with
the horns of the Moon pointing right is a 3rd Quarter. You do not need to memorise
this as the 1st Quarter is between the New Moon and Full Moon and the 3rd
Quarter is between the Full Moon and the New Moon. This table can therefore be
used to find the timing of the secondary progressed Lunar phases for George

The ephemeris being used for this example is: Michelsen, Neil F. The American Ephemeris for the
20th Century 1900 to 2000 at Midnight. 1983. ACS.

George Lucas
Natal Chart
14 May 1944
5:40 am +7:00
Modesto, California
37°N38'21'' 120°W59'45''
Mean Node
Rating: AA
25° Š
‰ 00'
‹ ¶ Ê
36' 11° 01° ‰
Ü Š Š 58'
01° 18' 04'
Œ 14°

º 06°Ý 50' Œ
17° 17°
» 11°Ý 48'
Ý ‡
14' ¸ 23°Ý 34' 14'

‚ 00'
14° 22' Œ
‚ 41'
‚ 25° †
54' ¾ Œ
23' 04'
33' 31' 30' À
ƒ „ 36'
„ „
06° 25°
01°06° 18°
„ †
ƒ 29° 01°
58' ¼É
Á ½ Ï …
ƒ 00' 26'
25° „

George Lucas

George Lucas was raised on a walnut ranch in

Modesto, California. His father was a stationery
store owner and he had three siblings.

During his late teens he went to Downey High

School and was very much interested in drag car
racing. He planned to become a professional race
car driver. However, a terrible car accident just after his high school
graduation ended that dream permanently. The accident changed his views
on life. He decided to attend Modesto Junior College before enrolling in the
University of Southern California film school. As a film student he made
several short films including Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB which won
first prize at the 1967-68 National Student Film Festival. In 1967, Warner
Brothers awarded him a scholarship to observe the filming of Finian's
Rainbow, directed by UCLA graduate Francis Ford Coppola. The following
year, Lucas worked as Coppola's assistant on The Rain People and made a
short film entitled Film Maker about the directing of the movie. Lucas and
Coppola shared a common vision of starting an independent film production
company where a community of writers, producers, and directors could share
ideas. In 1969, the two filmmakers moved to Northern California, where they
founded American Zoetrope. The company's first project was Lucas's full-
length version of THX:1138. In 1971, Coppola went into production for The
Godfather, and Lucas formed his own company, Lucasfilm Ltd.

In 1973, Lucas co-wrote and directed American

Graffiti. The film won the Golden Globe, the
New York Film Critics' and National Society of
Film Critics' awards, and garnered five
Academy Award nominations. Four years later,
Lucas wrote and directed Star Wars - a film
which broke all box office records and earned
seven Academy Awards. This intergalactic tale
of good vs evil combined cutting-edge
technology with good old-fashioned
storytelling, and movies haven't been the same
since. Lucas went on to write the stories for The Empire Strikes Back and
Return of the Jedi, which he also executive-produced. In 1980, he was the
executive producer of Raiders of the Lost Ark, directed by Steven Spielberg,
which won five Academy Awards. He was also the co-executive producer and
creator of the story for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

The Directors Guild of America (DGA) is an entertainment labor union which
represents the interests of film and television directors in the United States
motion picture industry. Founded as the Screen Directors Guild in 1936, the
group became the DGA in 1960. Not all Hollywood directors are DGA
members. In 1977-1981 George Lucas resigned from the Motion Picture
Academy over specific differences and was banned from writing or directing
movies. Those who are not members of the guild are unable to direct for the
larger movie studios, which are signatories to the guild's agreements that all
directors must be guild members

In the mid-1980s, Lucas concentrated on constructing Skywalker Ranch, a

facility custom-designed by Lucas to accommodate the creative, technical,
and administrative needs of his companies. Skywalker Ranch includes a
150,000-square-foot post production and music recording facility as well as
offices used for the research and development of new technologies in editing,
audio, and multimedia. The Ranch, named after the Star Wars character Luke
Skywalker, was completed in 1985.

In 1986, Lucas executive-produced Disneyland's 3-D musical space

adventure Captain Eo, which was directed by Francis Coppola and starred
Michael Jackson. Captain Eo was shown in a theatre uniquely designed by
Lucas, Industrial Light &Magic, and Disney for the 17-minute spectacular. He
was also the creator of Star Tours, combining the technology of a flight
simulator with ILM special effects, making it the most popular attraction at

His next project was the adventure-fantasy film Willow. Based on an original
story by Lucas, the film was directed by Ron Howard and executive-produced
by Lucas. Willow was released in 1988. Also in 1988, Lucas executive-
produced Tucker: the Man and His Dream, directed by Francis Coppola. The
following year, Lucas served as executive producer for Indiana Jones and the
Last Crusade.

The company established by George Lucas in 1971

has today evolved into three entities. Lucas Digital Ltd.
encompasses Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and
Skywalker Sound, the award-winning visual effects,
television commercial production, and audio post-
production businesses. ILM has played a key role in
over half of the top 15 box office hits of all time, and
was honoured in 1994 with an Academy Award for its
achievements in Forrest Gump, which marked a
technological breakthrough for the film industry.

In 1992, after numerous awards, George Lucas was honoured with the Irving
G. Thalberg Award by the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences. In 1999, Lucasfilm produced the latest instalment
in the Star Wars saga,The Phantom Menace. The next instalment of the
series Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones was released in 2002.

The animation studio Pixar was founded as the

Graphics Group, one third of the Computer
Division of Lucasfilm. Pixar's early computer
graphics research resulted in groundbreaking
effects in films such as Star Trek II: The Wrath of
Khan and Young Sherlock Holmes, and the group was purchased in 1986 by
Steve Jobs shortly after he left Apple after a power struggle at Apple
Computer. Jobs paid U.S. $5 million to Lucas and put U.S. $5 million as
capital into the company. The sale reflected Lucas' desire to stop the cash
flow losses from his 7-year research projects associated with new
entertainment technology tools, his company's new focus on creating
entertainment products rather than tools, the cash-flow difficulties following his
1983 divorce, and the sudden dropoff in revenues from Star Wars licenses
following the release of Return of the Jedi.

In 1994, Lucas began work on the screenplay for the prequel Star Wars
Episode I: The Phantom Menace, the first film he had directed in over two
decades. Released in 1999, it was the beginning a new trilogy of Star Wars
films. Lucas also directed Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star
Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith which were released in 2002 and 2005,
respectively. In 2008, he reteamed with Spielberg for Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

In January of 2012, Lucas announced his retirement from producing large-

scale blockbuster films and instead re-focusing his career on smaller,
independently budgeted features.

Web References:
- accessed December 2003
- accessed December 2003
- accessed - January 2012
- accessed - January 2012
- accessed - January 2012

The New Moon on 22nd May.
This is the first Lunar Phase which occurs after his birth on the 14th May. This
New Moon occurs 8 days after his birth, therefore he is 8 years old with the
Progressed New Moon at 10C01’ falling in his 1st House.

The Crescent Moon

occurs halfway between this phase and the next on 26th May, beginning when
he is about 12 years old.

Even though it is not listed in the ephemeris, you can work out the zodiacal
placement is out as follows:

Step 1.
Find the arc of movement between the Progressed New Moon at
10C01’ and the Progressed 1st Quarter Moon at 80F27’ by subtracting
one zodiacal placement from the other:

- 10C01’
= 970 26’

Step 2.
Divide this figure in half:

970 26’ divided by 2 = 480 56’.

Step 3.
Add this figure to the zodiacal placement of the Progressed New Moon
at 10C01’:

+ 480 56’
190 D 57’

This is the zodiacal placement of George Lucas’s Progressed Crescent Moon

and it falls in his 3rd house.

The 1st Quarter Moon on 30th May
This 1st Quarter occurred 16 days after his birth therefore he is 16 years old
with the Progressed 1st Quarter Moon at 80F27’ falling in his 5th house.

The Gibbous Moon

occurs halfway between this phase and the next on approximately 2nd June,
beginning when he is about 19 to 20 years old.

Even though it is not listed in the ephemeris, you can work out the zodiacal
placement as we did for the Progressed Crescent phase.

The Full Moon on 6th June

This Full Moon occurred 23 days after his birth therefore he is 23 years old
with the Progressed Full Moon at 150I54’ falling in his 8th house.

The Disseminating Moon

occurs halfway between this phase and the next on approximately 2nd June,
beginning when he is about 26 years old. Even though it is not listed in the
ephemeris, you can work out the zodiacal placement.

The 3rd Quarter Moon on 13th June.

This 3rd Quarter occurred 30 days after his birth therefore he is 30 years old
with the Progressed 3rd Quarter Moon at 220L29’ falling in his 11th house.

The Balsamic Moon

occurs halfway between this phase and the next on approximately 2nd June,
beginning when he is about 33 years old. Even though it is not listed in the
ephemeris, you can work out the zodiacal placement.

The New Moon on 20th June.

This New Moon occurred 36 days after birth therefore he is 36 years old with
the Progressed New Moon at 290C12’ falling in his 2nd house.

Connecting the Progressed Lunation Phase to a
person’s biography.

If we link this rhythm of the Lunar Phasing to George Lucas’ biography, then we
see the following:

In his Full Moon phase at age 23 he entered the film industry.

At the end of his Full Moon phase and the beginning of his Disseminating
phase he got his break in the film industry at the age of 26 years when he was
asked to make American Graffiti.

In his 3rd Quarter phase when he was 30-33 years old he made Star Wars
which some consider is his finest work.

The Balsamic Moon began when he was 33 years old coincided with Lucas’
exhaustion following the making of Star Wars, as well as his resignation from
the Motion Picture Academy 1977-1981 when he was was banned from
writing or directing movies

His New Moon Phase at the age of 36 years old in 1981 saw him becoming a

And so on.

Clearly we can see the ebb and flow of energy as the seasons of the Lunar
Phases unfold through his life.

Using your own chart, fill out the following table from the first Lunar Phase you
experienced as a child and continue through the next 70 years of your life:

Year: Age in Lunar Phase Zodiac Natal house

Years (Make sure you begin where your Position of Phase
own natal Secondary Progressed
19____ lunar phase begins, wherever it
20____ fall si the cycle, rather than the
current phase or the first New
Moon Phase)

Year of birth Lunation phase at birth…

1st Quarter
3rd Quarter
1st Quarter
3rd Quarter
1st Quarter
3rd Quarter

Secondary Progressions –
NOTE: You may want to miss this section if you don’t want to learn how to
calculate Secondary Progressions by hand.

You can find further material in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, Appendix 1:
pages 285-294 and in the audio lectures. If you choose to engage with learning how to
calculate this by hand then read pages 285- 292 to understand the concept of an ACD date.
This is most important and you should avoid moving forward into the calculation of
progressions until you understand not only the method of finding the ACD but also the logic
as to why it is needed.

Up to this stage you have been working directly from the ephemeris but as
you would notice, the planets move during the course of the day, thus the
progressed planets will move throughout the year.

Progressed Planet Approx. Rate of Movement per year

Moon 120
Sun 10
Mercury nil to 20
Venus nil to 20
Mars nil to 0.50

When working with secondary progressions it is necessary to know when the

progressed planets will form an exact aspect to a natal point and to do this you
need to calculate exactly the position of a progressed planet for any given date
of the year. Hence you need some method for achieving these calculations.

Points to Remember

 Work with the GMT of birth only.

 Use the form provided to guide you through the calculations.
 It does not matter if you move backwards or forwards in rounding
off the sidereal time when you are converting it back to a date.
 During the course of learning how to find the ACD, you should
notice that the sidereal time at midnight for any given calendar
date is always the same, plus or minus a few minutes. So if you
want to find to what date a particular sidereal time refers, it does
not matter what year you use to look the time up.
 at the September equinox, the sidereal time reverts to 0 hours 0
minutes 0 seconds; and at the March equinox the sidereal time is 12
hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds.

Extremely Important Point:

The first GMT midnight after your birth

is the first time that you are alive for your ACD.

For example…
If you are born at a GMT of 10.50 am on the 1st March 1960,
your ACD date will be the 18th September.

The first GMT midnight after your birth will therefore be midnight of the 2nd
March 1960.

That date therefore represents the first ACD for which you are alive.

Thus …

1st March ………Born at 10.50am

After 13 hours and 10 minutes it is midnight on:

2nd March ……This midnight (being the first midnight) is

equal in progressions to your first ACD for
which you are alive.

2nd March 1960 midnight (00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds) = 18th September 1960
and therefore:

3rd March 1960 midnight (00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds) = 18th September 1961
and therefore:

4th March 1960 midnight (00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds) = 18th September 1962

5th March 1960 midnight (00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds) = 18th September 1963

6th March 1960 midnight (00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds) = 18th September 1964

Each day forward in the ephemeris moves to the ACD in the NEXT year.

Make sure you understand this BEFORE you move on.

Working with the ACD
[Use the form on the next page in conjunction with the following steps.]

Before you can work with any progressed planets, you need to know
what dates to work with in the ephemeris.

Look at the second part of the Progression Form (following page).

You will see a section labelled Calculation of the Secondary Progressed Date,
also known as the SPD.
This form will guide you though the finding of the SPD.

Let us continue with our earlier example.

Our client is born on the 1st March 1960 at a GMT of 10.50 am.
Their ACD is the 18th September.
You wish to examine their progressions for the year 1998.

Step One. The first question on the form is ‘For which year are you calculating
the Progression?’ Write ‘1998’ in this slot.

Step Two. Subtract from this the year of birth: 1998 - 1960 = 38

Call the answer ‘days’. Thus your client will be 38 years old in that year, so we
are working with 38 days after the client’s birth.

Step Three. Convert the GMT birthday calendar date to the days of the year
using the table on page 293.

1st March = 60th day of the year.

Step Four.Add these two numbers together:

60 days (1st March) + 38 (age in 1998) = 98 days.

Step Five. Convert these days back to a calendar date. The easiest way is to
use the table on page 293 in Predictive Astrology:

The 98th day of the year is 8th April.

Step Six. *** Important Step ****

If the ACD is later in the year than the birthday, ADD one more day to the date.

This is because in our above example when the client was experiencing their
very first ACD – 18th September in this example - it was STILL the year of
their birth - 1960. The year had not turned over. Thus when we are counting
forward through the ephemeris to find 1998, we have to take this into account
by adding one more day to our final SPD.

Thus the 8th April 1960 will REALLY be his or her progressed planets for the
18th September 1997.

By adding a day we then get:

9th April 1960 = 18th September 1998.

If you are unsure of this, write down a table starting from:

2nd March 1960 = 18th September 1960

3rd March 1960 = 18th September 1961

and so on until you reach

9th April 1960 = 18th September 1998

Using the SPD to find the exact Progressed
Planetary Calculations
Having found the correct SPD for a given date and year in the person’s life,
we can now calculate the planets. Look in the ephemeris for the SPD (9th
April 1960) and you will notice the following:

18th September 1997 (8th April 1960) the NP is 180 09’ 58” A … and for
18th September 1998 (9th April 1960) the NP is 190 08’ 53” A … and for
18th September 1999 (10th April 1960) the NP is 200 07’ 47” A

By finding the daily movement of the N from one day to the next,3 the
astrologer can then find the average monthly movement of the NP and
therefore the NP position for any given month.

For the Moon, such a monthly table becomes essential, as the MP will move
about 120 per year.

18th September 1997 (8th April 1960) the MP is 290 59’ 04” E
… and for
18th September 1998 (9th April 1960) the MP is 120 56’ 23” F
… and for
18th September 1999 (10th April 1960) the MP is 260 16’ 17” F

Thus from 18th September 1997 to the 18th September 1998 the MP has
moved from:

290 59’ 04” E to 120 56’ 23” F - a total movement of 120 57’ 19”

Having found this total annual movement, it can be divided by 12 to give the
monthly movement.

120 57’ 19”

12 = 10 4’ 47” which can be rounded off to 10 5’

This is the same method employed when calculating natal planets.

The MP therefore moves 10 5’ per month during this period4 and the following
table can be constructed:

Date Position of Progressed Moon Aspects to

natal chart
18th Sept 97 290 E 59’ 04” + 10 5’
18th Oct 97 10 F 04’ 40”
18th Nov 97 20 F 10’ (you can round off)
18th Dec 97 30 F 15’
18th Jan 98 40 F 20’
18th Feb 98 50 F 25’
18th March 98 60 F 30’
18th April 98 70 F 35’
18th May 98 80 F 40’
18th June 98 90 F 45’
18th July 98 100 F 50’
18th August 98 110 F 55’

Important Points:

1. You can round off the seconds because you will only ever be a few
minutes out in your final figure in the table and you will notice that the fact
that months vary in the number of days they contain is not taken into

2. Once the monthly table is constructed, it is then an easy matter to see in

what months any aspects are being made to the natal chart.


From one year to the next, the monthly movement of the Moon can vary considerably so
you should re calculate it for every year with which you are working.


Self-Testing Exercise
(answers below)

1. Calculate the ACD for a midnight ephemeris for the following people:

a. Katherine Hepburn : 12th May 1907 5.47 pm EST (5 hours west)

b. Dustin Hoffman : 8th August 1937 5.07 pm PST (8 hours west)
c. Pope John Paul II : 18th May 1920 12.00 pm (noon) CET ( 1 hour east).
d. Margaret Thatcher : 13th October 1925 9.00 am GMT

2. What would happen to the ACD if the birth time was incorrect? Recalculate
Margaret Thatcher’s ACD using a birth time of 10 am instead of 9 am.

Self-Testing Exercise

For a midnight ephemeris:

1. a) Katherine Hepburn 31st May.

b) Dustin Hoffman (GMT is 9th August) 23rd July.
c) Pope John Paul II 7th November.
d) Margaret Thatcher 29th May.

2. Margaret Thatcher at 10 am = 14th May.

Full calculations follow.

Time Maps
Putting It All Together
Lecture 10 on DISC 3

You can find further material in Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, Time Maps,
pages 165 to 205and in the audio lectures.

Time Maps were devised by Bernadette Brady and are an easy way for seeing
all of the components of a client's predictive work in chronological order
presented on the one page.

Work with your own chart and select a year from your life that was particularly
interesting for you.

NOTE: Students are always tempted to draw up their Time Map for the current
year but it is best if you get the feel for Time Maps by working with a year in

Draw up the Time Map selecting:

a) The transits which you consider to be the most important for that period;

b) ALL the progressions;

c) Collect and add any ‘landscape’ information.

Take your time and do it as neatly as you can, as this will aid you in your
ability to read the Map.

 Use colour on your Time Map. We suggest you use the following:

blue for e, c and some a

red for dfg and some b
green for i.

 Place the lunar progressions at the top of the Map and underneath
them enter in the transits you have selected as the most important for
the year.

 Enter the transits in black or a different colour to any of the

progressions, and only grid up one transit of any triple-hitting transit.

 Enter the long lines of the progressions of the planets at the bottom of
the page using an arrow point to indicate when they will be exact,
recognising that after exactness the effect tails off rapidly. This way
they will form natural finishing lines at the bottom of the Map.

 Less information is better than more information. Usually a student will

place too many transits on the Map which only clouds the view and
makes the Map difficult to read. In order to get a feel for Time Maps
work, with just the few transits you have selected by using the rules
given earlier.

 Add landscape information, like the progressed Lunar Phase, house of

progressed Moon and Sun, any large progressed event happening to a
planet, and so on, either on the top of the Map above the months or to
the side, if you have enough room.

Look at the Map and notice…

 Where in the year are the progressions busiest?

 Do any of the transits line-up with this busy progression period?

Is there a repeating theme of houses or aspects?

For example… is there a string of quincunxes happening by

progression or transit? Or in all the transits that you have selected, is
there a common theme of houses involved?

Look very carefully at the order of the Map. The sequences of transits and
progressions have just as much meaning as the transits and progressions
themselves. If there is a period of semi-squares which are followed by a
period of squares, then the frustration rapidly resolves into action. However, if
there is a period of squares followed by a period of semi-squares, then a
period of action ends in a period of frustration and delays.

Now make some notes on the timing of the events of that year and see how
the Time Map is describing those events.

This is a extremely important exercise, for this will help you understand how
the Time Map - transits and progressions - actually communicates information
to you. Pretend that you are the Cosmos and you wish to describe a particular
year to an astrologer using the alphabet of astrology. Try writing such a Time
Map bearing in mind the restrictions of the orbital periods of planets (for
example, you cannot have transiting V T aN 10th house and then in the
same year, V T bM 12th house.) Such an exercise will quickly sharpen you to
the subtleties of the messages of transits and progressions.

Below are some example Time Maps from Solar Fire

taken from our case files of clients
with their names obliterated for obvious reasons.

Lecture 12 on DISC 4

Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 2

Creating a Solar Return in Solar Fire

Open the chart on which you are going to calculate a return and then select the Return button
on the screen or in the main menu select
Chart/Return & Ingress. The following screen will appear.

Planetary returns can be created by selecting Advance & Ingress… in the Chart type
to Generate window in the above screen. And then clicking on the OK button, which
changes to say Options…. The following screen is then displayed.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 3

Changing the Orb on the Midpoint Tree printouts from Solar Fire
Select the page that you want to print out but instead of clicking the Veiw or Select
button, click the Edit Page button. Once in this screen select “printer” in the Page
Sixes box (top right hand corner). Then with your mouse select the “midpoint tree”
object on the page (grey page). Then in the area that is a list on the right hand side
you will notice “Max Orb 2.00” at the bottom of the list. Select this and in the box just
below the words “midpoint tree (1)” change the 2 to a 1. Once you have done this,
then select the Screen views (under pages sizes) and also change the orbs here.
Save you changes under the “File menu” top left hand corner.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 4

Constructing Planetary Returns in Solar Fire

Select Return & Ingress on main menu for all type of returns except Lunar Phase Returns that
are constructed by selecting Lunar Phase on this same menu
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 5

Creating Planetary Returns

When creating planetary returns you must ask yourself a few questions. For example, let us say
that you wish to create a Jupiter Return chart:

1. For the Jupiter return chart do you wish to create your last Jupiter return chart? If so
then select current. Your next Jupiter return chart? If so then select Next.

2. What Jupiter return chart do you wish to create? If you wish to create a Jupiter return
chart for a return let us say for when you were 14 years old. Then you will need to enter
a date – in the Date window for when you were 14 years old (any date in that year will
do) and then select current. Then SF will find the Jupiter return that last happen before
the date you have entered. If you wish to find a Jupiter return for when you are in your
90’s then you need to enter such a date in the Date window and select current or next
depending if you want SF to search back from that date or forward.

3. What is the natal condition of your Jupiter? You may need to check this in the
ephemeris. If your Jupiter is retrograde then when asked by SF later you will select the
retrograde return. If your natal Jupiter is direct you need to ascertain if it is Direct and
has been for some time and is yet to enter into a retrograde loop OR if it is Direct but
just coming out of a retrograde loop. For the first situation then select the first returned
offer, for the latter situation then selected the second Direct return offered by SF in a
later screen. If, of course transiting Jupiter is not going to do a retrograde loop over
your natal Jupiter as it makes its return you will not be offered this choice.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 6

Having made these decisions then select Advance & Ingress and click on the Options button.

This is the window that will now open.

Select the planet for which you wish to do a return. In this example Jupiter is selected. Make
sure you are returning to “Natal Position”. If, however, you wish to do a chart for a Jupiter
return to any other point in the zodiac; an ingress into a new sign; conjunct your Moon; or to a
fixed point in the zodiac in any way then you would select “Position or Ingress” and enter in
the degree and minute and second of the zodiac to which you wish to return Jupiter.

In the Which Return area of the form andin the Number of Returns window enter a number. If
you say “1” and “Current” then SF will go back to find the last Jupiter return and produce that
for you. If you say “2” SF will go back to the last Jupiter return and then produce the next 2
returns for you and so on.

When you are happy with this then click the OK button.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 7

If SF goes back to find the last Jupiter return AND it finds that Jupiter was doing a retrograde
loop over the natal Jupiter as last return THEN it will ask you to select which return. The First
Direct hit of Jupiter transit over your natal Jupiter, the Second Retrograde hit or the 3rd Direct
hit. The chart you select here should be based on your answer to point 3 above.

Doing Harmonic Returns

Let us say that you now wish to do your last Saturn Return chart but you also want to look at
the charts for when transiting Saturn was squaring your natal Saturn, opposing your natal
Saturn and then the waning square of transiting Saturn to your natal Saturn.

Using Steve Waugh as an example – to ensure that you start the sequence of returns with your
Saturn Return chart then in the return window as show, enter a date for which the last aspect
that transiting Saturn made to your natal Saturn was a conjunction and not a square or
opposition. In this case I have entered a date of 1st Dec 1999 when Steve was 34 years old to
ensure that his last transiting Saturn to natal Saturn 4th harmonic activity was the conjunction.
Click the Options button.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 8

Once again you will enter the Advanced Return Selections window. Now in this window with
Saturn selected enter the number “4” in the Harmonic window. This is asking for all aspects of
90 degrees. Also in the Number of Returns window enter the number “4” as we want all four
return – the Conjunction which is the main return; the waxing square which is the next 90
degree aspect; the opposition which is the next, the waning square which is the next and 4th
chart. If we only asked for 1 return in this window then you only get the Saturn, conjunct
Saturn return and nothing else no matter what harmonic you had entered.

Once again as SF looks for these returns if it finds that Saturn has done a retrograde loop as it
forms a 4th harmonic aspect to itself then it will ask you what chart you wish to use.

Try doing this for not only your Saturn returns but also look at your Pluto Square Pluto chart or
your Uranus opposition chart, or your Neptune square Neptune chart.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Natal Chart of John Paul II

John Paul II (Pope) Compliments of:-

Astro Logos
Natal Chart Educators of Astrologers
18 May 1920 Web:
12:00 EET -2:00 Email:
Wadowice, Poland
49°N53' 019°E30'
True Node
17° Ý
‚ ¶¸ ºÊ
25° » 14°
29°27° 18°15°
14° Ü
ƒ Á Ý Ý
14' 08' 04'38'
Ý 11'
06° 34'
15' ƒ Œ
„ 18°

‘ ‹
À 08°„ á


½ 10°„ 59'

27° 28' ‹ 05° ¿ 27°
„ à Š
Ï 00° … 03'
56' 57'
¾ 04°…
… 15'
28' 00°
† Œ
22° 38'
¼ ‡ ‰
† 15°
É ˆ
17° ‡
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Solar Return for Pope - 1978

Compliments of:-
John Paul II (Pope) Astro Logos
Solar Return Educators of Astrologers
18 May 1978 (±2 secs) Web:
11:45:37 CET -1:00 Email:
41°N54' 012°E29' 22°Ý 04'
Tropical 30'
Placidus ‚ ¸
27° 18°
True Node » 27° º Ü
ƒ 53'
½ 25° Ý 02°
06° ‚ 08' Ý

ƒ 37' 47' Ê 21°
20' 04°
00° Ü ‹
’ 39'
‘ á
¼ 16°„ ’
28° ¾ 24° „ 07' á 28°

„ á
à Š
30' ’ 30'
‘ á

21° 28' ’
… † 39' Œ 15'
03° † 15' 49'
03' Œ Œ Š
¶ 04° † 29' ‰
É 14° 50'
Á ‡ ˆ
18° 13° 17° Ï ‰

53' ¿ À 30'
22°‡ 04'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

¶ Orb É Orb Ï Orb ½ Orb º Orb ¿ Orb ¼ Orb
¾ ¿ 0°31'ß Ï Ï 0°10' ‘ É É 0°10'‘ ¿ Ë 0°10' ‘ ½ Ë 0°22' ‘ ¶ » 0°42'‘ À Á 0°14' ‘
¼ Ì 0°38'‘ ¼ Ì 0°33' ‘ ¼ Ì 0°44'à ¸ ¼ 0°17' ß Á Ì 0°23' ‘ » É 0°59' ß
¾ ¿ 0°40' ß ¶ É 0°46'‘
½ Ï 0°56' ß ¾ ¿ 0°51'‘

Ì Orb ¾ Orb ¸ Orb Ë Orb À Orb » Orb

¼ Ë 0°14'‘ Á Ï 0°25' ‘ ¾ Ë 0°50'‘ º » 0°42' ‘ ¸ ½ 0°45' à À Ï 0°32'à
¸ Ì 0°29' ‘ É Ë 0°55' ‘
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Pope's Saturn Return – 1978

Compliments of:-
John Paul II (Pope) Astro Logos
Saturn Return Educators of Astrologers
4 Sep 1978 (±3 mins) Web:
04:02:24 CET -1:00 Email:
41°N54' 012°E29' 13°Ý 26'
Tropical 22'

Placidus 19°
True Node 10°

ƒ Ê 13°
22° 26°
‹ ‹
½ 29° 43'
Ï 05° ƒ 46'
„ 13'
21° 21°
„ 23° „ 13'
º ’

… 56'
¾ 04° … 14' ’’ á
13° ¸ ’ ‘
43' ’
… … 48' 56'
34' 26° … 14'
É 27° † 34'11' 34'

¶ 15° †† 10' ˆ
19° ‡
10° Á 27° 13° 15°
† ¼»
34' À
¿ ˆ
13°‡ 26'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

¼ Orb ½ Orb Ï Orb ¿ Orb Ì Orb Ë Orb º Orb
º À 0°11'ß Á Ì 0°26' ß » ¿ 0°02'‘ Ì Ì 0°16' à Ë Ï 0°04' ‘ » À 0°24'‘ ¸ Ï 0°01' ß
¿ É 0°22'ß ¿ Á 0°34' ‘ » Ì 0°06'ß Ë Ï 0°20' ‘ ¿ ¿ 0°16' à
É Ì 0°30'‘ À É 0°56'‘ º Ï 0°47' ‘
À Ë 0°54'ß
¶ ¿ 0°55'ß

¸ Orb À Orb É Orb ¶ Orb

¶ º 0°44'ß ¾ É 0°16' ‘ ¼ ¾ 0°32'ß ¸ Á 0°26' ß
» Ï 0°38' ‘ ¼ ¾ 0°33' ß
¶ ¾ 0°48' ‘
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Margaret Thatcher – Natal and Solar Returns

Chart 1 Chart 2
Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher
Natal Chart Solar Return
13 Oct 1925 13 Oct 1978 (±2 secs)
09:00 GMT +0:00 05:48:33 BST -1:00
Grantham, England London, ENG
52°N55' 000°W39' 51°N30' 000°W10'
Geocentric „ Geocentric 03° ƒ 06'
51' ‚
Tropical 03°…
Placidus ¶À É Placidus 59' 26°
True Node True Node „
Á 08° 52'
16' 28°24° 01° ½
† Ï „„ „ 14° 06°
05° 24° 38'14' ƒ 14°
31' „ Ï
¼ …
Œ 45' ‚ 47' 08' 12° 26°
09° 24' Ý
02' ¸ † 48' … Ü
28' 02'
19° 08° ¾ 32'
† º † ’ ‘
‘ 09° …
23°† 30'
28° 47' á 35'

15° 02° É 26° … 41' ‘ 02°
13° ‡ 46' ‘
‡ à á Ý † à Ü
‘ 41' ‹ 26°
16' ‘ 16' 23' ‘ Ê 23'
04' ’ á † 43'
02° ˆ 02' Á 16° 30'
19° † 21' ’
á 50' ‹
‘ 09°
Ü 26° ¸ 28°
† ¶ 47'
28° 04'
14° Œ † º ‡ 57' ‹
ˆ 29' Œ 29'
32' 15° ‡ 20' 08°
48' ‰ 31' ‹
22° 16' ¿ 15°22°‡ 07'
14° Š Ü ¼ ˆ
¿ 05° » 16°
½ 01° 59'
Ê ‡ À Š
52' 08°
23° 51'
‰ 29'
Š 03°‹ ˆ
03° ‰ 06'

Chart 3 Chart 4
Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher
Solar Return Solar Return
13 Oct 1979 (±2 secs) 12 Oct 1980 (±2 secs)
11:47:43 BST -1:00 17:33:23 BST -1:00
London, ENG London, ENG
51°N30' 000°W10' 51°N30' 000°W10'
Geocentric Geocentric
… 25° „
13' 46' 29° ˆ 37' 11°ˆ
Tropical 27' Tropical 17°‰ 23'
Placidus † Placidus
03° ¾ Ïɽ À
¼ 17°
True Node ¼ True Node 48'
¶ ‡
21°12°07°02° Š 20°
10° ¶ 11° 00° 03'
Á18' … ……… 10° ˆ 28°
ˆ‡ 23° º
‡ ¸ „ ƒ
19° 16'02'42'39' 25° Ê 22'
18'28' ‡ 14°
00° 47' ƒ 43' 18°
» 19°†† 46' Š
42' ‡
02° 09' 28'
51' º 09° ‡ 30' 00'
33' ’ ‘ ‘ Œ ¸
‡ ¿ 19° ‡ 09' ’ ‘
‘ ‘
’’ †
36' † 19° †
19° ‡ 23' á ‘’ 30'
‘ ’’
’ ‘
05° 05° 29°
37' † 02° ¾ 29°
ˆ ‚ ‹ 01' … 27° …
46' 46' 00'
½ 00'
À 18° ˆ 51' 57' …
Ý Ü 08°
Œ »
19° 58' 00'
Ý „
07° 18°
10° 18'
‰ 42' Ý
43' ‹ 00° 48'
07° Ý „
03' 11°
Ê 27'
03°Ü 11°‚ 46'
25° Š
13' ‹ 23' 29° ‚ 37' 17°ƒ

Chart 5
Margaret Thatcher
Solar Return
12 Oct 1981 (±1 secs)
23:27:54 BST -1:00
London, ENG
51°N30' 000°W10'
Geocentric 29' Ü
Tropical 06°Ý
Placidus ‹
¶ 04'
True Node 11°
41' Ü 00°
‚ 14' ‹
20° 57'

32' Š 03°
25° 25°
ƒ à
á Œ 02' ‰ 28° Ê ‰
É 28° ƒ 02' Œ
16' 16'
11° á
„ 12' ’

’ 30'
14' „ ’
25° 22°
¼ 25' À
Œ 00' ˆ 41'
40'30'29'05'04' ‡ 04° ˆ
… 28°
57' † † † †‡ 20°
13°19°20°24°01° ¿
28° ¾¸½Áº
† 06° ‡

Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Margaret Thatcher's Solar Return – 1978

Compliments of:-
Margaret Thatcher Astro Logos
Solar Return Educators of Astrologers
13 Oct 1978 (±2 secs) Web:
05:48:33 BST -1:00 Email:
London, ENG
51°N30' 000°W10' 03°ƒ 06'
Geocentric ‚
Placidus 59' 26°
True Node „ Ý
08° 52'
„ Ï
47' 08' 12° 26°
… Ý Ü
08° ¾ 09° 32'
… 35'

02° É 26° … 41' ‘

† à Ü
41' ‹ 26°
23' ‘ Ê 23'
† 43'
Á 16° 30'
19°† 21' ’
á 50' ‹
’ ‘ 09°
26° ¸ 28°† 04' ¶ 47'
† º ‡ 57' ‹
32' 15° ‡ 20' 08°
¿ 15°22°‡ 07'
¼ ˆ
» 16°
26° 59'
‡ À Š
52' 08°
03°‰ 06'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

Ë Orb Ì Orb Á Orb ¸ Orb º Orb ½ Orb ¿ Orb
Ì Ì 0°43'‘ Ë Ë 0°43' ‘ ¶ » 0°38'‘ ½ Ì 0°07'‘ ¶ À 0°22' ‘ ¾ Ì 0°12'ß É Ì 0°10'‘
º ¾ 0°52' ‘ » ¾ 0°45'ß É Ï 0°08'‘ ¾ À 0°30' ß ¸ » 0°13'‘ ¼ ¼ 0°54'ß
» Ë 1°00' ß À É 0°16'‘
¶ Ì 0°20'‘
º ¿ 0°34'‘
º Ï 0°57'ß

¼ Orb » Orb ¾ Orb ¶ Orb É Orb

À Á 0°27'ß º À 0°06' ß ¼ Ì 0°03'ß ¾ ¾ 0°16'à ¼ ½ 0°38' ß
¿ ¿ 0°54'ß ½ ¾ 0°32' ‘ ¶ ¶ 0°16'à ¼ Ì 0°19'à
¶ ½ 0°39' à ¿ Ì 0°30'ß ¿ Ì 0°46'à
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Margaret Thatcher – Saturn Return 1954

Compliments of:-
Margaret Thatcher Astro Logos
Saturn Return Educators of Astrologers
19 Nov 1954 (±1 mins) Web:
05:25:50 BST -1:00 Email:
London, ENG
51°N30' 000°W10'
Geocentric 01°„ 43' ƒ
Tropical 23°
Placidus ½¿ Ê

True Node 08'
… Á 29°27° 06°
06° ƒƒ
26° ƒ
„ 56'36' 24'
¶ 47' ŒŒ Œ
10' 16° Ý
… 28'
† 58'

’ ‘
23° ’

‘ 23°

† à Ü
À 26° † 54' 53'
‡ 46'
º 07° ‡ 46' Œ á
13° 05'
¾ 20°‡ 18' ‘
‘‘ 10'
20° » 26°‡ Ü
‡ 03°
¸ Œ
28' 14'24' 20'
‰‰ Š
03°06° 19° 08'

23° ÏÉ ¼ 06°
‰ 01°Š 43'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

Ï Orb É Orb À Orb ¿ Orb ½ Orb Ì Orb º Orb
º Á 0°57'‘ ¶ À 0°31'‘ ¼ Ï 0°37'‘ ¼ É 0°17'à Á Ï 0°04'‘ Á É 0°07'‘ ¼ ¿ 0°42'à
¶ Ë 0°59'‘ ¿ ¿ 0°42'‘ À À 0°42'‘ ¿ Ì 0°17'ß º À 0°37'‘ » À 0°43'ß
¼ É 0°59'‘ º Ë 0°54'‘ º Ë 0°53'‘ » Ë 0°47'ß

¾ Orb ¼ Orb » Orb ¸ Orb Á Orb ¶ Orb

º » 0°09'ß ¸ ¾ 0°42'‘ ¸ ¾ 0°02'ß Á Á 0°28'‘ ¸ ¸ 0°28'‘ ¸ É 0°37'‘
½ Á 0°25'‘ » » 0°44'‘ ¼ ¼ 0°44'‘ º ¿ 0°43'ß
Á Ì 0°28'‘
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Margaret Thatcher's Jupiter Returns – 1972 and 1984

Chart 1
Margaret Thatcher
Jupiter Return
17 Dec 1972 (±17 secs) Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
13:41:26 BST -1:00
London, ENG Ì Orb Ë Orb ¶ Orb
51°N30' 000°W10' ¸ É 0°24' ß ½ É 0°28'‘ ¸ Á 0°10'à
24°‰ 47' 05°‰ 54'
35' ɽ ˆ » Orb º Orb À Orb
Š ¸ ¼ À 0°02' ß ¿ É 0°14'ß ¶ ¸ 0°18'‘
21° 16°14°
25° À 26° º ¼ 0°29' ß
ˆ 05°
º ‡
54'29' » 09'
42' ˆ 04°28°
¾ Orb ¸ Orb
‹ Œ 44' ˆ ¼ ¶ É 0°22' ‘ º É 0°11'ß
50' ‡ 21° ¾ Ì 0°28'‘
27' ‡

15° á ’
18' † 22° ¿ 15°
Ü †
13' 19' † 04° 13'
á Á
15° 42'
¶ Œ …
24' Œ 04° …
26° ‚ 54' Ï
Ý 16° ƒ
09' ¾ 16° 35'

‚10' Ê 21°
05°ƒ 54' 24°ƒ 47'

Chart 2
Margaret Thatcher
Jupiter Return 02°Ü 50'
30 Nov 1984 (±12 secs)
18:30:06 BST -1:00
Ï 00°
London, ENG
51°N30' 000°W10' ¶ ‹
31' 00° 03'
Ý 13°
20° Ü 07°

É 03' ¼ Š54'
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2) 27° 11°
Ë Orb » Orb ¾ Orb
‚ 22' 17' 20°
¼ É 0°17' ‘ ¶ É 0°10'‘ ¸ Á 0°17'ß ‰

º ¼ 0°21'ß
20° » 38'
03' ‰
29' ‰ 14° ½ 04°

04° á ’

ƒ 19' ‰ 00° ‰

’ 29' ˆ 29°
À 36'
É Orb Ì Orb ¸ Orb
¶ ¼ 0°12' ‘ ¸ ¾ 0°00'‘ ½ Á 0°17'ß
20° ’ 29'
ƒ 42' ˆ13°
08° ¿ ˆ
38' 22'
23' ‡ ¸
‡ 27°
07° 28' 21° Ê
¶ Orb ¿ Orb º Orb „ ‡ ¾
¾ Ë 0°04' à º É 0°04'‘ ¸ » 0°07'ß 54' 03° 31'
º É 0°23' ß À É 0°21'‘ ½ ¿ 0°30'ß ‡
00° Á 20°
¿ ¿ 0°26' ‘ ¶ ¶ 0°26'‘ …
¾ Ë 0°30'‘ 03'
02°† 50'
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Uk Uion 1801 – Solar Returns 2000/2001

Chart 1
357 UK_UNION-1801
Solar Return
31 Dec 2000 (±1 secs) Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
13:19:09 LMT +0:00:28
51°N30' 000°W07' ½ ¿ 0°15' ‘ º » 0°20'‘ º » 0°18'ß
21°Š 26' » ¾ 0°22' ‘

07' 27°
Ü ¶ » ¿ ‰ ¿ Orb ¾ Orb ¶ Orb
À 58' ¼ ½ 0°11' à ¶ À 0°17'‘ Á Á 0°24'‘
13° 26° 18° 09° ¼ Á 0°24'à
‹ Š Š 05° Ê ‰
21' 29'38' Š 15° º 59' Á Orb
19' ‰ 13° ¸ ¶ ¶ 0°24' ‘
31' ‰ 10°
33' ‰ ˆ

’ 11'

‘ á 13° Á
áá ‘ 45' ˆ
29° ¾ 24° Ý 37' Œ 29°
Ý 02° ‚ 14' Œ

½ 36'

22° ‡
‚ 31'
30' ƒ
15° 46'
09° „
ƒ É 02°
27° Ï 07'
ƒ †
58' 00°
21°„ 26' …

Chart 2
357 UK_UNION-1801
Solar Return 00°Ý
31 Dec 2001 (±1 secs)
19:11:41 LMT +0:00:28 09°
‚ 59' 18'
51°N30' 000°W07' ¾
09° 28°
É ‹
‚ 21'
26' 27° 20'
ƒ ½ ‚
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2) 17° 10°
11' ¼ 04°
» Orb º Orb ¶ Orb Œ 16°
42' ‹ ‹
Œ ‘ 44'
¶ Á 0°13' ‘ ¿ É 0°28'‘ ¼ ¾ 0°11'‘ ¶ 28° á 42'
¸ Ë 0°12'‘ ƒ 13'
½ Ë 0°27'ß
16° 27' Š 22° ¿ 16°
À Orb ¿ Orb „ àà
à Š
39' ‘ 26' Š 39'
¶ Ë 0°00' à ¶ ¼ 0°02'‘
37' ‰ 07° À
¼ É 0°29' ‘ 17' 28°
04° ‰25° Ï
… 11' º
42' Œ 55' ‰
11' ‰ 10° 26'
02' ˆ 06° ¸ ‰
28° ˆ 27° » 17°
… 16° Ê
21' Á
† 59'
18' 09°ˆ
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Lunar Returns – UK

Chart 1
357 UK_UNION-1801
Lunar Return
23 Mar 2002 (±2 secs) Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
10:56:02 LMT +0:00:28
WESTMINSTER, ENG ½ Orb » Orb ¶ Orb
51°N30' 000°W07' ¼ ¿ 0°16' ‘ ¶ ¶ 0°20'‘ » » 0°20'‘
19°Ü 30'
Ý 13°
» ¸ ‹ À Orb ¿ Orb Ì Orb
¼ 19° 02° º ¸ Á 0°10' ß À Ì 0°01'ß ¾ Á 0°12'ß
16' ½ Ì 0°21' ‘
15° Ü Ü 18°
‚ 18°
06° Ý 06' 38' ‹ ¿ Š Á Orb
¾ 20' 47' 26° 58' ¶ ¼ 0°15' à
09° Š
É 21° ‚44' ’
À 00°
‚ ‘ Š Š
25' ‘ á
Œ ‘ á 43'
½ 06° ƒ 23' á ‘ 15°
ƒ ‰
02' ¶ 19° ƒ 26' 02'
00° Œ
Œ 25' ˆ
„ 38' 21°
ˆ Ê
43' 17°
„ 50' 16'
58' ‡ ˆ
01° 06°
13° Ï
… ‡
19°† 30'

Chart 2
357 UK_UNION-1801
Lunar Return 19°ƒ 14'
19 Apr 2002 (±2 secs)
17:32:39 LMT +0:00:28 12°
51°N30' 000°W07' „ É 00'
24° 19° 09° ¾
ƒ ƒ 12° ¼
26' 15' 04°
58'15' ‚ » 10°
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2) 40' 05' Ý22° º Ý
Ë Orb Ì Orb ¶ Orb … ’ 40' 12° 13'
À É 0°14' à ¶ ¶ 0°12'ß Ì Ì 0°12'ß 22° ’ Ý
¶ ½ 0°19' ‘ 29° ¸
½ Ì 0°26' ‘ 29' Ü
14° 14°
À Orb ¿ Orb ¼ Orb † à áá‘‘ Ü
¸ » 0°15' ‘ » ¼ 0°19'‘ ¸ ½ 0°17'ß 40' ‘’ 40'

10° ‹
‡ Œ 03'
Š 22°
13' 23'58' 50' 28°
ˆˆ 37' Š
17°18° ‰ 10°
04° 20'
12° ÁÊ À Š
ˆ Ï 24°
19°‰ 14'
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Compliments of:-
357 UK_UNION-1801 Astro Logos
Lunar Return Educators of Astrologers
16 May 2002 (±2 secs) Web:
22:58:27 LMT +0:00:28 Email:
51°N30' 000°W07'
Geocentric 12°† 05'

Placidus 32'
True Node ‡ 25°
11° „
ˆ 12°
01° ‡
39' Á
ˆ Ê 17° ˆ
ˆ 56'
19° ¶
18° Œ
26' ƒ ½ 05°
05° 40' ƒ 13°
‰ à
à ƒ
40' ‚ 25° »
47' 22' ‚ 47'
56' ‚ 22° ¼
Œ 26' ‚ 17° É 39'
Œ ‘ 56' 15° ‚

53' 09° ¾ 18°
10° 43'
Ý º
À 25° 50'
¸ ‚
25° ¿
Š 32'
36' Ý

12°Ü 05'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

Ë Orb ½ Orb ¶ Orb À Orb Ì Orb Ï Orb ¸ Orb
¶ ¼ 0°07'à À Á 0°14'à º ¿ 0°06'‘ Ì Ì 0°33' ‘ À À 0°33'‘ Ì Ì 0°42'ß º Ì 0°09'‘
¿ Ï 0°18'ß ¾ À 0°28'‘ Ì Ï 0°54' ‘ Ï Ï 0°42'ß º Ï 0°12'‘
¿ Ì 0°39'ß À É 0°47'‘

¿ Orb º Orb ¾ Orb Á Orb É Orb ¼ Orb » Orb

¾ Ï 0°07'à ¸ ¼ 0°48'ß ¶ Ì 0°03'‘ ¾ É 0°09' à º » 0°08'ß ¶ ¸ 0°17'ß ¾ Ë 0°04'‘
¾ Ì 0°14'à ¸ » 0°51'ß ¸ Ë 0°24'‘ º ¼ 0°41' à ¼ ¾ 0°59'ß º Ë 0°29'‘ À Ì 0°35'à
Á Ì 0°28'‘ Ë Ï 0°55'à ¶ Ï 0°24'‘ º » 0°58' à » É 0°34'ß Á Ë 0°38'à
Á Ï 0°49'‘ º ¼ 0°43'ß ¶ Ï 1°00' ‘ À Ï 0°56'à
¸ Ë 1°00' ‘
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

UK – Lunar Phase Returns

Chart 1
357 UK_UNION-1801
Moon/Sun Phase Return
29 Mar 2002 Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
09:56:32 LMT +0:00:28
51°N30' 000°W07' ¶ º 0°10' ‘ ¸ » 0°17'à º É 0°18'‘
07°Ü 40' ¼ ¿ 0°12' ß

¸ º 03° ¼ Orb ¿ Orb Ì Orb

» ‹
52' ¶ É 0°15' ‘ ¶ ½ 0°08'à ¼ Á 0°20'ß
18' 08° 29°
Ý ¼ Ü ‹ ¿
25° Ü 11°
19° 28' 32' 37' 27° Š Á Orb º Orb
Ý Š 04' ¸ ¿ 0°15' ‘ ¼ À 0°20'ß
¾ 28' 11' À É Ë 0°27'‘
‚ 10° 23°
10° ’
’ Š
‚ ’ ‘
É 20° 12' ‰
‚ 39' ‘‘ á 34'
Œ á
58' ‰ 16°
07° 07°
½ 06° ƒ 51' à
ƒ à ‰
43' á á
Π39' 43'
23° Œ 36' ˆ 20°
ˆ17° Ê
ƒ ’
„ 47'
04' 18'

17° 25°
… ¶
07° † 40'

Chart 2
357 UK_UNION-1801
Moon/Sun Phase Return
27 Apr 2002 18°„ 09°
19:02:56 LMT +0:00:28 ƒ
51°N30' 000°W07'
00' ½
… 10°
22° ƒ É
26' 18° ¾ 04°
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2) ‚ 13° ¼ ‚
01' 26' ‚ 09°
½ Orb À Orb ¶ Orb
† Œ 08' ‚ » 07'
33' 02°
¼ À 0°12' ‘ ¶ Ë 0°24'‘ º Ë 0°17'‘

29' Ý 26° º
» Ì 0°16' ß ¸ º 0°22'à ’ 35'
17' Ý 15° Ï
06° 06°
Ì Orb º Orb ¿ Orb
‡ 20' Ý 07° ¸ Ý
» Ë 0°22' ß Á Ë 0°03'à ¶ ¼ 0°15'à à
02' á
á 02'
¸ É 0°26'‘
¶ 16° ‡ 35' á‘‘

» Orb ¼ Orb ¾ Orb ‘ 01'
¶ É 0°01' ‘ » Á 0°20'‘ ¼ Á 0°16'‘ Œ Ü
04° 15' Œ 17°
¶ ½ 0°22'‘ ˆ 26'
ˆ 17° ˆ
É Orb 07' Á 18° 55'
º ½ 0°05' ß Ê Š 00'
28° ‹
10° 22°
‰40' À
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Wynn Key Returns

In the Return window shown below select the item Wynn Key in the “Chart Type to
Generate Window” as shown. Also enter the DATE of the event or period of time
you are examining in the Date window. Enter the LOCATION of the event in the
Place window. When you are happy with this click OK.
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Female Client: Natal chart and three solar returns from 1997 to 1999.

Chart 1 Chart 2
Female Client Female Client
Natal Chart Solar Return
17 Dec 1964 17 Dec 1997 (±1 secs)
12:32 ACST -9:30 12:49:49 ACST -9:30
Adelaide, AUSTL Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35' 34°S55' 138°E35'
Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical 29° ˆ 52' Tropical 03° ‰ 59'
Placidus ‰ Placidus
True Node 24' 27° True Node 30' 01°
Š º ¸Ê ‡ Š º¸
¼À ˆ
¿» 29°28°
02° 21' 06°
29°25°23° 25°25° Á
ˆ ˆˆ
» 02° ˆˆ 06°
À 06° ‰ ‰
27° ½ ŠŠ 07'26' 40'13' ˆ
51' ‡ 18° 26° 50' 19° 08' 14' Ï 00°
Œ 18' ‡ 22' Œ
‹ ¾ 53' † ‹ Š 10° ‡
02° 00° 54' 06° 19' ‡ 53'
’ 44'
‹ ’
04' ‘ Ê 13°
‹ 47'
‘ Œ á

29° 29° 03° 03°
‹ à
àà 55' … 18° … Ü à
à á †
53' ‘ 20' …
¼ 53' 38' 38'
51' … 16° Á ¾ 13° Ü 32'
áá 14° Œ 47'
¿ …13°
… É
26° Œ 02° 51' 00° 50'
06' Ï …
Ü Ý 20' Ý …
19' 06°
54' 17° Ý 02° 53'
01' „
½ ‚ 02°
¶ 23°
27° 24' 01°
¶ 30'
Ý É „ ‚ „
21' 02° 26' 06°
29° ‚ 52' ƒ 03°ƒ 59'

Chart 3 Chart 4
Female Client Female Client
Solar Return Solar Return
17 Dec 1998 (±1 secs) 18 Dec 1999 (±1 secs)
18:42:30 ACST -9:30 00:25:43 ACST -9:30
Adelaide, AUSTL Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35' 34°S55' 138°E35'
Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical 44' ‹ Tropical 28° ‚ 27'
Placidus 02°Ü 22'
Placidus ƒ 12'
True Node True Node 21° 28'
48' 20°
Ý 23° ¿ 33' É 07° 07°
01° ¾ ‹
19° „ ‚ Ý
26° 04'
Š 10° À 04° ¾ 19'
‰ 18° 41'
Ü 56' Š 00° „ 10°
Œ 15' Š 59' 26' Ý
30' 54'
Ý Œ 33' Œ 53' ½
Œ 25°
25° ‘ » Ü Ü
Ï 29° 14° ¶
Ý 09'
‘ ‰ 07° Œ
á 03' 53' Ü

’ 13' ˆ 25°
¸ 16° 27° 27°
‚ á 35' ˆ 08° ˆ … à ‘

‘ ‹
38' 45' ˆ
Á 38' 22' ‘’’ 22'

59' ˆ 07° ¶ áá
’ º
30' † ‘

‡ Œ 07'26'
19° Œ 25°
‡ 26' Š
54' 41' Š 16°
ƒ 56' 13° 19'54' 13' Š
07° Š 14° ¼ 33'
59' „ † » ˆˆ ˆ 04° Š
48' ‡ 02° ¿
23° ‡ 19' 09°10° Ê 18°
¼ 01° 25° À
É ºÁ ¸
05° 12'
27° 44' ˆ 28'
„ 22' 02° †
… 28° ˆ 27'
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Birth of First Child – Two Returns and the Wynn Key Chart for the date of the birth.

Chart 1
03° ‰ 59' Female Client
Solar Return
30' 01°
Š ¼À º¸ ˆ 17 Dec 1997 (±1 secs)
26' 12:49:49 ACST -9:30
¿» 29°28°
25°25° Á Adelaide, AUSTL
02° 34°S55' 138°E35'
06° ‰ ‰ ˆˆ 06° Geocentric
½ ŠŠ 07'26' 40'13' ˆ Tropical
50' 19° Ï 00° Placidus
22'08' Π14' True Node
‹ Š 10° ‡
06° 19' ‡ 53'
’ 44'
Ê 13°
‹ 47'
Œ á
03° 03°
Ü à
à á †
38' 38'
¾ 13° Ü 32'
00° 50'
Ý …
19' 06°

02° 44' ‹ 27°Š
02°Ü 22'
¶ 30' ½
‚ „ 48' Ê
26' 06° 20°
Ý 23° ¿
03° ƒ 59' 01° ¾ ‹
26° 04'
Š 10° À
56' Š 00° ‰
Ü 59'
30' 54' Œ 15' Š
25° Ï 29°

07° »
Chart 2 ‘
Female Client Ý 09' á 03' ‰
Solar Return

’ 13' ˆ 25°
¸ 16°
17 Dec 1998 (±1 secs)
18:42:30 ACST -9:30 ‚ á 35' ˆ 08° Á ˆ
Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35' 38' ‘ 45' ˆ 07° 38'
Geocentric 59' ˆ ¶
Tropical 03°
’ º
True Node

Œ 25°
56' 54'
59' „ †
12° ‰ 29' 48'
23° 10° ‡
02' 09° 01°
º ˆ ¼
¸ À» 46' É
¿ 29°21°15° ¶ 27°
Á „ 22' 44'
Ï 08°04° ‰ ‰ 14° … 02°†
½ 21° ŠŠ‰ 38'55' ˆ 07°
07' ¼ 27° Š 26'07'49' ˆ 09°
‹ Ê 29°ŠŠ 23' 28' ‡
11° 01'
15° ‹ 10'


‘ á
11° 11°
Ü †
¾ 14° Ü 53'
20' 20'


09° 11° 07'
Ý É …
Chart 3
01' 15°
Birth of First child
Wynn Key Return
24 Jan 1998
17:30 ACST -9:30
09° 02' Adelaide, AUSTL
‚ „ 34°S55' 138°E35'
46' 15° Geocentric
12° ƒ 29' Placidus
True Node
Returns and Wynn Key Cycles - Disk 4

Birth of Second Child – Two returns plus Wynn Key cycle chart.

Chart 1
44' ‹ 27°Š Female Client
02°Ü 22' Solar Return
½ 17 Dec 1998 (±1 secs)
48' Ê 18:42:30 ACST -9:30
Adelaide, AUSTL
Ý 23° ¿ 34°S55' 138°E35'
01° ¾ ‹ 19° Geocentric
26° 04'
Š 10° À Tropical
56' Š 00° ‰ Placidus
Ü 59' True Node
30' 54' Œ 15' Š
25° Ï 29°

07° »

Ý 09' á 03' ‰

’ 13' ˆ 25°
¸ 16°
‚ á 35' ˆ 08° Á ˆ
38' ‘ 45' ˆ 07° 38'
59' ˆ ¶
’ º

Œ 25°
56' 54'
59' „ †
48' 28° ‚ 27'
23° 10° 05°‚

ƒ 12' 28'
¼ 01°
27° 44' 07° 07°
„ 22' 02°†
33' É
… „ ‚ Ý
04° ¾ 19'
„ 41' 10°
26' Ý
Œ 53' ½
Œ 25°
14° ¶
Chart 2 02'
Female Client 53'
Solar Return
18 Dec 1999 (±1 secs) 27° 27°
00:25:43 ACST -9:30 … à ‘
‘ ‹
Adelaide, AUSTL ‘’

34°S55' 138°E35' 22' á 22'
Geocentric á
True Node † ‘

44' Π07'26'
‡ 26' ŠŠ
41' 16°
13° 19'54' 13' Š 14°
07° Š 04° ¼ 33'
36' 28°Ü 58' ‡ » ˆˆ ˆ 02° ¿ Š
26°Ý 19' 09°10° Ê 18°
¾ ½
25° À
28' ºÁ ¸
‚ 16° 03° 22° 05° 12'
19° ‹ ˆ 28' 21°‰
Ý Ý 13' 28° ˆ 27'
07' 31'

‘ ‘

¸ 02° „ 26' 15° ¿
Œ 20' Š 12° Ê 08°
08° á

º 03° „ 49' Œ
Œ 58' Š
„ 58' Œ Œ 59' Š 02°
41' É 12° À 41'
á ‘
‘ á ‘
47' ‘
… ’ 42'
04° 27' ‰
» ‰ 08° 50'
Œ 02° Ï ‰
54' ¶ Chart 3
11° Birth of Second Child
22' ˆ
22° Wynn Key Return
‡ 07° 26 Jul 1999
… 28' 05:30 ACST -9:30
13' 08° Á ˆ Adelaide, SA
19° 34°S55' 138°E35'
¼ Geocentric
36' Tropical
28°† 58' 26°‡ Placidus
True Node
Planetary Firdaria
Lecture 15 on DISC 5

Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 2
Diploma – Predictive Module

The Firdaria

The Firdaria are a system of planetary periods where the life is divided into irregular
periods of years with each period being ruled by a planet, luminary or Nodal axis.
Robert Zoller gives an excellent description of the Firdaria and their history in his
book, Tools and Techniques of Medieval Astrologers.

Bonatti in his Liber Astronomiae (Trans Robert Zoller, Spica Publications Aus, 1998)

“The Ancient wise men considered certain years in nativities which are not
called major nor middle nor even minor, but they called them the years of the
Firdaria, that is, disposed years. For each planet disposes its own part of the
life of the native according to its part of the years of the firdaria in this
method. Whatever kind of nativity it is, the disposition of the years of the
Firdaria begins from the luminary whose authority it is and that luminary
disposes the life of the native according to the quantity of its years of the
Firdaria, however not without the participation of the other planets."

Al-Biruni ( The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology. Trans
R.Ramsay Wright. British Mus. London, 1934). some three hundred years earlier

“Ma firdarat al-kawakib. The years of a man’s life according to the Persian
idea are divided into certain periods governed by the lords of these known as
Chronocrators. When one period is finished another begins. The first period
always begins with the sun in a diurnal nativity and with the Moon in a
nocturnal one; the second with Venus in the one case, in the other with Saturn;
the remaining periods with the other planets in descending order. The years of
each period are distributed equally between the seven planets, the first seventh
belonging exclusively to the chronocrator of the period, the second to it in
partnership with the planet next below it, and so on.”

The Chaldean Order and the Firdaria

The order of the planets used in the Firdaria is the Chaldean order, with each planet
being allocated a number of years.
Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 3
Diploma – Predictive Module

The Chaldean Order of the Planets and the Years of the Firdaria

For a diurnal chart one starts with the Sun, thus the first 10 years of life would be
governed by the Sun. Then, moving in a clockwise fashion the next period of eight
years would be ruled by Venus; and so on until, after Mars, one ended with the North
(good) and South (difficult) nodes. If one lives longer then 75 years the cycle starts
again with the Sun.

In a nocturnal chart one starts with the Moon, then moves in a clockwise period
around the circle Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and so on. All ancient sources state that
the Nodes are always placed at the end of life, so for nocturnal charts after Mars, one
would then move to a period ruled by the Sun, then Venus and Mercury then the
Nodes. However, Zoller puts forward that this is incorrect and that the Nodes should
be left in their place in the circle and, for a nocturnal chart, govern the years between
Mars and the Sun.

The basic difference here is whether one works with the circle (Zoller) or whether one
works in a straight line. If one sees the Firdaria as a table, then one would be inclined
to agree with Al-Biruni. However if one sees the Firdaria as an expression of the
cycles of life, reflected in the days of the week, and thus the rhythm of the Moon, then
one would be inclined to work in the method put forward by Zoller.

In my own work with the Firdaria, I have achieved better results when working with
Zoller’s method. Nevertheless, you should experiment with this for yourself obviously
being aware that the difference in the two methods will only be displayed for a
nocturnal chart.
Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 4
Diploma – Predictive Module

Once the major period has been found then the number of years, ruled by that main
planet or luminary, are divided equally into seven sub sections, each one ruled by
firstly the ruler of the major period, and secondarily by the next planet or luminary in
the Chaldean order. See Kennedy’s Firdaria in these notes.

Philosophy of how to interpret Periods

Robert Hand, in his workshop on Planetary Periods (Australis 97) talked of the
approach one can take to these two rulers, major ruler and sub ruler, by talking about
the concept of Oneness. A being or number processes a quality that cannot be divided.
A living human cannot be divided into two and become two human beings. Humans
have oneness. But a sponge can be divided into many parts and still become a sponge
or two sponges and so on. The sponge does not have Oneness.

This concept was strong in Hellenistic astrology, with the Zodiac signs having
Oneness. Degrees, Terms and Face also have Oneness. The Greeks when measuring
something would use the smallest possible Oneness to measure its position. The
dilemma is that the larger the unit, the closer it is to the ultimate Oneness (god). Thus
a unit of which there are only two is higher then a Oneness where there are three.
Thus a sign of a Zodiac has more divinity than a degree. Oneness can exist in time as
well in space. Thus the planetary periods that are in time also have a complete unity
or Oneness, which we tend to ignore as the modern astrologer sees predictive systems
and time as a continuum.

Form and Matter

In addition, ancient Greek philosophy is built around Form and Matter. Matter is
something that has taken on a form. For example, a wooden table has the form of a
table and the matter is that of wood. If we look at the wood, the form is wood and the
matter is cellulose. For a person the matter is their physical body while the form is
their soul or character.

In the Firdaria, the long period ruler is the Matter and the short period ruler is the

Predicting from the Firdaria

Once one has determined the Long period ruling planet (the Matter), look at the
zodiac condition of that planet, as well as its house and the condition of its ruler. Also
look to the aspect that the Firdaria planet is receiving. Then look to the short planetary
ruler in the same manner, thinking of that as the Form.
John F. Kennedy’s Firdaria
Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 5
Diploma – Predictive Module

Kennedy, John F. 27°ƒ 49'

Natal Chart „
29 May 1917 22°
17' À ¾ Ê Á 52'

15:17 EST +5:00 …
Brookline, Ma 01° 02°27° 11°
„ƒ ƒƒ
03° »
42°N20' 071°W07' 16° ¸
40' 15'16' 20°
¶ ‚ 07°
55' Œ

17° 46' ‚
51' ½ Ý
… “ 23° º 53'
29° 21' “ Ý
‘ “ 03' Ý20° ¼
á 36' Ý18°
23° 23°
† á Ü
18' ‘
‘ 18'

20° ‹
‡ Œ 43' 29°
53' 15' 48' Š
‰ Š 23°
11° 02° ¿ 17'
22° ‹
ˆ É Ï 01°
52' Š
27°‰ 49'

FIRDARIA (Nodal Variation)

¸ 29 May 1917 0.0 º / ¶ 7 Apr 1937 19.9 ¾ / ¼ 20 Jul 1960 43.1 ¼ / º 29 May 1983 66.0
¸ / » 2 Nov 1918 1.4 º / ¾ 14 Feb 1939 21.7 ¾ / ¸ 14 Feb 1962 44.7 ¼ / ¶ 28 May 1984 67.0
¸ / º 7 Apr 1920 2.9 º / ½ 23 Dec 1940 23.6 ¾ / » 11 Sep 1963 46.3 ¼ / ¾ 29 May 1985 68.0
¸ / ¶ 10 Sep 1921 4.3 º / ¼ 2 Nov 1942 25.4 ¾ / º 7 Apr 1965 47.9 ¼ / ½ 29 May 1986 69.0
¸ / ¾ 14 Feb 1923 5.7 º / ¸ 10 Sep 1944 27.3 ¾ / ¶ 2 Nov 1966 49.4 É 29 May 1987 70.0
¸ / ½ 20 Jul 1924 7.1 º / » 20 Jul 1946 29.1 ½ 29 May 1968 51.0 Ê 29 May 1990 73.0
¸ / ¼ 24 Dec 1925 8.6 ¶ 29 May 1948 31.0 ½ / ¼ 14 Feb 1970 52.7 ¸ 28 May 1992 75.0
» 30 May 1927 10.0 ¶ / ¾ 10 Sep 1949 32.3 ½ / ¸ 2 Nov 1971 54.4 ¸ / » 1 Nov 1993 76.4
» / º 20 Jul 1928 11.1 ¶ / ½ 24 Dec 1950 33.6 ½ / » 20 Jul 1973 56.1 ¸ / º 7 Apr 1995 77.9
» / ¶ 10 Sep 1929 12.3 ¶ / ¼ 6 Apr 1952 34.9 ½ / º 7 Apr 1975 57.9 ¸ / ¶ 10 Sep 1996 79.3
» / ¾ 2 Nov 1930 13.4 ¶ / ¸ 20 Jul 1953 36.1 ½ / ¶ 23 Dec 1976 59.6 ¸ / ¾ 13 Feb 1998 80.7
» / ½ 24 Dec 1931 14.6 ¶ / » 2 Nov 1954 37.4 ½ / ¾ 10 Sep 1978 61.3 ¸ / ½ 20 Jul 1999 82.1
» / ¼ 14 Feb 1933 15.7 ¶ / º 14 Feb 1956 38.7 ¼ 28 May 1980 63.0 ¸ / ¼ 23 Dec 2000 83.6
» / ¸ 7 Apr 1934 16.9 ¾ 29 May 1957 40.0 ¼ / ¸ 29 May 1981 64.0 » 29 May 2002 85.0
º 30 May 1935 18.0 ¾ / ½ 24 Dec 1958 41.6 ¼ / » 29 May 1982 65.0 » / º 20 Jul 2003 86.1

He was born with his Sun in the 8th house and therefore he has a diurnal chart. The
Sun and then Venus ruled the first two periods of his life. On his 18th birthday he
moved into his Mercury Firdaria.

Mercury Firdaria: May 1935 - May 1948


Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
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Diploma – Predictive Module

Mercury in 8th in Taurus, ruling the 9th and 12th. In this period Kennedy was
studying at Harvard.


Mercury is the Matter and Moon is the Form. Thus the essence is to do with learning,
studying or business, and so on, but the expression of it is in the emotional, family,
world of the Moon. His Moon in Virgo, in the 11th house, and rules the 10th house. It
is in mutual reception to Mercury. In this period Kennedy is taken by his father - the
current US ambassador to Great Britain - to act as his secretary in the UK. This is a
good period for Kennedy and indeed gives an insight into the future career of the
young Harvard student. In this period he writes his senior thesis, which later becomes
a best seller.

Mercury - Saturn = Jan, 1939 to Nov 1940

Saturn is conjunct the MC in the 10th house ruling the 4th and 5th houses. It is in
detriment in Cancer. This is a period without a lot of activity. He graduated from
Harvard and focused on rewriting his thesis to become the platform for his chosen
career as a writer. (Saturn as Form taking the Mercury and forging it into a career
statement). The book is a best seller - the Saturn is angular - but that career will later
be abandoned - Saturn is in Cancer. The planet creates but then destroys, or in this
case just removes.


Jupiter is in Taurus in the 8th, ruling the 3rd and the 6th. This is a Jupiter that tends
to bring service, or loss of power by one’s own action for it is succedent, which is of
average strength, but it brings with it matters of the 3rd and 6th houses. By September
1941 Kennedy entered the Navy.


Mars is in the 8th house and in detriment ruling the 2nd and the 7th. It is in this period
that Kennedy is injured by the open enemy, the Japanese, and spends the remainder of
the war first in hospital and then acting as a teacher (Mercury as Matter) or a trainer
to military personnel (Mars as Form).

MERCURY - SUN = JULY, 1944 TO MAY 1946

Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
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Diploma – Predictive Module

The Sun is in the 8th in Gemini and rules the 11th house. I don’t know when his elder
brother died but I would conclude it is in this period, for here is where his life
changes, and he takes on his family’s and his father’s dreams. The Sun is weakly
aspected implying that he has little to say in the matter. In this period he had major
surgery on his back and he began to run for Congress.


Venus is in the 8th in Gemini, ruling the Ascendant and the 8th, and also forming a
trine to the Ascendant. This is obviously a major Firdaria, as this is the powerful
ascendant ruler that promises success in expressing his prime motivation. It is in this
period that Kennedy is elected into Congress. The dream of the writer and or teacher
is finished as the Mercury Firdaria ends.


This whole Moon period is going to be very good for Kennedy, as the Moon is well
aspected in the 11th house in Virgo, ruler of the 10th house, and in mutual reception
to Mercury. The matter is now the Moon – Lord of the MC.

MOON - MOON = MARCH, 1948 TO JUNE, 1949

This was his first few years in Congress. He had won a safe seat, and could therefore
start to express himself on the floor without fear of losing popularity. The beginning
of his political career.

MOON - SATURN = JUNE, 1949 TO OCT 1950

History does not tell us anything in this period. One would surmise that Kennedy was
struggling to establish himself or even fighting battles that lead him nowhere, as the
Saturn is in difficult condition.


In this period Kennedy is still in Congress. The last Jupiter period saw him enter the
Navy; this period sees him still working away, at being a Congressman.

MOON - MARS = JAN 1952 TO MAY 1953

Although this should be a difficult period, he uses it to leave his safe seat in Congress
and seek election to the Senate. His Mother and sisters (the Moon) ran Kennedy teas
Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 8
Diploma – Predictive Module

to raise funds for his election. This would have been a very worrying and hard
working period. In November 1952 he won a seat in the Senate.

MOON - SUN = MAY, 1953 TO AUGUST, 1954

In this period Kennedy had serious back problems and spent six months strapped to a
plank in his father’s house. It is interesting to note that Kennedy also was against his
father’s support for McCarthy, but choose to absent himself on the day of the vote.
During this period he wrote Profiles of Courage, which was not published until 1956.
Note that in the last Sun sup-period Kennedy had back surgery and was also going
through a difficult time.


This period is the continuation of his career as a Senator.


His book Profiles of Courage is published and he makes a speech on the new medium
of TV. Overnight he becomes the most popular politician in the USA. This is a lovely
example of the mutual reception between the Moon and Mercury.


The Saturn Firdaria is going to be the most difficult because, due to its angularity, it
will give him power and a public profile, but because Saturn is in detriment the power
gained will be lost. If Kennedy had chosen a more alternative career, maybe that of
the writer, then the Saturn in detriment may have been able to function in a less
destructive way.


In this period he travelled the country seeking preselection as the Democrat candidate.
He was very successfully re elected to the Senate and by mid 1960 was on his way to
the White House.


It is in this period that Kennedy was elected to the White House. In the past Jupiter
had proved a difficult period, each time leading him into a new phase on his life.
Mercury - Jupiter was when he entered the Navy. The Moon-Jupiter was less vibrant.
Firdaria - Disk 5 Lecture 15
© Astro Logos Page 9
Diploma – Predictive Module

Here we have Saturn - Jupiter with Saturn in the sign of Jupiter’s exaltation. A
possibly better time for changes, but now we also have power. Jupiter rules the 3rd
and the 6th, however, so one gets a hint of the possible collapse to come.


Kennedy becomes a father again, only to have his newborn son die at age 11 days old.
He is then assassinated in November 1963. This Saturn-Mars period, with both
malefics in detriment, as well as strongly placed in the chart, seemed to be enough to
end his life.

Summary of Delineation of the Firdaria

1) A change in the Firdaria is a change to the matter of life.

The nature of the matter will be described by the planet, its condition, natal house,
rulerships and aspects.

2) Examine the potential of the Firdaria ruler.

The messages that it contains in the natal chart will be expressed within its major
period or one of its sub-periods. In other words, Kennedy’s difficult Saturn
expresses itself, not constantly throughout his life, but rather in the Saturn
Firdaria. His career is not constantly blocked, with constant difficulties, however,
the promised difficulties implied by his natal Saturn will emerge in the period
where Saturn is emphasised.

3) The sub-period is the form and needs to be considered within the matter of the
major period.
When Kennedy was in his Saturn Firdaria he entered a sub-period ruled by Jupiter
(exalted ruler of the MC, which it also sextiles). In this period he gains power and
success as he is elected the President, yet this is Saturn’s career, the career of his
family. If he had lived long enough to have entered his Jupiter period, then we
would have seen the full expression of this Jupiter, possibly giving him greater
success as a writer, or in a way that was more personal and fulfilling.
Lecture 16 on DISC 5

Eclipses - Disk 5 Lecture 16

Finding Eclipses in Solar Fire 5

Choose: Dynamics > Eclipses

Solar Annular Eclipse Compliments of:-

Astro Logos
Natal Chart Educators of Astrologers
11 Jun 2002 Web:
09:14 ACST -9:30 Email:
Adelaide, SA
34°S55' 138°E35'
True Node
04° Ü
03' 32'

‚ 25°
º Š
É ‚

¾ 18°17°‚ 34'
¶ 19° ‚39' Œ
¸ 19°‚‚ 53'

¼ 08°ƒ 51' 15°
Ï 15° ƒ 34' ‰
½ 18° ƒ 38' 35'
» 25° ƒ
52' 45'
Ê ˆ
„ 53'
13' ˆ
… 03'
† 32' 06° ‡
Eclipses - Disk 5 Lecture 16

SS 4 North
Natal Chart
25 May 1389 00°‰ 00'
16:53:11 LMT +0:00
Adelaide, AUSTL 00' 00°
34°S55' 138°E35' Š ˆ
Geocentric 00° 00'
0° Aries Ê
True Node
00' 00°

14' ¿ ‡00'
Œ 00°
‡ ½
33' 24°
Œ 43' †
00° 00°
Ü ’

00' á

20' ’ 48'
00° Ý 46'45'
Œ „ 00'
13° Ý 14' 20°
Ý Ý …
00' À 13° Ý 07'09' 44' 04' ¾ 00°
» 24°25° ‚‚ ƒ ƒ
Á 12°12°
É 01° 16°
00° ¶¸ º ¼
‚00' „
00°ƒ 00'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

º Orb ¼ Orb À Orb » Orb ¾ Orb Á Orb É Orb ¶ Orb
¾ À 0°20' ß ¶ ¾ 0°24' ß » » 0°26'ß À À 0°26'ß ¶ ¿ 0°32' ß É É 0°29' ß Á Á 0°29' ß ¸ ¸ 0°02' ß
» ¾ 0°33' ß ¸ ¾ 0°25' ß ¿ É 0°26'‘ ¿ É 0°52'‘ ¸ ¿ 0°33' ß
¿ Á 0°41'‘

¸ Orb
¶ ¶ 0°02' ß
Eclipses - Disk 5 Lecture 16

Lunar Appulse Eclipse

Natal Chart
25 Jun 2002 00°‰ 00'
06:57 ACST -9:30
Adelaide, SA 00' 00°
34°S55' 138°E35' Š ¶ ÊÁ ˆ
Geocentric 00° 00'
Tropical 03° 17°15°
0° Aries
True Node À ‰ ˆˆ
00' 10° 03' 52'49' 00°
‹ ¿ Š ŒŒ ‡
00° 28° 32' 00'

00° 00°
Ü á
àà †
00' áá 00'

00° 43' 00'
Ý Œ „ …
59'52'27'11' 54'
00' 11° 00°
‚ ‚‚ ƒ
ƒ ƒ 21° »
20° 03° 17°
00° º ɾ
¸ ¼½ 00'
‚00' 00°

00°ƒ 00'

Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 1°00'

¶ Orb ¸ Orb ½ Orb À Orb Á Orb É Orb
¸ ¸ 0°08' à ¶ ¶ 0°08' à ¶ À 0°11' à ½ ¿ 0°24' ‘ º ¾ 0°06' à ¾ Á 0°16' ‘
¼ É 0°10' à ¼ É 0°18' ß ¸ À 0°15' ‘
½ Á 0°39' ‘ ½ Á 0°32' ‘ ¿ Á 0°38' à
¼ ¾ 1°00' ß ¶ » 0°47' ‘
¸ » 0°51' ß
Predictive Packages
Lecture 17 and 18 on DISC 5

Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 2

Diploma Predictive – A Package

The following is the chart of a professional woman who lives in Melbourne and in January
2002 is thinking of changing key issues in her life.

Female Client Compliments of:-

Astro Logos
Natal Chart Educators of Astrologers
20 Jun 1948 Web:
7:40 pm ACST -9:30 Email:
Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35'
True Node
21° †
40' 14'

26° Ê
À 19°
13° …
ˆ ‡

¶ 21'
13' ¼
‰ ½ 15°ˆ Œ 15°
23° …
01° ˆ 56' 14' 23°
Œ ‘
‘ „

áá 19° ¾ 46'
08' „
‘ 15' „ 13°
01° 01°
Š à „
52' 52'

Œ ƒ
23° 36' 05°
Š 29' ‚28° º 15'
46' ‚
26° ¸ ƒ
Œ ¿ 01°
19° Ý
‹ 13° ‚
É 40'
21° Ü 26° Ý
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 3

Astrological Techniques that Provided Background Information

The Firdaria

Provides the timing on inherit natal chart issues.

Female Client 21°† 14'

Natal Chart
20 Jun 1948 26°
‡ 40'
7:40 pm ACST -9:30 À 19°
Adelaide, AUSTL ˆ 13° …
10° 44'
34°S55' 138°E35' ¶ ‡ †
15' 21' ¼
‰ ½ 15° 13' 15°
23° ˆ Œ Œ … 23°
01° ˆ 56' 14' „
Œ ‘ 46'

á ’ 19° ¾
08' „ 13° Á
‘ 15' „
01° 01°
Š à „
52' 52'
Œ 28' ƒ
23° 36' 05°
58' ƒ »
Š 29' ‚ 04°
‚ 28° º 15'
46' Œ 26° ¸
21' ¿ 01°
‹ 13° ‚
É 40'
21°Ü 14' 26°Ý

FIRDARIA (Nodal Variation)

¶ 20 Jun 1948 0.0 ½/¼ 8 Mar 1970 21.7 ¸ 20 Jun 1992 44.0 º/¶ 29 Apr 2012 63.9
¶/¾ 3 Oct 1949 1.3 ½/¸ 24 Nov 1971 23.4 ¸ / » 24 Nov 1993 45.4 º/¾ 8 Mar 2014 65.7
¶/½ 16 Jan 1951 2.6 ½/» 12 Aug 1973 25.1 ¸ / º 30 Apr 1995 46.9 º/½ 15 Jan 2016 67.6
¶/¼ 29 Apr 1952 3.9 ½/º 30 Apr 1975 26.9 ¸ / ¶ 2 Oct 1996 48.3 º/¼ 24 Nov 2017 69.4
¶/¸ 12 Aug 1953 5.1 ½/¶ 15 Jan 1977 28.6 ¸ / ¾ 8 Mar 1998 49.7 º/¸ 3 Oct 2019 71.3
¶/» 24 Nov 1954 6.4 ½/¾ 3 Oct 1978 30.3 ¸ / ½ 12 Aug 1999 51.1 º/» 11 Aug 2021 73.1
¶/º 8 Mar 1956 7.7 ¼ 20 Jun 1980 32.0 ¸ / ¼ 15 Jan 2001 52.6 ¶ 21 Jun 2023 75.0
¾ 21 Jun 1957 9.0 ¼/¸ 20 Jun 1981 33.0 » 20 Jun 2002 54.0 ¶/¾ 2 Oct 2024 76.3
¾/½ 15 Jan 1959 10.6 ¼/» 21 Jun 1982 34.0 » / º 12 Aug 2003 55.1 ¶/½ 15 Jan 2026 77.6
¾/¼ 11 Aug 1960 12.1 ¼/º 21 Jun 1983 35.0 » / ¶ 2 Oct 2004 56.3 ¶/¼ 29 Apr 2027 78.9
¾/¸ 8 Mar 1962 13.7 ¼/¶ 20 Jun 1984 36.0 » / ¾ 24 Nov 2005 57.4 ¶/¸ 11 Aug 2028 80.1
¾/» 3 Oct 1963 15.3 ¼/¾ 20 Jun 1985 37.0 » / ½ 15 Jan 2007 58.6 ¶/» 24 Nov 2029 81.4
¾/º 29 Apr 1965 16.9 ¼/½ 21 Jun 1986 38.0 » / ¼ 8 Mar 2008 59.7 ¶/º 8 Mar 2031 82.7
¾/¶ 24 Nov 1966 18.4 É 21 Jun 1987 39.0 » / ¸ 29 Apr 2009 60.9 ¾ 20 Jun 2032 84.0
½ 20 Jun 1968 20.0 Ê 21 Jun 1990 42.0 º 20 Jun 2010 62.0 ¾/½ 15 Jan 2034 85.6
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 4

The Secondary Progressed Lunar Phases

Probably one of the most important techniques as it provides insight into the flow of life,
whether the person life is pushing outward or pulling inwards.


Dynamic Chart (3):

Female Client - Natal Chart
20 Jun 1948, 7:40 pm, ACST -9:30
Adelaide AUSTL, 34°S55', 138°E35'
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node

Selection: Progressed Lunar Phase 1960-2010

Mon Cnj Vir (S) Sp-Na 12 May 1995 00°Vi00' D 00°Vi00' D

Mon Cnj Hs (9) (H) Sp-Na 31 Aug 1996 19°Vi44' D 19°Vi44' D
Mon Cnj Lib (S) Sp-Na 10 May 1997 00°Li00' D 00°Li00' D
Mon SSq Sun (X) Sp-Sp 28 May 1997 00°Li41' D 15°Le41' D
Mon Cnj Hs (10) (H) Sp-Na 31 Oct 1998 21°Li14' D 21°Li14' D
Mon Cnj Sco (S) Sp-Na 17 Jun 1999 00°Sc00' D 00°Sc00' D

Mon Sqr Sun (X) Sp-Sp 12 Nov 2000 19°Sc00' D 19°Le00' D

Mon Cnj Hs (11) (H) Sp-Na 12 Jun 2001 26°Sc40' D 26°Sc40' D
Mon Cnj Sag (S) Sp-Na 14 Sep 2001 00°Sg00' D 00°Sg00' D
Mon Cnj Cap (S) Sp-Na 30 Jan 2004 00°Cp00' D 00°Cp00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (12) (H) Sp-Na 7 Mar 2004 01°Cp15' D 01°Cp15' D
Mon Sqq Sun (X) Sp-Sp 15 Sep 2004 07°Cp42' D 22°Le42' D
Sun Cnj Hs (8) (H) Sp-Na 29 Oct 2005 23°Le46' D 23°Le46' D
Mon Cnj Aqu (S) Sp-Na 19 Jul 2006 00°Aq00' D 00°Aq00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (1) (H) Sp-Na 14 Sep 2006 01°Aq52' D 01°Aq52' D
Mon Cnj Hs (2) (H) Sp-Na 15 Jul 2008 23°Aq46' D 23°Aq46' D
Mon Opp Sun (X) Sp-Sp 10 Oct 2008 26°Aq37' D 26°Le37' D
Mon Cnj Pis (S) Sp-Na 22 Jan 2009 00°Pi00' D 00°Pi00' D

Mon Cnj Hs (3) (H) Sp-Na 22 Sep 2010 19°Pi44' D 19°Pi44' D

Mon Cnj Ari (S) Sp-Na 4 Aug 2011 00°Ar00' D 00°Ar00' D
Sun Cnj Vir (S) Sp-Na 18 Apr 2012 00°Vi00' D 00°Vi00' D
Mon Sqq Sun (X) Sp-Sp 23 Nov 2012 15°Ar35' D 00°Vi35' D
Mon Cnj Hs (4) (H) Sp-Na 13 May 2013 21°Ar14' D 21°Ar14' D
Mon Cnj Tau (S) Sp-Na 2 Feb 2014 00°Ta00' D 00°Ta00' D

*** END REPORT ***

Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 5

The Tri-Wheel of Natal Progressions and Transits

This is another handy technique which can show you the big picture, or a large overview of a single
moment in time. You can also add the eclipse by hand to this tri-wheel.

The Eclipses for 2002 are: Solar = June 10th 200 , 4th Dec 120
Lunar = 26th May 50 , 24th June 30 , 20th Nov 280

Inner Wheel Middle Wheel

Female Client Female Client
Natal Chart Sec.Prog. SA in Long
20 Jun 1948 1 Jan 2002
7:40 pm ACST -9:30 12:47 pm ACST -9:30
Adelaide, AUSTL Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35' 34°S55' 138°E35'
Geocentric Geocentric
Tropical Tropical
Placidus Placidus
True Node True Node
21° †
40' 14'

ˆ …
Á Ê ¼À
15' 16° 08°
ˆ ¶ 16°10°
‰ Ê27° 03° ‡ ††
01° ˆ ½ ˆ 23°
19° Ê À
»07° ˆ „
‰ 13° 10°
¸10°‰ ¶ ¼ ¾ 46'
½ 15° ‡ † 25°
23° ˆ 15° „ º
ˆ 10 9 … „21°
11 ¾ „ 20° ¸
01° º 26°‰ 8 „ 19°
13° Á „14° Á „06° ¶ 01°
12 7 „
Š 1 6

52' À 07°Š 2 ƒ 52'
3 4 5 ƒ 05°
‚ 04° »
‚ 28° º
26° ¸ ƒ
Š Ý ¿ ‚ 06°» ƒ
23° ¿22° 13° 29°
Š ¿
É ‚ 15'
46' 27°
‹ Ý É ƒ
17° 08° ‚ 01°
¼ É 09°
‹ ¾ ‚
21° 26° Ý
Ü 14' True Node
Compliments of:- 34°S55' 138°E35'
Astro Logos Adelaide, AUSTL
Educators of Astrologers 7:40 pm ACDT -10:30
Web: 1 Jan 2002
Email: Event Chart
Transits 1 Jan 2002
Outer Wheel
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 6

The 900 5 year Transit graph is invaluable for see the ups and downs that lay in front of the client.
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 7

The Solar Return - The Snap Shot of the Year

The Solar Return provides a valuable snap shot of the year as well as a confirmation of the indications
given by the transits and progressions. By doing two returns, the current one for the client as well as
the next then you will make sure that you cover the full year.

Chart 1
Female Client
Solar Return
20 Jun 2001 (±1 secs) Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
4:38:43 pm AEDT -11:00
Melbourne, AUSTL ¾ Orb Ë Orb ¼ Orb
37°S49' 144°E58' Ë Ë 0°12' à ¾ ¾ 0°12' à ¶ ¸ 0°06'à
15°… 31' 15°
½ Orb ¸ Orb
22° ¸ ¼ 0°01' ‘ ¼ É 0°28' ‘
† ƒ Á É 0°06' ‘
25° 20'

‡ 06° ¸ ƒ
ƒ 09'
21' ‚28° ½
Œ 58' 24°

50' 23° º

07° Œ 28' 07°
à 09' ‚ 12° ¶
ˆ à
à 39' ‚ 07° ¾ ‚
51' Á 13° ˆ 30' Œ 51'
ˆ 39' á
¼ 20° Œ
’ Ý
21' ‘
01° ‰ 13°

06° » Ý
09' 22' Œ
Š 39'
22° Š 05'
‰ Ü
À 24° 25°
Š 42'
15°‹ 31'

Chart 2
Female Client
Solar Return 17°‡ 01'
20 Jun 2002 (±1 secs) 45'
10:24:18 pm AEDT -11:00 ˆ
Melbourne, AUSTL 21° 14°
37°S49' 144°E58' ÊÁ ¶ †
17°15° 01°

21' ˆˆ ‡
50'55' 36'
‰ Œ 16°
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2)
24° …
¼ Orb ½ Orb » Orb
º Ë 0°10' ‘ É Ë 0°08'‘ ¼ ¿ 0°18'‘ 16'
¾ À 0°13' ‘ ½ Ë 0°20'‘ À 10° Š á
37' Œ ‘
23° 23°
Ì Orb Á Orb É Orb á
À Ë 0°07' ‘ ¼ Ì 0°06'‘ ¾ Á 0°04'‘ Š à
à „
11' ¿ 28° Š 43' Œ 11'
¸ º 0°05'ß
á 35' „
‘á 06°
¸ Orb ’ »
16° 39'
À Ì 0°09' à 02' ƒ
º ½ 0°22' ß ‹ ƒ 20° 21'
16' 58' 15° ½ ƒ
53' ‚
50' ¼
33' 24°
‚ 28°
‚ ‚ 19°
14° 06°17° ¸
Ü ¾
13' ºÉ ‚
17°Ý 01'
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 8

Transits and Progressions – for looking at the year in detail.

Transits need to be sorted and weighted for importance. This is the raw data, and you need to examine
it carefully in order to create the Time Map – you will find it more useful to print this sheet out sorted
by planets rather then sorted by date.


Dynamic Chart (3):

Female Client - Natal Chart
20 Jun 1948, 7:40 pm, ACST -9:30
Adelaide AUSTL, 34°S55', 138°E35'
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node

Selection: Transit and Progression for Clients

Mon Qnx Mer (X) Sp-Na 22 Jan 2002 04°Sg36' D 04°Cn36' R

Mon Qnx Ven (X) Sp-Na 16 Feb 2002 05°Sg28' D 05°Cn28' R
Mon SSq MC (X) Sp-Na 10 Mar 2002 06°Sg14' D 21°Li14' D
Mon Sxt Nep (X) Sp-Na 2 Jul 2002 10°Sg13' D 10°Li13' R
Mon Tri Plu (X) Sp-Na 27 Sep 2002 13°Sg15' D 13°Le15' D
Mon Qnx Nod (X) Sp-Na 30 Sep 2002 13°Sg21' D 13°Ta21' R
Mon Sqr Mar (X) Sp-Na 24 Nov 2002 15°Sg14' D 15°Vi14' D
Mon Cnj Mon (X) Sp-Na 14 Dec 2002 15°Sg56' D 15°Sg56' D

Sun SSq Ven (X) Sp-Na 23 May 2002 20°Le28' D 05°Cn28' R

Jup Sqr Nep (X) Tr-Na 4 Jan 2002 10°Cn13' R 10°Li13' R

Jup Sqr Nep (X) Tr-Na 26 Apr 2002 10°Cn13' D 10°Li13' R
Jup Tri SNo (X) Tr-Na 15 May 2002 13°Cn21' D 13°Sc21' R
Jup Sxt Nod (X) Tr-Na 15 May 2002 13°Cn21' D 13°Ta21' R
Jup Sxt Mar (X) Tr-Na 25 May 2002 15°Cn14' D 15°Vi14' D
Jup Qnx Mon (X) Tr-Na 29 May 2002 15°Cn56' D 15°Sg56' D
Jup Sqr MC (X) Tr-Na 23 Jun 2002 21°Cn14' D 21°Li14' D
Jup Qnx Jup (X) Tr-Na 3 Jul 2002 23°Cn25' D 23°Sg25' R
Jup Cnj Leo (S) Tr-Na 2 Aug 2002 00°Le00' D 00°Le00' D
Jup SSq Mar (X) Tr-Na 3 Aug 2002 00°Le14' D 15°Vi14' D
Jup Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 6 Aug 2002 00°Le56' D 15°Sg56' D
Jup Opp Asc (X) Tr-Na 10 Aug 2002 01°Le52' D 01°Aq52' D
Jup Cnj Hs (7) (H) Tr-Na 10 Aug 2002 01°Le52' D 01°Le52' D
Jup Sqq Jup (X) Tr-Na 11 Sep 2002 08°Le25' D 23°Sg25' R
Jup Sxt Nep (X) Tr-Na 20 Sep 2002 10°Le13' D 10°Li13' R
Jup SSq Ura (X) Tr-Na 27 Sep 2002 11°Le29' D 26°Ge29' D
Jup Cnj Plu (X) Tr-Na 8 Oct 2002 13°Le15' D 13°Le15' D
Jup Sqr Nod (X) Tr-Na 9 Oct 2002 13°Le21' D 13°Ta21' R
Jup Sqr SNo (X) Tr-Na 9 Oct 2002 13°Le21' D 13°Sc21' R
Jup SSq Sun (X) Tr-Na 13 Oct 2002 13°Le58' D 28°Ge58' D
Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 9

Jup Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 28 Oct 2002 15°Le56' D 15°Sg56' D

Sat Tri Nep (X) Tr-Na 29 Mar 2002 10°Ge13' D 10°Li13' R

Sat Sxt Plu (X) Tr-Na 29 Apr 2002 13°Ge15' D 13°Le15' D
Sat Qnx SNo (X) Tr-Na 30 Apr 2002 13°Ge21' D 13°Sc21' R
Sat Sqr Mar (X) Tr-Na 15 May 2002 15°Ge14' D 15°Vi14' D
Sat Opp Mon (X) Tr-Na 21 May 2002 15°Ge56' D 15°Sg56' D
Sat Sqq Asc (X) Tr-Na 28 May 2002 16°Ge52' D 01°Aq52' D
Sat Sxt Sat (X) Tr-Na 15 Jun 2002 19°Ge08' D 19°Le08' D
Sat Tri MC (X) Tr-Na 1 Jul 2002 21°Ge14' D 21°Li14' D
Sat Opp Jup (X) Tr-Na 19 Jul 2002 23°Ge25' D 23°Sg25' R
Sat Cnj Ura (X) Tr-Na 17 Aug 2002 26°Ge29' D 26°Ge29' D
Sat SSq Plu (X) Tr-Na 11 Sep 2002 28°Ge15' D 13°Le15' D
Sat Sqq SNo (X) Tr-Na 13 Sep 2002 28°Ge21' D 13°Sc21' R
Sat SSq Nod (X) Tr-Na 13 Sep 2002 28°Ge21' D 13°Ta21' R
Sat Cnj Sun (X) Tr-Na 1 Oct 2002 28°Ge58' D 28°Ge58' D
Sat Cnj Sun (X) Tr-Na 22 Oct 2002 28°Ge58' R 28°Ge58' D
Sat SSq Nod (X) Tr-Na 9 Nov 2002 28°Ge21' R 13°Ta21' R
Sat Sqq SNo (X) Tr-Na 9 Nov 2002 28°Ge21' R 13°Sc21' R
Sat SSq Plu (X) Tr-Na 11 Nov 2002 28°Ge15' R 13°Le15' D
Sat Cnj Ura (X) Tr-Na 7 Dec 2002 26°Ge29' R 26°Ge29' D

Ura Sxt Jup (X) Tr-Na 20 Jan 2002 23°Aq25' D 23°Sg25' R

Ura Cnj Hs (2) (H) Tr-Na 26 Jan 2002 23°Aq46' D 23°Aq46' D
Ura Sqq Nep (X) Tr-Na 20 Feb 2002 25°Aq13' D 10°Li13' R
Ura Tri Ura (X) Tr-Na 15 Mar 2002 26°Aq29' D 26°Ge29' D
Ura Tri Ura (X) Tr-Na 29 Aug 2002 26°Aq29' R 26°Ge29' D
Ura Sqq Nep (X) Tr-Na 8 Oct 2002 25°Aq13' R 10°Li13' R
Ura Sqq Nep (X) Tr-Na 1 Dec 2002 25°Aq13' D 10°Li13' R

Nep SSq Jup (X) Tr-Na 27 Jan 2002 08°Aq25' D 23°Sg25' R

Nep Tri Nep (X) Tr-Na 21 Mar 2002 10°Aq13' D 10°Li13' R
Nep Tri Nep (X) Tr-Na 9 Jul 2002 10°Aq13' R 10°Li13' R
Nep SSq Jup (X) Tr-Na 22 Sep 2002 08°Aq25' R 23°Sg25' R
Nep SSq Jup (X) Tr-Na 17 Nov 2002 08°Aq25' D 23°Sg25' R

Plu SSq Asc (X) Tr-Na 27 Jan 2002 16°Sg52' D 01°Aq52' D

Plu SSq Asc (X) Tr-Na 15 May 2002 16°Sg52' R 01°Aq52' D
Plu Cnj Mon (X) Tr-Na 20 Jun 2002 15°Sg56' R 15°Sg56' D
Plu Sqr Mar (X) Tr-Na 21 Jul 2002 15°Sg14' R 15°Vi14' D
Plu Sqr Mar (X) Tr-Na 30 Sep 2002 15°Sg14' D 15°Vi14' D
Plu Cnj Mon (X) Tr-Na 28 Oct 2002 15°Sg56' D 15°Sg56' D
Plu SSq Asc (X) Tr-Na 25 Nov 2002 16°Sg52' D 01°Aq52' D

*** END REPORT ***

Predictive Package - Disk 5 Lecture 17-18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 10

Time Map
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 2

From the AGE International Diploma paper – 2000

Section 2 Predictive
Question 1 (Written question 2,500 words)

Margaret (born 5th August, 1962 in London, UK 510N 30’ 000W 10’ at 11.08 am BST) has been divorced
for ten years and is living in Adelaide. Two years ago she met Archy and for the last 12 months they have
been happily living together. They plan to marry at the end of the year (2000). Margaret is seeking clarity
concerning several issues. Although she is 38 years old she is considering the prospect of a child (she has
none from her previous marriage) as well as she wants to start her own business in hairdressing. Using at
least two predictive systems look at the years of 2000, and 2001 and address these issues for Margaret.

N atal C hart
5 Aug 1962
11:08 BST -1:00
London, England
51°N 30' 000°W10'
Geoc entric
Tropic al
Plac idus
Mean Node
14° ƒ 06'

¼ ‚
„ É 14'
19° ¸ 08° 18°
º 12° „ ‚
¿ 19°„ „30'33' 47'
29° Œ 05°
16' Á „ 49'
43' Ý
… …
55' 55'
» 26°…
10° 10°
¶ 06°† 50'
† Ü
48' 48'

46' 53'
05° ‡ ‹
10° 10° ‹
‡ À ½ 18°
55' 07' Œ
ˆ 43' Š
05° Š 08°
Ï 07°
Ê 27'
07° ¾ 19°Š

14° ‰ 06'
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 3

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phases

plus house and sign changes of the two luminaries.

Margaret - Natal Chart

5 Aug 1962, 11:08 am, BST -1:00
London ENG, 51°N30', 000°W10'
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node

Selection: Progressed Lunar Phase 1990-2010

Mon Sqr Sun(X)Sp-Sp14 Jun 1995 14°Sg10' D 14°Vi10' D

Mon Cnj Cap(S)Sp-Na7 Sep 1996 00°Cp00' D 00°Cp00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (4)(H)Sp-Na29 Sep 199714°Cp06' D 14°Cp06' D
Mon Cnj AquS)Sp-Na24 Nov 1998 00°Aq00' D 00°Aq00' D
Mon SSqu Sun(X)Sp-Sp2 Feb 199902°Aq42' D 17°Vi42' D

Sun Cnj Hs (12) (H)Sp-Na5 Sep 199918°Vi16' D 18°Vi16' D

Mon Cn jHs (5)(H)Sp-Na1 Apr 2000 19°Aq27' D 19°Aq27' D

Mon Cnj Pis(S)Sp-Na18 Dec 2000 00°Pi00' D 00°Pi00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (6)(H)Sp-Na5 Mar 2002 18°Pi16' D 18°Pi16' D

Mon Opp Sun(X)Sp-Sp6 May 2002 20°Pi52' D 20°Vi52' D

Mon Cnj Ari(S)Sp-Na11 Dec 2002 00°Ar00' D 00°Ar00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (7)(H)Sp-Na26 Aug 20010°Ar48' D 10°Ar48' D
Mon Cnj Tau(S)Sp-Na2 Dec 2004 00°Ta00' D 00°Ta00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (8)(H)Sp-Na26 Apr 200505°Ta55' D 05°Ta55' D
Mon Sqq Sun(X)Sp-Sp11 Jul 2005 08°Ta58' D 23°Vi58' D
Mon Cnj Gem(S)Sp-Na25 Dec 2006 00°Ge00' D 00°Ge00' D
Mon Cnj Hs (9)(H)Sp-Na2 Jul 2007 07°Ge14' D 07°Ge14' D
Mon Sqr Sun(X)Sp-Sp26 Dec 2008 27°Ge21' D 27°Vi21' D
Mon Cnj Can(S)Sp-Na10 Mar 2009 00°Cn00' D 00°Cn00' D

Mon Cnj Hs (10)(H)Sp-Na13 Apr 201014°Cn06' D 14°Cn06' D

Mon Cn jLeo(S)Sp-Na20 Jul 2011 00°Le00' D 00°Le00' D

Sun Cn jLib(S)Sp-Na11 Sep 2011 00°Li00' D 00°Li00' D

Mon SSq Sun(X)Sp-Sp14 Nov 201216°Le09' D 01°Li09' D

Mon Cnj Hs (11)(H)Sp-Na22 Feb 201319°Le27' D 19°Le27' D
Mon Cnj Vir(S)Sp-Na9 Jan 2014 00°Vi00' D 00°Vi00' D

*** END REPORT ***

Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 4
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 5

Margaret - Natal Chart

5 Aug 1962, 11:08 am, BST -1:00
London ENG, 51°N30', 000°W10'
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node

Selection: Transit and Progression for Clients

Mon Tri Mar (X) Sp-Na 16 Mar 2000 18°Aq47' D 18°Ge47' D

Mon Cnj Hs (5) (H) Sp-Na 2 Apr 2000 19°Aq27' D 19°Aq27' D
Mon Opp Mer (X) Sp-Na 10 Apr 2000 19°Aq49' D 19°Le49' D
Mon Sqq Mon (X) Sp-Na 31 May 2000 21°Aq50' D 06°Li50' D
Mon Sqq Asc (X) Sp-Na 6 Sep 2000 25°Aq48' D 10°Li48' D
Mon Qnx Ven (X) Sp-Na 21 Sep 2000 26°Aq24' D 26°Vi24' D
Mon Sqq MC (X) Sp-Na 26 Nov 2000 29°Aq06' D 14°Cn06' D
Mon Opp Ura (X) Sp-Na 11 Dec 2000 29°Aq43' D 29°Le43' D
Mon Cnj Pis (S) Sp-Na 18 Dec 2000 00°Pi00' D 00°Pi00' D
Mon Qnx Mon (X) Sp-Na 2 Jun 2001 06°Pi50' D 06°Li50' D
Mon Opp Plu (X) Sp-Na 23 Jul 2001 08°Pi55' D 08°Vi55' D
Mon Qnx Nod (X) Sp-Na 23 Jul 2001 08°Pi56' D 08°Le56' R
Mon Tri Nep (X) Sp-Na 5 Sep 2001 10°Pi46' D 10°Sc46' D
Mon Qnx Asc (X) Sp-Na 6 Sep 2001 10°Pi48' D 10°Li48' D
Mon Cnj Jup (X) Sp-Na 8 Sep 2001 10°Pi53' D 10°Pi53' R
Mon Qnx Sun (X) Sp-Na 18 Oct 2001 12°Pi30' D 12°Le30' D
Mon Tri MC (X) Sp-Na 25 Nov 2001 14°Pi06' D 14°Cn06' D

Sun Sqr Mar (X) Sp-Na 13 Mar 2000 18°Vi47' D 18°Ge47' D

Ven Cnj Hs (2) (H) Sp-Na 25 Aug 2001 05°Sc55' D 05°Sc55' D

Jup SSq Jup (X) Tr-Na 12 Jan 2000 25°Ar53' D 10°Pi53' R

Jup Qnx Ven (X) Tr-Na 18 Jan 2000 26°Ar24' D 26°Vi24' D
Jup Tri Ura (X) Tr-Na 13 Feb 2000 29°Ar43' D 29°Le43' D
Jup Cnj Tau (S) Tr-Na 15 Feb 2000 00°Ta00' D 00°Ta00' D
Jup SSq Mar (X) Tr-Na 7 Mar 2000 03°Ta47' D 18°Ge47' D
Jup Cnj Hs (8) (H) Tr-Na 17 Mar 2000 05°Ta55' D 05°Ta55' D
Jup Qnx Mon (X) Tr-Na 21 Mar 2000 06°Ta50' D 06°Li50' D
Jup Sqr Sat (X) Tr-Na 25 Mar 2000 07°Ta43' D 07°Aq43' R
Jup Tri Plu (X) Tr-Na 31 Mar 2000 08°Ta55' D 08°Vi55' D
Jup Sqr Nod (X) Tr-Na 31 Mar 2000 08°Ta56' D 08°Le56' R
Jup Sqr SNo (X) Tr-Na 31 Mar 2000 08°Ta56' D 08°Aq56' R
Jup Opp Nep (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2000 10°Ta46' D 10°Sc46' D
Jup Qnx Asc (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2000 10°Ta48' D 10°Li48' D
Jup Sxt Jup (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2000 10°Ta53' D 10°Pi53' R
Jup Sqq Ven (X) Tr-Na 11 Apr 2000 11°Ta24' D 26°Vi24' D
Jup Sqr Sun (X) Tr-Na 15 Apr 2000 12°Ta30' D 12°Le30' D
Jup Sxt MC (X) Tr-Na 22 Apr 2000 14°Ta06' D 14°Cn06' D
Jup Sqr Mer (X) Tr-Na 16 May 2000 19°Ta49' D 19°Le49' D
Jup Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 25 May 2000 21°Ta50' D 06°Li50' D
Jup Sqq Asc (X) Tr-Na 11 Jun 2000 25°Ta48' D 10°Li48' D
Jup Tri Ven (X) Tr-Na 14 Jun 2000 26°Ta24' D 26°Vi24' D
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 6

Jup SSq MC (X) Tr-Na 26 Jun 2000 29°Ta06' D 14°Cn06' D

Jup Sqr Ura (X) Tr-Na 29 Jun 2000 29°Ta43' D 29°Le43' D
Jup Cnj Gem (S) Tr-Na 30 Jun 2000 00°Ge00' D 00°Ge00' D
Jup Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 7 Aug 2000 06°Ge50' D 06°Li50' D
Jup Cnj Hs (9) (H) Tr-Na 9 Aug 2000 07°Ge14' D 07°Ge14' D
Jup Tri Sat (X) Tr-Na 13 Aug 2000 07°Ge43' D 07°Aq43' R
Jup Sqr Plu (X) Tr-Na 22 Aug 2000 08°Ge55' D 08°Vi55' D
Jup Sxt Nod (X) Tr-Na 22 Aug 2000 08°Ge56' D 08°Le56' R
Jup Tri SNo (X) Tr-Na 22 Aug 2000 08°Ge56' D 08°Aq56' R
Jup Qnx Nep (X) Tr-Na 13 Sep 2000 10°Ge46' D 10°Sc46' D
Jup Tri Asc (X) Tr-Na 13 Sep 2000 10°Ge48' D 10°Li48' D
Jup Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 15 Sep 2000 10°Ge53' D 10°Pi53' R
Jup Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 13 Oct 2000 10°Ge53' R 10°Pi53' R
Jup Tri Asc (X) Tr-Na 15 Oct 2000 10°Ge48' R 10°Li48' D
Jup Qnx Nep (X) Tr-Na 16 Oct 2000 10°Ge46' R 10°Sc46' D
Jup Tri SNo (X) Tr-Na 6 Nov 2000 08°Ge56' R 08°Aq56' R
Jup Sxt Nod (X) Tr-Na 6 Nov 2000 08°Ge56' R 08°Le56' R
Jup Sqr Plu (X) Tr-Na 7 Nov 2000 08°Ge55' R 08°Vi55' D
Jup Tri Sat (X) Tr-Na 16 Nov 2000 07°Ge43' R 07°Aq43' R
Jup Cnj Hs (8) (H) Tr-Na 20 Nov 2000 07°Ge14' R 07°Ge14' D
Jup Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 23 Nov 2000 06°Ge50' R 06°Li50' D
Jup Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 27 Mar 2001 06°Ge50' D 06°Li50' D
Jup Cnj Hs (9) (H) Tr-Na 30 Mar 2001 07°Ge14' D 07°Ge14' D
Jup Tri Sat (X) Tr-Na 1 Apr 2001 07°Ge43' D 07°Aq43' R
Jup Sqr Plu (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2001 08°Ge55' D 08°Vi55' D
Jup Sxt Nod (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2001 08°Ge56' D 08°Le56' R
Jup Tri SNo (X) Tr-Na 8 Apr 2001 08°Ge56' D 08°Aq56' R
Jup Qnx Nep (X) Tr-Na 18 Apr 2001 10°Ge46' D 10°Sc46' D
Jup Tri Asc (X) Tr-Na 18 Apr 2001 10°Ge48' D 10°Li48' D
Jup Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 18 Apr 2001 10°Ge53' D 10°Pi53' R
Jup Sxt Sun (X) Tr-Na 26 Apr 2001 12°Ge30' D 12°Le30' D
Jup Cnj Mar (X) Tr-Na 25 May 2001 18°Ge47' D 18°Ge47' D
Jup Sxt Mer (X) Tr-Na 29 May 2001 19°Ge49' D 19°Le49' D
Jup Sqq Sat (X) Tr-Na 11 Jun 2001 22°Ge43' D 07°Aq43' R
Jup Sqq SNo (X) Tr-Na 16 Jun 2001 23°Ge56' D 08°Aq56' R
Jup SSq Nod (X) Tr-Na 16 Jun 2001 23°Ge56' D 08°Le56' R
Jup Sqq Nep (X) Tr-Na 24 Jun 2001 25°Ge46' D 10°Sc46' D
Jup Sqr Ven (X) Tr-Na 27 Jun 2001 26°Ge24' D 26°Vi24' D
Jup SSq Sun (X) Tr-Na 2 Jul 2001 27°Ge30' D 12°Le30' D
Jup Sxt Ura (X) Tr-Na 12 Jul 2001 29°Ge43' D 29°Le43' D
Jup Cnj Can (S) Tr-Na 13 Jul 2001 00°Cn00' D 00°Cn00' D
Jup SSq Mer (X) Tr-Na 4 Aug 2001 04°Cn49' D 19°Le49' D
Jup Sqr Mon (X) Tr-Na 15 Aug 2001 06°Cn50' D 06°Li50' D
Jup Qnx Sat (X) Tr-Na 19 Aug 2001 07°Cn43' D 07°Aq43' R
Jup Sxt Plu (X) Tr-Na 26 Aug 2001 08°Cn55' D 08°Vi55' D
Jup Qnx SNo (X) Tr-Na 26 Aug 2001 08°Cn56' D 08°Aq56' R
Jup Tri Nep (X) Tr-Na 6 Sep 2001 10°Cn46' D 10°Sc46' D
Jup Sqr Asc (X) Tr-Na 6 Sep 2001 10°Cn48' D 10°Li48' D
Jup Tri Jup (X) Tr-Na 7 Sep 2001 10°Cn53' D 10°Pi53' R
Jup Cnj Hs (10) (H) Tr-Na 2 Oct 2001 14°Cn06' D 14°Cn06' D
Jup Cnj MC (X) Tr-Na 2 Oct 2001 14°Cn06' D 14°Cn06' D
Jup SSq Ura (X) Tr-Na 9 Oct 2001 14°Cn43' D 29°Le43' D
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 7

Jup SSq Ura (X) Tr-Na 27 Nov 2001 14°Cn43' R 29°Le43' D

Jup Cnj MC (X) Tr-Na 4 Dec 2001 14°Cn06' R 14°Cn06' D
Jup Cnj Hs (9) (H) Tr-Na 4 Dec 2001 14°Cn06' R 14°Cn06' D
Jup Tri Jup (X) Tr-Na 30 Dec 2001 10°Cn53' R 10°Pi53' R
Jup Sqr Asc (X) Tr-Na 31 Dec 2001 10°Cn48' R 10°Li48' D
Jup Tri Nep (X) Tr-Na 31 Dec 2001 10°Cn46' R 10°Sc46' D

Sat Opp Nep (X) Tr-Na 3 Feb 2000 10°Ta46' D 10°Sc46' D

Sat Qnx Asc (X) Tr-Na 4 Feb 2000 10°Ta48' D 10°Li48' D
Sat Sxt Jup (X) Tr-Na 6 Feb 2000 10°Ta53' D 10°Pi53' R
Sat Sqq Ven (X) Tr-Na 16 Feb 2000 11°Ta24' D 26°Vi24' D
Sat Sqr Sun (X) Tr-Na 2 Mar 2000 12°Ta30' D 12°Le30' D
Sat Sxt MC (X) Tr-Na 19 Mar 2000 14°Ta06' D 14°Cn06' D
Sat Sqr Mer (X) Tr-Na 6 May 2000 19°Ta49' D 19°Le49' D
Sat Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 22 May 2000 21°Ta50' D 06°Li50' D
Sat Sqq Asc (X) Tr-Na 23 Jun 2000 25°Ta48' D 10°Li48' D
Sat Tri Ven (X) Tr-Na 29 Jun 2000 26°Ta24' D 26°Vi24' D
Sat SSq MC (X) Tr-Na 28 Jul 2000 29°Ta06' D 14°Cn06' D
Sat Sqr Ura (X) Tr-Na 5 Aug 2000 29°Ta43' D 29°Le43' D
Sat Cnj Gem (S) Tr-Na 10 Aug 2000 00°Ge00' D 00°Ge00' D
Sat Cnj Tau (S) Tr-Na 16 Oct 2000 00°Ge00' R 00°Ge00' D
Sat Sqr Ura (X) Tr-Na 21 Oct 2000 29°Ta43' R 29°Le43' D
Sat SSq MC (X) Tr-Na 30 Oct 2000 29°Ta06' R 14°Cn06' D
Sat Tri Ven (X) Tr-Na 3 Dec 2000 26°Ta24' R 26°Vi24' D
Sat Sqq Asc (X) Tr-Na 11 Dec 2000 25°Ta48' R 10°Li48' D
Sat Sqq Asc (X) Tr-Na 10 Mar 2001 25°Ta48' D 10°Li48' D
Sat Tri Ven (X) Tr-Na 17 Mar 2001 26°Ta24' D 26°Vi24' D
Sat SSq MC (X) Tr-Na 13 Apr 2001 29°Ta06' D 14°Cn06' D
Sat Sqr Ura (X) Tr-Na 18 Apr 2001 29°Ta43' D 29°Le43' D
Sat Cnj Gem (S) Tr-Na 21 Apr 2001 00°Ge00' D 00°Ge00' D
Sat Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 14 Jun 2001 06°Ge50' D 06°Li50' D
Sat Cnj Hs (9) (H) Tr-Na 17 Jun 2001 07°Ge14' D 07°Ge14' D
Sat Tri Sat (X) Tr-Na 21 Jun 2001 07°Ge43' D 07°Aq43' R
Sat Sqr Plu (X) Tr-Na 1 Jul 2001 08°Ge55' D 08°Vi55' D
Sat Sxt Nod (X) Tr-Na 1 Jul 2001 08°Ge56' D 08°Le56' R
Sat Tri SNo (X) Tr-Na 1 Jul 2001 08°Ge56' D 08°Aq56' R
Sat Qnx Nep (X) Tr-Na 17 Jul 2001 10°Ge46' D 10°Sc46' D
Sat Tri Asc (X) Tr-Na 17 Jul 2001 10°Ge48' D 10°Li48' D
Sat Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 18 Jul 2001 10°Ge53' D 10°Pi53' R
Sat Sxt Sun (X) Tr-Na 4 Aug 2001 12°Ge30' D 12°Le30' D
Sat Sxt Sun (X) Tr-Na 21 Nov 2001 12°Ge30' R 12°Le30' D
Sat Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 11 Dec 2001 10°Ge53' R 10°Pi53' R
Sat Tri Asc (X) Tr-Na 12 Dec 2001 10°Ge48' R 10°Li48' D
Sat Qnx Nep (X) Tr-Na 12 Dec 2001 10°Ge46' R 10°Sc46' D

Ura Tri Mar (X) Tr-Na 13 Mar 2000 18°Aq47' D 18°Ge47' D

Ura Cnj Hs (5) (H) Tr-Na 27 Mar 2000 19°Aq27' D 19°Aq27' D
Ura Opp Mer (X) Tr-Na 5 Apr 2000 19°Aq49' D 19°Le49' D
Ura Opp Mer (X) Tr-Na 17 Jul 2000 19°Aq49' R 19°Le49' D
Ura Cnj Hs (4) (H) Tr-Na 27 Jul 2000 19°Aq27' R 19°Aq27' D
Ura Tri Mar (X) Tr-Na 13 Aug 2000 18°Aq47' R 18°Ge47' D
Ura Tri Mar (X) Tr-Na 4 Jan 2001 18°Aq47' D 18°Ge47' D
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 8

Ura Cnj Hs (5) (H) Tr-Na 16 Jan 2001 19°Aq27' D 19°Aq27' D

Ura Opp Mer (X) Tr-Na 23 Jan 2001 19°Aq49' D 19°Le49' D
Ura Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 27 Feb 2001 21°Aq50' D 06°Li50' D
Ura Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 12 Sep 2001 21°Aq50' R 06°Li50' D
Ura Sqq Mon (X) Tr-Na 17 Dec 2001 21°Aq50' D 06°Li50' D

Nep Sqq Mar (X) Tr-Na 17 Jan 2000 03°Aq47' D 18°Ge47' D

Nep SSq Ven (X) Sp-Na 3 Nov 2000 11°Sc24' D 26°Vi24' D

Nep Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 10 Feb 2001 06°Aq50' D 06°Li50' D

Nep Cnj Sat (X) Tr-Na 8 Mar 2001 07°Aq43' D 07°Aq43' R
Nep Cnj Sat (X) Tr-Na 18 Jul 2001 07°Aq43' R 07°Aq43' R
Nep Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 20 Aug 2001 06°Aq50' R 06°Li50' D
Nep Tri Mon (X) Tr-Na 12 Dec 2001 06°Aq50' D 06°Li50' D

Plu Tri Sun (X) Tr-Na 7 Feb 2000 12°Sg30' D 12°Le30' D

Plu Tri Sun (X) Tr-Na 23 Apr 2000 12°Sg30' R 12°Le30' D
Plu Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 27 Jun 2000 10°Sg53' R 10°Pi53' R
Plu Sxt Asc (X) Tr-Na 1 Jul 2000 10°Sg48' R 10°Li48' D
Plu Sxt Asc (X) Tr-Na 9 Oct 2000 10°Sg48' D 10°Li48' D
Plu Sqr Jup (X) Tr-Na 12 Oct 2000 10°Sg53' D 10°Pi53' R
Plu Tri Sun (X) Tr-Na 29 Nov 2000 12°Sg30' D 12°Le30' D
Plu Qnx MC (X) Tr-Na 11 Jan 2001 14°Sg06' D 14°Cn06' D
Plu Qnx MC (X) Tr-Na 29 May 2001 14°Sg06' R 14°Cn06' D
Plu Qnx MC (X) Tr-Na 10 Nov 2001 14°Sg06' D 14°Cn06' D
Predictive Package - Disk 5, Lectures 17 -18
Astro Logos – Diploma Predictive Module 9

Chart 1
Solar Return
5 Aug 1999 (±1 secs) Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (1)
7:17:44 pm ACDT -10:30
Adelaide, AUSTL ¸ Orb É Orb ¼ Orb
34°S55' 138°E35' ¶ ½ 0°09' ‘ ¶ ½ 0°18'‘ ¸ ¿ 0°07'à
16°‡ 27' À Ë 0°15' à ¸ ¸ 0°27'ß ¿ É 0°21'à
35' É É 0°27' ß
ˆ ¼ 13°
20° Á † ¿ Orb Ì Orb ¾ Orb
07° 13° 49' ¼ Ì 0°07' ‘ º » 0°02'‘ º » 0°10'‘
ˆ ‡ ¼ ¾ 0°12' à ¾ ¾ 0°12'à Ì Ì 0°12'à
49' 47' 35'
‰ Œ 15°
22° … ¶ Orb
30' ½ Á 0°06' ‘
À 02° ‘ ‘
Š 42'
á ‘
… 04°
Ê 12° Š 57' Œ – Œ 21'
21° Œ 21°
¿ 14° Š 55' Œ
Š à
Œ 57' „ 12° É „
49' 30' „ 12° 49'

á ¸
‘ ƒ
‘ 28°
15° º
‹ 49'
30' ƒ
21' 21'39'59' 22°
13° 04° 13°
Ü ½ Ͼ¶
49' 35'

16°Ý 27'

Chart 2
Solar Return 08°Š 42'
5 Aug 2000 (±1 secs) 04°
1:06:17 am ACDT -10:30
23' À Ê ‰
Adelaide, AUSTL
34°S55' 138°E35' ‹ ¿ 51'
11° Ï 19° 04° 24°
03° Š Š ‰
‹ 07' 58' 30' 02°
05' 28' Œ Œ Œ Á ˆ
Midpoint Trees: Modulus 90°00' Max Orb 0°30' (2)
Ü 10°
ˆ 57'
¶ Orb ¼ Orb Ë Orb 13'
» ¾ 0°19' ‘ º Ì 0°11'‘ ¸ º 0°09'‘ Œ
½ ¿ 0°23' à
á á
04° á 04°
Ì Orb ¸ Orb ’
¸ À 0°03' ‘ ¿ À 0°28'à Ý àà
à ‡
10' ”áá 10'

á 12' †
40' ’“ 13°
Ý ’ ‘
29° ‚31' ¶ 05'
02° ¾ 06° †
‚ ½ Œ 10°
57' 30'32'18'30'

ƒ ƒ„ „
24°25°02°12° 23'
04° » …
ƒ ɺ¼ ¸ 11°
08°„ 42'

Creating a 90 5 Year Transit Graph
using Solar Fire.
Many of the astrological software programs available today will create a ‘transit
graph’ or a ‘graphic ephemeris’. These instructions are for Solar Fire (v. Gold)
because this is the software that we are familiar with. If you have other software
and are unsure of how to produce transit graphs then ask your provider.

Open the chart for which you wish to create a Graphic Ephemeris. With the
chart selected (as shown for Woody Allen) click the Graphic Ephemeris icon as
shown in figure 1. Or in an earlier version of Solar Fire select ‘DYNAMIC’ from
the top menu and then on its drop down menu select ‘Graphic Ephemeris’.

Select Graphic Ephemeris from Graphic Ephemeris icon.

the Dynamic menu items.

Figure 1 – Solar Fire’s Main Screen

The Graphic Ephemeris Screen

Figure 2 – The Graphic Ephemeris Screen

There is much to look at in on the Graphic Ephemeris screen. There are
effectively three (3) columns. The left hand column is for the date range and it
will also show you the birth location for the chart for which you are working
with. Above the date range – which you can change – is the location of Saved
Sections, highlight in dark blue in figure 2. Click on the small arrow at the end
of this blue box and you will see a list of previously saved selections of
settings for creating graphs.

There is a 900 2-year graph already saved. You can select this and then
change the date range to 5 years.

In the third column on the right you will see a button Save Section… After any
selection of options you can save and name your selections. These will then
appear in the drop down box under Saved Selections for you to use again
whenever you wish.

You can adjust the points you plot on the Graphic Ephemeris by going to the
Point Selection box (right hand column) and clicking on whatever is listed next
to Transits. This will enable you to add and subtract planet or points and save
those as new files which you can then select for the plotting of your graphic
ephemeris, see figure 3.

Figure 3 – Editing the planets used for plotting a graph.

When you click on the name of the file next to Transits you are given the
opportunity to either select another set of transiting points (left hand dialog
box in figure 3) or by selecting the name of a file and then EDIT you are able
to edit a given file, (right hand dialog box in figure 3), then save it and then
select it for use in your graph.

You can follow the same procedure for the Radix planets, the natal planets
that you want to place on your graph.

Changing the appearance of your graph

The centre column in the screen shown in figure 1 is for altering the
appearance of your graph. If you check the different radio buttons (check
boxes) and then click View, you will see how these different options work.
You can also use these graphs to plot progressions and solar arc – the
options in at the top of the centre column.

When you are ready click View to see your graph.

Figure 4 – Woody Allen’s 5 year 900 Graphic Ephemeris

Figure 4 is the graph for Woody Allen. If you wish to change the time range,
planets plotted or natal planets used then select Quit which will return you to
the previous screen. Make your adjustments and then re plot your graph.
When you are ready you can select Print.

We cover how to lay these graphs out, read them and include them in your
predictive work in the lectures of this module.

Producing a Lunar Phase Printout in Solar Fire.
There are different ways you can find the lunar phase. However, the following
is a simple way and it provides you with a useful printout to use in your

Dynamic Menu – select Transits Dynamic

and Progression from the Icon
Dynamic menu list.

Figure 1 – the Main Screen for Solar Fire

From the Main Screen as shown in figure 1, select the chart for which you
wish to find the lunar phases. Then select the Dynamic icon or select
Dynamic from the main menu and then Transits and Progressions. This
opens the Dynamic Report Screen, shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 – The Dynamic Report Screen

The Dynamic Report Screen is arranged in a very similar manner to the
Graphic Ephemeris Screen already discussed.

Check the Saved Selections drop box and look for Progressed Lunar Phase
xx-xx. If it is there select it, edited the dates that you wish to scan for and then
click View.

If there is no listing for Progressed Lunar Phases then duplicate the selections
shown in the screen in figure 2. Be sure to select under Prog, in the right
hand column the SUNMOON file by clicking on whatever file is listed there
and then selecting this file from the list displayed. You can edit the
progressed planet files in the same manner that you can edit the transiting
planets when you are constructing a graphic ephemeris.

Figure 3 – Lunar Phases

Figure 3 is the resulting list of lunar phases, showing sign and house changes
as well as the relationship between the progressed Sun and the progressed
Moon. Sort this list by Date/Time to get a chronological listing that you can
use with your clients.

We discuss how to organise and work with this information in the lectures in
this module.

Creating a Time Map in Solar Fire
Creating a time map in Solar Fire or by hand is a two-step process. Firstly you
need to find the transits and progressions that you consider are important for
the forthcoming period of time and secondly then you need to place them into
the Time Map format.

Dynamic Menu – select Transits Dynamic

and Progression from the Icon
Dynamic menu list.

Figure 1 – the Main Screen for Solar Fire

As for the finding the Progressed Lunar Phases, open the Dynamic Report
screen by selecting the Dynamic icon or using the Dynamic menu from the
main screen.

Figure 2– the Dynamic Report screen set up for Transits and Progressions

Figure 2 is the Dynamic Report screen ready to run 12 months of transits and
progressions for Woody Allen commencing from 1 January 2011.
When you first open this screen check to see if you have under the SAVE
SELECTIONS a listing called Transits and Progressions (1 year). If so select it
and your screen should then look the same as in figure 2. If you do not have
this listing then you will need to create the options then SAVE your selections
using the SAVE SELECTION button.

This screen allows you to do the following. In the left hand column you can:
a) Set the start date and the length of time for the scan.
b) Select the natal or relocated place for the calculation of the

In the middle column you can:

a. Select how you wish to work with Transits and/or Progression. You can
see from figure 2 that we are working with Transits to Radix ( natal
chart) and Progressions to Radix. If you wished to include transits to
progressed planets then you would also check the box labelled Transits
to Prog .
b. Select other dynamic points – look for transits and/or progressions over
house cusps, planets changing sign and so on.

In the right hand column you can:

a. Select what points you wish to use for transits. If you wished to work
with the transits of the Moon to your natal chart then you would click on
word OUTERS and this opens up the transit point selection files and
also enables you to edit or create new files.
b. Select what points you wish to use for Progressions. If you wished to
work with the progressing just the Moon through your natal chart then
you would click on word PLANETS and this opens up the progressed
point selection files and also enables you to edit or create new files.
c. Select what points you wish to use in your natal chart – Radix. If you
wished to explore just the transits or progressions to your Sun then you
would click on word PLAN&ch and this opens up the radix point
selection files and also enables you to edit or create new files.
d. In the Aspect Selection box you can choose what aspects to use:
a. for transiting planets, in this selection it is just the aspects of
the 8th harmonic.
b. for progressed points, in this selection it is set for all the 8th
and 12th harmonic aspects.

In the top right hand corner of the screen you can select the Dynamic type.
Make sure that Progressions are set to Secondary.
When you have the selections established then save them. You can always
edit these settings later.

Now click View.

Figure 3– Woody Allen’s transits and progression for the year 2011, sorted by Date/Time

Figure 3 is the transits and progressions sorted by Point 1. By selecting this

method of sorting allows you to more easily decide what is important and what
needs to be deleted as you construct the Time Map. If the report is not what
you were expecting then click on New Report to return to the Dynamic
Screen to adjust your options.

When ready click the button Time Map.

Figure 4 is the unedited Time Map for Woody Allen. You, the astrologer now
need to bring your astrological knowledge into play. You need to decide what
transits are the most important for Allen, deleting the rest and then organising
the Time Map in a layout that you prefer. Once you have achieved this you
can print out the Time Map and then continue drawing it up by hand.

Editing the Time Map

Deleting a transit or progression
If you click on any transit or progression it will change colour to green. This
means it is selected and can then be deleted by selecting the Delete button at
the top of the screen.

Moving a transit or progression

You can change the order of a single transit or progression by clicking and
dragging the event to a new location.
The ability of deleting and moving the events means you can edit this Time
Map to reflect what in your opinion the key predictive indicators are for the
forthcoming period. We spend a great deal of time discussing this in the
lectures. Figure 5 is Woody’s Allen’s edited Time Map, ready for printing.

Figure 5 - Woody’s Allen’s edited Time Map

Figure 4 – Woody Allen’s unedited Time Map


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